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Everything posted by Numerounius

  1. Yes, the grass prevents knockdowns. Knockdowns is considered a status effect so if the ability grants immunity to status effects it also works vs knockdowns. However, it doesn't stop the cold slow since that isn't considered a status effect that is applied but rather a property of the object. Similar to how magnetic water works in the open worlds.
  2. Speed Drift, In the side rooms not pictured here. They are located to the left/right just outside of this main room. You have to sit on the plate until the four tines come together. At which point the door opens and you have to race to the end of the room before the other door closes. With the notable obstacles in the corridor being the automatic rising pillar, cold floor and two 90 degree turns. Be warned the timing is very tight. Repeat for the other side. The pillar in the main room you are standing in will rise and reveal the portal to the drift room above you once both sides are successfully completed.
  3. A couple of reasons, all on Nu Gu Mines for me. Awesome place for leveling. Global affinity range. Able to bring a mech. My go-to mech leveling spot, equip a kuva archgun and go to town torching everything. Even if you claim there is a more efficient method out there. This is still what I use, it is super consistent and rivals the other top mech leveling options. Farming corrupted holokeys for tenet melees, I have a stock of about 200 and considering the recent additions nearly depleted me of my keys no doubt that it would happen again if more were introduced. So better to get ahead of the curve since you can then play catch up. Why Nu Gu Mines then? Pre-objectives. No annoying mobile defense-eqse mission to go through first. Just shoot a crewship or two and hit a couple of weakpoints done. Adds 30 seconds max onto a mission if you are good at it. You are hardly using your railjack for a railjack gamemode. And even in that short time you are using your RJ you aren't waiting for enemy spawn BS or long driving instead you are at the helm shooting the threat. Exterminate, you know the mission, I know the mission, hardly needs explaining. Enemy density good. Run and gun through the rooms. Extract. Done. Hardly feels like you are playing railjack.
  4. Found this thread confirming that you are right, 14 responses and no DE reply yet.
  5. I thought it was fixed already? Was it not? Update 33.6 (2023-07-27) Fixed Latron’s Incarnon Mode not benefiting from the Double Tap Augment Mod
  6. It is commissioned by DE so don't know if that makes it ineligible for any awards, I think they also mentioned it is going to be at tennocon. Also missing the partner Lotus cosplay that goes with it. Another post on the topic:
  7. Another recent topic on the discussion: I too would personally like it removed altogether, the amount of times that I've used it intentionally is pretty small. At this point it is legacy code so it might be holding up other stuff like the pathing system in the game so understandable if they can't get rid of it entirely. Maybe they can change it to be a manual activation so that it is effectively "removed" from our kits so it doesn't break stuff but I am not the game developer so I don't know how it works.
  8. I want to see less focus on games that are not named Warframe at Tennocon. With the addition of Wayfinder and Soulframe to the DE list it is likely Tennocon could turn into an advertising showcase all about games not named Warframe. I'm not expecting zero advertising nor a deck the halls with them, I just hope that it isn't shoved down our throats.
  9. Look cool, browsing through the videos, there is plenty on the various parts and going through the process. Ending result is also impressive. It looks like it is about a 2 month project by two people with it commissioned/advertised by DE.
  10. I want a stronger throwing secondary weapon because of concealed explosives. It would be nice from that perspective but we already have two other thrown prime weapons and it doesn't take all the weapon stats into account so it could still be a dud. In response to Nidus, look at Corinth and Pyrana Prime. Those got proper glowup treatment on old weapons. Considering that Kunai kinda got a glowup treatment in the form of an incarnon mode it would be nice to rather see older weapons that don't have an incarnon mode get the same treatment as those two did rather than Kunai getting another tool. But I'd doubt a prime glowup treatment would happen considering that Nidus prime was way more recent than my listed examples and those weapons were just given a regular prime treatment rather than something special. The Telos Boltace is really strong, you should use it if you want a stronger version of the Boltace. And even if there was a prime version it would be hard for me to use it over the Telos Boltace because of the abilities it has.
  11. I agree. The forum moderators and actions taken are nice and take appropriate actions where needed. There are still some issues that are brought up about them but I think that is more about the tools used rather than based on an individual's actions. Heh yeah, orrrrr they can just move the forum thread to the appropriate place which would be off-topic discussion. Which seems to be one of the most common things they do.
  12. They did mention they are looking at alternative ways to deal with riven dispo changes so there is a chance that it will survive. And even if it does follow standard routine it would still be at least 6 months before I can't activate incarnon upon mission load given it can only go down .2 dispo at a time. And yeah the price of the weapon puts it in a similar tier as something like Kuva Ogris in AOE days or Glaive where the weapon suddenly spikes and became BIS. Its price is ridiculous and I can sorta see how it is that high with everyone trying to capitalize it for their stat stick or heavy attack spam build with any existing copies gone to the void when the weapon wasn't that good but it shouldn't be that high. You can still try to scrounge a copy from an person that doesn't know about the incarnon but like I said I am okay waiting.
  13. Currently waiting for riven prices to go down, >300p just for the chance to get one that isn't even good is absurd. Also, IC on riven is very dependent on the dispo changes so better hope it doesn't get royally screwed over come dispo change times. Once the rivens become more accessible and steady I will try to get an instant-incarnon activation build that is going to boost my parkour/sprint stats to the moon since it is a dagger it is able to get the IC needed to instantly activate it due to covert lethality and has the boost in stats for incarnon mode. For now I am okay with good ol' trusty Telos Boltace or Praedos while I wait.
