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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. You could think of something, but not now. Such a tease. Extra duration is completely pointless, unless you go for mass delusion* called Fleeting Expertise and even then it is pretty pointless. 1 doesnt scale with duration (neither does the Aug for it), 2 doesn't need a lot of it (just lock a key target and kill it within several seconds, which with base 15s is achievable), 3 doesn't scale with it and 4's base duration is 20 seconds. So unless you want to lock two target areas and travel between them and the travel time is longer than 20 seconds I do not see why. OPs setup has 104% duration with midranked Primed Continuity and FE, mine with maxed PC and Streamline has 155. Also there is still that flex slot that you can utilise to whatever.
  2. They do not, but that also implies the content they are doing doesnt require anything past what they already have. The OP problem was the meme slash build that simply doesnt do well compared to alternatives. Name something. Anything, that is better or at least equal to free loot and multiplication of key mission items. Which part of my statement implied that whipclaw strength is separate from Khora's power str? Do you mean the augument (Accumulating Whipclaw) power doesnt scale with str and is fixed at 350 (35 per stack on max rank)? Dome tick damage is irrelevant - nothing to balance here. Ensnare doesnt scale with Str. Only other ability that scales with it is Venari and it is often Subsumed on (Venari stays as companion but cannot be manually rezzed, change stance or give orders). Your STR breakpoints would depend on what you decide subsume.
  3. Speedva is pretty specialized build to a very specialized mission types. If you notice someone is giving you power STR, just tell them about it. I had so far Equinox and Nidus in Netracells and both times simply telling them that you are Speedva was enough for them to stop.
  4. What problem? You get 350% worth of power STR from Accu Whipclaw resulting in 390%. The augument power is independent of your power Str (unlike certain other auguments). Tricky how? I use both auguments and still have a flex slot. Suboptimal, I think not. Khora is a queen of Endurance missions - het loot augument is great in modes like Survival, Excavation, Alchemy or Void Flood. In other modes it is simply more stuff. Khora's playstyle is using your your Dome charges to gather enemies for your Whipclaw anyways, so it is not like you have to change it to benefit from the setup. What mods? This is the build OP is using. Mine is quite similar, albeit my arcanes and mods are max rank and I use Streamline instead of FE, Stretch instead of Augur Reach and the Augur Message is a flex slot. Investing in a garbage weapon and a riven is pointless, when Incarnon Evolutions offer bonuses to base stats. No amount of Riven disposition will overvalue the actual basic stat modification (which is further multiplier by mods). It was viable tactic before Zariman update and introduction of first Incarnons.
  5. Logic would advise elements that scale in a crowd - Gas or/and Electricity (provided that you going to use something with high enough Status chance). With low Status Chance, standard Hunter MU+Viral is fine.
  6. Nataruk does lot of damage, but the projectile hits each enemy only once, while stuff like Tenet Arca Plasmor projectile hits them multiple times. There is no reason to build Cedo alt fire for magnetize because the alt fire effect already has homing capabilities and shooting it into Mag's Bubble will have no additional effect.
  7. My question is, what prompted any interaction between you? If I were him I wouldnt necesarily run around telling random people my NW rank and linking to my profile. And of course you did not have your print screen button working at that time.
  8. Not at all. This mechanic is called "reroll riven". You pick the one with better stats every time. You can stay with your current if the stats you rolled are not better. It will however change graphic poortion of the mod. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Riven_Mods#Cycling_(Rerolling) If you have no clue which stats are good: crit chance > crit damage > multishot > damage > status chance > toxin (positives) and preferably harmless negative: like -zoom or ammo max. You can compare your rolls on this site: https://semlar.com/comp However, I would strongly suggest you not play the riven game until you understand how to build weapons and why those stats are good or bad and how rivens work in general, because the curency for cycling (Kuva) is quite hard to obtain for you at the moment, compared to more experienced players and it is not worth your time and effort. Just sell the riven for plat, unrolled/low rolled you should get about 40p. No, he is not. He literally said CYCLE.
  9. I am not into moving around, but you could force* players to be around each other with the Lantern mechanic from Zelaoid Prelate Assasination. Simply make everything outside certain zone immune to damage. How this zone is designated is up for a discussion. I would not recommend changing existing Survival missions though.
  10. Or just like in Laboratories. There is an Option to summon and kill Necramech to reduce the timer, but it is no Obligation.
  11. Can you post a link to that thread? Only one I found is repaste from somewhere and is 4 year old. I will test myself, when I get back home from work.
