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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. I'm not wrong though, since with lacking stats you wont be able to compare if you actually ended up with more or less EHP. And that is really the only interesting part to look at, since it doesnt matter if stats shift around incase the EHP is the same or potentially higher. Because that is the number that determines what you can or cannot live through.
  2. It does since it is still part of the total amount of health that needs to be removed before a frame dies. It doesnt matter if there is a invulnerability window in between, the shields still needs to be removed first, so are very much part of the effective health. Like for Hildryn, the mobs need to remove the 5035 shields first, that also come with a 25% (50% after patch) damage reduction, then if her health is still exposed after the invulnerability window they need to remove a further 2060 HP affected by armor that results in them having to deal 4120 damage to kill her. It just as with Iron Skin, if you get a value of 30000 on cast you've effectively increased Rhino's EHP with 30000 even if it adds a 1.5 second invulnerability window with a further window after that when shields are gone. The only thing you cannot accurately translate to EHP are things that dont come with specific health values, like Mesmer Skin. Yes, otherwise what you do is completely pointless.
  3. If you play melee nothing should really change since you just hit that fast and if you use the melee only to heal you likely have an AoE option to do so. So shouldnt really be impacted either. I dont use melee alot atm even and my pet stays alive just fine through health orb. The changes to the mod might actually make me use my melee more often to top of the pet and grant it OG and use the primed version... and max the ranks. Plus we will get other mods that also passively heal pets better with the upcoming changes. Along with recharge delay reduction mods etc. I'm talking about the current mod which is 6% of the damage we deal unranked. Which is why ranking it is utterly pointless. But what does it matter if it is miniscule on those pets? If you heal them as often as you'd heal a pet on any other frames it will have the same outcome. On those massive HP frames you just have more slack before you actually need to heal them. At which point you can just heal them to full. I mean really what is the difference in healing a pet for 2000 hp 3 times during a minute or healing one for 6000 hp 1 time during a minute if both end up requiring the same amount of attacks to achieve it?
  4. It is all part of effective health since it is all a combined sum of how much damage a frame can take before they die. And in Hildryn's case it severely scews the stats since her actual EHP from just her shield is far higher, meaning she can survive longer and versus harder hits already just through her shield. Ignoring shields in the calculation really only works if you calculate EHP versus one specific damage type i.e toxin. In reality, you should have actually included shields for every frame that has them, otherwise you wont actually get any worthwhile stats after the changes. Since if you dont record the current shields and health+armor gets reduced but shields increase on some frame, it will look like a nerf while it might actually be a buff when you also add in the extra increased DR shields will recieve in the patch.
  5. Name is likely based on Ska which was (maybe still is) popular among skaters, while the sound is probably inspired by what you mention here.
  6. Even the normal pack leader has no real value as is, since leveling it is pointless due to how much damage we deal and how little health pets have. Like every other % based healing in the game. So it is understandable they go from % to a flat value on this. Something they should really do with all % based healing in the game, no matter if it is skills like gloom or something tied to mods. 6% out of say 100k is still 6k healed, in comparison the pet on my Lavos has uhm 4300 something health. And that is 6k healed if a single mob is hit by my melee and I only deal 100k on a hit.
  7. Uhm just a question. How uhm do you uh calculate your EHP? Hildryn for instance. 2060 HP 300 Armor 5035 shields 4120??? EHP Even without factoring in armor to her health or the 50% reduction to shields or overshields she'd have an EHP of atleast 7095 which is HP and shields added together. How did you end up at less EHP than what her actual "health" is?
  8. Modding shouldnt be a problem after the update. With the non-link mods and new stats for the pets most of if not all of them should end up at a tankyness level equal to their current tankyness with a decent tank frame and link-mods equipped. Plus in the modes where Pack Leader is currently useful we should likely hit so many mobs in quick succession that health should fill followed by OG in a matter of seconds. And if you only carry a weapon to keep the pet alive, things like Contagion, Glaives and Gunblades should fill up the pet very quickly. The first two should likely refill thousands of HP in a single use due to the AoE and depending on how pellet gunblades work they might be even better. Plus you can pre-heal the pet as shields take damage since you'll get overguard from overhealing, while currently we need to wait to heal a pet until they actually take health damage, which can go poof quickly in some cases.
  9. The thing is that on guns extra capacity would be mostly wasted. It is already hard to go beyond the 60 capacity when properly using forma. You can see this on Kuva/Tenet weapons, where the extra capacity from re-leveling them 5 times in nearly wasted on every single weapon. The only thing it really does is give you slack on your forma in some other slots. Maybe uhm just give all weapons guns the potential to reach level 40?
  10. But it is very unlikely in this case given the reply from DE and the OP not mentioning their email being compromised aswell. If their mail was also targetted they could have attached that info (with proof) to DE, and mentioned it here. And there should be plenty of proof in that case depending how further authentication is set up, like a phone screen dump/forwarded message if they rely on SMS security for mails, the message sent to a potential security mail tied to the compromised mail or any other method they might use. Sure the OP might not have the 2FA activated, at which point it shouldnt be on DE to recover their account imo, since the user failed/ignored to use one of the steps already provided. Yet when mentions of records are brought up, it seems like DE has info on what has happened since they can track IPs, hardware, transactions, names and so on.
