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When high MRs leave half way through a PUB mission


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1 hour ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:


Today I was helping a friend run Hydron. Figured I'd bite the bullet & level my Limbo P (to get it done) had folks asking me why I wasn't using my powers.

I ignored them.

After a constant battering of questions I finally answered.

"Folks dislike Limbo. The moment I use his powers folks will leave. My friend needs to level. I don't need Limbo's powers to defend this pod."

They reply: "What good is Limbo if he doesn't stasis & cata?"

I reply: "What good is Limbo if everyone leaves the moment he casts 1 ability? If we make it waves 20+ I just might use my powers to keep things safe. Unless that happens we're good. Now shut up & focus on the Grineer. You're wasting everyone's time with pointless questions you know the answer too. If you wanna leave. Leave. I won't give you an "excuse" to leave by opening rifts."

The reason I share this story?

I had 5 flawless 10+ wave Hydron runs by never using my roll, or any Limbo power. Led in kill count, least damage taken (somehow), most damage dealt. Sad when a Limbo using no powers or dodges averages at 400+ kills over a team of players who were using powers, dodges, etc.

Just to show my friend I was right & people are sheep & have no idea how OP Limbo is now. On our last (11th) Hydron game. I used 1 Cataclysm. Both our teammates left within 10s of it being cast. My friend couldn't believe it.

I told him. Limbo is a problem because the community made him a problem & they refuse to let him be anything else other than a problem.

DE needs to remove him & make a new frame that is him but different enough that the ignorant masses wouldn't be able to tell.



Im not sure what to take away from this. Limbo has a place in the game despite my issues playing with one in my squad. He is unrivaled in safety when it comes to defensive modes, i would even say a little on the trivializing side.

But that safety just happens to come into the way of other peoples play styles. My only real issue with Limbo is that he does basically nothing besides Stasis. All 3 of his other abilities do the same thing.

Edited by Misgenesis
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10 minutes ago, wtflag said:

Actually how you could use Limbo in Hydron is to do a spilt push. Limbo can solo an extractor by himself. The other three will guard the second extractor.

I basically do the same with Nekros. We will take an extractor. I will hang around only long enough to despoil enough power cells to top up the first extractor and immediately leave for the second one. Upon reaching the second one, my spawns of shadows will be able to draw all attention away from the second extractors while I again top it up with power cells. I will leave when the team is finished with the first extractor and comes over to the second. We can usually repeat it until wave 16 to 20 depending on the strength of the other three members.


Hydron not Heiracon.

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Lots of generalizing in this thread. Wew lad.

Look. I'm sorry okay? Sometimes Nature calls and I just gotta dip. I mean... next time I'll be sure to let everyone know and maybe they can babysit my frame while I drain myself? Idk, what are the social rules to "Gotta pee but don't wanna be weird about it with strangers but also don't wanna cause myself issues later in life from a failing bladder because I couldn't leave WF."?

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10 hours ago, (PS4)DicedSevens said:

This entire thread has just gone to people saying they would rather their items go into the void and no one have them, as you don't get them, and #*!% everyone else.


Great none toxic community, guys xD 


Ok, I get it, no one wants to share what is not theirs to begin with.

 what you don't seem to get is that your your comment is what's causing the toxicity around here in case you cant tell

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1 hour ago, Zilchy said:

Hydron not Heiracon.

Ah I mix up the places. My apologies.

I always do Heiracon because I want to farm everything at once.

That and the fact that silly sibear isn't going to build itself.

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1 hour ago, Misgenesis said:

Im not sure what to take away from this. Limbo has a place in the game despite my issues playing with one in my squad. He is unrivaled in safety when it comes to defensive modes, i would even say a little on the trivializing side.

But that safety just happens to come into the way of other peoples play styles. My only real issue with Limbo is that he does basically nothing besides Stasis. All 3 of his other abilities do the same thing.

The take away should be that people need to get over the stigmas & stereotypes that have developed in the community.
Everything you said about Limbo is the truth. I literally breath a sigh of relief when the Sortie 3 mission is a Mobile Defense or Defense & even Survival and I see a Limbo appear.
I know we're good hands when I see that. It inspired me to learn Limbo myself. True...I only play him as support whilst I've seen some Limbo users who are gods.
I admit it can get in the way of a playstyle but I just adapt just like when there is a Frost or Gara. I think: Oh...we have a Limbo I'll have to do ___.

