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(XB1/PS4) Virtual Cursor Feedback Megathread


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This is good if you are a pc player but for those that never liked pc style of play it’s a nightmare. Everything takes longer now. And now we are (Console Players) like PC can a Console player switch it PC account??? 


Edit: Don’t get me wrong I love 💕 the game but I don’t want PC style of play. I have PC account but didn’t like the style of play. 

Edited by (PS4)BURALEH
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@[DE]Danielle Please DE!!!! Please change the new UI back to the old hotfix keys or please deploy a fix / update to have to option to choose between the 2. The new UI is absolutely terrible.1000's of console Tennos are not happy and asking for it to be switched back. I refer to the forums, twitter & Facebook. Please hear and answer our cry to fix this?

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All the countless hours spent playing this game, all the money ive spent on platinum and packs, all the players i convinced to join the game... I feel like a fool to have thought a developer can be good and trustworthy in this day and age. You have shown your hand now DE, and its not good, obviously you have no idea what you are doing in regards to game balance and functionality, but hey, atleast your art team is on point, right? Time to find another game to play.

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I agree about the lighting, it looks good at first glance but then you notice the dodgy anti-aliasing and bad colour saturation on certain things. Tbh the whole update is a mess, changing holster position is unbelievably awkward with the cursor, dragging mods is just ridiculous and the saryn 'changes' have ruined her.

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Additional observations from this morning beyond what I've already posted:

While the cursor moves too fast for any part of the UI where it is "new", DE broke the ONE thing where a cursor-based interface was working reasonably well (starchart).  In THAT case, the cursor moves way too slowly now.

Also, if using dpad to change extractor selection when deploying an extractor (since of course, prime extractors DON'T have default priority over non-primed ones!  It's always been this way but the new UI makes what used to be a minor annoyance to a major PITA), things are "jittery" - the cursor and highlight sort of jumps back and forth between the previous highlight and the new before deciding to actually go where the player chose.

Also, pretty much universal console UI is "X to select" in every game I've played.  Now, in random parts of the warframe UI (such as extractors), it is no longer select.  Whose bright idea was it to have square be the new X and for X to do nothing?

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Okay so I had this written out then some kind of formatting error deleted the whole thing when I hit enter. So I have to write it out again.

So updates on my much earlier feedback.

I have tried to use this earlier today and I found the new UI is too slow and requires too many redundant actions to complete things. it is mostly counterintuitive and has too many unnecessary steps in doing anything.

Major problems.

  • Menu scrolling with the d-pad just stops at the top and no longer scrolls up to profile for quick and easy exiting of a squad. Now requires d-pad and then cursor control. Completely redundant and counterintuitive.
  • The D-pad not being able to scroll through all the menu without requiring the use of a second control to contnue scrolling, and them often a 3rd control to put the cursor on the item you want because the d-pad scrolling has failed to lock it onto the target you've already highlighted with the d-pad. Then depending on where you are having to click the button twice to select it. Too much unnecessary work to do what was once so simple.
  • When you accidentally select the wrong mission it says in the bottom right to press B to cancel. But you can't press B until you scroll the cursor over to the B and then pressing B works. Pointlessly stupid.
  • The new Operator interface suffers from the same counterintuitive double handling of what was once simple tasks.
  • The shiny sweaty Operator face looks like they are covered in plastic.
  • The removal of previews by simply highlighting an item or mod is annoying. it makes what was once a pleasure scrolling through accessories and colours, a painful chore now. with too many unnecessary steps to do what was automatic previously.
  • Draggina nd dropping mods is for lack of a better criticism stupid. It worked fine before click the mod click the spot it went into. press Y to remove. Too much unnecessary busywork to mod items makes it less than fun, it makes it taxing. completely counterproductive and counterintuitive.
  • I haven't even bothered to explore Mod Fusion, rivens or Ayatan artefacts because everything else has been so mentally painful. This seems like it would be even worse.
  • The lack of ability to scroll through missions alerts and void fissures with the d-pad is ridiculous (I knwo it's going to be fixed in a hot fic. But let's face it this  and the few other things they've mentioned are getting hotfixes are not what needs to be fixed.)
  • The way the controls now jarringly just stop and are counterintuitive actually gave me several headaches today from the frustration as my brain tried to understand why these things were working this way, or rather not working. This makes me not want to play it.

