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Warframe Rework Priority Opinion Poll


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After reading through the Why Saryn? thread, I became interested in the community's opinions on which warframes should get rework priority and why. Please take a minute to submit your responses on this poll:

Warframe Rework Priority Opinion Poll

After submitting your poll, please also comment on how you reached your choices. Thank you!

Edit 3: And a good evening all. We're now up to 54 responses with these updated stats:


Edit 2: G'mornin, and here are the updated stats:


Edit 1: Before I head off to bed, here are the responses so far:


I'll be sure to post updated stats in the morning.

Edited by Sean.bdfc
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  1. Wukong
    His 1st and 3rd are utterly useless. Who needs the 1st if you can just quick-melee or use your exalted staff to kill the enemies instead of pushing them around. And even with the augment, the 1st is mediocre at best. The 3rd... after the parcour 2.0 system was included, the ability lost all purpose. I dont need invulnerability... thats what i have the 2nd ability for.
  2. Nezha
    This warframe seems like a mix-up of different frames but in the result, all copied abilities are slightly worse. The firewalker is like a downgraded world in flames with less damage, less area and it would consume energy nonetheless. At best the ability can be used to escape but that's all there is. The 2nd seems to be concepted as either support or damage skill but in the end it does neither. The heal is too weak, the damage too low to be viable. Even with augment the damage won't scale up high enough. The 3rd is a bad copy of the Iron Skin of Rhino... it takes less damage before shattered, costs more and the "pushing back"-sideeffect is only worth it against infested but its bad against all races with guns. The divine spears are fine tbh although i'd like a) a snyergy with other skills and b) I'd like fire damage over time.
  3. Zephyr
    Her skills are quite good actually but i miss synergy between them.
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1) Valkyr. She is old, have number of problems ever sicne her release + with melee 3.0 she must be reworked or her ult will be broken once again

2) Wukong. Some abilitys are useless + same problem as Valkyr - melee 3.0 will break his ult unless DE adres that

3) Limbo. He was troll frame before rework...he remain troll frame after rework. Stasic and rifts slowdown the game and kills all fun.

Edited by NoLazyShadow
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Только что, (PS4)thehendrix_quez сказал:

Vauban and vauban prime gets no love plz. Make him better vauban is one of my favorite warframe he dont scale up with most of the damage dealing warframes and his his abilities are a bit week like his second abilitie 

He is suport/CC frame..he dont really need damage

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Titania has survivablity issues due to her low energy pool and lethargic cast times, and Tribute is an absolute mess of an ability. She has a few other issues, but those are my main complaints.

Chroma's whole kit needs to be looked at, as two of them are just passive timers more than anything, and the other two are pretty much useless.

Nyx isn't as bad as the other two, but Psychic Bolts needs to be replaced, and some work needs to be done on base Absorb.

I'd go into more detail, but those would require a thread for each frame.

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My votes:

1. Ember; Just because.

2. Mag; Needs more survivability and maybe a bit more synergy with all her skills. #1 is mediocre and #4 is very very lacking for an ultimate.

3. Loki; Loki?! Loki is great! Why Loki? With how a lot more newer frames easily taking over stealth duties far more efficiently (looking at you, Octavia), I figure it's time for Loki's skill set to be upgraded, maybe include some synergies.

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The answer would be because Saryns core mechanics to do damage are a intentional buggy mess(assuming we talk about nukeing L100+ maps with weapon based toxic transfers instead of running press 1 contents on your molt). It is not that they do not work, it is not that they do not do what they are supposed to do(I am fairly sure the damage throttling is intentional because Saryn after the rework was just stupid amounts of AOE damage), it is just that it is a bug/rng dilemma to a point where most people doubt that the mechanics work at all(what they do) and far from a ideal tool, understandable by a common warframe player.

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What this poll doesn't do is show how much attention each frame needs. For example Loki has a few bugs with his switch teleport and his decoy can be useless at higher lvls but otherwise he is perfect.

Titania definetly needs a rework because I only saw someone use Titania's 3 with decent effect after about 700hrs of play. Beyond that I only see people use her 4.