  12. Burston Rivens Trade Chat SELL OFFERS from last 4 days Those are the prices you could ask for it initially. Not how much it is actually worth or will sell for. Whether anyone buys stuff for such prizes is a mystery (I doubt).
  13. Are you sure it is a single projectile and not a narrow spread shotgun shot? Experiment with energy color. May be just animation bug. It should work like any other pellet shotgun.
  14. What I do is: Pick Loki + good AoE gun Run Mobile Defence with Infested faction (normal, not SP). Infested cant cause alarms. Get to the first console, activate it, drop a Decoy and/or Pherilac Pod. Wall latch, shoot, profit. Main problem with this Challenge is lack of enemies.
  15. Neither in Mod menu nor in Arsenal equip Mod menu? Check your Filters. PS: It is a waste of ducats. Not only it drops in game, but also is hardly usable on any proper setup. Low Slash ratio weapons overall damage increase is dimishished, high Slash ratio doesnt need one, because they already have high Slash ratio and Hunter Munition setups are completely unaffected (because HUnter MU causes Bleed, not Slash damage). Any youtubers spreading misinformation again?
  16. Zakkhar

    Buff Orvius

    It is on par with other guaranteed procs from Thrown Melee: Xoris - electricity, Cerata - Toxin, Falcor - Impact or Electricity, Pathocyst - Viral, Halicar(wratih) - Impact. Ofc Glaive is beyond competition due to forced Impact AND Slash proc. Glaive existence is main reason Orvious is unpopular. It is usualy Glaive (Prime) > Xoris (Melee influence) > Cerata (Corpus).
  17. It would be a problem if you wanted to maximize KPM. And it is. Especially with Console Host. PS: Below, nice try: again trolling and attempting to derange the topic. I won't bite and hopefully nobody else does.
  18. Mobile players cause overall less enemies to spawn due to constant disabling of current spawn (unbreaking LoS and moving between tiles). Enemies stop spawning in current spawn imidiately when one of the factors is met, but designation of alternate spawn takes a while, especially if the player keeps moving and the alternate designated spawn is already invalid when the proccess is over).
  19. They already are. Enemies spawn: Near players Near Objectives (if applicable) Out of Line of Sight In the Next Tile
  20. I do not think so. It is Okham's Razor. PS: My PC is from 2017, but I disabled or lowered most of blinding WF "features" long time ago (not because of GPU) and my Orbiter interior is pretty clean.
  21. Primed unlikely - only certain weapons can be primed (notably the ones that came out with Warframe). Kuva/Prisma maybe. Unlikely for Daikyu. We usually get information aheead of the time about plans to do so. And before that you can just have fun with complete weapon build. Similar with warframes. You are 100% sure at some point they will become primed, it is just the matter of time. You trade the Forma for the chance to play with it untill that time comes (and it is gonna be long time if it is a new frame).
  22. They do increase the damage, just not as much as elemental mods, because they only affect Slash portion, not the base damage. Khora whipclaw does 300 base damage, divided equally to Puncture/Impact/Slash. If you apply Buzz Kill (+120% Slash), you totally increase the Slash portion of the damage by 120%, making it 220, increasing your total damage from 300 to 420. No, no, no. Strenght provides % dmg addittive with other sources. Accumulating whipclaw 350%, Primed Pressure point rank 8 - 135% (maxed 165%), Rank 0 Fury - 30% (maxed 180%). Investing in STR on Khora is a mistake, unless you want to increase your Runspeed boost from Venari. With 40% Str total %dmg affecting whipclaw is 205% at 0 AW stack and 555% at max. Adding 60% more WILL NOT increase the damage by 2,5, but merely 29% at zero AW stack and 11% at max. Only explosion radius is capped on 200% Range, Cast range is not and base one is 10 meters. Main reason we want a lot of Range though, is the radius of the Strangledome, as well as grabbing range of it. Bigger Dome + higher grab range = more enemies caught = bigger Whipclaw damage. For yoour own sake, please Ignore the posts from this dude, as well as the dude I am replying above and some other dudes that spread misinformation. Just replace the Slash mods with Viral damage and you are fine. PS: Are you using your 4 to grab enemies? If you hit an enemy caught in your 4, the Whipclaw does 50% dmg to everything that is caught as well. Outdated information. Pretty much everything changed since then.
  23. It was just an example of what action prompt looks like. Like I said you do not need it, just press the corresponding button and the action will occur. It is similar with Finishers.
  24. There is an icon/symbol when you pick up the Amphor (beside the minimap symbols). With the prompt:
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