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[PC] Update 23: General Feedback Megathread


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PC version! There are bugs in the chapel, if others are hosts! Halfway there! Host exit! Teammates will be stuck in the host migration interface! Not for an hour or two! Only a strong retreat! I've never been there before! Badminton game! And!!!!!!!!!!! There are a lot of people like mainframe computers in a hurry! Hopefully DE has a mechanism! Prevent these players! It comes from the sacrifice of the mission! Previous host migration! Automatically returns you are still doing the task! Not now! Get stuck! It will affect the game experience! Hope to repair as soon as possible!

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The Sacrifice lacked combat imo.  Felt a bit empty.  


1) Ghoul "ambush" sux... 

 Right after discovering Sword and some Umbra "remains", Ghouls should lock down that area (Umbra's courtyard)  by blowing up some Expired and collapsing the tunnel we came through.  And then a "boss" fight should occur (Arena style Ghoul slaughter....Or an actual mini boss represented by oversized Ghoul Devourer.   Or both.)

When fight is over, Landing Craft picks you up right from that area (its an open location. Very convenient extraction spot). 

This would make that episode a bit more action packed...with less "tunnel running"


2) After scanning "remains" and surviving Ghoul ambush we go to Lua.    

Would be awesome to see Grineer or Corpus team with equipment, trying to "hack" the cipher.   Its just weird they didnt stumble upon it.


3) Mimics. 

Good idea.... But they fail to Ambush.   Transformation is too slow and noisy.   And they dont bother to hide real good. 

How to improve :

 > They should not clump together.   Mimic is supposed to be rare, but scary.  

 > They should replace real objects.  Or hide where object could spawn.    Otherwise they are very obvious.

 > They should explode when Player comes too close. This explosion should knock Player down to give Mimic time to transform.

 > Their Damage is too low.   Mimics are ambushers.  Burst damage is a must here.  So that being caught by that thing could cost you a revive.  Otherwise there is no point in such enemy.


4) Cipher and Komi.

 UI help must never automatically trigger.  Really. I often get distracted during solo play... So i was just sippin tea...and Cipher got auto solved by Ordis.   Gib me back mah fun, Ordis!  

Same with Komi.   It should ask before showing hints.    Puzzles are also enemies.  And if game kills enemy for you...its not great. 

Also, want to play with other NPCs and players.  


5) No Ballas battle.  

I uh.....wanted to smack Ballas.   

When sentient guards are down and Ballas "paralyses" Umbra, he should avoid getting stabbed and fight us, using his sword and some Orokin magic.   When he is down, "lotus" comes and rescues him...or whatever.



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Excalibur Umbras passive needs to change. Make him go into normal static warframe mode (like all other warframes) once he looses all his health when ur in operator mode.

Right now, even on sortie 3 missions transferring out of Umbra is a death sentence because he dies INSTANTLY. Same in Elite onslaught and endless missions. 

Making operator mode unusable when playing excal Umbra 

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Haven't seen this yet, but there's a nasty bug, client or host, that any transference is penalized with transference static, stacking up to max cap. Seems to apply in all missions, doesn't matter if you transference out and immediately in. Only noticed it with Umbra, but haven't played any other frames so far.

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On 2018-06-15 at 6:20 AM, AdunSaveMe said:

The new helmet should be hidden for people who haven't completed the quest. Simply seeing it is a huge spoiler. 

YES YES YES, as a veteran so many moments of the cinematic quests are so important to me i wouldn't want it ruined for other players.

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On 2018-06-15 at 6:58 AM, Ramflax said:


Loved the quest, lore was great. I have some worries about umbras that i hope get addressed. I hope DE goes over what their plan is for umbra. Because right now with the new polarities, Umbra is just better then excal prime. I dont really have an issue with this as long as it addressed that all umbras will be better then primes going forward. Because as it stands now umbra basically phases normal and prime out of existence because of the new mods and polarities.

Questions that arise from this update both gameplay and lore

1. So we brought him back through schematics, i am guessing that means when we rebuild a frame we are truly rebuilding that same frame. So all our frames are self-aware then so why is umbra the only one which can fight along side the tenno then?

