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AFK'ers during bounties on the plains


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I hope I'm not the only one who is tired of people going into bounties, and essentially going AFK, mainly in the form of going fishing/mining etc.

It's not a matter of whether or not i can complete the objectives, but it feels like they have no respect for other players, and essentially use them to carry them through bounties, because they are too lazy to do them themselves.

I feel that it should be a reportable offense, but that there is no appropriate report category.

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That is reportable, only not in-game.
In this case you have to get a screenshot or video of the player having that behavior AFK or Leeching and report it to the support.


And it's obvious this players should have shame on their attitude and grow up, no ones time is more valueable then another person, and it's really disrespectful to do that if not agreed b4 the game start.

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It does happen, maybe not a lot (for me personally) but is amazingly frustrating when it does.

But really the only two solutions are to report it to support.
(Remember to take screenshots, gather evidence etc)

The other option is to use the leave squad function.
(Which doesn't abort the game it just places you into your own instance of the plains)

Doesn't exactly solve the problem but it does stop them bludging off your play while they go round enriching themselves.
Also enquire to make sure that they know that the Leave Squad button is an option to them as well.

Edited by Chipboard
spelling :P
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1 hour ago, Apollygone said:

I hope I'm not the only one who is tired of people going into bounties, and essentially going AFK, mainly in the form of going fishing/mining etc.

It's not a matter of whether or not i can complete the objectives, but it feels like they have no respect for other players, and essentially use them to carry them through bounties, because they are too lazy to do them themselves.

I feel that it should be a reportable offense, but that there is no appropriate report category.

I agree it's not right, but it's pretty smart tho. Nice way to multitask. My friends do it all the time. I usually do bounties solo, so I don't really care if anyone is helping me, but I see where you're coming from. 


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Yes, I do see a lot of leechers on the plains. When I encounter them, I constantly give them a warning & take screenshots until I finish the whole sets of bounty. If the leecher still does his/her own thing or just stay hidden until the end (most of them move to the extraction zone immediately or leave the squad at that point), I report him/her in support with all the screenshots I took. If you care enough to have less of them, don't intentionally fail the mission or leave the squad. They don't really care, and will just leech on another person. Instead, tell them to join you (99.9% of leechers will ignore anyways. It's just to make clear evidence) and take screenshots as you play along with your mission and report them. If you leech more than once, you can get perma banned. Trust me, they DO care about that.

In short, if you are bothered enough to make an effort on your side, report them as you see them.

Edited by Gharsan
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I give them 2 warnings and document the whole process. 1 is a request to join. After a time, I will tell them that purposely exploiting other players is a reportable offense and unless they'll join the party, they will get reported. If they do not comply, I will send a report of them with full documentation. Not even sorry, they were given 2 warnings, which was far more charitable than you'd usually get in life. If they will not comply, then I suppose they won't care their account gets banned either. Fair play, they made their choice, made their bed, time to lie in it.

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While this is annoying; as a clan leader of an all Solo players clan I will tell you this;

It's your own fault.  If you don't go LFG or group up with clan mates, then you have to be prepared for anything.  Leechers aren't much worse than undergeared players functionally.  In some cases, I'd almost prefer they leech instead of having to pick them up all the time or keep an eye on their health bar.

That being said there is a social stigma regarding douchebags that leech since they are selfish pricks playing a PVE game.  

But if you realize early you have a leecher; drop squad and hope the host switch robs them of everything.  

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When I go to the plains, I select a bounty, and head out. If there are no nearby enemies, I'll pop out my mining tool and watch out for ore along the way to the bounty stages, or run around the ponds and lakes looking for cetus wisps (will mark them when I find them too) I feel this is why bounties are how they are with multiple stages spread out across the plains, along with all the ore too, kinda designed so that you can find stuff along the way between bounties

Now if you are one of those players who rinse the bounties as fast as possible, then it may seem like a player like me is leeching from you, when in actual fact I am just not racing from point a to point b just to rush through the bounty.

But I will also like to point out, I would only ever let 1 or 2 stages pass by before I put the mining tool away and race for the next stage, because I do understand that others may only have limited time and want to get through the bounties as fast as possible, and won't like it if they think a player is doing nothing the whole time.

Interestingly, I also dislike it when players do absolutely nothing the whole time, whether it's because they don't contribute to any stage of the bounty, or if it's because they literally don't move away from the gates at cetus and truly go AFK, but I feel it's far worse and more common in kuva missions because there is nothing else to do in a kuva mission other than find the kuva syphon.

Also, let's not forget that sometimes real life gets in the way. My wife recently gave birth to our baby girl, and I often let my wife sleep at night as I stay up and take care of the sleeping baby, but being a baby, she can wake up without warning, crying for what ever reason, so I'll drop the controller and see to my baby. Might be just a minute, might be 30, no way of knowing. I don't think it would be entirely fair if I had to drop squad and loose rewards because of this, but if we spam that report button at every transgression, then what choice will I have?

