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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Not really. OP was able to replicate it without sweat.
  2. You need to force the Stomp Ground move which only happens once she reaches 45% heat. You can generate her heat by standing close to her and forcing any heat based attacks. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Exploiter_Orb#Phase_2 This fight is very badly scripted. Top spagetti code quality. But you also do not help yourself by completely ignoring fight describtion on the wiki, which vigorously details how and when the Fractures are generated. Multiple times. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Exploiter_Orb#Phase_2_2 https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Exploiter_Orb#Summary Yes, people ignoring fight describtions are nothing new. Is it a problem, though? For them for sure.
  3. I have never seen such a check for Void Fissures before. I am confused. Isn't that what the whole thread is about?
  4. I specifically named scenarios where your damage is irrelevant to the mission completion time. I think he means the group interest, not his own.
  5. You can play capture/rescue fissures where a contribution of getting 10 reactant and getting to extraction in timely manner is sufficient. You can play interception, where killing anything is not required and as long as your point is not being hacked you can scan away (preferably have some kind of immobilisation/cc for enemies). You can just bring massive power stacked Rhino to a mission and scan stuff while you level up your gear and provide massive damage multiplier to your whole team or any other utility frame that has zero maintenance eg. wisp). You can run assasinations and do some free scanning of mobs on the way to boss - nobody expects you to kill them - and then a boss itself.
  6. You do not have to leech at all. You can play solo. You can scan stuff while giving buffs/utility and occasionally meleeing somethinng (quick melee doesnt remove your scanning, if you scan, melee and scan again you do not have to requip the scannner). You can hunt daily simaris target in public missions (and players within 500 meters of your capture get the shared benefit). You can use Oxylus to scan plants passively, you can use Helios to scan incomplete Codex scans passively.
  7. SP has nothing to do with it. And they did not. As my tests show, they did not buff the junction bosses either as I can kill junction boss with unmoded frame using wet noodle as a weapon and missing 80% of my shots within 30 seconds.
  8. Whole motion blur batman. I cannot see anything through that. Disable that, man. Many squadmates frames can give you certain buffs, cracking arelic in void fissue gives you a visual effect (as well as buff). Seeing whole screen would help in determining what that is.
  9. In this game, you only need to buy 1 mod and it will last you forever for every item you want to put it in. Or you can sell it to someone to so that they can use it forever. Farming Simaris rep is dirt easy. Grab daily from central console, as well as additional tasks from left console. Bring a stealth frame and stealth scan everything. Depending on the level and difficulty you get up to 300 rep per 1 normal mob scan and 2,5k per special target (always). You can get daily capped in mere minutes I dunno man, I have to constatly dump his rep on mods because I keep getting capped when NW task asks me to do his daily. Must have about 10 of each auguments by now. I once even dumped all my rep into Naramon Transmute Cores (i do not transmute at all).
  10. They can be disabled in Options menu: ESC, Options, Interface, Show Tenno Guide (2nd from top) Disable. The melee weapons available in Duviri cave are extremly powerful for this stage of the game.
  11. One group of players: Drop the MR restrictions! New player catch up! Another group: Why is this content accesible straight off the bat?
  12. Did they make the junction bosses harder? I do not remember making any specific setups for the bosses or using consumables. I just go in, left shouder to the pillar, pew pew, Boss dead. I do not recall needing multiple tries for any of them. I ran base Volt with no potato until I got Umbra. I started around Fortuna patch (begining of November 2018) I played solo, without clan or any outside help till MR12 for about 4 months. I am not particularly good at multiplayer shooter games. I would think that after all the updates, melee 2.0, status rework and stuff they are even easier (because players are stronger). Wierd. EDIT. Nope they did not. I just ran Sedna Junction with the closest setup to my basic setup i could. Sadly my Volt has some shards in so, even though I am unmodded it really is not. I do not take a single hit (even shield hit) so the HP hardly matters. I also only cast 2 shields so the starting energy shard shouldnt matter either. Do not own base Boltor any more (just prime incarnon, so i ran Telos instead). Specifically used unmaxed Serration: https://streamable.com/1s2n8a Just base pillar/headshot abuse - nothing fancy (I tried unmodded Telos Boltor before, but it took ages and i ran out of ammo). Here is a setup with Paris. Again I do not own normal Paris any more so I did not mod for any crit. Do not copy the setup, I have tried to be as basic as humanly possible. As you can see I am not an aiming prodigy, but due to the strategy used I can take my time with the fight as I do not take damage. https://streamable.com/0h0wti Best of luck! EDIT2: I just realised that enabling enemy highlights may make locating the Specter much easier.
  13. That is NOT what I said. That is not even opposite to what I said. And it sure as hell was not any accusation. Here is a full quote with context so anyone can judge:
  14. Tutorials are terrible. Also modern gamers skip pretty much everything. Building new equipment needs to be taught in practical, organic way. Untrue. Weapons available for credits have credit icon, instead of plat. There is no winning here, it is a PvE game. If anything it would be pay2skip gameplay. Also plat is entirely grindable without any real money, so not even pay. This is not a game for people who judge the book by the cover or jump to conclusions without full information. Imo the faster it discourages them from playing, the less time they waste.
  15. Both are quite bad, but second is significantly better (1st is utter trash, you'd be losing damage equipping it over anything else) What weapon did you build with it? Rapier or polearm? Which exact parts? What build do you plan to run?
  16. Or just a worn out slider like for Raijlack. Sadly it may not be possible due to lore as Warframes are living things with high regen capabilities (maybe beside Umbra) and living tissue doesnt rust.
  17. Man, this troll must be so fat by now. You have been feeding him 3 days non stop.
  18. What? You may wanna chill. It was just a normal comment. I can be #$&(% about stuff and believe me - it looks way different.
  19. It is done prior to loading afaik, just after countdown. There must be a reason. It may have something to do with with P2P connection.
  20. I am fairly certain it was the feedback about dilluting the loot tables of Netracells with arcanes that are available elsewhere (Assasination/Whisper) (as well as Exilus, which are available for rep), so they said that IF you happen to roll an arcane in DA, it is guaranteed to be a Legendary one (because the non-legendary were removed from loot table). But we hear what we wanna hear, right?
  21. Or alternatively you could just ask in squad chat whether people with lower MR have SP unlocked.
  22. You may have misuderstood. It was never advertised as that. And the loot tables make it impossible. Deep Archimedea | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom You can use them or sell them.
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