  14. Again, missing the point! This isn't about my own experiences about how fast or how easy I am going through the fight nor am I asking it to balanced around decrees. I am quoting the patch note and explaining the hypocrisy behind changing one instance of the Jackal fight because it is quoted as being too challenging and prolonging the fight to ensure players have decrees before facing it yet it is still able to be fought with the same amount of decrees as before in another instance.
  15. That's not the point, the point is because of how challenging it is in both scenarios not how fast it is.
  16. Just got Jackal on Stage 2 on Lone Story. By this logic, I don't think Jackal should be able to appear at all in lone story/pre-Orowyrm if you want to ensure that players have a chance to earn some decrees before tackling the fight. By stage 4 in Circuit you'd have at 9 decrees max. Whereas in Lone Story stage 2 undercroft you get 2 decrees max. And since I have this quoted, the second assassination has one too many s's in the patch notes (thanks spell checker for working on quoted pieces as well)
  17. This is good and all but can this "fix" please also be applied to buffs not persisting through host migrations? I know that this is probably harder to than just an undercroft transition do due to the coding behind host migrations but if I am continuing to play as a result of obtaining a buff I shouldn't then immediately be punished by losing said buff as a result.
  18. Contact support and DO NOT TOUCH THE AFFECTED ITEMS! Sometimes support can revert stuff that happens like this.
  19. There is a support button at the bottom of the screen. That is going to be your best chance.
  20. Don't agree with the points presented in the post but there are some the things that I hate about auto-mantling: Cloud Walker, why the hell does it not prioritizes auto-mantling and waits until after cloud walker is finished to do it? And then teleports the 'kong back to the ledge. Such a dumb "mechanic" that should quite frankly be a bug. The one void orb Void Title that screws over waypoint pathing. The way it paths in that title gets screwed up and getting that fixed would be great. I'm not what the intended "route" that the pathing algorithm is supposed to take through that title and if it takes into account mantling or not.
  21. The best candidate is probably going to be the new Ceramic dagger incarnon weapon, that has a perk "gun and blade" that allows you to stack 100 initial combo with primary kills which when combined with initial combo mods through corrupt charge, covert lethality and a riven with IC on it can get pretty high, not sure where the limit is but it is pretty high. And since it is all initial combo it won't go away when you heavy attack. There might also be other options that might be worth looking into such as the Tenet Melees that can store combo when holstered or gunblades that don't quite meet the full bill but are able to score huge heavy attack hits. I am not sure how familiar you are with modding around heavy attack/combo multis since there are methods to build up combo multiplier quickly that allows for a dedicated heavy attack build.
  22. It is a pretty universally disliked event. No good gameplay rewards, very boring and bland gameplay loop. Anti-team synergy included. Only thing it had going for it was unlimited cosmetics for anybody that wanted to grind for it. There are some improvements they could have been made but I feel like they would be superficial at best. I think the better option of taking it out back and shooting the dog to spare us from having dozens of complaints and relive it again was the better option.
  23. It is still am ability that offers value when helminthed onto frames like Inaros. Or having allies that have ways of gaining health such as health motes equipped. And no, not everybody is Oveguarding or Shield gating like their kin depends on it. The worst part here is that it is too static in a game all about movement. Eh true, but it is still a way to gain energy. This is a important aspect because if you wanted to min-max a certain stat that requires the use of arcanes or a helminth ability or all slots you still have this ability. It hasn't gone anywhere. Also, there are some niche builds that use this. Worst ability of hers imo. Status effect immunity is a good reasoning to use this but the problem is that you need to upkeep it rather than it being a duration based. Its just backwards when looking at status effect immunity abilities that this stands out like a sore thumb because it isn't duration-based. This is a good ability at the base. Yes it does refresh shield gating and to me this is a fair way of doing so. Yes it does refresh all health on certain units. For me I personally hate it because of the anti-synergy it can sometimes have, sometimes I want to go down or get hit to proc an arcane or vex armor and Blessing instant heal nullifies that. The current described passive I'd argue has actually allowed Trinity to stand out more as we are getting more and more gamemodes with our kits stripped and reviving becoming more important, this is actually what allowed me to get cheater of death. Now onto what I consider the other passive of Trinity, Queen of Cast Times out of the Cast. . . . Fix. . . this. . . . this. . . is. . . not. . . fun. . . . Thank god we got cast speed shards. But still needing to mandatory fix to this is absurd. Onto your proposed changes: Passive does not need to be changed, not every passive needs to stand out like Styanax's. And if something like this were to happen it would probably be augment a la Frost. Not too keen on this. I can sorta see the idea you are going with this. But it just doesn't sit right with me that this is way too similar to other abilities that we have. I like the idea to allow well of life to grant something extra but the ability is just too static. I'd rather see it changed to give it some sort of mobile option in addition to granting something like reload speed. Maybe having the target it move towards the caster every 5 seconds or something like that. Okay change. Okay change. Linking to more enemies is a good change and would at least help it from losing out status effect immunity if you kill the wrong enemy, it would actually make sense thematically with it preventing status effects since the moments are you most likely to get hit with them is when there are more enemies around. Blessing is in a fine spot right now, it suffers from being good enough problem and causes people to wildly suggest wacky changes as a result. It actually feels like an ultimate/4 unlike other frames. This change just sounds needlessly complicated for what? Changing a good ability? There are some things I'd fix on it, mainly the synergy problems it has with other frame abilities and the cast time. Like I said, good ability at base so getting these changes isn't important to me. Trinity is not a bad frame by any means, just on the lower end of overall viability with many others much below her.
  24. I use the stats screen in the profile a bunch and it is pretty dated. Don't know if adding more complexity like this can be done. Maybe a complete overhaul is more likely with a feature like that being added. Maybe they incorporate the Circuit randomizer into it and using owned weapons as well.
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