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23 hours ago, HerpDerpy said:

everything shown looked fantastic. But now that they showed off all this stuff it makes me feel like they need to go back and update half their game.

its pretty jarring to see the fantastic graphics, level design, and mechanics shown, but then going and playing on the old original corpus tile set.

I feel after all this rolls out we take a break from needing content so the game can jsut get an overall polish. You are right a lot of old content in constrast to this looks jarring.

I mean phorid is still a oversized charger and is yet to have a visual update, a lot fo the questline has holes in it and certain characters/bosses ar ejsut thrown into your face with no introduction as to who they are or why we are actually killing them.

It's not uncommon for devs of games to take a hiatus off content to give the entire game a new coat of paint its sjut how logn they give for that to be done.

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4 hours ago, HerpDerpy said:


its pretty jarring to see the fantastic graphics, level design, and mechanics shown, but then going and playing on the old original corpus tile set.

IKR? Brings back such great memories, and really reminds us of how far we have come ^^


really puts it all into perspective.

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5 hours ago, Ayures said:

Speaking of zaws, I was kind of hoping for a zaw thrown melee. I guess that's not gonna happen.

I really hope they continue to expand the Zaws to include Glaives, Claws, Sparring, Sword & Shield and every other melee type. That would be awesome.

4 minutes ago, Valaska said:

Warframe has functional multicrew ships before star citizen does... xD

Well played sir, well played. 🤣

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7 hours ago, Vilemyre said:

I feel after all this rolls out we take a break from needing content so the game can jsut get an overall polish. You are right a lot of old content in constrast to this looks jarring.

I mean phorid is still a oversized charger and is yet to have a visual update, a lot fo the questline has holes in it and certain characters/bosses ar ejsut thrown into your face with no introduction as to who they are or why we are actually killing them.

It snot uncommon for devs of games to take a hiatus off content to give the entire game a new coat of paint its sjut how logn they give for that to be done.

I couldn't care less about phorids model. Are you kidding me? I much prefer they put their energies into awesome nee content like they showed at Tennocon than mulling over years old content we already played to death. 

"But what about phorid?" Lol

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12 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I couldn't care less about phorids model. Are you kidding me? I much prefer they put their energies into awesome nee content like they showed at Tennocon than mulling over years old content we already played to death. 

"But what about phorid?" Lol

Yeah because the thing we want is new players getting bored instantly at how stale the starting content is and leaving. Lol

I really don't care how much you've already played it. Keeping you isn't the priority here because we know no matter what happens you'll come back if you had a tantrum there is nothing to do because you burned through another content patch. 🙄

Honestly if it wasn't for reworks and tweaking the game's overall presentation Vor would still be a red grineer with a stick. And J3 golem wouldn't have become Jordas and would have stayed a oversized common infested enemy.

Don't get me wrong I want new content but I want it in a game that doesn't transiton from being extremely dated at the start where msot players coming into it will likely give off its actual first impression.

Besides they could churn out new content but you'd have burnt through it within a week and go back to saying there is nothing to do. Lol

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11 hours ago, FreedomWing91 said:

Alright, so now that Venus is out in the open and almost upon us, I have one question: Mercury open-world when, DE?


Unless they make it an entirely Orokin Imperial landscape, I don't care for it. What I want to see in terms of landscapes are 1) Mars, maybe a terraformed one that resembles Egypt and Tatooine in places, 2) Titan (largest moon of Saturn) as the capital of the Grineer, former Orokin Colony, and headquarters of Grineer High Command, 3) Ganymede, capital city of the Corpus on Jupiter's largest moon, a cyberpunk cityscape much like Coruscant, 4) Eris, overrun with the infestation, and then 5) Mercury as a ruined Orokin Imperial landscape, home of the Emperors, a ruined paradise.

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Let's be honest here. For a F2P, DE has not only shown you don't have to have a lootbox lure to make money, but has shown that a game can grow in scope, mature in content and give itself visual facelifts and still look like a highly polished AAA game.


It's leaps and bounds beyond the capabilities of most other MMOs (looking at your junk, PWE) It's immersive, it's fun, it's modern.


