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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. Probably not if regular Eclipse DR doesnt. I was more thinking if it did it would be unusable on Rhino anyways. But since Eclipse DR doesnt work on OG I guess that leaves it as "no" option on those frames. Which makes me think it wont work on Merulina either. It could be interesting on Nezha to help him avoid potential 1HKs when Halo goes poof, unless the bug also ignores Eclipse mitigation heh.
  2. I think the bolded part is important to consider and is really what it comes down to if Eclipse will be worth it or not for someone. A player should ask themselves "how long/what do I plan to run?". Obviously players that will go to level cap will say "not worth it", but if a player has other plans as standard gameplay such an answer shouldnt be relevant to them. It all really comes back to the old "armor and health mods are pointless" that was the standard statement from people running to level cap. Something that several people listened to even if they were never going that far, or far enough for the mods to loose all meaning. Instead those players gimped themselves in the content they actually did, making it harder than needed and introduced 1HK from enemies earlier than a build with hp and armor mods would. Heck the only reason I'm not already using Eclipse on many squishier frames is because it isnt reliable currently, a flat 75% DR buff that is always there will be nice. I'll likely use Mirage's personal 90% version aswell since it is the same there, currently not reliable to provide enough DR. Never really see a massive use of her damage buff since we already deal alot of damage in the content I do. Increasing TTL also increases the potential to stay for aslong as I like since it isnt damage that is lacking.
  3. Upon vanquishing it, would you mind cooking it up and telling us how a tixx egg tastes? Cos I've never had a tixx egg, I've had a bunch of other types of eggs, but never a tixx one, so would like to know how it tastes. And please dont tell me it tastes like chicken!
  4. It can be, but likely not something achieved through WF or Twitch (unless a raid), but something direct due to a leaked IP or such. I think the reason for the perk removals in this case is because he implies as stated here by him in this thread that it is a security risk tied to the WF software. If it was we would have heard about more WF streamers suffering from this and likely a megathread on the issue aswell since it wouldnt just be a risk for streamers at that point. I mean there have been DDoS attacks directed at streamers in general, but nothing indicates it is tied to the games or twitch itself, outside of those that swamp people with raids. But that would result in a massive view increase, which could help pinpoint the root of the problem.
  5. Xaku came into exsistance through frames lost to the void, that doesnt mean the result cant have been a Prime, since all we know is Xaku was created from 3 damaged frames, these 3 could have been primes. The only questionable thing is how it would end up in Relics that are secure weapon caches from the Orokin era locked in the void. Since those Relics would more logically hold each of the seperate frames at that point. Unless the void messed with it as a new singular was made out of the three. 🤷‍♂️ DE will have bigger issues with explaining Calibum and Kullervo. Calibum mostly since he was created outside of the Orokin empire at some point. Kullervo can be explained by having a prime copy made after his imprisonment since the Orokin saw value in the skillset it could provide during the old war.
  6. I'm just really wondering how a DDoS could target someone through WF without it impacting WF aswell, or the specific Twitch (I assume Twitch is used) channel without impacting all of Twitch aswell. Since both go through official servers initially. In WF there is no connection between individual players until a group is made or you enter a relay/hub. And in a group it would at that point be one out of those 3 other players doing something specific. While in hubs you are using the DE servers. And if a stream was attacked by a DDoS, wouldnt that imply an insane amount of viewers? Which again would really end up stressing Twitch overall. Another odd thing is that we havent heard of this from other streamers afaik. So why are you specifically attacked?
  7. I hope the improved lighting also comes with reworks of some tilesets like Ice Caves and Asteroid bases whent hey get around to them.
