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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. I did plenty helpful in this and similar threads, to the point they died 4 months ago. No need to necro them, just to virtue signal. You are informed beforehand that you cant. It would be kinda stupid lorewise if you could just hop in and out of this quest.
  2. If you keep posting bugs in feedback or patchh notes. no wonder nobody sees it.
  3. Are you sure this way the only route? Cause 40+ meters is not reallly just bbehind the door, it may be in different tile. I see an unexplored part/corner on the left of your position. There should be a door there. Waypoints are not always pointing in the right direction.
  4. Yup, make a ticket. https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us (submit request, top right)
  5. Not necesarily. Plenty of Warframe operate on their own. Guess they are not too controllable this way, but still.
  6. Check spam folder. Certain email hosts do not go well with warframe in general.
  7. It would be almost great if it was on the timer, not on the target.
  8. You: Create Warfframe that revolves around mechanical companions. Corpus: Best I can do is Amalgam. Imagine what would happen if corpus were capable of creating warframes,
  9. Excelent, you picked zero nuking abilities/frames.
  10. You are a genius. Let's reward incorrect play. A for Effort.
  11. Which abilities you mean? Give examples. Also damage numbers do not matter. What matters is dead target. Several stuff offers bigger numbers due to overkill values and other dont (your damage is capped by EHP of the enemy). Comparing those numbers is pointless. There is an enemy who has 100 EHP. You hit it with two things. One (X) does 500 max damage and other (Y) does 550 max damage. However X is not capped by enemy EHP whiile Y is. You hit the enemy: X does 500dmg, Y does 100. Which mechanics does more damage?
  12. This is incorrect circa over a year ago. They normalized spawns across platforms some time ago. This may be incorrect according to patch notes, but still happens till this day. Low spawns are curiously always in conjunction with console host. This is incorrect circa over a year ago. They normalized spawns across platforms some time ago. This may be incorrect according to patch notes, but still happens till this day. Low spawns are curiously always in conjunction with console host.
  13. In low level missions where Reactant is an issue, this is sufficient for their contribution. Yes, more system over player2player interaction. This will solve nothing. Incorrect. When someone spawns in late they will not have access to any reactant drop from before they spawned. That is completely different situation to that you have wrote about: And the system your propose will NOT solve it.
  14. Communicate. Explain the issue, explain how working together is beneficial for common goal.
  15. No. 3 players teaming up will always win over 1 griefer. But then nobody reaches the goal and how it has anything to do with the topic? That is not leeching. That is your only job really in Void Fissure: equip your relic, get reactant and extract. Anything else is optional.
  16. No need, just gather enemies before extraction and wait for the corruption to hit. Players spreading is the problem for whole mission not only reactant. Learn the basic mechanics. Commmunicate. Console hosts are another problem, because their hardware drastically limits the amount of enemies spawned at once. How does it prevent afking or leeching? Players who are afk (or just really selfish, griefing, running away from the team on purpose) will not have their relic open and cannot therefore participate in other relics opened.
  17. No. Players have just have no idea how it works. Enemies spawn: Near players > Near objectives (if applicable) > out of line of sight > in the next tile Corruption occurs near players Corruption spawns 3 enemies and corrupts every enemy in the area of it. How it should be done in order to maximise Reactant: Players group up and refrain from nuking everything in 500 meter radius, gather the enemies and wait for corruption before killing the, How it is done: Players spread out (eveyone runs different direction), while actively killing everything hostile and chasing new spawns. Corruptions happen less often and are spread aapart in the map, while also only spawning 3 enemies.
  18. I assume it was made this way to prevent AFK leechers. Did anything change and AFK leechers are now extinct?
  19. It would be cool concept for a specific warframe non-subsumable ability, but mod? No thanks, we really do not need more damage sources.
  20. Is it possible you are typing the password wrong? Try to type the password in text format (so you can see what is typed) and copy and paste into warframe.
  21. With many I agree, but some designs are typical asymmetrical ones. It would be, but the designer intent was it t not be possible to equip both. Technically we could try to code completely new system/flag for these so that only one can be equipped, but honestly I do not see a reason to. There is no way you can please everyone.
  22. You can replicate the effect with eg. Mystic Bond | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom or partially with Pax Bolt | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom (and 170-175% efficiency modding) Ability Efficiency | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom
  23. You can search for sniper, but the results are baffling. I think it grabs Kuva Ogris under Sniper. You could have checked that on wiki before playing both missions (all mission mutators are available to check before you start 1st mission). Yes, wiki isnt in game - I am aware, but if we added all that information that is on wiki to the game it wouldnt look too good. On the side note it is kinda wierd you own a Kuva weapons but not a single sniper: Weapon Comparison | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom Have in mind it doesnt need to be a sniper capable of killing anything, you can run a warframe that has very high ability kill potential or/and exalted weapons. It is probably too late to craft Vectis (MR2) or Rubico (MR6).
  24. Why do you assume I got problem? Because I happen to have different opinions or point of view? Is that unusual situation for you? But I was once. I can still imagine how it is. Every plat mechanic would apply to me as well, not just new players. Am I not allowed to voice my concerns? Compared to what? Because It is already pretty clear and any additional hoops and UI indicators will clutter the view. And will not solve the issue of people midlessly clicking Enter on every pop up. Why do you assume I would want something? What do I care? You should ask support, not me. They have it, they havent made it accesible, hence there is a reason. I just point at this fact. Potential. And for the company that hires devs, not devs themselves. This is a free to play game. You are not a paying customer. Different thing. Even if you buy the currency you are still not a paying customer (well, you are, but for the purchase of the currency only). It kinda sounded like google review, with you repeating the buzz words over and over. Yes and I am giving feedback too. You can always make feedback in a private manner, so that other players have no access and cannot add their own feedback to your feedback. My comments are my feedback. You seem to be very hostile yourself. You are literally denying me free speech, because I happen to say things you do not agree with. Implying that I must have a problem and that I am hostile and therefore you are the good one. I am not your enemy: consent ruins, discord builds.
  25. From this or glitches? Only thing I die from are host migrations (in best possible moments).
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