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Everything posted by FA22_RaptoR

  1. I mean, there are ways to get around it as you stated.... I still use the Phenmor and don't have any issue soloing them archons, I feel there has to be a better way of dealing with them though. IMHO I always eye roll when I run in public and the thing gets one-shot... I understand people wanting to get through content as quickly as possible but it seems like such a waste when it gets blown out like that...
  2. OOooh we need Webber from Donkey Kong Country 2, shoot sticky webs at stuff (grab and lock enemies like Khora's ensnare) and you could pop em open and use them as platforms or to block enemy movement 😝
  3. I could get down with a wizard frame... When's the last time we have a legit caster released?
  4. Yeah they really should put parts they're changing in bold or something, or even just add areas to add new or changed parts to.... Companies LOVE having massive bloated EULA's that they can hide all sorts of goofy stuff in. In warframe, it really all ends up to "what can they ban your account for". I pretty much never interact with people in the game anymore besides a "GG" or something at the end of a mission if I ever actually play with other people.
  5. "Since I did not die and there is no time timer in mission this behavior is not normal." I think that's what that meant, it doesn't take THAT long to face off against a lich in a mission. I've done that sabotage more times than I can count and even taking my time I can get the 10 or whatever thralls to spawn in and shred them, as well as the lich if they decide to show up. Never came close to a time-out state, so it does seem eyebrow raising. I think most people will usually get the thralls and lich before they get to the core and start the destruct timer.
  6. I mean, really the biggest advantage single pistols have is their accuracy, which the Akimbo guns usually destroy. It's okay for things like Twin Gremlins or Dual Grakata's etc... because you have high fire rate anyways, but things like the Aklex really defeat the purpose of an accurate hand cannon IMHO.
  7. The lack of weapon skins in this game is actually mind boggling. There are a TON of weapons that look terrible and I'd love to put something on, but we have.... 1 universal rifle skin? But you can get like 30 tennogen heavy blade skins 😏
  8. I have every single Tenet/Kuva weapon at 60%. MOST (as in - the overwhelming majority) of the rolls you get will be low stat ones. As has been said before in this thread, keep the junk ones in your foundry and once you get something over 40% (I usually wait to get like a 46%, the more you get the lower the "high" roll has to be to max it)... you'll usually have enough to get it up to 60%. You can grab whatever one you want as your "main" weapon, and forma it as you see fit. Once you get a decent roll you can shove that onto your main weapon first, then add the other junk rolls into it which will err on the higher % weapon. Generally most of my Kuva and tenet weapons have taken 5-ish weapons to get them up to 60%, with a few being stubborn.
  9. I got stuck in a little side room in a steel path survival once... acolyte spawned in that room and teleported me in there. Killed him, and found out that the control panel inside wasn't working (I think there was a line from space balls uttered in that moment).... like 35 or 40 minutes with like a dozen riven slivers (drop chance booster) down the drain 😖 This game doesn't give you any reason to push the limits. At all... so honestly? do a C-rot and get out. aside from the minute of wasted time loading the mission and getting into place, there's no reason to do more than 1.
  10. I really don't see why there aren't a TON more weapon skins and armor sets. Every so often I check out the market to see if there's anything there.... But there's.... 1 universal rifle skin???? I mean maybe 30 armor sets total? (for Plat anyways). I'd love to spend plat on stuff like that but there just isn't. There a friggin bazillion heavy blade tennogens, but there has to be stuff in the game that you can spend plat on, and with how many Artists DE has at their disposal, I don't understand why they don't have 1 guy making some new plat-sink stuff every now and then.
  11. So far my favorite is still the Boltor, it just builds on what I like about the weapon. Although despite wanting to stay away from AOE weapons as much as possible, the Latron incarnon mode is pretty funny, especially in grineer ships or other confined tilesets 😁
  12. Infested capture mission, use Loki. Stick him on the wall and you can go to sleep for a while if you need 😎
  13. I was actually really temped to pick the "20% armor strip on puncture proc" over the extra crit chance and damage on the Latron incarnon, but it's easy enough to take down armored enemies right now and the extra crit is nice for other enemies besides corrupted and grineer. Still an interesting idea, I'd like to see some more variance and reason to use other damage types besides slash (without needing to nerf slash)... Like Puncture could have armor/shield bypass on proc, and impact could have permanent armor removal like "shattering impact" while slash could still be the DOT king.
  14. The best thing I did in Duviri specifically was get the Syam and dump the sun and moon. Made the experience of using a sword a hundred times better. As far as tenno weapons go? it's MR fodder.
