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Everything posted by Agall

  1. Excalibur in SP survival is perfectly capable, just got to run the right build. I have no issues shield gating. For reference 😁
  2. When I test CCD0 vs CCD1, its generally been the difference between 160 fps and 240 fps on 4K ultra in endurance SP missions. The mob density being what creates a CPU draw call limitation, that's as host or client, but you get a little bit better performance as a client (about 10% if I had to guess). Before my 7950x3D, I had a 5800x3D that replaced a 3950x. It was about a 50% increase in minimum framerate from that upgrade alone. A 2700x to 5800x3D would be incredible. Regarding eidolon hunts, its content I haven't really done in a long time, but I suspect the framerate drop would be alleviated by 3D v-cache as well. Generally, 3D v-cache seems to prevent the CPU from having to operate within RAM a lot more often, where the latency difference between operating in L3 cache vs RAM (which is effectively L4 cache) is orders of magnitude higher. I would only do a drop in 5800x3D if you have a B550/X570 motherboard and a 2x16GB 3200MHz/3600MHz kit of RAM first. If you don't have those already, I'd recommend jumping to the 7800x3D instead. Unless you can absolutely only spend enough to get a 5700x3D or 5800x3D, then it is what it is. There's just less value in doing a drop in upgrade if the rest of the platform should be upgraded as well. In that case, simply get a B650(e) motherboard of your liking (generally its based on the rear I/O and motherboard layout now a days), and a 2x16GB 6000MHz CL30/36 kit of RAM. I run a 36-36-36-76 kit, but anything CL 30 or 36 with tight timings is solid for framerate stability, 30-36-36-76 usually being Intel XMP kits and not EXPO, 30-38-38-96 being more common from G.skill and such. Side note, I've got the hardware on the way to run my NH-D15 direct die. Once that happens and I don't kill my 7950x3D, I'll be doing more extensive CCD0 vs CCD1 testing in this game, likely rerunning this test.
  3. Same with Radial Javelin, its not even a pseudo-exalted.
  4. These changes are great, genuinely, but I think there's some stuff that'll need to adjust, take as an example, Radial Javelin's damage. Currently, its damage on even armor stripped targets doesn't keep up, where the slash proc at least can. If enemy health is scaled dramatically to compensate for armor reductions, this'll make the ability even less viable than it already is. My suggestion is to make Radial Javelin a pseudo-exalted. That'll let it keep up with modern AoE and get the initial damage and slash proc better in line with any buffs to health.
  5. You're focusing on the symptom and not the root problem. High usage is usually because there's an abundant amount of min-max metaslaves in this game that will use 'the most effective equipment' regardless of if its balanced or enjoyable. Something being OP means its going to get used heavily and therefore have high %usage. The root problem being that its OP, the symptom being high %usage. I remember the Bramma from that time, it was OP. I think people get lost in metaslaving to realize that what they're using is objectively inhibiting their variety in the game. Nerfing things so they're not beyond necessary is a good thing. Unlike making Radial Javelin a pseudo-exalted, that wouldn't make it OP, but at least make it usable in a meta full of AoE nukes.
  6. That's not how any of this works. What the AoE ammo nerfs? That wasn't a Bramma nerf, that was an AoE weapon nerf that included the Bramma, not the same thing.
  7. Latron and Torid Incarnon would like a word. Lol, the last thing DE is concerned about nerfing is a Kuva weapon...
  8. Regardless, I'll continue to AFK in a relay with my blessing fully available and not use it.
  9. Its not that's he's bad in any particular way, I think primarily there's just a giant hole in his kit where Radial Javelin sits currently. Just imagine if Radial Javelin did capable damage, how much more useful Excalibur would be. Beyond simple that would be a massive rework would be something like this: New Passive: Excalibur's abilities inherent the stats of his equipped melee if that melee is a sword. That would make any sword type weapon (with the current list hopefully to include two handed swords/nikanas) directly affect Slash Dash and Radial Javelin and their CC/CD/SC, where Exalted Blade would be an inherent option. Ideally then, Exalted Blade would work similar to Garuda's claws and be a basic form of sword until you cast his #4 which turns it into a proper Exalted weapon (that would eliminate the waves and not have [Chromatic Blade] be applied, the slide blind, energy drain, etc).