Other MMOs have a LOT of catching up to do, DE has set a very high bar for overall quality in F2Ps. And I say this as a former very dedicated STO player, and my husband concurs as a former very dedicated Forsaken World player. The graphics, the mechanics, even the UIs don't come close. They feel old, dated and utterly unfun to play now compared to WF.

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On 2018-07-08 at 8:49 AM, HeartPurity said:

You are right, especially the song of Fortuna, it keeps humming in my brain now....................👍 The lyrics and songs sung by male and female singers make it very matching to the atmosphere. The song makes Fortuna believable, a group of poor fellows being exploited to pay debt to Nef. 


This is like when bioshock infinite released that trailer with beast of america again. I can't. Stop. Humming. It.

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I hate DE... They already ruined many other games with their bullet jump and being unique in a sea of clones. Now 2 years in a row with this kind of show, man they are setting the level too high that other AAA studios cant compete. I did find the anthem trailer pretty cool but de has surpassed it. The game should go on for 20 more years. I will play and i will pay

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Took me a while to understand what is going on. I admit it. But it's quite fascinating the fact that under certain limitations of lip sync these guys have robot heads. It was a benefit more than an easy exit to put up a story. 

The song, an amazing piece, is an example of a collective mind all connected working as one. The hive mind works and process orders to each individual doing a task. They sing because they keep themselves motivated and happy. At the same time the benefit of cybernetics and robotic technology allows them to behave as a one system ready to complete tasks as a collective with dead accuracy. 

There is more to the song than just an introduction. The coordination of work and the cybernetic implants provides a new way of thinking and a genuine sense of immersion since they are in a different planet than earth. 

DE decided to join the big leagues with space battles, space combat, frigate invasion, warframe battles and archwings. DE is heading north with strength. They are arriving at the game we dreamed off. Many people will call it the jack of all trade but that jack is getting very good at the game. 


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1 hour ago, Ktro said:

I hate DE... They already ruined many other games with their bullet jump and being unique in a sea of clones. Now 2 years in a row with this kind of show, man they are setting the level too high that other AAA studios cant compete. I did find the anthem trailer pretty cool but de has surpassed it. The game should go on for 20 more years. I will play and i will pay

I'm more interested in Anthem's world than Fortuna's, personally. It's more visually-striking, and that kind of deep verticality is something that I'd like DE to pursue with its landscapes.

There are a few areas where I want DE to be more like AAA games: animations (natural running/sprinting/walking animations), space gameplay (give me OG Battlefront 2 Space Conquest gameplay with the visual style and scale of EA's Battlefront 2 Starfighter Assault), and immersive open worlds (as in-depth as AC Origins and Ghost Recon Wildlands, with grand scale and verticality of Anthem). When Warframe is at that point, then I'm all on the "Warframe is better than AAA" bandwagon.

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8 hours ago, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

I'm more interested in Anthem's world than Fortuna's, personally. It's more visually-striking, and that kind of deep verticality is something that I'd like DE to pursue with its landscapes.

There are a few areas where I want DE to be more like AAA games: animations (natural running/sprinting/walking animations), space gameplay (give me OG Battlefront 2 Space Conquest gameplay with the visual style and scale of EA's Battlefront 2 Starfighter Assault), and immersive open worlds (as in-depth as AC Origins and Ghost Recon Wildlands, with grand scale and verticality of Anthem). When Warframe is at that point, then I'm all on the "Warframe is better than AAA" bandwagon.

I love anthem's verticality. But DE is a studio of 250 whereas Anthem team is 1000+. So to be fair DE does need better animation stuff (operators really need that). Also a large part of warframe users use old machines and even ditching 32 bit windows xp seven vista made some fans unhappy. Also if u followed steve and see PoE the draw distances are really low (zooming with a sniper shows distance leaves and trees blurred to basic geometry). It needs to get better no doubt but after bioware ruined my fav franchise mass effect obviously i have a low opinion on anthem

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A small studio with lots of dreams. Warframe is a success because of the passion both DE and the community have for the game. 

Sure there are mistakes, but what DE has delivered starting where they started with the resources they had is just fantastic. 

Love you DE

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I love how they're working on 2 new warframes simultaneously after players complained with all the wait for Khora's release, like a 'compensation', so much dedication and the hype from TennoLive, it's just too much. Also I can't wait for Garuda, I got super hyped just from her concept art.

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