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Everything posted by ReddyDisco

  1. The forgettable frame, nothing he does that other frames can't do better.
  2. Just did a sortie interception where an afk revenant let his point get captured and repeatedly died due to not moving for the entire mission. is it annoying? Yes is it new? No Will it happen again? Yes Do what i did and report and move on, pubs will be pubs. You add a kick function and it would be abused to heck.
  3. If you lived closer the equator like i do you'd be wishing for a little less frying :D
  4. With values that low you'd be hard pressed to slot it anywhere
  5. I subsume lycath's hunt to have infinite energy sustain as whipclaw counts as melee, use epitaph as primer for viral. Dual ether is all slash, no elements.
  6. Ether daggers, that riven is almost the same as the one i use. I go for slash focused khora instead of base damage corrosive khora.
  7. Dagath is amazing, didn't vibe with kullvero but headless horse(wo)man definitely was highlight of this update. Hydriod is less crap than what he used to be but is not my kind of playstyle.
  8. That doesn't work anymore, steel essence disappears after 5mins. was changed 2 years ago
  9. Cosmetics, i've bought tennogen and countless deluxe skins.
  10. Pay to skip isn't new and i couldn't be bothered in the least, though after the heirloom fiasco it's a bit concerning how DE is trying to monetize everything now.
  11. Never liked sp circuit, slogged through it for the stuff, i wouldn't change anything about it though. i just avoid it since i have the incarnons i wanted. Wish you could choose a mood in duviri, visually i dislike all other moods except joy, i like some colour in the beautiful open world.
  12. Ain't no way valkyr is worse than inaros that being said valkyr could do with some changes to bring her upto 2023 standard.
  13. Weapons without an alt fire have a high chance of getting incarnon upgrades I would like Astilla, Baza, Aksomati
  14. You hit end game every update new update drops, you grind it until done and take a break to play other games rinse and repeat, been doing that for few years now.
  15. I do want it to be exilus but prolly won't happen because this is supposed to be a nerf, forcing you to give up a mod slot to be immortal.
  16. Choosing to have a beard and tattoos which the little kid (operator) doesn't have access to is bad now? ok lmao
  17. I use drifter because i don't like playing as a little kid
  18. Guess inaros is having a blast with this update huh
  19. Shield gating i found is the best way to keep her alive subsuming condemn or pillage. you can also go non subsume way with catalysing shields, she's one of the new frames where not a single ability sems bad or worth replacing, which is amazing.
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