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Everything posted by ReddyDisco

  1. My only complaint about the fight is in SP version, it's annoying to have teammate mess up the rings when you stacked them in the right order, which is why i usually do the fight solo these days.
  2. I will miss the hvy exodia boom but incarnon latron getting buffed kinda makes it not sting as much, i mostly used contagion for the silly big numbers, it was funny. oh well, fun not allowed.
  3. It's aoe, which can be increased with stretch and other range mods.
  4. His 1 can hit for the millions in sp grineer survival, if that needs a rework then you have extremely high/unrealistic expectations.
  5. Haven't needed to farm credits in over 2 years. when i was actively trying to max prime mods i used to do profit taker solo, index solo was a pain.
  6. if you really have to have the adaptors then you can use frames that don't need weapons, baruuk, titania, mesa, octavia or use damage boosting frames like mirage, banshee, rhino, chroma. as for keeping squishy frames alive in circuit subsume pillage or condemn for easy shield gating. i personally don't plan to ever play sp circuit again, got what i wanted from it and i'm done.
  7. Don't do things you don't like, i haven't touched sp circuit for the last 2 months and am stress-free.
  8. I say yes! make males beautiful too. revenant deluxe is a good example
  9. Wisp motes are worse, you can't take them off unless you fall off a cliff, i usually have fire rate mod on my primary and 500% strength wisp makes me see reload animation more often. i know the frustrations so whenever i play wisp i have negative range.
  10. There needs to be a permanent way to remove volt speed from affecting you, backflipping every 10 seconds as the volt spams speed is borderline unplayable.
  11. Indeed, wisp prime's asset reduction was heresy. sadly my protests about it in feedback fell on deaf ears.
  12. Meanwhile archon fight takes 4-5mins with kuva hek. Damage attenuation is horrible and bypassing it is the only way.
  13. This needs to be 100%, can't bring any squishy frame to high level infested missions because you get one shot through shields by numerous sources of toxin damage. If we are going to sacrifice a mod slot to equip this then it needs to be worth it.
  14. Agreed, with coming hydriod rework i am considering buying this deluxe.
  15. Puddle is garbage, wave is somewhat ok with status immunity and mobility, i don't mind it staying.
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