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So about Saryn's "Big changes incoming"


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I am not sure if "big change" is especially necessary.

I mean, all you need to do is prevent the spores from spreading when they kill an enemy, and boom, you actually have to kill spore carriers yourself to wipe the map.

She can still deal lots of damage but actually require you to actively play, sort of like Equinox's maim.

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2 minutes ago, Trainer-mana said:

I am not sure if "big change" is especially necessary.

Well the person who did the rework is sure she needs a change, so... pretty sure that trumps your feelings on it.

The main problem is she doesn't really work outside SO. It has nothing to do with "active play" or whatever.

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And i am going to fortell the future people are going to complain DE is going to nerf her tino the ground 

also i think from my time playing this game i have synthesized most of the warframe loud majority vocabulary 

  • Change=Nerf and over react
  • Balance=Nerf and over react
  • Revamp=Nerf and over react
  • Rework=Nerf and over react 
  • Nerf=Nerf and over react 
  • Someone game thinks a weapon might be too strong=Nerf and over react
  • Buff=Over react and want a Nerf then see related bullet to its outcome
  • This is why we have warframe Bingo

I have also found the purest source of cuteness next to kittens and puppies playing

Image result for warframe moa sneaking

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17 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

"The main problem is she doesn't really work outside SO."

That's the problem? From what I heard people's main complaint against her is that she is broken in sanctuary onslaught and can just sit there while here spores kill everyone in the entire area. Of course I could be missing details but this seems to be the most frequent charge against her I've seen.

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2 minutes ago, seprent said:

I have also found the purest source of cuteness next to kittens and puppies playing

Image result for warframe moa sneaking

Wonder if our own moas will be able to do this XD (whenever we get them......they teased animations a couple months ago on facebook)

OT: were the changes necessary? probably not, but honestly MOST of her changes are good....in high level stuff...but her so called survivalbility seems to be down a bit...that being said, as another poster pointed out, she doesnt work well outside of mission types that have the enemies clustered together (basically defense on small tiles and SO...MAYBE interception)...personally i still think that the cast to detonate needs to go....i for one see it as more of a hindrance than anything else.

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1 minute ago, Kalvorax said:

Wonder if our own moas will be able to do this XD (whenever we get them......they teased animations a couple months ago on facebook)

OT: were the changes necessary? probably not, but honestly MOST of her changes are good....in high level stuff...but her so called survivalbility seems to be down a bit...that being said, as another poster pointed out, she doesnt work well outside of mission types that have the enemies clustered together (basically defense on small tiles and SO...MAYBE interception)...personally i still think that the cast to detonate needs to go....i for one see it as more of a hindrance than anything else.

The summon moa do it when you crouch and move away from them so i would assume yes 

OT: most likely her changes will be turn the knobs down abit and make her play nice with other sayrns and other tenno so it doesn't only work in one game mode buuuuut no doubt people are going to start over reacting if not already doing that now and the forums are going to be come very cluttered with everyone's balance idea alternatives and such 

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I thought Saryn's powers were fine. The only real adjustment that Saryn needed was to nerf the overall damage of her Spores. Saryn very easily clears rooms with just her Spore power alone, which is stupid, frankly. 

Any Spores spread should only confer viral status. If they are popped, then they should continue to spread. Damage should be from the original enemy affected by Spores, dying, and from your weapons. 

Bonus damage should apply to targets affected by Spores for melee weapons and weapons with any kind of Toxin type damage. 

This power never should have been the room clearing ridiculousness that it is currently, but I've never really complained about it unless someone was using the "Spore everything" strategy and not actually clearing rooms... 

I personally like Saryn, but don't really use her because she isn't fun to use. Her kit is good, but feels clunky because it relies too much on Spore. 

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20 minutes ago, PsiWarp said:

Didn't Pablo say she'll be stronger in other content and not as ridiculous in Onslaught? Sounds like buffing + nerfing = balancing.


The Saryn rework being released as it was shows that DE either doesn't do playtesting or has no idea how their game works.

The frame Performing like this wasn't hard to see coming or figure out at all.

Given that, i find it hard to have trust in them actually finding a good balance.

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8 hours ago, Trainer-mana said:

I am not sure if "big change" is especially necessary.

I mean, all you need to do is prevent the spores from spreading when they kill an enemy, and boom, you actually have to kill spore carriers yourself to wipe the map.

She can still deal lots of damage but actually require you to actively play, sort of like Equinox's maim.

"not sure if big change is needed"

"remove spore spread on enemy death"


And no.  her new kit has several issues.  it's a good base.  Not a good finish.

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2 hours ago, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

Except the devs mentioned in their blog and i'm pretty sure when they showed her off that she might release a bit strong and might be changed at some point because of that.  So perhaps we shouldn't trust you considering your comprehension skills might not be up to snuff.

Oh i'm sorry i normally just follow the Patchnotes and don't read the devs diary or follow the lead designers pet canary vlog.

But i digress, if you need to make "big change" happen after reworking her it sure sounds like: We dun goofed.

I just hope they don't show the same insight as to how their game works and plays as with Ember

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10 hours ago, Kazouie101 said:

Oh i'm sorry i normally just follow the Patchnotes and don't read the devs diary or follow the lead designers pet canary vlog.

But i digress, if you need to make "big change" happen after reworking her it sure sounds like: We dun goofed.

I just hope they don't show the same insight as to how their game works and plays as with Ember

You can can that sarcasm the community constantly complains about developers not being open enough.  Yet when they are open y'all make excuses like this.


Ember gets more flak that she really should.  She can be improved just like any other frame.  but people act like she's awful now that she can't lazy WoF as good as before. When that's not the case.

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22 hours ago, Trainer-mana said:

I am not sure if "big change" is especially necessary.

I mean, all you need to do is prevent the spores from spreading when they kill an enemy, and boom, you actually have to kill spore carriers yourself to wipe the map.

She can still deal lots of damage but actually require you to actively play, sort of like Equinox's maim.

That's a massive nerf.  Spore not spreading on enemy death makes it so teammates can ruin you spread and your spores will just randomly die out even if you are doing your best to spread them.  I doubt she would even be Ember tier after that.

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On 2018-05-21 at 3:07 PM, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

You can can that sarcasm the community constantly complains about developers not being open enough.  Yet when they are open y'all make excuses like this.


Ember gets more flak that she really should.  She can be improved just like any other frame.  but people act like she's awful now that she can't lazy WoF as good as before. When that's not the case.

its not the lazy wof bro its the killed cc and survivability 

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35 minutes ago, (PS4)NouhArch said:

its not the lazy wof bro its the killed cc and survivability 

WoF takes more user input to use now; that's the only change to it.  Use Accelerant for CC and/or refresh your WoF more often; that's all.  The people who are decrying the "nerf" are either ignorant of how things work or lazy/afk farmers.


Edited by RealPandemonium
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1 hour ago, (XB1)Orcus Imperium said:

this just made me realize how cute moas actually are

get close to a rail gun moa and he is the only sniper unit i cheer for to hit me since it looks like he is trying so hard 

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1 hour ago, seprent said:

get close to a rail gun moa and he is the only sniper unit i cheer for to hit me since it looks like he is trying so hard 

no kidding.


I love the moas and ospreys. for some of the most annoying(for better or worse) enemies to face, they sure are cute

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