  8. The point of everything is in the end to have fun. I'm running a mixed bag of weapons and frames, and I run them because I love their mechanics. I would never pick a weapon or frame based on if it was considered meta or not by someone else. I have no interest in being mainstream or underground, I enjoy what I enjoy because I enjoy it. A big part for me in this game and others like it is to try and make farming as efficient as possible. That doesnt mean I follow the meta, it just means I'll use items that allow me to achieve high efficiency in farming while also being enjoyable. Right now that is practically any decent to good melee with Melee Influence along with the Grimoire and Torid, with a few exceptions where I run my good old Contagion Zaw. The reason I use Torid is because I'm a huge beam/lance fan, have always been, no matter if it is sci-fi, fantasy or superhero stuff, it has always been appealing. I would have likely used Boar Prime Incarnon more if the beam interaction with certain things wasnt clunky as hell. Grimoire is used because it is simply cool and a very nice utility item. My Contagion is used because I've always been a fan of throwing "magical" weapons, especially massive #*!%ing hammers. I mean who doesnt wanna Thor things up right? I mainly use Dual Ichor at the moment as my melee since I love the mechanics. Sure it was bonkers prior to the "nerf", but now it allows for some tactical setups on maps, locking down bottlenecks with clouds in survival as you go kill elsewhere. The frame of choice mostly is Kullervo, since he just adds that oomph! to melee. Even if he didnt get crit chance from his teleport I'd likely still use him since there is just something with the combination of teleporting and unleashing daggers to keep defenses up as you wade through enemies in some berserker manner. But then at the same time I also enjoy playing builds that practically dont use any weapons at all, like when I play my Dagath, that is built like a full caster, practically only using the Grimoire and the occasional hammer throw when/if I use a weapon in a mission at all. The three frames I enjoy most atm are Kullervo, Dagath and Frost.
  9. 75% will be massive for certain frames and certain builds. It also depends at which point in damage calculation it is applied for some frames, like OG users. I will without a doubt use it on Hildryn and potentially on Harrow since it is a nice boost to their shield sustain. The downside is that it wont be combinable with Rhino since the limitation will likely stay and keep it mutually exclusive to roar in a build. And since it is already easy to stay long in missions with 90% DR from armor without any other forms of mitigation, the 75% from Eclipse can help frames that cannot push high armor. It may also be interesting to stack on frames that already have a source of DR from skills, since we can see how well that works on Baruuk already. And it will likely have good use on Inaros aswell. Wont be hard giving up dissecation after the rework either since sandstorm will now heal and make him immune to damage.
  10. 2 runs sacrificed per new Deep run. It's a sortie/archon setup with 3 connected missions but you need to run all 3 back-to-back with the same loadout. So with the Dante update that could be any combination of Alchemy, Mirror Def, Exterminate, Survival, Assassination and Disruption since it seems to be Lab activities only.
  11. That is only for the orbiter in Dante as @Arnioxpoints out.
  12. I'm not sure where people have gotten the new lighting thing from. All they've said about lighting was regarding the Eclipse vote, which was either rework current bugged lighting or change the skill more or less.
  13. Yep, most people just dont think ahead. It's why I've gone over to playing most things solo for a few years now. I have no problem with people killing fast etc. but I have a problem with people killing fast or CCing when it doesnt help the objective. It's for more chances at shards aswell. Trade 2 cell runs for 5 rewards total, where you get 4 chances at shards and one guaranteed lego arcane by the looks of it. I just wonder if we can trade 4 cell runs for 10 rewards (11 total) per week or if it is limited to 2 traded for 8 rewards total (5 from the trade and 3 from netracell runs).
  14. Operator and void mode should solve the issue. After that just reply them with a "in mission brb", it shouldnt be more complicated than that.
  15. Since I started in 2017 not much has changed. I also havent ran into that many toxic players. Maybe a handful or a few more over the course of 7-ish years. The main thing that has changed is simply going from missions where I (and others) leveled gear, to doing actual missions I need for the most part. So having my power with me that I once leveled in the game. And when I leveled those things it was nice to have other people with me that had alot of power. Which made leveling those weapons/frames less tedious and cracking relics faster. So I think alot of the nostalgia comes from leveling mastery being a big focus for many earlier on, where people ended up with others that either leveled a full loadout or ran a single frame plus a single weapon. It surely resulted in more multiplayer activity, but I cant say I found it considerably fun. Nowdays alot of people level their items elsewhere so you dont run into the full leveling loadouts as often while also leveling your own things. As to the elevators. It happens, but most probably not due to ill intent. I can only go to myself. I might play a bunch solo and then jump into some public missions for a chance at better relic cracking or to knock some otherwise tedious objective out. And I do at times end up being that guy flipping the elevator button waaay to early. But it is due to simple muscle memory with no actual thought or intent behind it whatsoever. Then as I go up or down with that elevator it strikes me "oh crap I was in a group".