  10. I think some of the extra functionality like waves similar to Exalted Blade shouldn't be available to the ability unless Exalted Blade was currently overriding the equipped melee. That would keep the novelty of using Exalted Blade in combination with Slash Dash and Radial Javelin over just an objectively better option like when using an incarnon adapted weapon. I have a feeling it'll end up 0% and 0% with a 1x, similar to Slash Dash, otherwise I'm not sure how they'd code it with Exalted Blade. Excalibur's the only Warframe I can think of that has a pseudo-exalted and Exalted, so maybe Slash Dash having 0%/0% and 1x is necessary coding wise. That would involve it inheriting the same bonuses as Slash Dash when using either an incarnon or Exalted Blade, which has a base 15%/15%/1x. I'd love it to have inherent crit and status though, so that newer players wouldn't need to be using Exalted Blade or a super late game Incarnon adapter weapon to make it viable like what's currently required for Slash Dash. Even then in a min-maxed Exalted Blade build, Slash Dash's slash procs only hit in the 20-30k range per tick with Exalted Blade, noting this is with a full Tau Violet Shard build and 259% Wrathful Advance. It barely goes up even with the double strength/range bonus from cracking a relic. I still think the best option would be making it a pseudo-exalted as you suggested. I don't see how it would be viable otherwise unless they scaled the damage so heavily that stacking power strength would make it S tier again. I imagine DE would probably best be able to determine values associated with it like its innate stats to keep it balanced. I recently went full dumb and did a Slash Dash [Furious Javelin] build to see if it was viable. The lack of AoE damage make it worse than just holding LMB and running through enemies with Exalted Blade. Sure, the slash procs from Slash Dash were hitting in the millions, but it still wasn't enough volume of damage to compensate, with Slash Dash's slow target rate. If I ran functionally the same build but with Radial Javelin as a pseudo-exalted, then I wouldn't have to Slash Dash every target for them to die. They'd likely perish from the slash proc from Radial Javelin after a couple ticks. Great to see though that this isn't a novel idea, so I suspect DE has had this on their timeline or had thought about it at some point. I imagine the same goes for the recently added Umbra augment that makes me so happy to see. Having an Exilus augment that disables a passive and gives +strength% not being novel at all or has the suggestion.
  11. I have a thread discussing various ideas, including coding it as a heavy attack similar to Wrathful Advance. Slash Dash damage does scale off of combo counter and would synergize with [Surging Dash] if they did so. I think at the root, the ability needs to be a pseudo-exalted to keep up. How they go about it, like if it works almost exactly the same as Slash Dash and scaling off combo would be nice synergy. The idea of making it coded as a heavy attack would keep people from spamming it without having to add a cooldown. Part of the idea being that it can get a free heavy attack with a tennokai proc like Wrathful Advance. Effectively being coded as a 'heavy slam' or such. If they did that change, I would actually have to make a hard choice on what ability to subsume off for Wrathful Advance, if its even worth it at that point. It would likely be trading Radial Blind or Exalted Blade, depending on if I wanted to run a stat stick build or an EB build. I feel like the goal of every Warframe should be to have subsuming over an ability a compromise. I think Dante is a perfect example of this, where he really has no ability that's so terrible that you're removing it. Excalibur could be the same with Radial Javelin being a pseudo-exalted.
  12. I don't even know what Limbo's abilities are, I'm an Excalibur main. All I know is that if I can't kill sometimes, its probably Limbo's fault, and the solution is probably to roll 😄
  13. I play the game to bathe in the blood of my enemies, Limbo makes things way too dry. So yes, rolling fixes the problem Limbo creates. At no point have I ever thought, "Wow, I'd love to be unable to kill anything right now" in the 10.5 years I've played this game.
  14. There's a reason you can roll out of Limbo's stuff. Yeah it can be annoying when I have to stop and think about why an enemy isn't dying, but once I know its because there's a Limbo on the team, its an easy fix.
  15. That doesn't fix the effectively useless damage of Radial Javelin past lvl 50 or so enemies. The shield damage he takes during Slash Dash can be entirely mitigated and can be beneficial with the right setup. It'll still proc [Arcane Aegis] if that's a strong hint. Radial Javelin needs to be a pseudo-exalted. It'll seal the deal on his kit and put him back on the board for AoE nukes, whether thats with EB or with an incarnon stat stick. I only recently learned that polarizing your stuff resets the XP counter, me having over 50 polarizations of my Excalibur. I think I'm at 65% usage at the moment and about 500M affinity. I must've gotten to like 250M affinity dozens of times by now since I'd usually polarize ever couple months over the last decade. Once I hit 1B affinity, I'll probably go back to polarizing him to test other builds fully.