Anyways, my story was just meant to show that folks tend to leave groups at the sound of a squirrel fart & it's ridiculous.
Jeez...soon we'll have folks leaving over the colors people put on their frames.

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Say I want to leave a game. It can range from say I have to go to the bathroom, I suddenly feel sick, or to some emergency happened and I have to deal with it right away

That invalidates the first point of malicious reasoning

Secondly, resources. You shouldn't get bonus for staying, it's a dumb idea and easily exploitable, as you can get a squad of friends to constantly enter your game, leave mid-way, and the player gets more resources as a result

Many people say build a squad in recruit chat, but that isn't even the only solution. Find some friends who play the game to team up with, and communicate to them that way. There are many ways you can fix this on your own, and if players leaving midway through bothers you, remember  apoint you yourself said: They won't get any rewards/ resources out of it anyways

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11 hours ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

I'm beginning to think there's a group of people on this forum that go from thread to thread, disagreeing with the thread not for any particular valid reason, but because it's trendy. Or something.

I understand OP's feels.

Yeah it's totes McGoats a cabal of forum warriors going out of their way to be contrarians, in now way is it the ideas people are putting our there or some sensitive souls.

I think you best check yourself before you become the forum laughing stock.

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6 hours ago, Richtter said:

When I join pub I always check people MR. If I see a mr 20+ well... maybe I leave the squad because there is a very high chance he will screw your mission. High mr player leaving missions for nothing isn't new for me and in sorties when there is a spy there is a 98% chance they will leave the squad if someone trigger the alarms rather than wait if that data will be destroyed or nor.

I don't know what happens with warframe players but in almost all matchmakings I played, more mr means less brain and more ego. 

And by leaving pre-emptively, you screw their mission instead. Nice stance you got ''Screw him before he screws me.''.

Also, in Spy sortie, when someone triggers the alarms, there's also a 98% chance that it will fail. It's very rare I see someone trigger the alarms, then swiftly resolve that problem.

Edited by Lanadra
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15 hours ago, (PS4)DicedSevens said:

The job comparison would only work if it was the same system as Warframe where you lose that day's pay if you leave before 8 hours or however long your shift is. You legally get paid that. When you leave half way through a 'shift' in Warframe you keep nothing besides a tiny bit of exp. So the exp can be compared to working 5 hours but only getting paid for 20 minutes (assuming your day is 8 hours)


I'm simply trying to deter others from leaving or feeling like they have to decide between their time or their resources. This isn't always the case however. Everyone might be on the same page of wants and needs and they might not be.

It's not your reward though. If you leave you knowingly give that up to the void, nothingness. It isn't yours. You gave it up. Whether it be to another person or nothing you now don't own any of it.


I specifically said a cash only job being paid under the table, that means no legal requirement to be paid. You agreed to work a full day and be paid accordingly, as did I...I did not work my full day so I get nothing, but you will still not get the cash that I didn't get. 

You're so hung up on "you don't get to keep the rewards anyway", you've repeated it dozens of times in this thread, and you're right if I leave I don't get to keep the rewards and I leave knowing that....but YOU don't get to keep them either. You did not earn them, you did nothing above and beyond what you already intended to do when entering the mission. Again equating it to work, if you show up for your shift and work the hours you've agreed to and I never even show up, you aren't being paid more because you did what was already expected of you, I'm just being punished for not doing it. Giving bonuses to people who stay in missions is just begging for people to exploit it, running full 4 man groups then 3 people bail right before extraction to pile resources into one person. Somebody waiting for a full group and then just being the most annoying cancerous teammate they can because if they can make the others leave they get a bonus. These are just a few of the immediate ways your plan would absolutely blow up in DE's face, and all just to reward you for not doing anything special or deserving of a bonus.

