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Everything posted by Numerounius

  1. Will there be a script run to fix people who were impacted by this?
  2. Don't get your hopes up yet, still time to do a Xoris fix on the gun.
  3. Please reconsider steel path toggle, it is too basic for how many missions it influences. It is annoying trying to do fissures and not realizing you have it on and having to do additional things before it since it straight up removes the ability to toggle while in the fissure screens. Before that it was alright since I could handle it most of the time since it was only used for steel essence and I didn't have to worry about entering a mission with it on since I couldn't for various missions such as open world missions or queenpins for example. But now with Duviri where everything has a steel path variant, both in mission rewards and mission structure, makes it horrible to try and manage this setting on top of all the other gamemode elements that are or are not dependent on the steel path toggle. Its placement is horrible and wasn't designed with the intention of being on for long periods of time or even short extended missions. And it clearly shows in Duviri where it is very easy to quickly get into a game without realizing which mode you have it on but takes forever to reset to normal mode out of steel path, or vice versa, once you have entered Duviri. Please reconsider overhauling the Steel Path toggle, in its current state it has clearly outgrown its status of check to see if you have lines at the edge of your screen or checking if see is there is additional 1s, aka lines, somewhere on the screen. It needs to be something more direct to the player, other games most commonly use a screen-wide color gradient change to indicate a harder mode, this could be a perfect way of conveying that you have steel path on. And then a better UI for switching the toggle, making it have more contrasting elements along with increasing its size and adding in dynamic elements to account for other moving elements such as the fissure select screen can help.
  4. Make this GLOBAL! Or at least for all special defense mission types. Meanwhile Akarius cries in the corner with dual wielded pistols at missing out on the chance to get a new skin, I am really hoping it gets some much needed buffs to account for getting hit too hard during the ammo update, hopefully during Gauss prime release. Actually looks cool ngl. The factor that you don't label the Soma one as a bug is very concerning. If all interactions in the game point to it being able to interact but it doesn't it should be labelled as a bug and be communicated as such in outside material not as a whoopsie daisy we forgot. The scattered justice one came with a BS excuse and I see we are continuing that trend. Still isn't enough but better than nothing. This now just incentivizes me to sell all my useless weapons that I grinded hard for and mastered but don't want to sell which is not something I want to do. I'd say there needs to some influence we can instill on rather than having to micromanage our inventory and selling off weapons we really don't want to but have to in order to properly play new content with weapons that can kill. Plus it doesn't mean that we have to follow with whatever behind-the-scenes formula is if I do want sell off my weapons just for a chance to get stuff that can kill. The factor you can still straight up get a loadout that cannot kill the final boss is insulting period, and also the reason why damage attenuation needs to be changed, No amount of credits is ever a good reward to get in SP, REMOVE THEM. The reward for credits in SP is the credit drop chance booster we get in SP, not getting screwed over by getting more credits instead of a proper mission drop. I really hope this isn't going to be the most amount of attention one of the Warframes that has been rising up in the ranks to be reworked is going to get.
  5. I think the problem is the lack of alternatives, or the knowledge of them. Prime sure footed, the best alternatives I have used in my long playtime is through a status effect immunity ability in which a new player would not be able to know about especially if they are following guides and if they have reached the point to know about those alternatives then there should be no reason to time gate the log-in mods from them. I don't know if DE is intending to keep these mods as single-copy only or if they are looking or ways of expanding them to get more than one, which is something that plays into the decision from a gameplay perspective. I'd also like to see it expanded to other single-use items were put into a revised system such as the Zenith or amalgram serration. Plat I think would be the obvious choice which I think it would devalue guide following like you are doing but I already see people being suckered into outright buying mods to make a guide build. Second choice would be to put it somewhere that is difficult to reach but not outright impossible like having it be purchasable with narmer isoplast for example so that sense of timegates is still there but not to the extent that it is out of your control.
  6. Atlas is in my top five most played frames because of his passive. Its really good if you play mostly on the ground in the more arena styled gamemodes. Also its effect works in archwings apparently. At least you can build around the passive to your playstyle. Passive is alright and I actually kinda love it since it doesn't detract from the regular playstyle that you might use. Just wish they would make it work with aerial effects such as exodia contagion again. His entire kit needs a rework. His passive is I am a tank and have no default abilities. Hot take: universal vacuum shouldn't be done. I actually like the challenge it can present in gammeodes where companions cannot be brought. Removing the bullet jumping requirement could be a good thing to do since right now Khora also gets it with her Venari for free, maybe even extended range but doubt that is in the interest given farming strats it can enable. Bro just straight up skipped Hydroid. His passive could be fine if there was some actual viable synergy with it and not useless exodia arcanes. And even then it only triggers 50% of the time
  7. Pretty sure it is skewed to be more weighted towards the lower amounts so not that unlucky. Just leave them cooking in your foundry for an easy 60% once you hit that high roll weapon.