There was probably a few other things I mentioned before my post got eaten. But that's what comes to mind this time.

Now for the good.

  • This UI update has done the impossible and brought together PS4 players and XB1 players in a way nothing has been able to do before. it ended the console wars as they face a common enemy. The Warframe UI which seems to have gained sentience. Hunhow is that you? We need the combined might of the Cephalons to defeat this UI.

But seriously, the fact you have unified the XB1 and PS4 player bases in their common opinion of how bad this update is should say something. for a team that has made mostly good decisions, this seems to be the first really bad one since the Kubrow RNG colours that got removed because it was gambling. All this criticism does not come from a place of hate or unwillingness to accept change, it comes from the overwhelming love that the players have for what was one of the best games ever made. A game that being free to play many people, like myself, have willingly sunk money into because of the amount of enjoyment we've gotten from it.

I'm now going to enter Condescending "D-Pad" mode for a minute.
Life is full of teachable moments. The Kubrow RNG colour scheme was a teachable moment you guys at DE learned from it and fixed it. This UI is also a teachable moment now it's up to you whether you learn from the mistake that it is and correct it, or bullishly move ahead alienating a large portion of your console player base, and potentially driving many of them away. As much as the Eidolon plains was a good thing that brought new players to the game and old players back, this is the opposite and has the potential to drive away players.

I know that my desire to play the game has been wrecked by this update. I have Orokin reactors and catalysts to allocate, but I just cannot bring myself to suffer through the counterintuitive UI to do so. I am most likely going to just do sorties and my teammates can deal with the fact I won't be wanting to swap out loadouts because it's just too frustrating, other than that I'll probably be spending time playing other games where the UI is intuitive and smooth.

With Tennocon coming up and the fact I just won't want to torture myself with the new relic selection screen I probably will not earn anywhere the amount of Ducats I will need for the special tennocon relay and will be considering getting a refund as this may now be utterly worthless to me.

DE have been lauded as the company that listens to their community, this is not the time to stop listening. It is very clear that this UI is not good, not useable, and will hurt the game. Listen to the community. Fix it before it is too late.

Edited by (XB1)Tatakai no Kami
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5 minutes ago, (PS4)Entropy512 said:

Also, pretty much universal console UI is "X to select" in every game I've played.  Now, in random parts of the warframe UI (such as extractors), it is no longer select.  Whose bright idea was it to have square be the new X and for X to do nothing? 

This. My mate tried sending me invites last night only to find out the buttons changed. What need was there for this? Plus it's nor universal. Some stuff is X some stuff is SQUARE.

This entire update makes no sense to me at all

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6 hours ago, (PS4)FurryZenJustice said:

This is a frequent request to developers of all stripes, but it's also incredibly expensive if it's possible at all. Keeping two large-scale systems like this live at the same time probably wouldn't be possible without blowing out their development budget for those teams for years. Simplification efforts like this are designed to allow developers to move to other things rather than waste their time on difficult to update code.

I imagine this was a prerequisite for the new UI and that will likely be the staring point for major improvements. It's on an entirely different framework. The question is how much time do they spend patching this compared to making the new UI better. It's a classic problem for software development that has a unique answer every time depending on each set of circumstances.

This isn't bloody well simple.  They BROKE THE GAME.  And stop kissing coders' asses. I don't care one bit that poor widdle coders' fewwings would get hurt that we hate it that much.  When I logged in to WF this morning, there were only 34 logged in as opposed to over 100 on any given day. That is 2/3 of the players UNABLE to play due to this "improvement". 

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)RWalls91 said:

This. My mate tried sending me invites last night only to find out the buttons changed. What need was there for this? Plus it's nor universal. Some stuff is X some stuff is SQUARE.

This entire update makes no sense to me at all

Have the same issue on XB1. It used to be A to assign Extractors, now it's X. Such an odd thing to change.

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11 minutes ago, (XB1)Tatakai no Kami said:

Major problems.