  15. I just took a look, i missed week 1 so wanted to gab the lato/braton adapter for my Vandals, and I guess no circuit for me :/ Hope this gets fixed instead of having to wait until next week :X
  16. I said one of 😝 I think my galvanized scope Zhuge prime still does more than it, but the Rattleguts still kills much faster and more efficiently being a hitscan gun rather than proj. based with lag time in the secondary explosion (that doesn't benefit from Galvanized aptitude) It's only doing maybe 400k on overframe (it's doing a bit more because overframe won't let me put in the proper riven stats) but the pax seeker bolts do a considerable amount of extra damage and help clear out larger groups. I have absolutely no problem shredding steel path with a hunter munitions/viral build. It's easy to stitch enemies in the head and get a bunch of pax seeker bolts going. The pax projectiles are like 50% slash and puncture I think??? and you get 4 of them. They also DO gain benefits from all the galvanized mods and arcanes as well as normal mods. So that's a big extra chunk of damage, even if they don't hit the guy you just killed, they likely will hit a guy right next which is great for priming enemies. I think the build I have on my Telos Boltor with the incarnon adapter is around.... 1.7 million burst DPS in incarnon mode? (Crit chance, toxin and minus zoom riven) So yeah it's certainly been power creeped a whee bit, but still a good solid option. I was just saying it's not a complete and total waste for kitgun mods, only having like 6 chambers right now, it's usually pretty easy to get one you want, and roll it a couple times and dump it if you don't get a good roll.
  17. I mean, one of the strongest guns I have in the game right now is my full Galvanized Rattleguts Primary. Rattleguts/Tremor/Splat if i'm remembering it right, with Pax-Seeker. With Deadhead it's got very little recoil, and it's super easy to get headshots with as a hitscan rifle. 4 base stats (IPS and radiation) so it's got just enough status to be a reasonable status weapon too. Plus the Pax seeker bolts can spool up Galvanized shot with the heatshot damage, or even the headshot kill if you manage a kill with one of them. It's a great way to bridge an accuracy weapon into AOE effectiveness. I think my riven has crit chance and toxin, so I can get into red crit territory with it, it's usually what I bring if I want to clear out harder steel path stuff because it does so much reliable damage. You just have to get headshots with it every once in a while to keep Galvanized scope running (as well as deadhead but 1 headshot every 20 seconds is easy)
  18. I actually NEVER roll kitgun or zaw rivens into others as they'll almost always end up being kitgun/zaw rivens. I unlock them, see if it's anything worth selling for plat, and if not just trash it for endo.... You get like... 600 endo from them once opened??? But yeah I've never had a kitgun or zaw riven rolled from normal ones, and I think it's at least 2/3 (just spitballing but it honestly may actually be every time i've rolled one) of the ones I rolled with a zaw/kitgun riven in there turned into another one... So in the trash they go.
  19. I've always thought about ways to make the pets useful... I think Sentinels should be made into an integral part of the game, and an 'always equipped' item. They would be more utility based rather than DPS based, like Taxon would slow enemies down, Helios could apply impact procs and stun random enemies.... I hate the idea of nerfs (specifically on the weapons) but make the Sentinels invulnerable and forcus their mods on warframes as little health/status bumps. Like if you really wanted a touch of extra armor or some shield recharge you could have those mods, or if you're using a Meta Saryn and wanted some extra health in case you get a toxin proc or something, you could throw the health mod on. I'd be fine with them being closer to Gladiator mod stats rather than a full "vitality" mod (I think this is really how they are now). This would also help newer players with some extra survivability in the beginning of the game, near end-game you can use the Sentinels more as tools for applying status effects or debuffing enemies. Things like Regen or Primed Regen would give the sentinel a single (or couple) automatic revives for you, but it would take 10 or 15 seconds to "up" you or you could choose to burn a life and revive ASAP. As for the pets, they could just have an auto timer to revive, lets say after death it takes 45 seconds to "revive" after Ordis transfers them back to your ship and re-deploys them. The bleedout mods would lesses the time it takes to get back to the battlefield. The Vulpaphylas are good where they are at, as they still take 30s to revive and you don't get the benefit of the mods on them while they are in Larva stage. I think this would give ALL the pets a useful nature, as I actually really like some of the debuffs and abilities the Hounds have, but you have to follow them around like little kids in anything higher level. I think also having some slightly better health regen mods would be nice, it's pretty easy to keep them up with Pack Leader, just take a swipe with your melee every now and then, but a lot of time it can just creep up on you if you don't notice their health. I think an absolute NECESSARY feature would be adding a menu for them to change their behavior. Like "Attack" what we have now, "Defense" Stay near tenno and attack anything that gets in range, "Passive" Only attack if things attack them or the player, and "Stealth" AKA Hold fire. Having some control over them would be so nice, and not a huge deal of programming to give them a behavior change. Then change the mods like "Assault Mode" and them to just focus on attacking at different ranges. LIke if you have a Vulklok you could have a higher range mod for it, and he could try and poke enemies off at long range. If you're using Helios or the shotgun you can have a "short range" attack mod on to have them act as a point-defense system for anything that gets too close.
  20. I made a post back with some details on the H&K Mark23 (USSocom) pistol, (what the Tekna is directly based off of) and it's a huge pistol in real life. It's massively undersized in the game, people have complained about it since it was released and it's still not anywhere the size it should be.
  21. This bug has been around since the release of Sisters of Parvos. Heavy attack on CHARGED THROW damage has been cut in half, as well as the REGULAR THROW's heavy attack. The regular/quick attack was supposed to have it's damage cut in half, however the Heavy Attack on the charged throw (the heavy attack explosion) has been cut in half from it's previous stats. Obviously I have double checked to make sure I didn't have something like an extinguished dragon key equipped. Before the charged throw Heavy attack did 1572 viral damage, it's now doing 786, which is the exact same as the regular attack "explosion". So BOTH the charged and regular throw got their damage cut in half, instead of JUST the quick throw heavy attack (explosion).
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