  11. It wouldnt surprise me if the "records" they have is a clear e-mail change followed by activity on new hardware/connection setups using the 2FA with the new e-mail to enable it along with potential unlinking/relinking of steam, twitch and other things. Maybe even with potential new in-game purchases with a CC belonging to a new name etc. I mean there are plenty of records they can use to actually prove an account being sold and not just stolen. And the OP didnt mention that their e-mail was also compromised, so even harder to have the account actually stolen due to 2FA.
  12. No worries since those things happen and we are only human. That. I'd probably say something like "you act entitled" if I wanted to target someone in a negative way. Though I could have probably used "we" instead of "you" in my previous post.
  13. I hope Frost recieves some similar rework to his passive. Maybe just make the cold crit damage buff scale higher for Frost and any members attacking what Frost has debuffed.
  14. SP Mot since it provides a mix of mobs. After that I tend to test them on SP Lua Disruption. If life support % and KPM is high and smooth in Mot and demolishers die quick without the need for armor/shield strip the build works, since it has the AoE and single target to work in both survival and disruption. Not that I tend to use anything but Garuda anyways when doing SP Disruption, but it is nice to know if something works for it anyways incase I wanna spice things up.
  15. I'll have a talk with his mother next time I see her and tell her you really want her baby boy. Also remember to curse Beowulf and his kin, shun RNGesus and praise Lootcifer. Aint no need for snake eyes, we need tripple sixes here.
  16. Of course you should defend yourself. I'm saying stand for what you say, no matter what it might lead to. However that doesnt mean it is OK to sink to their level and expect no reprimand for it. If it is verbally abusive one way it is very likely just as abusive the otherway. At that point they have no reason to explain why since you arent entitled to know why when you should know why without having to ask in the first place. And I'm not telling you to not sink to their level or go limb for an eye, head for a tooth, I'm only saying dont expect to get away with it if you know it is inappropriate. Stand for your actions and embrace the fallout. I'm also not providing any negative portrayal, I'm simply going on what you revealed yourself, nothing else. And how have I been hostile? Where exactly did you get that impression. I simply gave a heads up on how things work and what to expect. Also you claiming that I implied you had spammed emails is a fabrication. Never once did I imply that. Ontop of that, where I mentioned multiple (2+) was in relation to your closed thread, not your warnings. As to discrimination involved, that shouldnt matter for the actions taken, since as you said you were abusive in return. Now if you didnt use discrimatory language you likely got off easier than the other party, whom likely also got actions taken against their account based on what they said. Which in return is nothing you have the right to know, just as you arent allowed to get information if a report within the game led to actions taken against the player reported or not. But please do point out my hostility or patronizing behavior towards you.
  17. The importance doesnt matter, it doesnt justify a non-opportunity cost option to exsist. You also try to turn this to be about shield gating in general, which it isnt, it is simply about a non-opportunity cost slot versus a mod slot with costs tied to it. The 99% of the game where it is on par there is even less of a reason to allow a free slot to massively improve a build compared to another. Since in that 99% part of the game, there should be no problem for anyone building for either a full armor/hp, hybrid or full shield gate build with mods, and there should be no problem for either to give up other stats to min-max their defensive choice if they so wish. And obviously bringing the gate down is the way to go, since TTL is already easy enough to build for in "normal" content. I've got no problems surviving with tanks in SP when going for 2 hours or so. Now someone might pop in here and go "but circuit scales much faster!", well be happy that the key is turned into a mod option then, so you can actually use it in circuit from when the patch goes live and onward. You also claim others speak about the 1%, but at the same time you throw around phrases like "much worse" when talking about the 99% of the game? The 99% of the game where I prefer to play armor/hp frames even over Revenant for survival, since I dont actually need to give a thought about rebuffing. I personally dont care where people used the key, if it was on normal, sp or very high endless runs, none of it matters to me, what matters is that things should be consistant, that building a frame should be centered around 8+2 mod slots along with set bonuses from mods in other parts of the loadout. No freebies from some infinite slot without trade offs or costs. But since you seem fine with the key being free because it enables specific builds to be better, well then I will ask you this. Should Revenant then be able to slot a free aura in the gear wheel since he requires combat discipline if he wants to utilize certain arcanes? Should Nova be allowed the same so she doesnt have to give up an aura slot to increase her molecular prime speed? Maybe Baruuk should be allowed to slot fleeting expertise as a gear choice since he really could use the duration reduction but gives up so many slots on it otherwise?
  18. Kuva Trokar would be hilarious. You throw it at an enemy and then stand there going "#*!%! I cant pick it up again!".