  16. I think it will work like @(PSN)slightconfuzzleddescribes, +250% elemental damage on the skill cast and then the elemental status procs on your attacks for 20sec after that. With the proc damage likely based on your modded weapon damage. So if you cast 4 you get heat procs, if your weapon already has heat on it, it will deal damage based on that per tick. If not it will only be based on the base damage of the weapon plus crit stats etc. but not other modded elements. So it will likely be a good replacement for a current strength mod in your build since it will add +250% damage to every skill you use. Potentially also multiplied on the modded base damage of the skill, so it will scale with strength mods in that way.
  17. Wonder what the weapon variant name would be. Hive, Monstrous, Abominable, Infectious, Volatile, Contagious, or maybe something like Alpha or Omega if the lich evolves into an individual outside of the hive mind. One thing they should really consider when doing liches though is make their weapons unique and more infested-like. So instead of just getting snoozy infested weapon X with an element and increased stats we'd get something like Monstrous Karak of Phlegmus Goop that works like an incarnon. With a base form that might come with an element, but then after a requirement is met it transforms into something else.
  18. Yep this. Made sure to check today when I ran Netracells and it ranged from 9-11 minutes all depending on how far I had to travel between PCs and Netramites during the mission. Might be a bit slower if someone has less gear options, but no more than 15 if you are geared acceptably. The only thing I can think of that would slow down a mission to 25 minutes is a braindead Saryn spreading spores waaaay out the cirlce, or he had some bad run ins with Dual Ichor users prior to the interaction with Influence got fixed. Since I #*!%ed myself over with that during a run aswell.
  19. The list just looks like a popularity contest with very little thought on how they actually perform in the game. The S tier is completely whack and looks like the hype train rolled in at the station. All those frames in S tier will face areas in the game where their kit is pracically useless, yet they end up in S while Rhino only makes it to A. A frame that can actually do all content in the game really well thanks to the design of his kit. Voruna in A but Atlas in C, when both practically do the same thing equally good. Nekros, Gyre, Nezha, Hildryn and Harrow in A, but Frost, Vauban, Yareli and Ember in B? Also, Rev in S. Yes lets place a frame in S tier simply due to it not being able to take damage.
  20. Mmm regular skins on variants would be nice overall. I'd also like to see the option to actually maintain the skin on Incarnons. I dont need the specific Incarnon visual to keep track of if incarnon is active. Just let the weapon stay as the base form look when transforming.
  21. A frame with a golden maw-ish summon or two similar to Khora and Venari could be cool. Could give them a bit of a dragon spin aswell and make the frame one that combines fire and ice, with one maw using cold attacks and the other heat. Could work similar to the snake pebble thing in Labs, but instead of rolling it would slither, then the attacks could be roughly the same as those mobs, with a PBAoE and a targetted beam.
  22. Yes, the minority that thinks they should be treated as the majority even though they likely are raised in a democratic environment and also freely agreed on joining something with a random outcome influenced by popularity (democratic outcome). As I gave as an example earlier. If you were to go out and head for the bars/pubs, would you be upset if you entered a place that said "live music" and it didnt play your kind of music? Even if you entered this random event out of your own free will and with full knowledge that nothing was specified. I know I wouldnt and I would likely not expect it either, since my taste in music is overall not what would be "popular", and it is practically the same situation for those that expect a slow pace in WF missions. Yes I can surely see myself walking up and demanding the country band for the night plays me some death, black or even thrash metal. Yup yup that would surely happen!