Personally, I think this is best resolved by simply dropping squad if you think a player in your cell is leeching. You wont have to be bothered by them, and if they continue to do nothing, they get nothing.


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3 hours ago, ThoughtSheWasMR18 said:

good fun, love to see it actually gets people this mad.

You're beautiful :thumbup:


2 hours ago, (PS4)BattleCry1791 said:

You're literally what's wrong with gaming.  


Image result for flaming bag of poo

You're not:thumbdown:

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I don't think i like the idea of putting afk users and hackers in the same boat.  Just for being being afk shouldn't give you the same treatment as a hacker/ cheater by getting banned.  I think DE should add a VOTE KICK option to the game.  we keep seeing this afk a-holes everywhere but DE hasn't really done anything abut it except ask us to report them.  

When i was low level MR (6 or 7) and I was getting 5% and sometimes even less damage in cetus and other missions i was accused of being afk and reported.  Like i said, add a damn VOTE KICK option and that will fix the problem.

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If i'm host I start an objective, preferably one far from the leech, then leave squad.

If i'm not host, I just finish the objectives and leave squad back at cetus or the gates.  I don't waste time reporting - but they do go on  my ignore list.

I would much rather an unprepared, low level, over-their-head player struggle through a bounty and pick them up - at least they are trying to be a team player.  The leech is there to double dip - get the standing, rewards, and mine/fish where those that are doing the objective don't get the rewards from the fishing/mining.

They should change it so if there is an active bounty, and you mine/fish outside the yellow circle, those doing the bounty get the fish/gems.  those outside the circle- even if they caught the fish, get nothing but the bounty reward.


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14 hours ago, kenny1007 said:

I don't think i like the idea of putting afk users and hackers in the same boat.  Just for being being afk shouldn't give you the same treatment as a hacker/ cheater by getting banned.  I think DE should add a VOTE KICK option to the game.  we keep seeing this afk a-holes everywhere but DE hasn't really done anything abut it except ask us to report them.  

When i was low level MR (6 or 7) and I was getting 5% and sometimes even less damage in cetus and other missions i was accused of being afk and reported.  Like i said, add a damn VOTE KICK option and that will fix the problem.

That would be just a horrible horrible idea.  Not based on the merit of kicking AFKers....we'd all like to see that happen.  The problem with a vote to kick is the unintended consequences.

  • All Limbo's trying to PUG would be forced to play solo after the 12th host migration screen
  • People hate certain frames other than limbo and sometimes they refuse to play with anything that isn't "Meta" or FoTM
  • people are silly - I see a guy on BF4 all the time named CUBS BEARS SUCK....imagine if he walked into a room with three guys from Chicago.  
  • Host migration and connection errors would be at an all time high.

You can't even install an idle timer because they'd just move every once in while since there are rarely any "true" AFKers out there - they are leechers; and the only way to take care of that is to LFG, play with clan mates, or be aware enough to leave as soon as you see them.  

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1 hour ago, FlusteredFerret said:

Newbie question here:

I've gone to Cetus, fully intending to just go mining / fishing and ended up being put into a team thats going Eidolon hunting, or doing a bounty mission. How does one avoid that? 


Set party setting? The one on the Upper left side to "Solo" and you'll go onto your instant. No other people allow to join even if you invite them.

Also, I did get on to the bounty. One person decide to not do the bounty after stage 1 and go on Wisp hunting. I've warn them that if they do that you could get reported. I don't want to report anyone. But maybe the other people on the party wasn't forgiving like me. But they decided to argue with me saying they didn't know that they need to learn how to play from me. I laugh if off and told them to not blame me if they got reported. They said 'Same to you' and I was just at a loss. Didn't know that some people have that kind of mind set.

But even of they decided to false reported me... The result shown I'm doing the most damage and kill the most. I'm doubt Support will believe them (lol).

PS. I didn't reported them ofc. But I did took some pictures as evident if I did into trouble (lol).

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7 hours ago, (PS4)BattleCry1791 said:

That would be just a horrible horrible idea.  Not based on the merit of kicking AFKers....we'd all like to see that happen.  The problem with a vote to kick is the unintended consequences.

  • All Limbo's trying to PUG would be forced to play solo after the 12th host migration screen
  • People hate certain frames other than limbo and sometimes they refuse to play with anything that isn't "Meta" or FoTM
  • people are silly - I see a guy on BF4 all the time named CUBS BEARS SUCK....imagine if he walked into a room with three guys from Chicago.  
  • Host migration and connection errors would be at an all time high.

You can't even install an idle timer because they'd just move every once in while since there are rarely any "true" AFKers out there - they are leechers; and the only way to take care of that is to LFG, play with clan mates, or be aware enough to leave as soon as you see them.  

well in that case nothing can be done and we will have live with it.  I just don't like the punishment for this afk players because the punishment doesn't fit the crime.  I think they should just be punished by forcing them to do only Solo missions for 20-48 hours at worst (in game time) before they can join groups again.  Given the power to player to report anyone that they feel is leeching is not right.  Specially when low MR players and noobs can't reach a certain Damage % and are getting accused.