Everybody against this idea is fully aware they don't keep rewards when they leave a group, the problem is you somehow feel you are thus entitled to said rewards and you simply aren't. You queued a public mission not knowing if you would get in solo or with a full group, but your plan was to finish the mission either way right? What if your mission launched and you were sitting there alone or with one other person, do you sit motionless at the beginning of the mission until the group fills? No, you run the mission, you get the rewards. At no point are you promised a full team of assistance nor promised bonus rewards just for doing what you set out to do anyway. This is not a complicated concept, you get what YOU worked for not what the other guy worked for.

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It sucks when people leave but there are mostly a reason for it. Getting compensated is not a solution because the difficulty will scale down.

The only times I leave a game is when I end up with a Spamshee or Slow or Speed Nova on defense missions. I tend to stay for 5 waves just to see if it will be worth it or not. Mostly it isnt so I pop out after wave 5. With Spamshee it is msotly not worth it due to the player having too little strength so things just ping pong around, which just slows it down too much. With Slow Nova it will simply be slow. With speed Nova it mostly comes down to if the group is ready for the increased incoming damage, this includes the Nova aswell. Too many times does it seem like they've just made their build and havent gotten ready to use it yet, so lie dead on the floor more often than not. When I play Nova in PuG defenses I run a neutral Nova that sits on 0% speed modification, using her #4 just for the debuff/explosion.

Other reasons I leave early is either because nature calls or if the connection to host is bad.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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1 hour ago, Lanadra said:

And by leaving pre-emptively, you screw their mission instead. Nice stance you got ''Screw him before he screws me.''.

Also, in Spy sortie, when someone triggers the alarms, there's also a 98% chance that it will fail. It's very rare I see someone trigger the alarms, then swiftly resolve that problem.

I have learned very quickly to solo spy missions lol

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3 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

It sucks when people leave but there are mostly a reason for it. Getting compensated is not a solution because the difficulty will scale down.

The only times I leave a game is when I end up with a Spamshee or Slow or Speed Nova on defense missions. I tend to stay for 5 waves just to see if it will be worth it or not. Mostly it isnt so I pop out after wave 5. With Spamshee it is msotly not worth it due to the player having too little strength so things just ping pong around, which just slows it down too much. With Slow Nova it will simply be slow. With speed Nova it mostly comes down to if the group is ready for the increased incoming damage, this includes the Nova aswell. Too many times does it seem like they've just made their build and havent gotten ready to use it yet, so lie dead on the floor more often than not. When I play Nova in PuG defenses I run a neutral Nova that sits on 0% speed modification, using her #4 just for the debuff/explosion.

Other reasons I leave early is either because nature calls or if the connection to host is bad.

To get a no speed or no slow Nova do you need 100% Power strength exactly?

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1 hour ago, Lanadra said:

And by leaving pre-emptively, you screw their mission instead. Nice stance you got ''Screw him before he screws me.''.

Also, in Spy sortie, when someone triggers the alarms, there's also a 98% chance that it will fail. It's very rare I see someone trigger the alarms, then swiftly resolve that problem.

Nice move boy, but let me highlight a word in my sentence that seems you didn't noticed: MAYBE.

And no I don't screw their mission because if I quit when I step there, surely another player will take my place. He only needs to wait some seconds. Now for someone faill the mission when alarms are triggered its like die in teralyst phase, quite rare but happens.

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If I see any afk form of gameplay or extremely boring gameplay I leave. Why? Cuz I can't be bothered getting bored. I don't care about mission statistics, kills or resources. It's PUG don't expect it will always be rainbow's and unicorn's. There is no rule that says leaving a game is a crime. if you can't tolerate such minute things, go recruiting or play with clans.

Edited by SharkPot
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7 hours ago, RetroNomad said:


Lots of generalizing in this thread. Wew lad.

Look. I'm sorry okay? Sometimes Nature calls and I just gotta dip. I mean... next time I'll be sure to let everyone know and maybe they can babysit my frame while I drain myself? Idk, what are the social rules to "Gotta pee but don't wanna be weird about it with strangers but also don't wanna cause myself issues later in life from a failing bladder because I couldn't leave WF."?

When I have to go to the bathroom I just say "brb bathroom" and leave. That way they know I'm away from the screen and will be back in a minute or two. I'm not sure the confussion here. If you have to throw up or something then you need some rest not Warframe. I wouldn't be mad if I didn't say anything, left for five minutes, and the team had gone or reported me for leeching.

