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Everything posted by Traumtulpe

  1. Then they'll give you one of the skills minus everything that isn't compatible, nerf by 50-70% as applicable. DE doesn't care *at all* whether or not the Helminth ability is useful, they'll happily give you some watered down ability that costs 50 energy and heals you for 100 health or something.
  2. Juggernauts in general are super weird with their DR and status resistance. Most Juggernauts have a super low damage per hit cap, except some attacks ignore it entirely (way back gunblade slide attacks did for some reason, dunno if that's still the case) and they are almost immune to status effects, except again some things like Hunter Munitions just completely ignore that. The Demolisher version is it's own beast entirely again, but maybe they inherited some bugs from their base enemy type.
  3. The only time my character mantles is if I Void Sling or bullet jump through a level, and I get too close to a potted plant or some other doodad. Never ever have I actually wanted to perform that extremely slow and obsolete animation, that the game doesn't even let you cancel. Wall attacks are in a similar situation; Absolutely unfit for purpose (you can't and won't ever want to attack something with it), only happen unintentionally, and makes you think "oh god no, I was too close to the wall when I pressed the attack button and now I have to sit through that silly long animation that does nothing".
  4. The mod increases status damage by 120%, but it doesn't do this for 100% of the procs. If half of the procs are increased, then the damage increase really only is 60% total, if 2/3 are increased, then it is 80%. Why not all procs are increased I already explained. Melee Elementalist is 90% increase to all procs (and 60% heavy attack speed, which is *really* good on the extremely slow heavy attacks of scythes). Also, please get real, you are *not*, absolutely not ever, going to prime enemies with your primer, then walk up to them and hit them with the Hate, and *then*, in melee range with your Hate in hand, kill the enemy with some sort of DoT ability. That would be just silly. If you don't understand why, have a look at this picture:
  5. While you fly towards it, it will shoot such balls as projectiles. You can throw your Orvius at them to create a speed boost zone and neutralize them. When clinging to the wyrm, there will be electric rings occasionally flowing down the entire length of it. You need to jump off and latch back on behind the ring to avoid the damage.
  6. Yes, but that is not the issue. If you proc Heat with a primer, and then spread, via Melee Influence, a huge Electricity proc on those enemies, the Electricity proc will not be increased by Burning Hate. Because you need to hit burning enemies with the Hate first, and only after that, on the next attack, the damage of only new procs will be increased. You *need* to hit enemies twice with the Hate to have *any effect at all* from the mod on any procs caused by the Hate. Even if you prime with Heat first. The mod may or may not work on Necramechs, depending on how the (inconsistent) damage attenuation they have works, but it definitely does not work on Archons nor the Murmur boss, since both of them have the "timer" damage attenuation - meaning if you deal more damage the boss simply gets more damage resistance in return.
  7. Well obviously, the mod does literally nothing, zero effect, if you oneshot the enemy. You need to first apply a Heat proc, and then you need to hit the target with the Hate (and the mod will still do absolutely nothing even if you proc a status effect with that hit), and then on the third hit the mod increases status damage by 120% (but not for procs that were already present before that hit!).
  8. Absolutely not. How many Heat procs do you need (applied by the Hate, quite possibly the strongest melee weapon right now in terms of damage) to kill any one target? If the answer is 2, then Burning Hate provides an average of 60% damage increase to your procs. If it is 3 then the damage increase is 80%. If your answer is more than three, then you are lying. Melee Elementalist gives you 90%. 90% > 80%.
  9. Just a small correction: The objective in a defense mission is twofold. 1) Don't let the pod / operative die. 2) Kill everything. You cannot complete the mission without doing either of those.
  10. Yeah kinda. But Thermal Sunder *is* something he'll see frequently in fissure missions. Of course he could just switch to Steel Path fissures and the problem disappears.
  11. What is it with people coming to the forum and saying "I want every group I'm in to play the game very slowly, and clear mission deliberately ineffectively, so I can pointlessly slowwalk over to some level 5 Lancer and punch it to death over the course of 10 seconds. Because that's how I enjoy the game." Play random matchmaking, win random matchmaking prizes. If you don't like it look for people who want to play the same way you do in recruitment chat.
  12. Don't matter, mod is trash either way. Could be available on all weapons, then it may be okay on 2 or 3. I could see me using it on the Nepheri.
  13. It's funny to me how I don't like any of those frames' kits and never play them. If I absolutely *have* to defend something it's Zephyr/Volt/Loki. Gotta go fast? Volt/Titania. Nuking the map up to level cap? Garuda. Weapon platform things? Volt/Saryn/Rhino/Garuda. This changes over time though, in the past I used Limbo for defense, spy and rescue missions. "They ain't gonna let us walk out of here." Oh I think they will.
  14. I could be wrong about this since I don't play Wukong, but don't you need to unequip your primary gun if you want your clone to use the secondary? It only switches between gun and melee, right?
  15. If you think TS is OP then you haven't seen nothing yet lol. You must be a new player or something. Have you tried EDA yet? Nobody would even think about using TS there.
