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So Kuva in the Fortress Was a Thing?


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Hey Tennos,


  Just wanna talk about something that is bothering me ever since I watched the recent devstream 


  Apparently getting kuva from the kuva fortress is indeed happening, and was suppose to happen a long time ago, but why it didn’t happen? 


  Because they forgot to put it in.......


  I’m sorry but....I don’t even know what to say to this, thoughts like “are they that incompetent/irresponsible..etc” just come to mind, and they really aren’t-for the most part-but this is still bothering me for some reason 


  Stuff like the bigatana (giant katana :p) is ready but delayed since it has some sorta relation with the frame after khora (samurai frame!!!!!!), umbra as a frame is close but won’t ship since the quest isn’t ready.....all of that is fine because there’s a very good reason behind them not being ingame, but this issue isn’t like these examples 


  We forgot, imo, is a bad excuse. It’s like saying to the teacher “yea I did my homework but I forgot it at home” idk about you guys but when someone says that my teacher went bananas lol 


  Now why it wasn’t a thing right after TWW was to avoid burn out since it’ll basically be like another old void/key system, which is good thinking, but that’s just inevitable, and aren’t they sorta doing the same thing with PoE right now? 


  Just to clear things up, I ain’t mad, nor am I burnt out on the current kuva farming, it just bothered me that they simply had it and forgot to implement it...now if they forgot for a few months or a year that’s fine, but it’s been 2 years. Afaik they even said it was done and just needed submission so there won’t be any or little dev time lost, plus there was a lot of riven changes over the months following TWW release so it hard to believe they forgot when they’re working on a system that needs kuva 



  Is anyone else bothered by this? What’s your thoughts on it? Please don’t make this into a salt thread because it’s not, I just wanna discuss here 


  Thank you for reading ^^ 

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2 minutes ago, Fishyflakes said:

They probably didn't realize how much Grofit they're making from god mods costing so much platinum to get imo.

Did you see how awkward Sheldon was lmfao.

That was a thought of mine and it’s probably true, I didn’t mention it cos ppl will go “tinfoil hat” on me xD 

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I'm sure they changed their mind recently about this. They never intended kuva to be in kuva fortress after all the players' suggestions. They only said they will look into it many months ago.Just look at Sheldon's acting and you will know, as if he forgot about it, just to pacify players.

Edited by kyori
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Yeah to be honest after all the players rallying behind suggestions of adding kuva to the fortress, there's literally no way they "forgot" that long unless DE officials literally never browse the forums. Which is possible, but definitely not good for the game or the community. And if they forgot to add it in a hotfix or update, it's probably best that they put down their shiny new toys they're making and go back and make sure everything they've done before gets fixed up at least a little and be a bit more responsible and thorough with their additions. 

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I am pretty sure that reason they didnt want to put kuva in the fortress  is because they were afraid of repeating situation with void and primes, if something important to game is farmable in only one location, you will eventually get burned out from seeing same tileset over and over and over and over....again.

Edited by Culaio
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1 minute ago, Culaio said:

I am pretty sure that reason they didnt want to put kuva in the fortress  is because they were afraid of repeating situation with void and primes, if something important to game is farmable in only one location, you will eventually get burned out from seeing same tileset over and over and over and over....again.

So instead of playing on a new and arguably very pretty tileset, they just removed all reason to play it?

I guess you can't get burned out on something if there is literally no reason to play it, right?

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3 minutes ago, Minatos_Gordem said:

Collectible drops or mission rewards aren't hard to implement or think about.

Alright, if it's so easy. How much should drop at one time, how often should it drop, what missions should drop it, what other things should be possible drops instead? And these have to be fair numbers, not what sounds easy. 

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3 minutes ago, Pent_ said:

So instead of playing on a new and arguably very pretty tileset, they just removed all reason to play it?

I guess you can't get burned out on something if there is literally no reason to play it, right?

I think that this part probably didnt went as planned, they probably expected people will play it around as frequently as other tilesets

Now they probably trying to fix it.

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14 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

Alright, if it's so easy. How much should drop at one time, how often should it drop, what missions should drop it, what other things should be possible drops instead? And these have to be fair numbers, not what sounds easy. 

Same amount as plastids on phobos: somewhere between 11 and 67 per drop or 300-600 as a mission reward if that's the option chosen instead. All kuva fortress missions have the chance for the reward as low chance for most missions and medium chance rotation C on endless (only time it appears as a reward for endless.) Kuva grineer and containers can have a low to medium chance of dropping kuva when they drop a resource (so as not to increase the chance of them dropping resources entirely.) Other than that, the resources and other rewards can pretty much stay the same. And if people farm that too quickly, then they can come along and fix it like they do everything else. This way people can farm kuva outside of sorties, bounties, and floods without making it completely easy to get.

The new location for neural sensors was nice but if I have to choose between grineer who apply status chances frequently with tons of turrets, cameras, and mines, or basic corpus units roughly half their level, I'm probably going to go to Jupiter to get sensors.


Edited by Minatos_Gordem
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Honeatly the fact they straight up admitted that they messed up, & the sheer fact they bluntly told us the ugly truth absolutely floored me & has made me even more loyal.


Most companies would NEVER admit fault that plainly, and most companies would make up an excuse that has a nice PR spin on it to somewhat deflect and/or try to avoid backlash.


They straight up said:

"We forgot." So they never got around to it. Which yes is a piss poor excuse. But that kind of honesty is damn near non-existent.

You'll NEVER see Bungie, Gearbox, Blizzard, & etc do anything like that.