  • Menu scrolling with the d-pad just stops at the top and no longer scrolls up to profile for quick and easy exiting of a squad. Now requires d-pad and then cursor control. Completely redundant and counterintuitive.
  • The D-pad not being able to scroll through all the menu without requiring the use of a second control to contnue scrolling, and them often a 3rd control to put the cursor on the item you want because the d-pad scrolling has failed to lock it onto the target you've already highlighted with the d-pad. Then depending on where you are having to click the button twice to select it. Too much unnecessary work to do what was once so simple. 
  • When you accidentally select the wrong mission it says in the bottom right to press B to cancel. But you can't press B until you scroll the cursor over to the B and then pressing B works. Pointlessly stupid.
  • The new Operator interface suffers from the same counterintuitive double handling of what was once simple tasks.
  • The shiny sweaty Operator face looks like they are covered in plastic.
  • The removal of previews by simply highlighting an item or mod is annoying. it makes what was once a pleasure scrolling through accessories and colours, a painful chore now. with too many unnecessary steps to do what was automatic previously.
  • Draggina nd dropping mods is for lack of a better criticism stupid. It worked fine before click the mod click the spot it went into. press Y to remove. Too much unnecessary busywork to mod items makes it less than fun, it makes it taxing. completely counterproductive and counterintuitive. 
  • I haven't even bothered to explore Mod Fusion, rivens or Ayatan artefacts because everything else has been so mentally painful. This seems like it would be even worse.
  • The lack of ability to scroll through missions alerts and void fissures with the d-pad is ridiculous (I knwo it's going to be fixed in a hot fic. But let's face it this  and the few other things they've mentioned are getting hotfixes are not what needs to be fixed.)
  • The way the controls now jarringly just stop and are counterintuitive actually gave me several headaches today from the frustration as my brain tried to understand why these things were working this way, or rather not working. This makes me not want to play it. 

Nail. Head. And I thought was just my screen showing operator face funny.

But yeah I couldn't put it in words better myself. Kudos

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Bring back the hotkeys to change upgrades/appearance it should not take two or three button presses when it previously took one one. Controller + Cursor not intuitive IMO. Also dragging mods to slots is too slow when we could just click on them previously.

Edited by (PS4)TheRealTommo
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I'm guessing since a lot of PC users use mouse cursors and have to do extra clicking to get to things so do console users now ?

I completely hate the new UI on PS4 and so do a lot of other people in my clan and this seems more like a idea that the minority of players would like vs the majority since most console players are used to the previous way to do everything without all the extra clicking and such could DE please add in an option for players to have the old UI for everything like accessing the warframes,weapons ect because this may drive off players that have difficulty with things in general. I run a clan  since 2014 and the last thing i wanna hear is people complaining about the new UI changes that are forced on players because PC players are used to things like mouse cursors and such on screen but console players are not.  I'm really not sure how many people use mouse and keyboard on PS4 but i doubt it's enough to make this new UI a thing that will need to be used by everyone.



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30 minutes ago, (PS4)jimmythehat89 said:

I agree about the lighting, it looks good at first glance but then you notice the dodgy anti-aliasing and bad colour saturation on certain things. Tbh the whole update is a mess, changing holster position is unbelievably awkward with the cursor, dragging mods is just ridiculous and the saryn 'changes' have ruined her.

Saryn rework is beautiful... Otherwise this UI crap is horrible. I buy every prime access but ill be holding off on the next until i see some lvl of love towards console tenno UI. I mean why not change pc UI to Console UI? That would be more acceptable as many of them do use controllers.

Why did steve tell us pre-update that if we dont like it, lump it? I dont understand.

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Much like all of the other people commenting, I do want to add my own feedback just to give my opinion on how I feel about this also. 

Overall, it is very slow and struggling to adapt to the console way of modding and interacting with things when it's much less fluid now. Rotating your frame only works when the cursor is over that area, which makes no sense when the right thumbstick used to just do it. Modding weapons and frames takes an extra 3-4 seconds of raw clicking when before it was simply two clicks. The removal of the fluidity of the D-pad makes all its functions be forced to the thumbsticks and it's very awkward.

Also when entering a screen, the cursor is just 'somewhere' so even getting into the screens initially is just a few more seconds sluggish. Obviously the PC players have grown up with this and it's no big issue for them now (I imagine), but for everyone on console who has been used to the simple functions of everything now have to add extra cursor movement for no reason. 

