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Stop saying that Zephyr is good just because she can cross the entire Plains in a blink


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i think most fail to realize she still has her other flaws and is a very niche frame. "she can cross of PoE really fast!!" ok..... and? unless shes solo this means nothing as you still have to wait for the team (or engage solo depending on your skill). they fixed one small thing on her.... whens the rest being done?

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8 hours ago, Kalvorax said:

so far the main things i think should be changed/added.

her 1 should not lock us in place while we charge it.

Her 2 has a rather short range before it explodes...maybe if it only exploded on impact?

I wish her 3 was helpful against melee units...like slash/impact procs to melee enemies that come in range so they dont just come up from behind and nail you across the head (ive had that happen quite a few times today on t5 bounties lol)

Her 4....i like having the 4 tornadoes, i would prefer if her augment made it one large tornado with a large AoE that was stationary......and change the base damage type away from magnetic...its useless against literally anything but corpus....i would rather make it so maybe energy color determined the base damage type (yes im going chroma here.....but only for her 4)...OR a quiver style for damage tornado type (of the combination elements perhaps instead of just base elements?)

I think you can shoot her tornado with elemental and it will change. So it on patch notes, haven't tried it yet.

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They made some steps in the right direction with the changes but:

Her 1 is better. The old one was slow and out of date. It makes more sense to mod now. Duration for length of flight and range for speed. Easy. Look down to dive bomb, no-brainer. I still lawn dart like before into walls. There has to be something they can do about the strictly linear jumps she makes but idk what.

Her 2 is slow. It either needs to scale with some stat or be effected by jet stream. When the first showed the ability I thought it would be more of a quick burst of air not a projectile bomb. It's awkward to use and doesn't seem to fit.

Her 3 is of course the same. But if Chroma can get a recastable 3 then why can't Zephyr? Come on guys it's 2018.

Her 4 is essentially the same. They hold enemies better sure. But the synergy with air blast is not there right now. It shipped bugged. The aiming is not something I would call good either. How many complaints do we see of eidolon lures in front of people do we see? It's the second here. I'll use her 4, be aiming at something, and here comes a tornado into my line of fire. Wouldn't it just make more sense to speed up the tornadoes and make them chase after the closest enemy? I'm also not really a fan of all the tornadoes spawning at the reticle. 1 sure but all 4 is overkill.

Like I said, some steps in the right direction but it's sure not the best. This update was quantity over quality though. They made a lot of long asked for changes/buffs/nerfs/additions at one time. This coming week will be about hotfixing from all the bugs and feedback.

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13 hours ago, chofranc said:

As the title says, when people say "she is good now" or is "better than before" it upset me a bit because she isn't there yet, in "the good spot" if you know what i mean, it sound like if she didn't need more tweaks. If we conform with what we have now of Zephyr, probably Oberon would be still in the "jack of all trades, master of none" zone where he was because there where players that conformed with just that before the QoL that he got.

I hope some youtuber do an analysis video or something because there still more work to do.

Clarification: I'm not a hater of Zephyr or anything, is just that her old flaws are still there and the changes need to be done now that DE is doing changes to her or will be never.

For example:

  • The charge mechanic doesn't give any real benefit in terms of bonifications. You could achieve almost the same effect of hovering with a bullet jump + RMB. If you are going to use it to "Fly" is inefficient.

Comparison in terms of energy and altitude:

Charged mechanic: 25 energy + 3 secs to jump very high(I don't know the altitude here).

Bullet Jump + 1 Air dash: 12.5 energy but your initial altitude is lower.

Bullet Jump + 2 Air dash(One vertical and one in any direction): 25 energy and you get a higher initial altitude or you cover more ground than using the charging mechanic.

  • You don't have ways to stop if you collide with a wall in other tilesets.
  • Dive Bomb still is a relic from the past and is better to use an slam attack to descend quickly or use the Air dash.
  • Tail Wind augment is very difficult to keep the bonus and is rather weird designed because is only effective if you use the dash on ground(when you tap it).
  • Air Burst is slow, the CC is good. 
  • The animation cast of Vortex is longer than before which gives to the enemy an open window to kill you.
  • Tornadoes are still difficult to control, slow, have a very low enemy retention when the tornadoes move and they don't synergize well with Air Burst, it make them higher but it have a chance to push out the enemies from the tornadoes. Making tornadoes taller doesn't give any real benefit because they still can be dropped from the tornadoes easier.

Making a warframe just good for one tileset doesn't sound good to me.

Stop saying zephyr is bad just because you don't know how to play her.

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20 hours ago, Talinthis said:

A nova can't travel 2000 meters in like 3 seconds though

a zephyr cant either

even itzal cant fly 2km in 3 seconds as long you dont use blink

if you solely build for travel distance/speed then the rest of zephyrs abilities are trash


btw, the entire plains have a lenght of ~2.25km

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I have two issues with Zephyr; 1) I wish I had more control about hovering over the sky, right now it’s just a recast of the 1st ability or aim gliding. 2) Her new 2nd is not that great, it has next to no range and unlike the description I do not see it make the tornados grow. 

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23 hours ago, chofranc said:

I'm not hater of Zephyr, the thing is that her old flaws are still there.

Except they weren't flaws. Amazing how this sort of BS self-replicates and just gets repeated ad nauseum by those with little capacity for critical thinking. 

Zephyr worked as she was. She had improved mobility, was highly protected from gunfire, had a means of hard CC, and, well, had a power that kinda/sorta synergized with her mobility power. She always was a gun platform that could (mostly) stand her ground against enemies and shoot them down.  

The problems were in the details, but make no mistake, they were details. 

Mobility was good, but became somewhat superfluous with bullet jumping. 

The ground attacked worked, but was really a subset of the mobility power. 

The defense was one of the best in the game as avoidance goes, but was completely trumped by melee units. 

The hard CC worked but was erratic and frequently had issues with geometry and also tended to work at cross purposes with the other abilities when it came to modding (a problem many older warframes have). 

The changes address all of these concerns, some better than others, but all are addressed. Any continuing issues are more a matter of numbers and not concepts. Mobility is still good, but now you can hover (and pelt enemies with HE). Now you can shrug off enemies that get too close (hello Sonic Boom). Defense is still good. Hard CC now can be targeted, has less issue with geometry, and is now mostly independent of modding, since you can shoot stuff in it, a la Vortex. 

All of this is significant improvement. Some might still need numbers-tweaking, but this Zephyr is better than yesterday's Zephyr. She's still a gun platform and now is better at keeping enemies at bay while she shoots them down. 

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I use zephyr since im MR5 and joined a clan, first frame i made from the dojo and loving it since then even before this update.

having the abilities reworked only bring better things from what i experienced, only downside i feel is her turbulence take a bit longer to cast,

certainly not the best frame but i had fun thats what important. people only like a frame if its OP or broken and can kill whole map yeah i understand. Like my few first public match is literally that, dont even see the enemy since they all just died on spawn. that kinda thing make new player just follow the meta bandwagon and only using things that they see can do the press 4 to win.

Now i just wait for Zephyr Prime

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Being able to cross the plain that fast, isn't she good?. Yeah she is good FOR crossing the PoE fast (wisp farming, mining, whatever you want). Everything is good at something, limbo is good at mobile defense but not at other mission, vauba is good at defense, excavation, etc but not for "most" of the plains bounties.

She is good.

Edited by Nottezio
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