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1. From our pov theres' definitely no way they had forgotten it, since the community repeatedly asked for kuva to be put in there. Whether the excuse is good or bad, that's irrelevant.

2. Just admit you are mad about it, otherwise this complain post wouldn't have been born.

IMO they definitely didn't put it in there to reduce potential tileset burn and also make us actively track the fortress movement - if you think about it, that cycling actually makes us revisit tilesets we wouldn't touch otherwise *cough eris cough*

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8 minutes ago, ArchPhaeton said:

IMO they definitely didn't put it in there to reduce potential tileset burn and also make us actively track the fortress movement - if you think about it, that cycling actually makes us revisit tilesets we wouldn't touch otherwise *cough eris cough*

Fissure missions (at least the good ones) will make us do the same thing though. As it is right now, after you do the 7 or so (there's probably one or two more) nodes, you'll never look back because though it's a really cool place, there are way easier places to pick up all those resources without the need of sneaking past cameras in every room/destroying turrets and mines/being slash procced to death. The most valuable resource they have there, other than kuva now, is neural sensors, and it's loads easier to slog your way through cheap robotics than it is those guys.

Edited by Minatos_Gordem
grammatical error
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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

Honeatly the fact they straight up admitted that they messed up, & the sheer fact they bluntly told us the ugly truth absolutely floored me & has made me even more loyal.


Most companies would NEVER admit fault that plainly, and most companies would make up an excuse that has a nice PR spin on it to somewhat deflect and/or try to avoid backlash.


They straight up said:

"We forgot." So they never got around to it. Which yes is a piss poor excuse. But that kind of honesty is damn near non-existent.

You'll NEVER see Bungie, Gearbox, Blizzard, & etc do anything like that.

well, they already got my loyalty as a consumer and fan a looong time ago (specifically at gamecon 2014 when Steve showed up in pink shorts, which was my very first dvestream ever), the disappointment was bigger than the respect basically 

and if I want them to be honesty about something, I wouldn't settle for something as little as kuva in the fortress. although that's helpfully and good QoL, I'd prefer if they address more important matters. like in this devstream, only 20m or so of it was actually info we all care about...besides the jokes and having fun, the captura which doesn't really need dvestream time, and the reward brainstorm for 5 yr anniversary, it wasn't really an informative one....this is probabaly the first devstream I actually used the skip option on, though I'm getting off-topic here 

plus, it's sorta fun when these big devs are being lying a holes, it provides good content and memes, so it aint that big of a lose XD  


8 minutes ago, ArchPhaeton said:

1. From our pov theres' definitely no way they had forgotten it, since the community repeatedly asked for kuva to be put in there. Whether the excuse is good or bad, that's irrelevant.

2. Just admit you are mad about it, otherwise this complain post wouldn't have been born.

IMO they definitely didn't put it in there to reduce potential tileset burn and also make us actively track the fortress movement - if you think about it, that cycling actually makes us revisit tilesets we wouldn't touch otherwise *cough eris cough*

I'm more disappointed than mad tbh 

we can have both, I'm sure people would still do siphons or floods on other tilesets while others farm in fortress...if you get burnt out, just do the other farming mechanic, it's actually a pretty solid system

and is it me or is there always kuva missions on eris? seriously I'm getting tired of that crappy annoying tileset XD 

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Who cares? Or .... look - I don't think that team of  developers, like dozen people, who work actively on one of most balanced and updated game in existence as full time job can "forget" about anything really. They just left that "for later" and bit more time passed then they planned. Not that we got nothing to do or play in meantime. They did, rebalanced and introduced bunch of stuff in meantime. 

Games are like a bunch of spoiled children, like rich guests in a restaurant of finest chef that makes you five course meal from heaven and then you get upset because he forgot to put sparkly colored sugar on your icecream. 

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Didnt Steve said in the dev stream they didnt implemented kuva in the fortress bc they wanted players to do the syphon missions first? Or am I imagining things?

Either way having both would have been good from the beggining but I guess they didnt added it so players couldnt stack that much kuva in a short time or as other said get burned.

They have their reason and I really dont care that much.

I do want them to fix the kuva siphon spawn on some tilesets

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4 hours ago, Pent_ said:

So instead of playing on a new and arguably very pretty tileset, they just removed all reason to play it?

I guess you can't get burned out on something if there is literally no reason to play it, right?

I remember the Void was the new shinny of U8. Then it was years of the same titleset and they had to change it with relics because seeing the same white and gold titles for what we wanted from keys was, for me, a chore!

They likely dont want a repeat of that.

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They just wanted for us to get burned out from the gambling system that are the rivens. They gave us repetitive missions with very little rewards. 600 kuva from one mission, that isn't enough for one roll. This forces you to spend plat and buy resource boosters. The rolls and the insane RNG behind it burns you out and in the end forces you to spend even more plat for decent rivens. Basically forcing players to buy plat for real money.

Just think about it, rivens are so easy to get, but making them good... They hook you into the system with giving you a riven and than burn you out with the RNG in hopes that you spend real money on it. This kind of grind isn't a new thing in warframe, but it is the closest to P2W.


I'm fairly certain that the amount of kuva gained from the fortress  won't surpass the siphons, and we probably won't get any endless kuva missions as well.

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4 hours ago, Miser_able said:

Or you know, they had to spend some time to think about how they will implement it. 

This is a very poor excuse to have right next to, "oh, i forgot". Seriously, this has been proposed several months ago, it won't take this long for someone to think something up. It would probably take less than two weeks for them to come with something up and then implement it, maybe a month at most. But this long means there's something going on that we dont know about.

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