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Everything posted by Gaxxian

  1. Lol, ty? But thats not to say much xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Just ask a random person on the street and probably would give better ideas than the ones applied at Hotfix 35.5.3.
  2. I would increase non-LoS check to the max ability range. From there, it can check as many LoS as it wants :P
  3. Yeah, we should make cookie cut frames that they all are just inside their roles. No difference allowed. So... what do you prefer? We remove CC and nuking from Revenant? Or do we remove his team immortality ability? He obviously cannot have both.
  4. Well, the issue right now its that Dante's kit pushes and punishes you if you do that... ^^! Right now, Wordwarden want you to add as many elemental and +dmg mods as you can into Noctua, barring you from using tome mods (unless you want to ignore completely Wordwarden...). Those 2 things dont just aren't synergizing, but right now they are actively working one against the other. Thats why there is the proposal to add the Exilus for Noctua (all the Exalted should have an exilus by now... tbf), to add more flexibility. But then removed the dmg dependence on Noctua's mods from Wordwarden, so you dont need to choose which one do you want to gimp. Because also Wordwarden works with the fire-rate of allies, then thats why i proposed that as a sustitute of a heal from Light Verse (do you need heals on top of you giving Overguard? Thats another part of his kit doing either nothing or adding the cherry on top... and in general it would make nothing, so they could just remove that Heal and reduce the ability cost to 15, because nobody presses 2 unless they want to cast 4). Any other buff idea would be welcomed, tbh. The paragrimm part it just works an a builder opener. Rn you want to stack as much Str as you can into Dante. Thats it. My idea was to add more utility to other stats... if you increase Range to high levels, you wouldnt have so much Str (so your build wouldnt be so good nuking, or giving Overguard) but opens access to other things. Thats like, the top 1 change they need to do, thats for sure. 100% with you in that. But there is plenty of threads and places where people are asking that already (myself inclused), here i wanted to tacle a little more the kit in general and make some suggestions, nerf aside. It was to give some buff to melee users too (and rn Wordwarden uses melee speed to shot too -__-). But fair enough. I didn't wanted to make proposals that needed any real extra programming work xD All the things here are just copy&pasting from other places... Doing that (albeig a good idea) surely would need extra new code. Yep, but it inherits from the real Noctua. I wanted to detach both things from the dmg/status, so you are free to build Noctua as you want (or better, you are rewarded to build Noctua as a buff tool). And then giving to Wordwarden a flat Slash/Status value (maybe scalable with Str, idk). About the passive boost, its really a mistery how it works xD I also suppose that its a 50% of the base, and not a flat +50% at the end, but... who knows? ^^!
  5. Oops! ^^! Well... fair enough... Its because you think that the feeling would change or because you think that would be overtuned?
  6. Hey! We can do both! xD I rant a lot, but i also opened a serious and honest thread discussing possible solutions and improvements: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1392604-honest-real-balance-changes-for-dante/ Tbh, we need to express our discontent with the changes, so i don't think that ranting everywhere is bad it you also add some arguments. And from now, i've seen everybody giving arguments and ranting in a very educated manner (considering that they basically lied and got their money). Less coverage = less damage D: I would prefer to remove the base dmg on Tragedy, since its bad on high level and just let you clean low level maps. Then let the ability without LoS. Like Dante then... ^^! So... thats just sad....
  7. Thanks! :) Yes, Dante can complete that content without issues, but it just feels... off... and its very noticeable if you played the frame before and after the changes... Thats why i tried with those proposals, to preserve that characteristic gameplay that he had before the nerfs, while tackling the issues that arised at low levels (since i think that those are the reason for the LoS...).
  8. You were reading my mind xD (Potato being optional, lol).
  9. I'm not a Rev player myself, but this is what i will do this week at EDA too, since i got very bad picks and the last reward isn't worth it anyway... so i will put some energy regen / efficiency mods into my Revenant, slap the augment and go to abuse Mesmer Skin.