  19. I've been thinking more about the changes and in the end all I can see change for me is how I mod the pet and the frames to make use of link mods or not. I was expecting to shift up my pet usage, but I see little point in grabbing anything but my Panzer even after the changes. Maybe that will change when they rework the abilities on the pets for next year. But right now Panzer has the best uptime for companion damage on enemies to spawn extra orbs from synth mods, that damage also spreads whenever something is killed by anyone, the damage also heals my frame through modding and it adds free viral. Plus since it is a vulp, the pet will have a shorter self res window than others, and attacking while "downed". I might utilize Helios Prime since it also has great damage uptime thanks to Deconstructor Prime for synth mods, or maybe my Hound with the electrical, evasion and eximus precept. It crossed my mind earlier to go back to using Adarza for the lovely crit buff, but the more I think of it the more I cant get past the fact that all those pets are melee only. And while I wouldnt mind using some other Sentinel or Moa, the damage spread for them is mostly just too poor due to the single target nature of them in comparison to Deconstructor that bounces. And Sentinels and Moas are overall too stupid to effectively spread their damage among a crowd of mobs. And the bonus with Deconstructor is that it can also utilize the health per status melee mod. However, none of these options will bring any health sustain to the frame.
  20. Like carrying a massive cast iron pot to the dinner table expecting a good meal only to find out all that is inside is water when you remove the lid.
  21. Flawed reasoning since it can be applied to all modding. First of, the key does not enable the use of shield gating, that is an innate system in the game. So your modding to use the shield gate system works on its own already. The key is a free slot that comes from gear that improves the modding that already works on its own to keep you from getting one-shot, which is the whole reason shield gate was added in the first place. Which means that the key itself is not an enabler that needs to be modded around, it is in itself an extra mod that further improves the modding you already invest in eitherway to make use of the 1HK prevention of the system itself. So there is zero opportunity cost tied to the key since the system already comes for free to all frames with shields and any frame with energy can utilize energy-to-shield mods to quickly regain the 1HK prevention of the system with or without the key. Ontop of that the key occupies a slot that doesnt require you to give something else up, so again, no opportunity cost in the key. The upcoming mod however has an opportunity cost, it competes with another mod since the effect now comes from a mod slot. And how playstyle has to do with anything to justify a free slot to improve a build I have no clue about. There is no key that improves a health+armor playstyle, so why should there be for a style focused fully on gating? And on most frames you dont actually have to sacrifice all other forms of TTL just because you use the key, since most frames have no downside to using brief respite and augur mods in their builds eitherway. People simply sacrifice all other forms of TTL improvements because you dont need them when you use the key together with shield gate.
  22. I completely forgot that the specters wont use other precepts, but that explains why I swapped in evasion instead as the denial precept way back on my doggy.
  23. With that snarky sounding comment towards a simple clarification of what applies to tickets and the forums in general you still think people will believe that the moderated threads/posts of yours were an innocent getting hit?
  24. Too bad the clones wont work on Lavos and Hildryn. And I do wonder if it will work with the hound precept that splits the hound into 3. Will those last only for the remaining duration of the clone or will that precept run its full duration if the precept can trigger from the clones? Also if the precept works, will it go on cooldown when the first clone (or main hound) uses it and lock all other version out of it? Or if the hound triggers precept and turns into 3, will each of those 3 mini-hounds spawn a clone each that lasts 30 seconds after you've spent 100 energy?
  25. I dont know why you are talking about negative stats as something beneficial in general when it isnt really what anyone has claimed to be the reason for the dragon key change. The reason the key gets turned into a mod is because the key is currently a Gear item. Using something negative as a positive isnt what DE wants to solve, what they want to solve is that it should be consistant. Riven = mod slot Corrupted mods = mod slot Key = gear item New corrupted mod = mod slot The consistant part post patch is that all of the items now have an opportunity cost i.e takes up a mod slot and capacity. Something the key never did, since it occupies a infinite type of slot. It was effectively a 9th free mod slot. And it isnt like Rivens have ever been intended to only have a negative impact with their negative, it has always been about min-max. -Zoom for instance, a very lucrative negative, but it isnt actually a positive negative for everyone. And -zoom specifically is also a stat DE deems as a positive negative when wanted in that way, hence why we have normal mods that simply reduce zoom aswell. And while -puncture is a positive negative for some builds, it still comes with a negative affect by reducing the overall damage of the weapon, it just makes statuses of other types more prominent. It is still a negative in the end since it impacts damage non the less, it isnt just a reduction in the status probability spread. And corrupted mods dont have a strict negative intent tied to their negative. They aswell are about min-maxing by giving something up for something else, or getting something from them that you need while the other is a stat of unimportance. Like overextended, which have reversed stat effects on someone like Nova, where the reduced strength is the positive part in a Speedva build and the increased range is actually a massive negative for her due to her #1 far more likely losing charges. Or you can look at Baruuk, where Narrowminded has the opposite effect aswell since he can benefit from reduced ranged but the massive positive duration on the mod is a massive setback to him.
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