  16. Yey! 😀 I'll maybe get to use it on the Proto Excalibur skin now! Any plans on making Radial Javelin a psuedo-exalted to help get its damage output in line with other AoE abilities?
  17. That's how RNG systems usually works though. No different than buying a lottery ticket. Any losing ticket is worse than not having it, just like a -recoil/+infested/-multishot riven.
  18. Give him a cracked up Verglas sentinel build that'll follow him around. It'll probably do more damage than Umbra itself, especially if he's somehow maintaining Galvanized Shot stacks for it. The Verglas would be built heat>viral, basically the meta for it, but an important part of it is [Fired Up] which is a sentinel exclusive mod. It'll get the Verglas to bias Heat over Viral for status, which is like a 50x increase in damage for it.
  19. More like Entrati's kavat 😄 But yes, the worst part of it all being when you don't realize you've rolled a 'god roll' until you list the riven, but only a 'god roll' because some addon tells people it is. I rolled a Dual Ichor riven with cd/range/as/-slide, rolled several past it even thinking it wasn't good. List it on the market for 2kp and immediately get 12 whispers with people offering above listing. Turns out Alecaframe considered that 'god roll', noting this was shortly WitW's melee rework where I was looking for CC/electric for Influence, something I ended up getting cheaper later. Ended up selling it for 5kp just to be rid of it in case this app updated for the melee rework. I see this mistake all the time, and its generally something I take advantage of when people don't realize their riven is dramatically better than it is. My favorite recent example is the Dual Ichor, which benefits extremely from having dual or triple elements on the riven. This frees up mod slots for things like Gladiator mods, which scale almost equally to CC on the riven. Considering the build I run it with has full tau violet shards and 259% wrathful advance, CC/CD doesn't scale nearly as well as lets say +330% elemental damage. that saves mod slots. Sometimes its just doing the math and realizing the cheap riven you got is actually BIS for your build. Especially considering that Gladiator mods set bonus still applies passively to Exalted Blade (probably others, but who cares about those).
  20. Sure, there is in fact a wrong way to play a game mode. Blizzard was notorious for the 17 years I've played their games for making decisions that enforce a specific type of gameplay, then not compensating properly when the player base as a whole doesn't "play it right", sticking to their guns about how they think it should be played. I personally haven't attempted EDA this week because the RNG I got is particularly poor, nothing but MR fodder weapons and Caliban, Mag, and Nova for Warframes, none of which I have builds for. I'll have to find a way to get 34 research this week unless it just ends up being that I join a group with friends willing to split run it.
  21. Warframe is full of metaslaves, so something like those weapons likely aren't going to have much information about them. There's seemingly few people who do the work themselves to figure out what's useful, and there's plenty who are zealots for the current meta who'll either not invite you or accost you for doing something different. You'll have to do it the fun way and figure it out yourself if you plan to use those rivens and haven't easily found builds for them. Figure out the goals of hunting eidolons and profit taker and apply that to your weapons to mimic what a meta build would be. Usually the one thing the metaslaves get right is how the math works. When it comes to rivens though, all of that goes out the window. For profit taker, you probably want elemental affixes on your rivens to save mod slots, from my understanding. Eidolon hunts I don't bother with because I can get more Eidolon arcanes from doing Steel Path.
  22. While they're at it, let me use Umbra's helmet/skin on Prime and vice versa.
  23. Let's be honest, if there wasn't randomized loadouts in Circuit and 'optional' equipment for EDA, then we'd all just be playing Excalibur and trivialize the content. Randomization is content, whether that's for Circuit or EDA. Its not about making things difficult, its about adding a challenge in a game that's been largely trivialized by the cringey min-max metaslave community. Having to actually be good at Warframe and not just a particular set of builds to do the most rewarding content in the game is a good thing in my opinion.
  24. The Steam Deck as host has better mob density than the consoles, and that effectively runs a smaller version of the same Zen2/RDNA2 APU. They probably should buff it, its bad enough to where I'll leave a public match if its an endless fissure and the host is a console player. Basically if they're not a PC player, its not worth doing, since the spawn rate is so low that it can prevent you from getting enough reactant.
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