1 hour ago, Lannen said:

I specifically said a cash only job being paid under the table, that means no legal requirement to be paid. You agreed to work a full day and be paid accordingly, as did I...I did not work my full day so I get nothing, but you will still not get the cash that I didn't get. 

You're so hung up on "you don't get to keep the rewards anyway", you've repeated it dozens of times in this thread, and you're right if I leave I don't get to keep the rewards and I leave knowing that....but YOU don't get to keep them either. You did not earn them, you did nothing above and beyond what you already intended to do when entering the mission. Again equating it to work, if you show up for your shift and work the hours you've agreed to and I never even show up, you aren't being paid more because you did what was already expected of you, I'm just being punished for not doing it. Giving bonuses to people who stay in missions is just begging for people to exploit it, running full 4 man groups then 3 people bail right before extraction to pile resources into one person. Somebody waiting for a full group and then just being the most annoying cancerous teammate they can because if they can make the others leave they get a bonus. These are just a few of the immediate ways your plan would absolutely blow up in DE's face, and all just to reward you for not doing anything special or deserving of a bonus.

Everybody against this idea is fully aware they don't keep rewards when they leave a group, the problem is you somehow feel you are thus entitled to said rewards and you simply aren't. You queued a public mission not knowing if you would get in solo or with a full group, but your plan was to finish the mission either way right? What if your mission launched and you were sitting there alone or with one other person, do you sit motionless at the beginning of the mission until the group fills? No, you run the mission, you get the rewards. At no point are you promised a full team of assistance nor promised bonus rewards just for doing what you set out to do anyway. This is not a complicated concept, you get what YOU worked for not what the other guy worked for.

I really don't have the will power to look at the comments that far back. Have you read the rest of the thread? The entire first page is people just attacking me for being greedy/lazy. I have resources. I'm talking about other players who are going for the resources but are screwed over by someone leaving. Some matches will scale and so will not immediately scale back or not at all. 


We've already come to the conclusion, if you read the entire thread, that the resources would be a bad idea as trolls, hi MR farmers for friends, etc.


I repeated you don't get to keep the rewards because people kept attacking me... Honestly if you can't read the first page and see what's wrong with some comments that aren't really constructive but just ripping me and my post apart.. well join the second and third page comments where people are actually civil.


Please just read the rest of the thread.. idk what to tell you. Just say "this would be a bad idea because..." And then leave. You've contributed all you can to this conversation.


You're working for a S#&$ company or you're working in the USA where companies can screw you and not pay you for time worked. That's illegal and you should report that to the labour board immediately, unless you're an immagrant and could face deportation.


7 hours ago, (PS4)Satonaka_CP4 said:

 what you don't seem to get is that your your comment is what's causing the toxicity around here in case you cant tell

Two wrongs make a right? Glad to know if I don't like what someone posted I can attack them back and it's right for me to do so. Thanks for making me unlearn something we learned in kindergarten.

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43 minutes ago, Richtter said:

Nice move boy, but let me highlight a word in my sentence that seems you didn't noticed: MAYBE.

And no I don't screw their mission because if I quit when I step there, surely another player will take my place. He only needs to wait some seconds. Now for someone faill the mission when alarms are triggered its like die in teralyst phase, quite rare but happens.

In sortie spy, the vast majority of the time I see someone trigger an alarm, it fails.

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I never had this problem when I was low MR.  Current low MR players actually don't have this problem either, because it is not a problem.  It is beyond their control just like it was beyond mine and thus, not their problem.

These days if I suddenly leave a mission, it's usually because someone just messaged me saying they'll buy something expensive I advertised on trade chat.  Or because one of my RL friends dropped by.  Or because my cat needed snuggles.  All of these things are vastly more important than someone I do not know in a pub mission getting buttangry that they can't get carried by an MR25.  If you want me to help you with something, message me and ask me, as long as you're not beggy or entitled-sounding there's a good chance I'll say yes.  If it's no because I've got something else going on, I'll give you the reason.  Show respect and you'll get respect, it has nothing to do with your mastery rank.  But you don't get to call people out who you never bothered to speak to in the first place for leaving when you have no idea what the reason is - nobody owes you anything.