2. Is Umbra an anti sentient line of warframes? The frames before the primes? Is this man unique or are other umbras as free willed?

3. With excal prime getting a buff to 300 armor it puts him at the same base as umbra. Are all umbras going to be comparable to primes with a slightly altered ability, new polarity with the extra passive?

4. Non- umbra frames cant get new polarity though they can slot the new mods, this is odd because that is 33 - 48 capacity taken up if u use it on something else since the mods need to be together for their true usefulness to shine. Will we be able to give umbra polarity to other frames?


I do currently view(hope the idea behind it) that because of the new polarity it locks umbras into a type of specialty for builds, so if they are just as good as primes base stat wise but they are more powerful with umbra polarities and mods but because of those polarities it takes away the flexibility of having certain builds i would be okay with this. Example, Trinity umbra is a god at link build but because of polarities cant utilize energy vampire build. It would give umbras and primes a place. A trade between raw power and flexibility.

He is built with kuva which might hint that some of his "essence" was built with him, also SPECIFICALLY umbra turned into a warframe with that burning and painful memory, all of our frames are probably sentient on some level (In the second dream your non-umbra frame breaks war), but that memory might make him feral.

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4 hours ago, Auris40 said:

Looking back at the choices they presented it was (most of the time) oriented toward the yin/yang system, which is a difference from white = good black = bad. White / Yang also can mean brashness, righteousness and hubris. Thats why the dominance of either side is not good at all. The only point where they messed the system up is the very first "War Within" Choice.
You might compare a "whole white" Character as a zealous crusader that revels in his righteousness.
A "sun/white" Tenno:
smashes the scepter
lets the grineer queen slowly succumb instead of offering her a quick death
takes a girls self governance away, making a decision for her because "he knows what is right" for her

As said, I felt it was pretty consistent, the only really "good" way is that of balance.

Without any explanation that this is how it works how are people supposed to know? It's explained nowhere that this is a yin-yang sort of deal and that's assuming that even if we'd been told people would know what that entails. Most of us aren't exactly experts in Eastern philosophy.

We get a single word on the first "choice" so the logical thing to do is to select the choice which we know from the past aligns with how we'd react. Except they turned things around on us. Talk about a really nasty surprise. It's almost like the Fallout 4 dialogue system, except that you can mod that one out and if you don't like what you get you can just reload a save. Here we're locked into "choices" we didn't understand at all when we made them. That feels just great (not).

Edited by marelooke
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1 hour ago, marelooke said:

Most of us aren't exactly experts in Eastern philosophy. 

You dont need to be an expert, I looked it up in about 10-15 Minutes. What prompted me to look it up was that some previous choices already seemed strange for a "good" character. I actually paid the black/white indicator no heed, deciding on what I "felt" was right ending up with an almost balanced scale in previous choices.

And I think thats what they were up to, that choices are made intuitively.

1 hour ago, marelooke said:

We get a single word on the first "choice" so the logical thing to do is to select the choice which we know from the past aligns with how we'd react.

It can of course be subjectively but I somehow dont feel that the word "Wrath" can in any way be interpreted as a "good"/peacefull dialogue choice, especially when one of the other is "acceptance". The point is apparently that people didnt let their own morality decide but what outcome they wanted on the fire/water display.

I can hardly find fault on DEs side there, save that first choice in War Within. The one thing I would have made differently though is that I would have hidden the indicator, keeping the yin/yang balance a secret, but only because I recently saw a few vids recently that went deeply into the problem on "morality" choices in videogames and how it leads more toward either "virtue signaling" or paying more attention to the possible outcomes and their effect on the games mechanics/story than actually "feeling" the choice.


1 hour ago, marelooke said:

Except they turned things around on us.

