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The current state of League of Legends really makes me appreciate Warframe more


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If any of you played League of Legends recently and is somewhat in touch with the League of Legends community, you'd probably be aware that League of Legends is currently getting worse and worse as Riot Games is seemingly ignoring a certain percentage of the playerbase in favor for Chinese and Korean internet cafe culture, giving Riot an incentive to make games quicker, the meta more steep and games more decisive on very minor mistakes of the extreme early game, blatantly going against their previous philosophy of "a fight loses its excitement if the first punch wins".

All this commotion, uproar and genuine hate for the developers towards Riot have spawned a meme that, whenever Riot makes a mistake, people would comment "but Riot is a small indie based company with few employees and a small development team".

Yeah you can kinda see where I'm going with this now huh.

It's just super interesting to me that, DE and Warframe literally takes that ironic sarcasm are completely blasts it right back at us. DE is (or at least was, not entirely sure about right now) a 'small indie based company with few employees and a small development team' yet they completely blow basically every other game studio out of the water. And I'm not saying this to flatter them.

Just earlier today I came across a half an hour review of Warframe by "Skill Up" on YouTube and he basically ran through every thought I had for DE and Warframe and honestly, it's just mind-blowing how bad and absolutely pathetic basically all AAA game studios look when compared to DE and at the very core of it I believe is DE's dedication to their connection with the playerbase. I mean, to contrast that with Riot Games look how bad League of Legends is getting, hell, they've been called out too many times for keeping quiet on issues on game balancing and only speaking out on topics not related to balancing. As soon as a game studio loses touch with its playerbase, the playerbase loses touch with the game.


So honestly, I seriously can't put into words how much I appreciate the staggering amount of passion they put into not just the game but the playerbase. It really matters. F**k man it matters so f**king much. You can genuinely hear Riot Games saying something like "we care the most about our game" whereas you can hear DE saying something like "we care the most about our players"

F**k man it matters so much.

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Idk why you even begin to compare Warframe - a pve coop game with a pvp crp like LoL. Anyone who ever played pvp game especially team based would say that it's getting only worse because sooner or later you will get tired of it's crp.

Just because both developers are supposedly small? Eh.

Edited by -Temp0-
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Two completely different games with completely different needs and ways to adress issues.

League of Legends usually tried to shake up the meta in Mid Season and Preseason due the competitive scene it has with both, Ranked Queues and the whole E-Sports scene. Up to the point they've dismissed a set of changes we were about to get for Tanks and Bruisers because players felt this mid season shaked up too much the state of the game, all while they're still trying to adress some issues.

DE has none of that to worry and can make as many changes as it can freely. It's an unfair comparision on my book.

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I'm not comparing the gameplay between the two games, I'm comparing the connectedness of the developers and their players. I'd be absolutely okay if Riot spoke up and was honest about them catering toward the new wave of internet cafe kiddies. It's the fact that they keep dodging the questioned issues. You can kind of say DE doesn't need to worry about things like that, but even without PvP issues, DE comes drastically far from other PvE game studios.

But out of the last two games that I play regularly, one is absolutely dying off me. 

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Riot probably stopped caring about their player base due to toxicity. Its like handling the Elephant Foot from Chernobyl.

I only played League of Legends for a few hours max when the game was very very new and by that time i was already disgusted with the game because of the Toxic players i had encountered. Over time i just saw the game getting worst and worst, i saw people who were long time friends becoming major enemies and even scheming to report others for absolutely no reason just to be awarded with free skins that Riot gives for successful reports.

On Warframe its a mutual exchange of affection, [DE] is grateful for their player base having believed in them and invested in the game from start and we are grateful in return for them doing an outstanding job keeping the game running, giving us new quality contents and listening to us on what we feel needs a change. The whole game from start till today is a big experiment that is working great and they allow us to come together in it.

Different from Riot, [DE] works in favor of its whole player base and that prevents toxicity wile Riot just favors a small group of players who play with a small and specific list of champions wile leaving the rest to rot in the corner.

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I mean it's initials are LoL, the game in general seems like a joke. I personally don't care for MOBAs, because they are frankly really boring and tedious. Only one I somewhat liked was smite. DE and warframe have the ability to do what they want for the most part because they aren't shoehorned into a specific type of gameplay. Look at fortuna and railjack. LoL wouldn't be able to get away with game changing elements like that. 

In terms of toxicity, warframe isn't free of this by any means, there are toxic players in every game. whether it be a snobby elitist, an over entitled founder or a non founder who goes out of their way to bash any founder, or any kinda scummy players (afk leeches, scammers, etc.) Warframe in relation to some other communities looks rather tame.

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8 hours ago, mosaickle said:

All this commotion, uproar and genuine hate for the developers towards Riot have spawned a meme that, whenever Riot makes a mistake, people would comment "but Riot is a small indie based company with few employees and a small development team".

Honestly, that meme could just as easily apply to Warframe and DE. 

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Think that's bad, just look at War Gamings World of Tanks.

I'm glad i dropped that hard. *though am sad since they've added Italian tanks and are adding Polish tanks, along with the fact that i have friends that play that game*

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