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Shrine of the Eidolon: Update 22.12.0


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Great, just started playing the game, and now everything i have been working towards is completely out of reach, thanks, I will have so much fun playing with garbage weapons i hate playing with just to one day get to play with the ones i wanted to use and almost could craft, again thank you. I had some fun with the game so i am gratefull for the amount of happines i got out of this game , but its time to move on.

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8 hours ago, -Nura-Izuto- said:

I beg to differ, the damage is good, if you're spamming it somewhat like a shotgun because the accuracy is low af. That and plus just using the thing with the newer stance makes it feel like you're running it with an earthquake strapped to your hand.

persoanlly i cc and then shoot

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9 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Prime Vault Bounty Relics in Stage 1 have been moved to be rewarded in Stage 2 and weighted accordingly amongst the other Stages

So for Lith G2, we now have 1 less chance to get it? Since bounty 2 only has 3 stages!!!!

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With the newly added mechanic for Ember I am looking forward to test them and just from reading they look realy good and positive! Flash Accelerant plus that new ring mechanic will make Ember a great support and defense Warframe! Well done there!

The added energy reduction for Ash was much needes and is great too. 

To the weapons: pure love :)

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Prime Vault Bounty Relics in Stage 1 have been moved to be rewarded in Stage 2 and weighted accordingly amongst the other Stages. It’s worth noting that Bounty Stage 5 now yields the highest chance of getting a Vaulted Relic. Our intentions here are to alleviate players abandoning the Bounty after the first Stage

So you've further diluted the loot table when there's a flood of posts suggesting how grossly diluted the tables are with trash like Credit Caches and Steel Fiber already. Bit ignorant.

Your intentions seem to be to drive us to insanity. 20 lith relics in over 6 hours, most of them from stage one, you've slowed my roll even more now. I've got the game muted and vlc sitting on the bottom left hand corner watching doing Shameless marathons to make the grind bearable. 

I can tell you all from my own experience that I haven't had one new relic drop from Stage 5, but then again there is no stage 5 for Lith.

Oh and more changes to Kubrows and Kavats but still no vacuum for them. Maybe in a few more years huh? * Long exhale*

Whining over for now.


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This rework gave me an idea...

If DE will nerf everything because low MR players who never went further than Saturn report that "[this frame] is OP because their spam skill made me cannot get any kills", then I should make a new account and report that Excalibur is OP because he stole every kills on Ceres survival alert with his Exalted Blade build.

Do I get the same amount of affinity? Yes. Do I get the same loot? Yes. Is the Excalibur gave me easy time to survive 10 minutes? Hell yes.

But that's not the point. Clearly I want to get the kills to feel the thrills, not to watch someone wrecked my chance to get the most kills and I can't tested out my awesome Boltor build (which only have Level 5 Serration and Piercing Hit)

So, please DE "adjust" Excalibur so it could give new players some chance (and I will quit this game in 6 months anyway, so who cares if this nerf is bad for the whole game balance)

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3 minutes ago, Ekzarcun said:

BUG: Resource chance booster sometimes REMOVES all ore veins and ALL FISH from pleins instead of adding more

https://imgur.com/a/Ua28w here are some screenshots of me checking every mine with the 3rd nozam cuter a Smeeta Kavat and a Ressource chance booster 

after i bought it to farm more ORE \ GEMS i stoped getting ANY of them spawned in the pleins PLEASE fix

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1 minute ago, Arandabido said:

Hmm not sire if liked Volt's change. His Ult is weirdly inconsistent. And for some reason it's too short? I need to do further testing tho.


I'm not 100% sure why, but it feels.... Bad.


Anyone else noticed?

they Reduced the duration of the discharged enemies zapping each other a lot


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10 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:
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- Can now be held and charged for additional damage. Upon impact, Fireball will leave behind a Napalm-like flame that damages enemies.

Fire Blast
- Will now add heat damage to weapons that fire through it (for allies).

World On Fire
- 5 seconds after casting, a percentage will begin counting up on the ability icon. As this percentage scales from 0% to 100% over 10 seconds, the ability’s energy cost and damage dealt both grow to double, while the ability radius shrinks to half.