From what I remember of the past choices , no, they didnt actually (as far as I could retrace it).
The only choice that they have messed up I could find is the very first one in the war within. All the other white choices I have seen so far have clear Yang Vibes, citing from the choices of the War Within (except for the first one, as said they messed white black up there, but that was the only time)
War Within, White Choices, keywords bolded by me:
[Sun] I HATED it
[Sun] Let her rot  (condeming her to a slow death instead of a quick mercifull one)
Coming to think of it, it even illustrates the road to damnation nicely, where stepping only in one direction leads to extremism and that is never good, no matter the direction. Like: "yeah I am the good guy, I fight evil, I hate it"  "Ill take that girls decision away from her, because I know whats best for her and saving a life is good after all." (Glast Gambit) "I let that evil Queen rot, she deserves no mercy, she is evil after all..." wait, how did we end up with the pyres, burning heretics again?

But beside that, if I remember correctly it was said on a Dev Stream IF and WHEN they decide to actually give any solid meaning (gameplay wise) behind your Sun/Moon Balance they would reset it and allow you to make all the choices again (or something along that lines, in essence that you are not stuck with an outcome you didnt want).

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21 minutes ago, Auris40 said:

You dont need to be an expert, I looked it up in about 10-15 Minutes. What prompted me to look it up was that some previous choices already seemed strange for a "good" character. I actually paid the black/white indicator no heed, deciding on what I "felt" was right ending up with an almost balanced scale in previous choices.

And I think thats what they were up to, that choices are made intuitively.

It can of course be subjectively but I somehow dont feel that the word "Wrath" can in any way be interpreted as a "good"/peacefull dialogue choice, especially when one of the other is "acceptance". The point is apparently that people didnt let their own morality decide but what outcome they wanted on the fire/water display.

I can hardly find fault on DEs side there, save that first choice in War Within. The one thing I would have made differently though is that I would have hidden the indicator, keeping the yin/yang balance a secret, but only because I recently saw a few vids recently that went deeply into the problem on "morality" choices in videogames and how it leads more toward either "virtue signaling" or paying more attention to the possible outcomes and their effect on the games mechanics/story than actually "feeling" the choice.


From what I remember of the past choices , no, they didnt actually (as far as I could retrace it).
The only choice that they have messed up I could find is the very first one in the war within. All the other white choices I have seen so far have clear Yang Vibes, citing from the choices of the War Within (except for the first one, as said they messed white black up there, but that was the only time)
War Within, White Choices, keywords bolded by me:
[Sun] I HATED it
[Sun] Let her rot  (condeming her to a slow death instead of a quick mercifull one)
Coming to think of it, it even illustrates the road to damnation nicely, where stepping only in one direction leads to extremism and that is never good, no matter the direction. Like: "yeah I am the good guy, I fight evil, I hate it"  "Ill take that girls decision away from her, because I know whats best for her and saving a life is good after all." (Glast Gambit) "I let that evil Queen rot, she deserves no mercy, she is evil after all..." wait, how did we end up with the pyres, burning heretics again?

But beside that, if I remember correctly it was said on a Dev Stream IF and WHEN they decide to actually give any solid meaning (gameplay wise) behind your Sun/Moon Balance they would reset it and allow you to make all the choices again (or something along that lines, in essence that you are not stuck with an outcome you didnt want).

To look it up one has to know it's there to begin with. To a Western audience the entire concept is alien. If you expect every Warframe player to have an interest in this and/or watch every Devstream just to know they have to look something up about how Yin-Yang philosophy works, then I don't know what to tell you, really.

How to interpret a word depends entirely on the context, you might think that "Wrath" has a certain connotation, but that is only true for you because you know what the outcome is when you pick that option (or you did more research into the entire mechanism than can/should be reasonably expected). Which is entirely hidden from you, you just get the one word. It's entirely possible to turn something like that around into a positive outcome if worded correctly. If you can't grasp this then just go look for some videos about Mass Effect or Fallout 4 where players get entirely surprised about what their character says or does because all they have to go on is a measly few words (which is still more than DE gives us) that try to describe the response. Now if you turn something that can be interpreted multiple ways (given the sheer lack of context) and knowing that our choices are locked any reasonable human (that cares about the C&C in Warframe) will try and look for context to make a choice. Given that any single word can be interpreted any way the only other context we have is the light/dark indicator and how we remember (this is important since the previous quest instalments were ages ago by now) it worked in the previous quests leading to the outcome that people get saddled with choices they don't want.

