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  1. no we don't. having a tight focus on the sol system instead of having every solar system occupied by a new colour of humans from the planet of hats like all other sci fi media is a refreshing change from the norm
  2. steepled fingers ✔️ straight posture ✔️ the former chancellor of germany angela merkel, or as we have just deduced using this genius reasoning, her true identity - baro ki'teer‼️
  3. get over yourself. i wasn't responding to you, and this blatantly isn't most people's grievance with the skin
  4. let's inspect the vanilla frames' archetypes and theme to see how sci-fi they are excalibur - a swordsman named for a legendary blade trinity - a magic healer named after the holy trinity ember - pyromancer loki - a rogue named after a trickster god volt - electromancer rhino - a classic tank, but grounded enough to be called sci-fi mag - you can argue she's some kind of ferro- or magneto- mancer but that's sufficiently obscure you can just say it's sci-fi ash - ninja, shadow clones, teleports behind you and all, definitely had a naruto phase if you ever make a hero shooter, it's pretty much always going to end up at least dipping its toes in fantasy themes for character inspiration. and anyway, the entrati are firmly themed around occult science and dark magic, not making a classic wizard would be a huge missed opportunity
  5. nobody complained about the huge codpieces or the other half dozen topless deluxe skins like zato, harka, rakkam, etc. what's so different with this skin that it warrants this much vitriol? are you all really so scared of men's bodies that you need to pull out the slurs at even the slightest hint of sexualization of a man? grow up
  6. loki, good? ye gods, no one ever told them that "loki master race" is just a bygone meme from yonder days
  7. no, not happening. the china build got excalibur umbra prime as their founder's item before excalibur umbra was released. when the sacrifice came out and umbra prime was effectively made obsolete, founders got the therion helm as compensation. you may as well ask for an excalibur prime rerun
  8. "am i at fault for not paying attention to the plot and story dialog? no, it must be the developer's fault for not spoonfeeding it to me in caveman language"
  9. didn't notice. i was jumping circles around the boss like an idiot the whole fight, so i can only assume that's also a good strategy for preventing damage
  10. a couple addendums to strategy is that the only attack the nullifies abilities is the telegraphed laser blast, and that incarnon or infinite ammo weapons are pretty much mandatory because of the vast amounts of health the boss has. i did it solo as revenant with incarnon burston prime and still needed to drop an ammo restore halfway through
  11. it took yareli dozens of fixes, stat tweaks, buffs, a completely different maneuver system (which should really be given to every kdrive) and 2 years just to be decent. let's not try that again with a mount that's even worse as a starting point just so we can have the morbillionth exalted gimmick frame to throw on the dust-collecting pile
  12. you know literally nothing about the game's lore and should stop posting
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