  10. I'm not either, but his 2 is causing a lot of problems with content lately (and with Rage/Adrenaline users, funnily enough)... namely, the new trend of apply the blocking/dispeling abilities everywhere, that its just a patch to avoid Rev players from trivializing the bosses, but at the end it damages everybody, and Revenant 2 is just too cheap to use, so it doesn't really solve the problem. He should apply DR (similar to Nova) and we all would be free of that annoying dispeling mechanic from the game (so annoying that lately DE have been removing it from some places, luckily...).
  11. Reducing the range is also an excellent way to kill the ability. It NEEDS a bigger range, since you can just kill tagged enemies anyway, so you can tag several groups to kill them later. Since you already have a shorter range with a cone limit into Dark Verse, and you need to tag them with that ability to be able to kill enemies at high level anyways, capping the range would just worsen the feeling of the frame. Smaller range (so, similar to Dark Verse) would mean that you would play effectively like with LoS (more consistent, thats true, but same gameplay).
  12. To avoid Dante's Tragedy abuse in low levels, i proposed to remove the base damage from the ability. It does next to nothing at high level anyways, since all the damage comes from previous DoTs (usually from Dante's Dark Verse, which had LoS from the start). Its the same as your proposal, but way easier to implement (also a more easy change than programming literal Marks/Tags or a Path Finding for an ability, too). That way, we prevent clearing rooms brainlessly and it turns into a more strategic approach (taggin enemies with the 3 or working with other teammates that could do it for you). I've also proposed several other changes and synergies to avoid bad abilities (like Wordwarden, or Light Verse by itself) to be a dead weight at the build. You can read it here if you want:
  13. What? Easy to build? He needs the complete pack to be "very powerful". High level and primed mods, good arcanes, archon shards... THIS is powerful and easy to build: This thing can bring you and your team to level cap without even a potato.
  14. Surely, but hey, we must try, right? 🤷‍♂️
  15. Do you think that Revenant isn't capable of doing more demanding content? O__o Even with less effort than any other frame, in fact D: He can CC like no tomorrow, he can have full immunity for him and the team (permanently, without any window being vulnerable, and with a perfect control about it, since cannot dissapear from a surprise attack or something like that), he can also nuke rooms full of enemies without any problem... All his abilities are cheap and spammable. He has no weakpoints... ofc, he is also the fav frame of Reb. So that explains a lot xD So, in summary: - Immortality for the team (that also causes issues with Rage/Adrenaline, btw). - Nuke without LoS. - Great CC with long duration. Looking at the 3 pillars for a nerf (dominant, disruptive & automates play) we can see that Revenant falls easily into at least the 2 first categories. But again, Reb's fav.
  16. This is the thread where people is asking for a big nerf to Revenant? Which has a cheap and spammable ability that can add the functional equivalent of infinite Overguard to all the team?
  17. With a single message, and doesn't answer to nobody xD
  18. Mesmer Sking should be nerfed into a 90% dmg reduction. Tops.
  19. Then they should remove the base dmg from Tragedy. It does next to nothing at high levels and its just there to clear low trash mobs without any work (as i suggested here for that same reason: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1392604-honest-real-balance-changes-for-dante/ I've seen a lot of terrible build from those so called "content creators". Rn, you don't want Overextend into Dante unless you want to cripple your survivability and dmg output just to reach ludicrous reach for no real reason. Then there is the people that just copypaste those build because they don't know how to properly build, And also then, from an outside perspective, even a 48m radius (Stretch + Cunning Drift) can look like is 80m radius, since both fills the room in which you are equally (unless you can see the reach from outside the bounds of the map.... but that isnt possible).
  20. If somebody is using that range, let me tell you that he isn't nuking anything at high level gameplay (and with Overextend, not even in late starchart). Its just a veeery big AoE mosquito bite. And why do you say that Overextended+Stretch is a "common" combination? From where are you pulling that info?
  21. Maybe he has different opinions, but he doesn't answer as a brainwashed drone. Its not fair to tell that somebody is under payment just for having a different opinion ^^! We must correctly detect the shills and brainwashed drones from other regular people.
  22. To avoid low level instakill the maps while remaining good at high level, all while improving team gameplay, synergy between abilities and more build options, i tried to make some suggestions (seriously, this time) into this thread: Ofc, removing LoS is a must in those suggestions. Tragedy already needs priming first, it doesn't need LoS twice.
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