If they had actually given that apparently super easy to find 15min explanation (that, as mentioned, you'd need to know you need to begin with) before they foisted these choices upon us that'd have been fine. But they did not, so any Western player will interpret it as follows: light = good, dark = bad and the first two quests did pretty much nothing to make people re-evaluate this interpretation.

Of course, by the time the last choice came around I figured out something was up, but I already go stuck with the first choice (don't even remember how many there were, three?). And honestly, given how the last few quests released with quite a few issues getting the "wrong" colour for a choice could easily have been brushed off as a bug.

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I know the UI isn't finished yet, I like the theme so far.

Using Excalibur's Slash Dash in midair should not induce a heavy fall (landing sprawled on hands and feet), when 5 feet off the ground. I like the velocity reset, but not the heavy fall from low altitudes.

Making maxed Umbral Pressure with set bonus the same as Primed Pressure Point to prevent it from being an inferior version.

To prevent clashes with other Syandana, making Umbra's back scarf(literally just the part that drapes over his back, keep the front <3) an optional auxiliary would be greatly appreciated for those who dislike the clipping. 

As for feedback on the UI: Bringing up the main menu during a mission should always fully display what everyone has equipped currently, versus needed to mouse over their glyph to get a whiff of what their load-out is.

The Ducat menu is not as intuitive as it was before, needed to mouse over everything to identify what it is.

Inventory category Icons that are used to sort the inventory sections are significantly smaller than before, making them less click friendly.

The slight graying of pictures in the new menus makes finding stuff harder. 

Loooove the new Login screen! Hoping for variants?

Pressing the "enter" key in the chat box also triggers the context action of the "enter" key in the menu you are currently in. For example, if you link [Umbral Armor Bundle], the preview of the armor appears, you then press "T" bringing up the chat and type something. Pressing "enter" will submit the typed text AND initiates the "Are you sure you want to buy this" pop up. Please fix to help prevent accidental purchases.

I assume this will be added in the future, the new operator cosmetics need link support.

I'm surprised how..."Squishy" the new UI tones are.


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"Added a new Challenge for completing THE SACRIFICE quest!"

We have not been told what this challenge is or what it means, And I've not seen ANYONE mention this at all either like it wasn't there.

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Dear DE, I want to tell you to do your job very well, I can tell you that I like the game very much, the quest is more than interesting. I can not wait for the sequel to come to find out what will continue to be. I would recommend it to anyone to play. after update I have a downhill with FPS, the pc is just too old but i hope i will manage to upgrade it so i could normally continue to play. 10/10

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I really hate how Umbra's passive works.  It gets in the way far more so than it feels like a tag team operation.  For starters, my excal build uses surging dash, chromatic blade, and naramon all together.  It works, it's fun and it's effective.  As soon as I activate Operator mode, though, the Umbra specter deactivates EB, dumping the combo meter back to 0.  He also runs standard specter weapons AI, which is simply awful.  I've watched him shoot at far away enemies with the plasmor rather than swapping to his baller sicarus prime or even closing the distance.  Why would I want any of my frames being controlled by the AI if they'll tend to make very stupid decisions that will get me killed?  I may only be in operator mode for 2 seconds, and the frame will completely fubar everything.  If I had an Umbra Nidus with a parasitic link keeping me alive, or a dual-augment Rhino with a monsterous 100k+ ironskin, he'd likely dump the buff the second I transferred. 

Next, transferring back into the frame from operator is simply awful.  The player is teleported TO THE FRAME, rather than vice versa, like every other frame in the game.  The camera even gets completely discombobulated while it tries to figure out which way umbra is facing, which way the player wants to face, and which way is magnetic north.  The camera picks one of those at random, and that's the direction you end up facing.  There are a few huge problems with this.  For one, moving the player to the frame is a penalty for bad play with every other frame in the game.  Why is that penalty a feature for Umbra?  Secondly, the effect is actually disorienting for the player, far more so than the stupid Grineer Captain's cheesy swap teleport stun.  Lastly, Umbra gets themselves killed way too easily.  The AI simply isn't capable of doing what players can do, combat wise.  Combined with being moved to where ever the frame ran off to die, and it's just all around not fun.  It's like playing an escort quest where the AI is intentionally trying to get you both killed.