With that said, leeching is a problem and should be dealt with but the solution of banning said players is not right in my opinion.

Edited by kenny1007
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On 2018-05-01 at 11:42 AM, ThoughtSheWasMR18 said:

good fun, love to see it actually gets people this mad.


.... there are more than a few comments about people actually taking the time to take screenshot multiple times and more... I feel sorry for people that get annoyed this much. They are the people that will be the neighbourhood curtain-twitchers when they are older. 

Just move on, its a game! not worth any level of stress or frustration whatsoever. 

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On 2018-05-01 at 5:42 AM, ThoughtSheWasMR18 said:

good fun, love to see it actually gets people this mad.

54 minutes ago, (PS4)RockGotti said:

Just move on, its a game! not worth any level of stress or frustration whatsoever. 

Frustrated? Mad? No. They leeched, which is not only an extremely toxic behavior but also against the terms of use, I report, they get banned. No emotion attached. It's like taking out a trash at the end of the day. I am not even going to remember the leecher's IGN or even the fact that he/she leeched, but I know that I made one less leecher in this game, which speaks more than your effort to simply dismiss the fact that some people care enough to make the gaming environment a little better for everyone (well, except for leechers).

I don't care if you care or not about leechers. If your choice is to just ignore and move on, do it. As you said, it's just a game and you are not forced to police the game for free. But do me a favor, and just don't come to the forum and speak as if leeching is an acceptable behavior and that people who actually take actions against leechers are ones that are at fault.

On 2018-05-01 at 6:31 AM, (PS4)dst123daniel said:

Now if you are one of those players who rinse the bounties as fast as possible, then it may seem like a player like me is leeching from you, when in actual fact I am just not racing from point a to point b just to rush through the bounty.

11 hours ago, kenny1007 said:

Specially when low MR players and noobs can't reach a certain Damage % and are getting accused.

These statements always come out when we discuss leeching, and honestly, it's not really a healthy one. Let's be honest, the majority of people with enough sense will NOT accuse some random noobs who couldn't deal a lot of damage or people who fell a little behind for 5 minutes of leeching. This is like a fire department agent repeatedly asking the person in a burning house, "Are you absolutely sure if it's not just your neighbors holding a barbeque party? Please check again to make sure.".

On 2018-05-01 at 6:31 AM, (PS4)dst123daniel said:

Also, let's not forget that sometimes real life gets in the way.

Another one that always comes out. Yes, things happen in real life. That's why we have a chat. It takes like a few seconds to type in "brb", and again (Yes, I do see that you are on PS4, and I don't know how the chat system works there, so this message is primarily for PC.), the majority of people with enough sense will NOT accuse you of leeching. Yes, you can have a real immergency that forces you to take action ASAP, and that emergency could happen to be longer than 5-10 minutes. In that case, some may unfairly accuse you of leeching. But what is the point of talking about such a specific circumstances with small chance of happening when we are talking about people who intentionally leech? That there's this 1% chance that they might not have been intentionally leeching, so that we should never bother to report them?

Edited by Gharsan
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46 minutes ago, (PS4)RockGotti said:


.... there are more than a few comments about people actually taking the time to take screenshot multiple times and more... I feel sorry for people that get annoyed this much. They are the people that will be the neighbourhood curtain-twitchers when they are older. 

Just move on, its a game! not worth any level of stress or frustration whatsoever. 

So if I hack your account, transfer all your plat to me and sell everything you own for credits, you would not report it? Just move on? Not worth the stress?

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12 hours ago, Gharsan said:

These statements always come out when we discuss leeching, and honestly, it's not really a healthy one. Let's be honest, the majority of people with enough sense will NOT accuse some random noobs who couldn't deal a lot of damage or people who fell a little behind for 5 minutes of leeching. This is like a fire department agent repeatedly asking the person in a burning house, "Are you absolutely sure if it's not just your neighbors holding a barbeque party? Please check again to make sure.".

really?  I was accused of leeching in 2 separate times while i was low MR and one i was told I was reported.  How is that not a problem?  What you think is healthy or not doesn't matter because the truth is that people accuse others without any prove all the time.  Thankfully that's in the past but I still remember being called something i wasn't specially when it was me giving them buffs.  I find it dishonest of people reporting afk players just because they believe the starts are low at the end report.

I think a better solution is to have a perimeter in which the players will needs to be to get the bounty rewards once it's finished?  That means, afk players will now have to move to this area and fight or they will not get anything.  There are many options and it's up to DE to decide.  If DE feels reporting afk players is fine than there is nothing to say anymore but I still think is a bad move.

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I’d suggest a vote kick option, but imagine the stigma that Limbo players have coming to bite them in their big dumb hats in form of a ‘ban on sight’ policy adopted through the community.

Best you can do, as I try to do most of the, is to attract a small garrisons worth of enemies to slap the AFKer silly and leave them to rot. 

Edited by goga_gola
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