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(XB1/PS4) Virtual Cursor Feedback Megathread


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This new mouse update is so clunky and bad. Chat functions is impossible to navigate, mods are now a drag and drop system then click and drop system. You can't even leave squads properly without suddenly clicking on your profile by mistake. DE I know you're trying to make this UI more interactive but keep the mouse cursor thing to the mod page and codex while keeping the drag and drop system to everything else. 

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Navigating through the menus with the virtual cursor is much more slower overall ( even when changing the cursor speed at my liking ) because of the lack of accuracy when using the left stick compared to the D-pad and buttons, it was much more simple and easier. The only area where the cursor is used right is on the star chart but this was not new.

I don't wan't this virtual cursor to be the only way to navigate through the menus.

- Please add an option to able/disable virtual cursor in the commands menu.

The only good thing added was the scrolling via the right stick.

Selecting a Extractor to extract ressources on a planet is now Square button instead of X button on PS4, not sure if intentional.

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My 2 cents after using the new UI for a bit:

the UI update is average. Especially after I turn the cursor speed all the way up.


It is good for scrolling through long list of items in foundry or inventory.

I like the press x to preview and press again to equip in arsenal. But please consider doing away with the "equip" option and make that built-in to clicking the warframe/weapon.

Finally I can press T on my USB keyboard and bring up squad chat directly!! Please keep this feature!!


pressing triangle/square/R2 to quickly access upgrade/appearance/ability is gone

Drag and drop doesn't work well with modding

fashion frame is now more time consuming because you can't easily select color/attachments and rotate without moving the left stick.

the sliders doesn't take input from d pad, leading to poor control.

why is square sometimes the button to select things when it is unnecessary? Like choosing extractor to deploy and capture scenes to enter.

Thoughts so far: I tried to keep an open mind approaching this, but so far most evidence has led me to agree with most Tenno on this thread. This new UI is functional but more cumbersome than the old UI. What was previously just one or two easy button presses away now requires increased amount of button presses and left stick movement. If this is the first step to unifying PC and console UI experience, more steps must be taken in the near future to address the clunkyness of using a controller.

A good UI design should not NEED a dev workshop to illustrate how to navigate the menus, just like most people didn't need a manual on how to perform simple functions on the first iPhone. The previous UI didn't. Please keep this in mind as more changes are added to the next UI update. This is not about disliking change. Even new players, if they had played any other games on console, would be caught off guard by this UI, because, to my knowledge, there isn't a console game that is so insistent on making itself look like a PC game with a virtual mouse.

Finally I must say this: clicking on the menu to get into a game should not be more difficult and unintuitive than  playing the game itself.



Edited by (PS4)JustitiaCaelum
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I understand it was difficult to have multiple setups for multiple systems. But this is a console and not a PC. I don't care if you leave it the way it is, just give us a option to turn it off COMPLETELY and use a console the way it was intended. WITHOUT a cursor.


And here I was starting to get back into things and enjoy Warframe again. That didn't last long. I look forward to coming back in the future when this gets updated and fixed.

Edited by (PS4)vladofstafford
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Il y a 3 heures, (PS4)gta4biosmka a dit :
  • Give us the option to use the previous UI
  • If you are giving us the option to use USB Keyboard mouse, at least give us the option to config them.


I agree with you but I don't think this new UI need to be removed, at least an option to choose whatever you like. Give us the option to play with mouse and keyboard on console give DE a lot of possibilities for the future so I think they should keep going in that direction and just make this UI appears when you're using mouse and keyboard and also give us the option to configure mouse and keyboard (keybinds, sensivity, etc) 😉

People need to stop hate on that UI and give DE some great and usefull ideas like that if we can now use m&k on console maybe in the future cross-platform will appear as well and that will be a huge step in the right direction! Every game should give their players the possibility to choose their gaming device without caring about player population and what platform their friends are on 😃

Edited by (PS4)JusteKevin
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Honestly this update just feels lile it takes away a lot of good features that were made with a controller in mind - button shortcuts being removed in particular is baffling.

I absolutly loathe the way scrolling is managed as well. Before I could just use the d-pad, but now I have to scroll over, select my mission and then scroll down the list as well if need be.

Finally I fail to see why the dpad implementations were removed in the first place, why couldnt you include the new cursor system but still allow users to use the dpad? Not happy with this update at all.

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I absolutely hate the new UI interface.  The UI was intuitive, fluid, and quick before this update and now everything seems prolonged, unnecessary, and a chore.  I was looking forward to the new tennogen syadanas, but with the UI changes I don't even want to play the game.  Had this been changed as an additional cursor to the shortcut buttons it would have been better, but even then it would likely not change having to set a cursor in the right region, such as chat, to scroll around which is annoying to say the least.  I honestly lack the vocabulary to adequately express how much disdain I have for this change.  Please, at the very least, bring back the shortcut button presses to navigate the arsenal.

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il y a 1 minute, (PS4)FernandoGo_D a dit :

Exactly... Consoles are not PCs, this UI is for PCs not consoles.