I feel like the only way this thing could actually work well and feel fun is if there is either severe limitations put in place for the AI, specific to each Umbra frame such that they don't do really dumb things (like slash dash off a cliff and instantly die), or if the AI is absurdly advanced and learns to play like the player them self plays.

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On 2018-06-15 at 8:45 PM, Peetroolkah said:

I solved my problem by manually deleting all local cached game files \AppData\Local\Warframe\Downloaded\Public\Cache.Windows\

Problem was NOT solved by cache verification or cache optimization. 

I repeat: I had to MANUALLY delete all local game files, then re-download all 68 files (23GB)

This issue is CLEARLY not related to server availability. BTW as I originally installed WF in 2013, my local cache folder contained more than 110 files...


how do do you clear your cached files? i have been trying ways to fix this problem.

can you do the steps?


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I don't know if anyone said this yet already but can we have the umbral mods be unsellable? I mean, umbra and his nikana are unsellable, and there is no way to get those mods back if sold. Also, can we have those umbral polarity slots either be static or allowed to be forma'd back to the umbra slots on umbra and his nikana? I haven't sold mine yet (for obvious reasons) but we all know some people have or will try to sell them and regret it later. So far that is the only thing I have issues with right now. We all know someone will have their curiosity bite at them too much and they will sell the umbral mods or forma over the slots. Or, instead people just forma over out of ignorance and or sell unknowingly the umbral mods unknowingly.

The UI is a neat concept, I like it, but I have no opinion on that at the moment as far as functionality. I definitely LOVE the new sounds though!

As far as the quest, that is some good lore but man.... Why the cliff hanger? Yeah, I understand that these quests take some insane planning, time and resources, but why not have it at least show us a bit more of what happen to space mom and Ballas? Though this is just my opinion and honestly, I have no room to talk as far as suggesting what features games should or should not have. Besides that, I think it's a great quest!

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Il y a 17 heures, Magneu a dit :

Haven't seen this yet, but there's a nasty bug, client or host, that any transference is penalized with transference static, stacking up to max cap. Seems to apply in all missions, doesn't matter if you transference out and immediately in. Only noticed it with Umbra, but haven't played any other frames so far.

Guess it's intended. You're not alone in your Umbra's head, you know.


I pretty much like the new UI but many things are bugging me :

- Names need to be brought back on the squares of the inventory, I almost sold my Akboltos Prime as they are displayed like regular Akboltos.

- Team components used to be part of the holo-display from your frame's hand when you go to the menu. The fact it's now apart is rather disturbing. Plus, the menu displayed frame used and relic equipped by teammate directly, you now have to move your cursor to check each people to know what frame they use or which relic they got on.

I'm not against UI renewal, but as it was, the menus were part of the warframe universe (most have a hint of futuristic holo-displays) going back to regular menus would be a big rollback to 2013, when all menus were just displays, not integrated into the universe.

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1 minute ago, Ijaa-Aden said:

Guess it's intended. You're not alone in your Umbra's head, you know.


I pretty much like the new UI but many things are bugging me :

- Names need to be brought back on the squares of the inventory, I almost sold my Akboltos Prime as they are displayed like regular Akboltos.

- Team components used to be part of the holo-display from your frame's hand when you go to the menu. The fact it's now apart is rather disturbing. Plus, the menu displayed frame used and relic equipped by teammate directly, you now have to move your cursor to check each people to know what frame they use or which relic they got on.

I'm not against UI renewal, but as it was, the menus were part of the warframe universe (most have a hint of futuristic holo-displays) going back to regular menus would be a big rollback to 2013, when all menus were just displays, not integrated into the universe.

Worst situation now is some ASIAN player cannot even update.. it keep said "update failed, content temporarily unavailable" i from singapore not china so why update failed? region block?

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The quest was amazing. I already theorized what was the truth and was right about it, so no real surprises to me, but it was still extremely well done and cool. The only bad thing about it was how easily Ballas died. I was expecting a boss fight instead of seeing him drop dead with just a stab wound in the belly. After all, he was a very high ranking orokin, had that cool sword with him, etc.