  16. I'd actually really like a -100% status duration riven for certain weapons. Makes Heat inherit sentinel nuking easier, I'd assume (since any Heat proc will then always be "owned" by the sentinel).
  17. When using Dispensary, all pickups will remain on the ground unless you can use them, in other words unless they actually restore any lost ammo or health/energy. Except Repair Dispensary's companion pickups. They always immediately get wasted, no matter the state of your companion. Due to this you cannot stack up on repair drops to get your sentinel back when it's down. Also the repair drop is always dropped last, meaning even if you immediately cast it when your sentinel goes down, about half of the effect is wasted (assuming double drops and Primed Regen). This just seems terrible...
  18. I'd like a Gargoyle-frame. The 1 would be a switch between permanently active forms; One being a halfway petrified shape that lowers speed and jump hight but offers DR (up to 90%), Primed Sure Footed's effect, a melee damage buff, and immunity to recoil, the other would allow agile free flight (but it would be hard to aim due to the up and down motion caused by the winged flight). The fun part being that switching is instantaneously and fluid - you weave in and out of the flight form to relocate, then smash like a 10 ton juggernaut in rock mode. The passive would simply be a permanent "bleed-out" and Last Gasp duration - as your body would become perfectly petrified and impervious on "getting downed" (bonus points for style if is stays exactly in the position you had when you dropped to 0 health, like Molt). The 2 would be a 10 second self-petrify, during which you are immune, cleanse statuses, and recover 10% health and energy per second (instant cast time and can be cancelled anytime be pressing the button again). This also makes you heavy (opposite of Zephyrs passive) if used in the air, and hitting the ground while petrified will end the ability and cause an explosion of dust and rubble. Again, keep the exact pose you had on hitting petrify, and the dust explosion should slowly propagate outwards somewhat similar to Fire Blast and prevent enemies from shooting through it. Other than that I'd like some sort of buff for allies and an attack spell or pseudo-exalted ability.
  19. I like the concept, however right now finishers seem worse than ever (due to enemies health being multiplied, as finishers always ignored armor). There are a bunch of effects that trigger on finisher kill, and while they aren't very good in general, they are even seriously hard to activate at all currently because finishers simply can't reliably kill anything anymore.
  20. Oh wow, the mod is *even worse* than I had assumed. Like I said I didn't bother to do any detailed testing, but someone else did: So the mod doesn't actually apply a damage vulnerability onto the target (because this would work retroactively on DoT's already on the target), but rather a debuff that exclusively buffs *future* procs. Meaning if you wanted to buff the heavy attack's slash proc, you'd have to first prime the target with Heat, then hit it with the Hate just to apply the debuff, and then you can finally heavy attack. Except of course a primed enemy will be oneshot by the direct damage, so the mod will have no effect either way. This also means, that if you were to make a terrible build that procs Heat with the Hate itself, only every second proc would be buffed, effectively reducing the damage buff to a mere 60%. That's hilariously bad. No seriously, this mod is so bad it almost loops around and becomes funny. It should have been a free gift to all players on April first IMO.
  21. So I also got the mod and used it. I didn't care to do any thorough testing, but it appears to indeed increase the damage - given that you have a mod on your Hate that you don't need, which for me is only the case on Volt (not needing Electricity damage nor attack speed). My three points still hold: 1) You need to use a primer to get Heat onto the enemy. Getting the needed Heat proc via the Hate is *always* worse than simply not using the mod altogether. And if you prime enemies you're going to oneshot anything with the Hate anyways, even if you left that mod slot empty. 2) Hitting things with the Hate to increase outside proc damage is, in simple terms, doing it wrong. Always. Because the Hate will always kill things better then outside procs to begin with, if you already hit the target with it anyways. 3) The mod is a very simple stat boost, outclassed by basic (unconditional) mods even disregarding that it is conditional. It doesn't even have any visuals at all. How is this an augment??? If it was available on all weapons it still wouldn't be a particularly popular mod. Aren't augments supposed to somehow change things? Like, in functionality, visuals, or in changing your playstyle? It does nothing of the sort, *at all*.
  22. Well I don't care either way. You are welcome to keep having a problem with Focus lenses for as long as you'd like.
  23. No, what made you think so? I merely offered a practical suggestion on how to fix OP's problem; It is purely one of misguided perception, a self-made and made-up problem. As such OP can easily fix it himself by just changing the way he percieves the lenses from unreasonably antagonistic, to tolerating their existance. Let's come up with a hypothetical real-life comparison; If someone really happened to dislike the presence of black and or openly gay people, for example, I believe the best course of action is for that person to just change his mind. Removing any and all black / gay people from his vicinity would obviously not be the reasonably solution.
  24. You can use excess Focus to buy stuff once you maxed a school. If you feel bothered by the orbs or by the lenses on your equipment, I suggest adjusting your unreasonable feelings rather than expecting the game to be adjusted to accomodate them.
  25. Can't say I remember seeing something like that. I'd guess that something in your equippment causes this, since you are using the same warframe and companion in each picture. You could try to narrow it down by elimination, try using a different companion and see if it still shows up, then a different warframe, etc.
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