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Everything posted by ReddyDisco

  1. There are changes to wisp's ASSests
  2. I prolly will subsume away dispensary to try a build around this augment, energy is very easy to get anyway
  3. DE dealing with the problem by not dealing with the problem
  4. Yea, this is very annoying. even with 'reduce teammate visual effects' settings on it's still excessive. it should remove all teammate visual effects for the sake of our retinas.
  5. Yea i would say that's pretty good, would be better with a negative but definitely slottable
  6. Optimistic and naive me would like to believe none of them are gonna get hit very hard, experience has taught me otherwise Torid, Latron, Miter, Dual toxocyst, Lex, Strun, Burston are gonna get hit the harshest, and keep getting hit each prime release until they reach 0.55 like all the other meta weapons. These riven nerfs really discourage spending time and plat on rivens, i stopped bothering with them.
  7. Railjack has a lot of potential to be fun, yet it's designated as a space taxi.
  8. Those words mean the same depending on who disagrees with you.
  9. Adding another source of clamps hurts noone, more options to get to an objective is what i'm asking. Doesn't matter if the current way is more efficient, it's incredibly boring subjectively.
  10. Things to avoid: 1) Nuclear war 2) Massive asteroid 3) Region chat
  11. Cheers for the puncture and cold changes, gives an incentive to use those elements now, also massive kudos for the new incarnons being able to bought with plat, don't have to suffer in duviri anymore.
  12. I dunno about you but a majority of my playtime in durviri was in the circuit getting incarnons, if we could get some clamps in one of the tiers then that would be 2 birds with one stone. The materials collection is chill, you pop in get what you want and leave in 5-10min, you don't need to do all the 6 stages of a boring bounty to get the stuff.
  13. Baffles me that you don't get any clamps while playing circuit, you need to play the bounty specifically to get them. Just having one place that takes 40min to get the resource needed for all the incarnons is kinda draining. I have incarnon adaptors for a bunch of weapons but no motivation to do the boring long bounty to get clamps, maybe it's just burnt out.
  14. Right, it's totally forced, there's a gun to your head forcing you to do these things. /s
  15. Made a new colour scheme for wisp i'm happy with, wisp prime hype! Edit: Got a semi godroll for boltor, tday has been lucky :)
  16. Just don't use it if you hate it? no need to ruin it for others who are normal and like it
  17. I was with you until this, Mag's bubble is among the few that affects eximus. couple shots from a strong enough weapon into the bubble removes overguard and it's business as usual. You can also subsume breach surge which blinds eximus. Some abilities affect overguard and some don't, it's inconsistent.
  18. You get stuck to terrain sometimes, like static electricity, balloon stuck to cat
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