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Everything posted by Drachnyn

  1. I think the game should display a warning about losing access to the deep dive if you try to do your 4th netracell run in the week. It was communicated outside of the game leading up to DA/EDA release a bunch but I didnt see anything indicating it at the netracell npc.
  2. You get 5 search pulses every week on monday with the general weekly reset. One netracell run uses one search pulse. Unlocking the deep dive for the week takes 2 search pulses away from that week. If you already did 5 netracell runs in a week then you cant do the deep dive that week.
  3. Done, completed it solo with 34 research points (if those were indeed my modifiers). During mirror defense: Mirror defense done: Disruption start: and done: This disruption was so free: First tried the mirror defense. Ironically the exterminate was giving me the most trouble because of the void bursts. I want to give special shoutouts to my dog (a sahasa) and to the dummy brigade (my specters). Some more notes: Vazarin was great during mirror defense because I couldnt stay in prowl as that was just too slow. Magus lockdown was mission critical in both mirror defense and disruption. Kubrow's Mecha set is insane. Hunter muntions spreading on hyper crack to the entire local postcode is crazy. This was exciting to do. Rookie mistake to give me a frame with an exalted weapon :)
  4. You get 3 frames, 3 primaries, 3 secondaries and 3 melees. Try again.
  5. It has been talked about what people like about this mode. I guess you missed that. The mode rewards a broad selection instead of every time the same few incarnons, the same few warframes. It rewards having a deep understanding of how to build. It rewards playing in coop. It does so in the long term because while you may have some really lucky weeks, you'll also have some really unlucky weeks and for those weeks you will be tested. Either in form of trying to get everything out of the selected gear or by determining which of the modifiers is the most detrimental and dropping that one for the week. The real power in this game comes from the mods we use. That's what pushes everything over the top. So to say this mode is ignorant of our progression is imo just false. Every piece of equipment can achieve something with mods but nothing can stand without them. Unless of course you want to get carried which has always been an option in this game in basically every content but I dont get the impression you are happy being carried. Neither do I get the impression you want to become a necramech main. Or you can continue to say I am a blind defender and a liar. I think I know what you are going to do.
  6. Ah. Everyone who disagrees with OP is now just a liar, DEfender, etc. Good talk, I guess. I wonder why OP cares so much about everything being soloable.
  7. Ah, semantics. My favorite. I'm saying it's entirely normal for people to skip rewarding content because they dont like playing it. This applied to kahl, this applies here. Doing that is normal, it's not bot behavior. If you dislike the gear randomizer that much then the normal thing would be to skip it. Do not force yourself to play content you hate.
  8. That would have been my fallback strat aswell. Frost with fireblast can keep out most enemies this week and is entirely duration independant. Would have had to make due with fang prime as melee but lato vandal probably would have carried me enough.
  9. I think people should have expected this. It was always going to happen. I think the person you are disagreeing with is the poster I responded to. Because apparently this trade off is something 'No normal person - who's not a bot - would [do]'. I abandoned kahl after a couple of weeks because playing a mission i hated was not worth the reward even though I considered the reward to be pretty high. It had nothing to do with gear limitations though and everything with movement limitations. A thing that EDA does not do.
  10. I've built out a weapon or two aswell but what I think is really cool is adjusting the builds of the suggested frames into something that is both tanky enough and can contribute with more than just the ability to hold a weapon.
  11. I dont think there is one single reason for everyone. I hated it because the movement felt absolutely terrible. I disagree. I disliked it in the quest already. Absolutely still worth it. If you want shards on more than just 2 or 3 frames then you needed to use regular shards aswell and fusing up into tau shards like we can now was always an inevitability.
  12. People do that literally all the time. Why do you think archon shards were taken away from chipper. It was half of the total archon shard income at the time and basically no one did it.
  13. We'll see if that's true if DE does the equivalent of moving archon shards away from chipper here I guess.
  14. The specter brigade helps quite a bit imo. Subsuming on loki's decoy was pretty good last week but this week it suffers under the duration modifier but something like fireblast can CC most enemies just fine this week. Keep an eye out for the floating hands and for the rolling snake, they are priority targets.
  15. Fire blast worked pretty well for CC in my experience and spamming out specters helps to pull away some aggro from the defense objective.
  16. Just to make sure: you do know that only the unlock itself costs 2 search pulses right? You can attempt it after unlocking as many times as you like in the current week. Have you tried recruitment chat? I dont think it's unreasonable for content marketed as difficult to ask players to make use of premade teams.
  17. This is different than the loadout changing on accident. The mode was advertised as 5 netracell rewards for 2 search pings, not as "farm vosfor here" mode. The chance of this being a mistake is so low it should not be considered as such. And it does make sense because you can absolutely roll some trashy weapons and a frame that suffers super hard under the modifiers. Circuit had a failsafe aswell through decrees and in duviri the free archgun on top of that. Why do you want that? I'm not upset, you just didnt sound like you had fun being carried.
  18. The 37 reward being so low is that way to counteract bad rng. It being low serves a very important purpose.
  19. The pocket brigade will be unstoppable.
  20. This is why I wish the 50 vosfor reward didnt exist at all. It's baiting people like you to ruin their experience when it was clearly designed to be skipped.
  21. Even drifter gameplay isnt balanced. You're weak at the start but once you have gobbled up a few decrees your again a god killing mega threat.
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