This UI give them a lot of possibilty like cross-platform if they want, stop hating on it and instead of asking DE to remove it just ask them to make this UI appear only when you're using M&K guys 😉

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Having just accidentally deleted a message from Darvo before I was able to read it (I have no clue what I may have missed) while trying to figure out these new UI changes, my initial reaction was swayed against them. Messed around for a while and can confidently say I don't like them at all. They don't feel nearly as responsive as the previous, simpler interface. I want to just tap the D-Pad to move through the menus and not have to worry about bumping the sticks and somehow ending up in the wrong menu. Or have to wait for the cursor to snap into place before being able to accurately navigate the menus. Console players have gotten used to the previous interface so we could navigate it so much faster than this new UI now lets us.

If I'd wanted a UI where I had a cursor I'd have played on PC.

DE, please give us the option to use toggle the virtual cursor on or off if you're dead set that this feature is needed.

(An aside; if someone could tell me what Darvo's message was, I'd be very grateful.)

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)ApolloStrife said:

Having just accidentally deleted a message from Darvo before I was able to read it (I have no clue what I may have missed) while trying to figure out these new UI changes, my initial reaction was swayed against them. Messed around for a while and can confidently say I don't like them at all. They don't feel nearly as responsive as the previous, simpler interface. I want to just tap the D-Pad to move through the menus and not have to worry about bumping the sticks and somehow ending up in the wrong menu. Or have to wait for the cursor to snap into place before being able to accurately navigate the menus. Console players have gotten used to the previous interface so we could navigate it so much faster than this new UI now lets us.

If I'd wanted a UI where I had a cursor I'd have played on PC.

DE, please give us the option to use toggle the virtual cursor on or off if you're dead set that this feature is needed.

(An aside; if someone could tell me what Darvo's message was, I'd be very grateful.)

Darvo said that there is a new twitch prime giveaway for Trinity and a Syandana.

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il y a 3 minutes, (PS4)ApolloStrife a dit :

Having just accidentally deleted a message from Darvo before I was able to read it (I have no clue what I may have missed) while trying to figure out these new UI changes, my initial reaction was swayed against them. Messed around for a while and can confidently say I don't like them at all. They don't feel nearly as responsive as the previous, simpler interface. I want to just tap the D-Pad to move through the menus and not have to worry about bumping the sticks and somehow ending up in the wrong menu. Or have to wait for the cursor to snap into place before being able to accurately navigate the menus. Console players have gotten used to the previous interface so we could navigate it so much faster than this new UI now lets us.

If I'd wanted a UI where I had a cursor I'd have played on PC.

DE, please give us the option to use toggle the virtual cursor on or off if you're dead set that this feature is needed.

(An aside; if someone could tell me what Darvo's message was, I'd be very grateful.)

He just wanted to say you that Trinity Prime + Syandana Spektaka Prime are available with Twitch Prime 😉

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Hey DE, I understand that it’s difficult to have a different interface for different platforms, but, that’s kinda your job.

To use an analogy, let’s say there was a teacher with a class containing 12 fully physically able kids and 8 blind kids. Now, this teacher decides that after 4 years of making worksheets and marking papers in Braille, they decide it’s too difficult to do the conversions, so all blind kids must now write normally.

I know it’s not the best analogy, but the overall message is that if you have 2 different groups of people with different needs, in your position it is your job to accommodate those needs, not to make everything difficult for a large portion of those people just so your job is easier.

If you release a game in a console, giving it a console/controller based UI shouldn’t even need to be discussed. That’s what you do, that’s how it works.


And also, let’s imagine this happened the other way around. Let’s imagine that in order to make life easier you decided to change all M+K UI to a Controller one. Would you tell them to “just get used to it?”

This new UI is vastly, vastly inferior to the previous one, and I’m sorry, but when you have a game released on console, you have to have an appropriate UI, not a copy-pasted one from your PC because you can’t be bothered to develop it.

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Ok, so I get that some PC players want to feel the comfort of a console player, and that some console players want the precision and intuitivity of a mouse and keyboard, but for the rest of us this was not needed. All this managed to help was pc players with controllers (their mouse and keyboard still works perfectly so no bad side there), and console players who already have (and want to use) a mouse and keyboard on console. As for controller-only users all this did was to make things very slow, unpractical and counter-intuitive. And as far as consoles are concerned, controller-only users are the great majority, so taking that from them should not be done.


I suggest, as many did before, a toggle (or at the very least the shortcuts back). Even better, bring a toggle with 3 options:

Option 1 - Controller-only system (like orignal)

Option 2 - Full hybrid (Like now, system that supports controllers, mouse and keyboard at the same time)

Option 3 - Medium Hybrid (Like now, but with the shortcuts available)


Other than that I have no complaints about the UI, and as always please keep doing great on our behalf! I love you guys, and you set an example to what companies should aspire to be!

Best regards to everyone!

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28 minutes ago, SilentMobius said:

That is what DE are doing, previously they had 3 different schemes "PC Mouse", "PC controller" and "Console Controller" each was a mess of exceptions and problems that had to be fixed each time they added new UI elements.