If it helps ice the clear pain you feel in the booty, there aren't any ingame reasons left for me to quit.  Limbo has been made team-friendly, Spamshee has been neutered, and you won't be in any mission where I want things done to my exact liking or not at all (mainly sortie spy), because I solo those.

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25 minutes ago, dopey_opi said:

I never had this problem when I was low MR.  Current low MR players actually don't have this problem either, because it is not a problem.  It is beyond their control just like it was beyond mine and thus, not their problem.

These days if I suddenly leave a mission, it's usually because someone just messaged me saying they'll buy something expensive I advertised on trade chat.  Or because one of my RL friends dropped by.  Or because my cat needed snuggles.  All of these things are vastly more important than someone I do not know in a pub mission getting buttangry that they can't get carried by an MR25.  If you want me to help you with something, message me and ask me, as long as you're not beggy or entitled-sounding there's a good chance I'll say yes.  If it's no because I've got something else going on, I'll give you the reason.  Show respect and you'll get respect, it has nothing to do with your mastery rank.  But you don't get to call people out who you never bothered to speak to in the first place for leaving when you have no idea what the reason is - nobody owes you anything.

If it helps ice the clear pain you feel in the booty, there aren't any ingame reasons left for me to quit.  Limbo has been made team-friendly, Spamshee has been neutered, and you won't be in any mission where I want things done to my exact liking or not at all (mainly sortie spy), because I solo those.

I understand that anyone can leave for any reason and not have to give any reason. That doesn't stop me from feeling like even a "gtg" or "brb" would help alleviate the feeling of something having gone wrong in a mission. If you're just sitting there without saying "brb" then I'm going to assume you're leeching and will be reporting very soon.


My cat wanted to play this morning and I told chat "brb my cat wants to play". Then I left. It wasn't hard. Sorry if you can't find the time to do it or just feel you don't want to. That's your choice. Since your PC I guess I won't need to worry about it but anyone who does it will be blocked by me. That's it. There's no reason you can't say "brb" quickly, as you have quick chat commands, if you're going to be gone for 5+ minutes.


However that isn't the topic of this post. It's people leaving half way through a match and have hit enough time spent in the match so no one else can join besides you inviting friends. I understand that this can be due to circumstances out of your control with little to no warning first hand.


I can't think of many circumstances besides someone or my cats life being in danger that I can't type a quick "brb" or "gtg" however that is me and how I feel. I know others are different.

Edited by (PS4)DicedSevens
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2 hours ago, Lanadra said:

In sortie spy, the vast majority of the time I see someone trigger an alarm, it fails.

Nice meme boy. Maybe you hit the jackpot every time you go sortie spy.  If people know how to play, a mission will rarely fail.

Oh wait, I get it, you are one those who quit mission when the alarms are triggered.

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)DicedSevens said:

I understand that anyone can leave for any reason and not have to give any reason. That doesn't stop me from feeling like even a "gtg" or "brb" would help alleviate the feeling of something having gone wrong in a mission. If you're just sitting there without saying "brb" then I'm going to assume you're leeching and will be reporting very soon.


My cat wanted to play this morning and I told chat "brb my cat wants to play". Then I left. It wasn't hard. Sorry if you can't find the time to do it or just feel you don't want to. That's your choice. Since your PC I guess I won't need to worry about it but anyone who does it will be blocked by me. That's it. There's no reason you can't say "brb" quickly, as you have quick chat commands, if you're going to be gone for 5+ minutes.


However that isn't the topic of this post. It's people leaving half way through a match and have hit enough time spent in the match so no one else can join besides you inviting friends. I understand that this can be due to circumstances out of your control with little to no warning first hand.


I can't think of many circumstances besides someone or my cats life being in danger that I can't type a quick "brb" or "gtg" however that is me and how I feel. I know others are different.

I think you're misunderstanding me.  When I say 'leave' a mission, I mean I will leave it.  Abort it.  I'm not about to AFK, that's just plain dumb.

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im mr 25 and last night afk for 30 mins and then left  cuz i had something too do not only that me neing there only incrise the spawns so more stuff for the guys in the party 
and yea emergencis can happen too any one 

so ur point was ??

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