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Nuke Trinity OP ?


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55 minutes ago, --Q--WaffleZ said:

The Link instantly switched the target within range.  The faster you detonate Castanas, the more enemies you kill.

And it also transfers an electric proc to the surrounding targets.  This's quite devastating to a mid-level mob.

Still sounds significantly less devastating than using Saryn, Mesa, Equinox or Banshee.

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36 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

Cast link > Throw Castanas > Jump > Detonate > Rinse&Repeat

And with Saryn its molt> spores> miasma> Repeat.Alot faster to do and free of self dmg.Yeah sure it may take some more seconds to kill all but still not that much different.

Now if DE think that theres a need to fix it they would do it,but i am not sure about that since its not so simple to do as just pressing 2-3 keys of the keyboard.

Edited by Heiven
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Shooo! This build made me 200 Platinum for an unrolled Castanas Riven!

I'll never get these nerf criers. It's coop! Relax, lay back and collect the drops in all peace. It's not like you meet players with these builds on every corner. And what's the exact problem? Have your very own powercreep plans been crossed (Banshee, Saryn, Oberon etc.)?

Edited by Toran
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34 minutes ago, Heiven said:

And with Saryn its molt> spores> miasma> Repeat.Alot faster to do and free of self dmg.Yeah sure it may take some more seconds to kill all but still not that much different.

Now if DE think that theres a need to fix it they would do it,but i am not sure about that since its not so simple to do as just pressing 2-3 keys of the keyboard.

Trinity's combo deals much more damage and range than molt>spores>miasma, unless you are using spore > hit the target with high gas damage weapon (do not hit the spores), and that combo is just too hard to complete without caution . 

Edited by qscgg
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Sorry but i don't think transfer your "self damage" to damage enemy by using link is DE intentional tho.

Link suppose to transfer damage that u take from enemy or environment to enemy that link attached to it .....


and now tenno smart enough to self damage and act it like "environment" to damage on enemy.....


i don't know...but ... i don't want to invest on something that is not intentional on thier skill... maybe i am too paranoid.....

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5 hours ago, Nakrast said:

I see no nerf needed, it's a clever technique players found, and it's not something lazy like Banshee and Ember are/were.

It's not even that clever. It's a riff on an old tactic that dropped by the wayside when Blessing was reduced to a max of 75% DR. The only difference now is people are using elemental resistance mods to prevent blowing yourself up. 

It works (sorta), but by the time you're finished fooling around with setting this up you could kill the same targets multiple times over with AoE weapons and a lot less hassle. 

Moreover, Trinity isn't in a hurry to kill anything. A proper Link/Blessing Trin can ignore practically any incoming damage and simply shoot stuff in the face--or just go ham with equipped melee. No need for gimmicks and overwrought builds and tactics. 

Not seeing a problem here and don't even see a reason to indulge in this other than just to be different. 

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200 ping is bad enough to completely destroy the build. I can be fine one moment ... and then suddenly drop dead from the Castanas because the Aviator failed me.

I don't think pre-nef Ember or Banshee ever had issues with ping.

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For duck's sake. Leave Trinity alone. She already had her nerfs in the past, and I see this build as a silly alternative with an unusual frame. To decry that a support is permitted to have a build that is map wide oh the horror! 


Wait, her blessing is affinity range and her EV can reach a fair distance with a range build. Better nerf those too right? 


Sarcasm aside, I still see plenty of people running EV trinity and Bless trin. Just because a frame is multipurpose doesn't mean they need to be nerfed unless it was game breaking. Trinity's self damage tactic had been around longer than you probably played warframe and it only took a YouTube video to bring it back to light.


If her Abating Link/Link was such a big issue, why not just make a single frame for each role and slot everyone into a position so there's no question about what they do? (I.e. Only Rhino for tank and remove Valkyr/Inaros, Excalibur for DPS and get rid of Banshee/Mesa/Equinox/Ember/Chroma, Trinity for support and remove Oberon/Nidus/Harrow, etc). There would be no need for new frames or other mechanics. 


Diversity is key, and most kits for frames cover different aspects of traditional roles. Mag can be CC/DPS/Buff, Gara is CC/damage/defense, Zephyr is damsge/CC/mobility, and so on so forth. 

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5 minutes ago, Mr.SpookSpook said:

Can we cure the cancer of noobs wanting everything nerfed in the game? They can't play so no one else should?

Everyone can play it. It's not like you need leet skills to use Trinity or pre-nerf Ember for that sake. Actually, that's what's the complaints are about: that it's too easy and they want something that requires more skills than just pressing a button.

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