Soon you will get better DPad support (as has already been said) for navigation and assuming enough of you can provide actual feedback on specific control cases I'm sure much of the rest will be streamlined.

But as Steve said over a month ago:




if this is what DE say and then go on to do the update like they have with console something desperately needs to be done with there interior communication 


"Point w/Controller (current is 👎, lots PC use controller)"

so DE knew it was a bad idea there is steve showing evidence of the feedback informing them of that fact, so why has this come through to console? this leads me to not only doubt there designation making skills of the developer but whether or not the even take feedback into account when pushing out an update

you knew it was bad, so why the #*!% did you do it?

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il y a 1 minute, (PS4)Pauloluisx a dit :

Ok, so I get that some PC players want to feel the comfort of a console player, and that some console players want the precision and intuitivity of a mouse and keyboard, but for the rest of us this was not needed. All this managed to help was pc players with controllers (their mouse and keyboard still works perfectly so no bad side there), and console players who already have (and want to use) a mouse and keyboard on console. As for controller-only users all this did was to make things very slow, unpractical and counter-intuitive. And as far as consoles are concerned, controller-only users are the great majority, so taking that from them should not be done.


I suggest, as many did before, a toggle (or at the very least the shortcuts back). Even better, bring a toggle with 3 options:

Option 1 - Controller-only system (like orignal)

Option 2 - Full hybrid (Like now, system that supports controllers, mouse and keyboard at the same time)

Option 3 - Medium Hybrid (Like now, but with the shortcuts available)


Other than that I have no complaints about the UI, and as always please keep doing great on our behalf! I love you guys, and you set an example to what companies should aspire to be!

Best regards to everyone!

Simple option make this UI appear only when you're using M&K guys stop thinking to much the way to fix that is pretty simple just give them that feedback and it'll be all good 😉

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I'm a long time xbox player for warframe, and for the most part I have always enjoyed or have been able to acclimate fairly well to UI changes, as for the most part they have always been for the better. The Virtual Cursor however, is just terrible, to the point it actually detracts from my enjoyment of the game. Microsoft has experimented with it in the past, in regards to menu navigation, and scrapped it, because they found for the vast majority of users it was cumbersome, and actually slowed down their traversal of the menus. 

The same is absolutely true here, you have taken something that was sleek and efficient, and made it fiddly, time consuming, and cumbersome. This would be forgivable if the D-pad still worked as normal, to accommodate those that liked the old system. That fact you didn't, and instead made it function as an incomplete in between, or depending on the menu, have it function in the same capacity of the sticks seems both strange and lazy. A problem compounded all the more by the stripping of hot key navigation through the menus. 

If all this culminated in radical changes to the menu architecture that just wouldn't be possible with the old system, I could begrudgingly accept that, but that is clearly not the case, and this is in the vein of change for the sake of change. While there is nothing wrong with that, you should allow players the option to use the system that they are most comfortable with. 

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)JusteKevin said:

People need to stop hate on that UI and give DE some great and usefull ideas like that if we can now use m&k

But i dont want to play with M&K on console, fot that i play on PC... i like to play with my hands free, not needing to use a suport for my hands, 

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This cursor is a hard pass from me. Console functions so clunky, nothing is fluid. If you're going to keep it then please consider the following few ideas I have thought about and stumbled upon:

1. Make this an option to turn off

2. Allow us to select the big white boxes that contain the names of our frames, weapons, and companions (like you can with Gear) in our arsenal and then dispose of the "equip tab" since selecting the box is our means to equip. Keep the Upgrade/Appearance tabs.

3. Snap the cursor to the Alerts/Sortie menu when you open it

That's if you decide to keep this. But please don't keep this. We are not PC, we are console. This is seriously not fun so far. 

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I got out of pc gaming some time ago because I was tired of having to buy a new machine every time a new game i wanted to play came out. The lovely thing about consoles is everyone (give or take) has the same hardware, and the same experience. Quick taps of the d-pad and single button presses have _always_ been the staple for a reason: a controller is not a mouse, a controller is not a keyboard. Trying to make it behave as such is always going to be an exercise in frustration. Some games _may_ have managed to make a cursor interface on console that are tolerable, but that is the best case. Tolerable. Not quick, not easy, not intuitive, just tolerable. JRPGs know how to menu on a controller, and before today, so did you. What did 2/3 (rough and ugly, don't know actual numbers) of your user base do to deserve this? I know I can't just switch to PC and have it all make sense, my computer won't even run minecraft, and as a ps4 user the options for keyboard/mouse are limited at best, out of my price range (I _was_ playing a free-to-play after all) at worst, and fail to function appropriately across the board. You want to buy me one of those? Probably not.

I'm sorry you've all been set on this release and for all the work you've put into it to get everything on even footing, but between the general console base reaction, and the repeated examples of companies previously failing at maintaining any kind of system parity, someone forgot K.I.S.S. And a free-moving cursor is never simple with a joystick...


Next up, watch them remove "Invert Y" and screw everyone who knows flight-stick controls...

Edited by (PS4)Arc1723
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