  8. Previous drop bags had one riven per drop for a total of three rivens not one for the same amount or less considering it used to be 30 minutes for a drop. And getting something like a riven isn't enticing when this is supposed to be a new drop item in the update. In which you should be able to use it to craft a newly introduced item in which you can't, a simple updated amount to 10x per drop would fix this.
  9. Can the pathos clamps at least please be upped to 10x for 30x total? Getting 15x here means you can't even use that amount to craft something! I do not recall this being an issue with past resource-exclusive drops on the stream. At least you can still purchase something from Acrithis for that amount or it could be a hint of something to come in the crimes update but from what I can tell the amount given here does not equate to good rewards in Acrithis' shop compared to other stream drops we've had in the past, which would be like over a year ago or counting devstreams since I don't recall the last time I was actually excited for a prime time drop.
  10. Also, this can help with the ability to place the same helminth ability on different abilities in different slots. I love to use dispensary on multiple builds but I can't since it can only go over one ability.
  11. Whatever works for you do that, I just used exterminate since that is what I am used to and get plenty of hits on pubs. The important thing is to be aware that there are multiple ways of leveling up a necramech so don't be following guides that may be outdated for leveling tips and tricks or trying to go for the most optimized method posted out there. Even this year I am still seeing people praising Thermia Fracture for necramech leveling while being oblivious to other leveling methods.
  12. Get the kuva grattler or kuva agyana. It will make levelling a lot easier with its AOE attack. Also, find good places to level it up in. I personally used Nu-Gu-Mines to level up mine, which is railjack exterminate made it a breeze for me. Since it can a take a while given the circumstances needing to summon a necramech.
  13. Reminder for every failed host migration there is plenty of successful ones that don't get publicized. Contact support with the missing item option, they should be able to hook you up if you lost anything due to host migration.
  14. You forgot the weapon that probably got hit the most: Akarius, it actually felt fair and was balanced before the changes given its already heavily limited ammo pool. Now it is completely gutted now that you don't have the ammo to properly use the weapon with it. Yes, it is AOE big boom which is likely why it got hit like all the other top dogs but it is a status-based weapon where you actually need to use multiple ammo to properly prime a target rather than one where shooting in random directions will land you eventual kills. And it makes perfect sense to go back and reevaluate the weapon with Gauss prime coming up. I really don't want this weapon to be a simple case of we upped prime weapon stats by 10% and forgot about it afterwards. I still use some of the general big boom baddies like the primaries and I'd say the ammo changes are fine in those situations and for mostly everything else its fine but there are some weapons that have serious issues with the revised ammo changes. Just sad because it means that we are not going changes to those weapons that were unfairly impacted since it looks like it was a fair balance decision when only looking at the big baddies.
  15. Telos Boltace is that weapon for me: Parkour go brr Stormpath go brr Tonfas go brr No kidding I have 12 rivens for it. All around such a good weapon. The AOEs are another weapon category I have a soft spot for: Akarius used to be my most favorite secondary weapon until DE butchered it with the ammo changes. AOE primaries in general is just good because of all the optimization you can do with them around modding them and trying to buff them with external buffs for zooming and booming.
  16. Loadouts is definitely one area that has some hindsights and downfalls with not being updated to modern standards as Warframe grown over the years.. DE Rebecca tweeted out that we would be able to purchase exactly one loadout slot once the next update drops so that we can still retain one loadout slot per Warframe. Like, why not an overhaul? Update to a full hundred to account for people who want to keep both primes vs regular frames? Vehicle loadout slots are still awful and should be coupled with regular loadout slots. Even railjack crewmembers are limited in slots and that is a more recent addition to Warframe. I don't know if it is a coding issue or what but it could definitely be upped, maybe not to a thousand but to 255 for each should be doable as.
  17. I looked no further to see how badly they botched making it a viable alternative to Eidolons for arcanes to see how messed it is. There is no point in doing it other than first clear for starchart MR for me. And then you have the supposed "prerequisites" that needs to be done every single time to attempt the mission. I'd say avoid them until you at least get your own necramech, finding groups can also work but you may not have success with this method. given my point above. And if you think that this is bad being stripped of your Warframe powers, just wait until you take your first step as walking simulator Kahl or first steps as the drifter in Duviri to see just how much they have stripped away Warframe powers.
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