Ember is the original damage caster frame, offering low survivability in exchange for high offense. Her ultimate, World on Fire, is unmatched in terms of widespread lethality - while many Warframes specialize in certain mission types, Ember’s specialty is “anything under level 30”. By simply bullet jumping through levels with World on Fire active, enemies become a non-factor, making Ember a ubiquitous pick across most of the Star Chart. Like a mobile Resonating Quake, this monopoly on kills can leave squadmates struggling to keep up, in an attempt to see the enemy before they melt. These changes increase lethality at higher levels, while addressing the ability’s huge range.

World on Fire will continue working similarly to how it does now, but with changing effects over time. The gradually increasing energy cost should encourage most players to toggle the ability when needed, instead of the current “set and forget” approach. Players who can afford to run the ability at max charge may need to get more up close and personal, but the increased damage should help Ember out against higher level enemies.  World on Fire is still very capable of clearing rooms and sweeping hallways, but should now be applied more deliberately!


Warframe Weapon Changes

We are revisiting all weapons and adjusting their stats to fit into some Mastery Rank grouping guidelines based on DPS and Crit/Status split total. With this in mind, we are buffing a lot of the weapons you know and love!

Again, a lot of this is as shown in the Dev Workshop, but our Update Notes are more widely read.


So what are these Mastery Rank grouping guidelines?

We sketched out Mastery Rank groupings of 0-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12 and 13-15 for each weapon type with a minimum DPS and amount split between crit and status for each group. Using existing stats, weapons were sorted into the groups. If their stats were too high for their current MR it was raised along with any other properties to match.

Example: Tiberon

It's damage places it in MR 10-12 but it's crit and stat split is way too low. MR, status and critical chance is increased to match it's new MR. Increasing status and critical boosts its damage so its reduced down to fit back into the MR group guidelines its original stats dictated

The end result is the high performing/popular weapons stats remain untouched outside of being placed into their intended MR group and the rest of the weapons are brought up to equivalency.





Hell no. Finally Ember died, and another newbie-hate on a non-newbie friendly game. I don't get it.


Don't think that it is an end, DE. I will remember the day.

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hace 15 minutos, Ekzarcun dijo:

they Reduced the duration of the discharged enemies zapping each other a lot


Yeah, it is barely useful, even at ~200% duration. I'd say it worked better before the change. Now i have to be mindful that enemies 6 meters apart from me will snap back into action 5 secs after discharge.

I'd say, if they want to keep it this way so we don't permastun an entire room, to swap discharge range to Duration, as Nova's ult or Mag's polarize.

That may sinergize better. Also the base duration is waaaaaaaay too short.

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For the most part, I don't mind the change to ember. For how i plan to mod, the effect isn't quite so dramatic. The range i think takes the biggest impact. As a suggestion for alternative to the current changes:

Have a 30% decrease to range after 10 seconds. This brings it back to being even with ember's base range when using max rank stretch. Overextended already has its negative and other range mods are less. This allows ember to stay in line with the original, while stopping killing at exuberant ranges.

Having seen the energy drain affect on energy, I would suggest an increase of 70% rather than the full 100% increase. This adds a fairly significant cost, but the effect isn't quite so dramatic.


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Some additions i would found usefull :

  • It would be awesome to have a dedicated option for Somachord music... As i like to play the missions without music, i have to turn it on if i want to hear the somachord in the ship. An option for "Music in Game" and "Music in Liset" would be really great.
  • Adding an "Operator" tab directly in Cetus to change focus school without going back to the Liset, would be nice.
  • Syndicate gestion : adding a "actual syndicate standing" icon near the profile, would be awesome :  https://forums.warframe.com/topic/874004-suggestion-about-syndicates-the-long-long-road-to-the-right-sigil/
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11 hours ago, Stoner said:

Please do not kill raids. You will kill entire communities, friendship, fun times and more importantly, raid removal will cause many players to leave your game. Why? Simple, say my friends only play Warframe for raids. They stop playing, I loose people I play with. Result? I will leave as well. 

Straight up removing content for the sake of not being able to fix bugs is simply laziness. You do not realize how much of an impact this will have on many players. Especially since you do not replace the content with ANYTHING AT ALL. 

Please reconsider.

- A fellow vet that's tired of not having anything to do in your game.

did they not say they will bring them back after they rework them ?

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