And the middle ground is someone like Valkyr, who can murder things really well but her 3 is a pointless cc and her 2 only applies to the first batch of enemies rather than being an aura (static buff for allies). Her one is great for mobility and removing bombards and her 4 is great and will hopefully adapt to the melee rework.

Also lol Oberon and Rhino

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Polls are bad for this sort of thing, and this kind of proves it. 90 responses as of edit 2. There are tens of thousands playing at any one point, at least on Steam.

Saryn was a side project for one of the devs.

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1) Chroma: yea i know he just got "reworked" (nerfed) but his survivability didn't need to be changed really. The main issue was the double and triple dipping in his damage multiplier not the armor scaling. In reality, Mesa, a squishy DPS frame, is a far better tank than he is now, and its appalling. 

2) Ember: Seriously she needs her range buffed, or a damage mitigation ability. 

3) Nezah: He has some serious potential however all of the abilities need a buff. Fire walker has too much energy drain for what it gives you (yes i know he can be much faster than volt). Blazing chakeram is borderline useless in its current state. add a tracking mechanic to it, and allow the player to teleport by recasting the ability while the chakeram is out. Warding halo is a worse ironskin. The ability should intrinsically be able to be recasted like ironskin with its augment, and increase its base health to compensate for the reduced armor of nezah. His 4 is decent however has far too much energy cost to be useful in the long run. All in all, lower costs and improved utility/quality of life.  

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Wukong. 1st ability can only hit 1 target and knock back few others in super small area around. 3rd ability movement speed is bad, casting speed slow and doesnt really fit the theme of wukong in current form. 4th range is terrible compared to normal high reach melee (staffs, polearms, whips), very vulnerable to knockdowns during attacks, combos could be better.

Nezha - what others already said...all abilities feel like copies from others just less powerful. Too squishy, warding halo runs out = Nezha dies.

Titania - 2nd should have small area effect as 1st ability has, buff effects could be a bit better. Lantern should fix the affected target in hovering state like vaubans bastile does. Razorwing disables companions, cant revive teammates or interact with objects like consoles, cant transfer to operator, the only ability in game that currently has those problems. Overall also too low energy pool and cast times on all abilities are too high.  

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Ev is broken and needs to be nerfed or replaced. Well of Life needs a massive buff or be replaced. If EV is removed or massively nerfed then Blessing should have some of it's nerfs removed (it was never a problem with blessing, EV was the overpowered ability)


I think she needs many improvements and tweaks to make her less a p4tw at low levels but also more powerful at later levels.


has lots of problems, mostly stemming from Blade Storm's sh*tty design. And Shuriken needs something done to it to make it worth using outside of flavor.

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Nezha: he's a ton of fun but making a build that can last past lvl 60's is a quite the challenge even with x2 guardian arcane i still die every once in awhile

Wukong: hes another fun frame that's just outdated really but maybe the melee changes will bring him more into 2018

Titania/Valkyr: either of these could get a buff and it would be fine by me

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I agree that most of the losted frames with vptes so far need to be updated/reworked but i agree with the poster above mirage needs help too.

Hall of mirrors usnt reliable enough tp help keep her alive unless she is in the dark, otherwuse she us falling on her butt very often, which is a huge turnoff for me.


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Stats are updated with Wukong maintaining its comfortable lead, followed by Titania and Ember. 

I also want to make a very late disclaimer that this thread and poll was not intended to make a statement or knock on the upcoming Saryn rework being Pablo's solo project (personal note, I'm REALLY looking forward to main Saryn again with those ideas). Even though I did reference to the "Why Saryn?" thread, it was the tipping point for me after reading earlier posts about Wukong's nuke build getting patched, calls to nerf Octavia, hopes that DE will continue buffing Khora, the melodramatic claims that Ember was ruined and more. From there, I wanted to poll what the community feels is important for DE to rework going forward.

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Yea...Pablo's designed frames usually turn out great but the "Why Saryn" question was really in place as some other frames (Wukong, Titania, Ember..etc) would need help from him alot more according to your poll and judging by what i have seen people say and write on forums.

We can only hope that DE can find time to get these other warframes some attention too which of course we know is not always that simple with all other things they are working on right now.

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