  23. I've said that this should be the mark. But I've also said why it might be higher earlier. One thing many people ignore with the move is that unlike Kahl you wont be starved on currency after the purchase based on how much can be obtained weekly. Kahl was 105, got "buffed" to 115 with a shard costing 90. With the switch to Cavia you have a cap ranging between 112000 to 231000 per week. So people can quicker make up for weeks they cannot play. Ontop of that there is also Voca to safe guard if they have even less time to play at a future date. So the move is a huge benefit to most players and things shouldnt be designed around a minorty that practically skips to endgame. I would personally be willing to pay 50k for the shard without any doubt, since not having to do Kahl means that much to me, if not more. Most often no, old content tends to die naturally without a need to move rewards, since they tend to be linear. Zariman is still completely pointless as an example when the shard wont be obtained from Zariman. And if Netracells or Archons dont take 15 minutes on avarage it is a player issue. It doesnt change the actual time you can complete it in if you focus on the objective and have an acceptable build. Kahl also takes far longer than 15 minutes if the player has the attention spawn of a toddler. The avarage is still 15 minutes. Just s how a capture mission that should take less than 90 seconds can end up going on and on since people do things that dont benefit the objective. Whispers is only 5 levels above the Zariman and with far more forgiving enemies and far more forgiving mission types. So that people have issues with Zariman it doesnt mean there are issues with Whispers. There are no Thrax in Whispers, there are no Angels, you also dont face Corpus or Grineer. There are for instance 3 missions on the Zariman where you cannot avoid Thrax, one where they can destroy the objective, and in the others aside from Armageddon you will also likely run into Thrax. Then you have the bounty objective that may include Angels. So a player without a decent operator will struggle in Zariman. In Whispers you face robodogs and mechs along with the pebble people, while most of it is melee based. The one thing a new player might want to avoid are bounties with the objective to destroy Voidrigs, since those cannot be avoided in the mission unlike those that a Culverin might try to summon normaly. So it is really just about paying attention to avoid the greatest risk the content has to offer. Exaggerating and throwing in the number 300+ is disengeneous. At most a player needs to combat level 120 enemies to gain standing. And there is nothing that says you must 1HK things to be successful in the mission. And the quest gives everyone a weapon that can clear those missions without trouble i.e the Grimoire, that even with a build mostly focused on utility wrecks the mechs and pebble people in the highest bounties quite easily. Plus, since we are looking at MR8 as a practical requirement, they have access to a multitude of weapons that will make easy work of the enemies in that content. And this is if we ignore that Alchemy exsists, which gives every player access to AoE damage that effectively wipes out the enemies in those bounties no matter the level. So there will always be an option for anyone to trivialize these bounties and make up for whatever weaknesses they have in their loadouts at the time.
  24. So you are a mundane builder that yells at people that actually enjoy to make "perfect" builds? Min-max in this game also really comes down to hitting actual soft caps to not waste capacity and slots, like hitting 100% slash proc chance on Garuda, so you dont need to waste a red archon shard on her and can instead use a normal, or adding just 25% strength on Nyx to reach full strip, or not adding more range to Khora than the amount that allows Whipclaw to reach it's hardcap. You dont min-max for the content, you min-max the needs of the frame. And who said using primarily partially ranked mods for low content? I said you can run with partially ranked mods to avoid restricing your polarity choices, since it allows for more build options across all levels. It is only if you also obsess with having to use a specific mod even if it does the same as another that it becomes an issue. But there is really no reason to use the mod with the other name when it does the same thing in the end. If you get +100% health from a partial umbra vit or a vit it doesnt matter, since it is serves the same purpose in the build. And why would I sit down and waste my time on an "arbitration" build suiting your idea of fun? If you enjoy that knock yourself out, I wont limit myself to short runs, it is as simple as that. That isnt "Treating Umbral with caution", that is just common sense since using 3 umbra forma on anything is in the end practically a straight up waste of a forma. Honestly no idea what you try to say in the bolded part. You claim half filled is the ideal, then you say that you dont know what you'd do with 16 free capacity. That is 16 capacity in an otherwise fully polarized build. Not counting lower cost matching polarities in a lower build aswell, which would give you even further capacity to play around with free in unmatched polarity slots. So that means "half-filled" is not ideal, since that removes the whole upper end because it cannot fit expensive mods in return. Those nearly fully polarized builds have likely done so to house several 16 cost mods. So you are looking at 8 capacity per slot there currently. Meaning if you slot in mismatches for a lower build you are very likely replacing 16 cost mods with 7-9 mods, meaning those end up at a cost of 9 or 11 in those mismatched slots. But again, this doesnt account for you actually also using lower cost matching mods in some. So with that nearly fully polarized build that can remove a 16 cost umbra, you suddenly end up with alot of free capacity to play around with for lower mods that happen to be mismatched. I wouldnt be surprising if you end up with well over 20 capacity to play around with as you like in a build polarized so heavily.
  25. Proc is a perfectly normal gaming term and we are talking about something with a random occurance aswell. Imagine not being slower than the clouds. That would imply one crap dual ichor build, since it is kinda hard not to have to chase when the clouds are killing things up to 100m away or so in either direction while also constantly spreading. I mean they could rack up nearly 3 KPS on their own as soon as a single cloud got spawned. And if you were lucky with cloud duration and buff timing they could rebuff themselves by procing a new influence buff as the previous ran out. It was like carrying a more lethal Saryn in each hand.
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