Obviously this is the first/second day of these changes, but already it's frustrating. It's beautiful, I will give it that credit, but pretty doesn't mean anything when I'm now arguing with the UI about what it is I want to be doing. If there was an option for 'legacy' controls with the new UI, instant commands for X O and Triangle to hold us over or even the options to change controller settings and let us re-map things how we feel, it would be much easier to make this overall switch. 


I will continue to adapt and try to find an easier way to bridge the gap with a cursor on controller, but for where it is right now, I'm not bridging a gap, I'm jumping off a cliff trying to cross it. 

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15 hours ago, (PS4)Elvenbane said:

I haven't installed the update yet...

...but does this at least address issues like being able to quickly select 140/150 mods to convert to endo (holding R1 was painful)? i.e. does the virtual cursor improve anything?

You used to be able to avoid this with triangle l1 to select all but1 but I haven't tried since the UI nerf

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1 minute ago, (PS4)GrossAnimeTrash said:

Much like all of the other people commenting, I do want to add my own feedback just to give my opinion on how I feel about this also. 

Overall, it is very slow and struggling to adapt to the console way of modding and interacting with things when it's much less fluid now. Rotating your frame only works when the cursor is over that area, which makes no sense when the right thumbstick used to just do it. Modding weapons and frames takes an extra 3-4 seconds of raw clicking when before it was simply two clicks. The removal of the fluidity of the D-pad makes all its functions be forced to the thumbsticks and it's very awkward.

Also when entering a screen, the cursor is just 'somewhere' so even getting into the screens initially is just a few more seconds sluggish. Obviously the PC players have grown up with this and it's no big issue for them now (I imagine), but for everyone on console who has been used to the simple functions of everything now have to add extra cursor movement for no reason. 

Obviously this is the first/second day of these changes, but already it's frustrating. It's beautiful, I will give it that credit, but pretty doesn't mean anything when I'm now arguing with the UI about what it is I want to be doing. If there was an option for 'legacy' controls with the new UI, instant commands for X O and Triangle to hold us over or even the options to change controller settings and let us re-map things how we feel, it would be much easier to make this overall switch. 


I will continue to adapt and try to find an easier way to bridge the gap with a cursor on controller, but for where it is right now, I'm not bridging a gap, I'm jumping off a cliff trying to cross it. 

Gotta agree its a case of form over function, I don't think the issue is the introduction of the new UI, its the removal of simpler systems such as face buttons in arsenal, 2 click mod application as opposed to drag and drop, double clicking relics.


I feel its the removal of these QoL features that has frustrated the console community.

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2 hours ago, (XB1)Tatakai no Kami said:

Simplified. That's the operative word here. This UI has not been simplified.

I was referring to the UI14 changes. This update has unified and streamlined the code base, that was the point if it. The point of the U14 updates was to simplify.

2 hours ago, (XB1)Tatakai no Kami said:

I'm going to say this very politely This thread is not for you. You are not interested in reading what people are saying just rejecting all criticism and feedback with nonsense that doesn't apply. DE will not give you a job for being their guardian in this thread. Please just stop, Your replies are actually causing this thread to heat up.

You are mistaken.

My point here is to help you understand that "roll back" is not an option because there are plenty of players who don't follow twitter and haven't been reading the progress on this over the previous months and who aren't developers in real life. I have been following it and I am a developer and I know that DE have gone all in with this new streamlined UI control codebase and a rollback or a switch or a point-by-point re-implementation of all previous mapping isn't going to happen, at all (As Steve and Megan have plainly stated)

I've literally asked people here to expand on specific pain points so quite clearly I do care, I personally think that the more specifics you bring up the quicker DE will be able to factor them in a systemic manner, rather than the ad-hock hackery that the previous UI had, which cost DE time and thus money whenever they wanted to add UI elements, and resulting in patch cycles to repair UI bugs.

The only things I've pointed out are pointless are "roll back" or "needs a switch" comments because DE have stated categorically that it can't and won't happen. Which I understand from a development POV as it's highly likely that all the UI work already committed for Venus/Sacrifice requires the new UI scheme.

Criticism of specific game-actions and use cases is what's needed, and I think it would be a shame if players voices were lost because they spent their time calling for something that's never going to happen rather than engage with the process of making what is happening get better, and quickly

2 hours ago, (XB1)Tatakai no Kami said:

DE will not give you a job for being their guardian in this thread. Please just stop,..

This nonsense should be beneath you.

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