The new UI is extremely good. Much smoother and without weird lags that the previous UI had.

New cosmetics are very nice as well.

Umbra is cool, but it's rather disappointing that he is really just a reskin of Excalibur and nothing much else. Besides the main gimmick of behaving like a specter if we leave to operator mode and his 2nd ability being a little bit different than the original, there is literally nothing different with him. He doesn't get to hang around in the ship, his other abilities are the very same, and there isn't any new mechanic with him. TSD and TWW introduced new mechanics to the game, unlike this one. I was also expecting a new map or new game mode but unfortunately that wasn't the case too.

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On 2018-06-17 at 9:59 AM, HeavenlyMeteor said:

how do do you clear your cached files? i have been trying ways to fix this problem.

can you do the steps?


I used my favourite file manager, but you can just enable showing hidden system folders in windows filer explorer (app folder is hidden system directory); depending where your Warframe is installed (mine was installed in user local files - note I used non-steam installer); I went streight to C:\Users\<MYUSERNAME>\AppData\Local\Warframe\Downloaded\Public\Cache.Windows\ and deleted all files there. 

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After some time in the game.

1) UI it looks good, but in order to get some info on the item, i have put my cursor on it. Not very convenient.

2) Umbra frame... Should we expect Frost Umbra next? And after that next in the line, what was it? Mag? The operator is required for certain encounters and that's fine, but gameplay with the operator is only good if it comes in small portions. For example, hunts consist of the operator gameplay for 90% for the majority of players and that's totally fine. But i just can't see me playing the operator on the starchart all the time, therefore, i really don't wanna see Umbra frames as a replacement for Primes. I mean unless a player has certain non-prime frames for certain tasks, in my case it's Trinity and Rhino, players will use Prime variants because they have certain buffs and bonuses and in the most cases they look better. Considering this chore with prime parts grind i really don't think DE will go easy on us with the grind of Umbra frames if these will be released.

Also, imagine a situation when a player is hunting Eidolon as Rhino Umbra, a player goes operator and Rhino keep fighting because now it's a specter. And that specter uses... let say Roar wasting energy or stomp or whatever. The idea of Umbra behavior is nice, but it will have certain issues.

3) Umbra mods. Pretty much same as with Umbra frames, i really don't want to see them introduced in mass. That's just another portion of powercreep. We already have enough mods to overkill everything in the game.

4) I just caught myself on a thought that after all the events of this trilogy 95% of content now looks even more pale and insignificant. On a background of this drama entire starchart activity now looks sad. There is no significance if you will, on a day to day activity, like at all. Starchart was a chore, and now this feeling is doubled. Except for PoE, which is a little, tiny corner of the game which is way better than anything else.

5) Performance. I would say it's great in Update 23. Good job.

6) I honestly was expecting some change in mechanics for the Foundry with the new UI. Crafting queues, please. Well i guess our foundry is not a conveyor line, but considering how much items i have to craft i would rather have a  conveyor line to be honest. Resources for crafting like mutagen mass, restores, formas, PoE resources etc. I want a  conveyor line for my Foundry, our dearest Digital Extremes.

Edited by Kel_Silonius
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[BUG] Noticed this quite a bit and seen some post in general forums about it.   Figured I should add to or at least post it here.

There are many cases where enemy's are becoming invulnerable to fire from primary/secondary weapons.  Almost like firing blanks. Please look into this as it is kind of game breaking 😞

BTW, Quest was awesome. I can't wait for the next step!

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Umbra passive: This is an extremely cool idea, but right now it's more of a liability than anything. On high level missions the Umbra specter dies very easily, then you get pulled back into the Warframe and die before you can even react or do anything. Please consider reverting this back to how it was when it first released: on death the specter just stops moving and gains immunity, instead of your operator getting dragged back into the frame. Either that or give the specter a beefy damage reduction so that he doesn't get one shot by higher level enemies and becomes a liability. Honestly it's gotten to the point where in high level content I don't even want to use operator mode with Umbra anymore. 

Edited by --END--Rikutatis
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