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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. I am always in awe for such people hypocrisy. Others must tolerate everything that player does, but they tend to be very short fused and will often tell others to shut up/chill/stop crying when called out on their misbehaviour. Chat is a part of game, if one does not like what is written, they can feel free not to join public matches or use ignore option.
  2. Afaik only thing this option does is show you a message when the ping surpasses your limit in direct invites. You get cut off of everyone who uses crossplay. It is like there are only two worlds/communities: Crossplay enablers and crossplay disablers. Platform doesnt matter.
  3. Wierd. I would consider Reactant aquisition as priority over every other design that makes people want to do things. I guess I am irrational. More corrupted enemies would spawn if people stopped nukng everything on sight (as the fissure spawns 3 enemies and corrupts everything alive in range). But again, I am irrational, I guess.
  4. Or you can just install: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Air_Time and https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Venerdo_Hoverdrive
  5. You can trade with anyone. Just try to reset the settings (change to something, save, change back to Europe)..
  6. They are not. Stat values depend on the budget and the disposition above 1 just increases them, while one below 1 decreases them. Just clearly 1,39x increases them by smaller amount than 1,45x. Always check what weapon is showing in the bottom right corner of Cycle Menu (press Arrow to cycle trough the weapons). Afaik it will always show the Default Weapon as the Default Screen, whether you own it or not. If that happens to be highest disposition, that is just a coincidence. Funny thing, lower dispo also decreases the negative stats (recoil appears as positive value but it is a curse). For example: Normal HEK (1,20x): default screen Vaykor Hek (1,15x): arrow right once Kuva Hek (0,90x): arrow right twice (stats are trash, it is just an example of how UI works).
  7. So did ~500.000 of other players who leveled Red Veil (or they just bought it for rep). 10 plat you may have a chance, but I wouldnt bet on it. https://warframe.market/items/stockpiled_blight Especially considering the fact that the Kunai itself is very very meh and the Incarnon Genesis version doesnt have any use for increased Magazine Size.
  8. Cause some of the newer content is not accesible to everyone and everyone doesnt want to necesarily do it. Any challenge that is not repetitive over the week is bad one (for a rivenn, woorks for NW). Actually the Dargyn's one can be easily done in Kuva Fortress 1st mission (Assault). Just get to first door, kill all Dargyns, quit, repeat.
  9. I wouldnt call it that. As I already said you can cycle through the weapons you own in the riven menu and view proper stats. Not really. It would make sense if it was modifier to the base thats, but it multiplcation of a bonus. If the bonus were to be lower than 0,5 the riven mod would likely not be competitive with ordinary mods. Also you are not even scratching the surface. There is thing called stat budget, it depends mainly on the type of a riven (you can have 2 pos, 2 pos 1 neg, 3 pos, 3 pos 1 neg), low amount of positives makes the budget higher, addition of negative makes the budget even higher. For example with Dex Furis, if you rolled a riven that has 3 positives and no curse (lowest budget) the stat budget ranges for positives are as follows: Buffs 112.3 to 137.3% Multishot 206.0 to 251.8% Damage 112.6 to 137.6% Physical Damage 140.7 to 172.0% Critical Chance 84.4 to 103.2% Critical Damage 84.4 to 103.2% Elemental Damage 84.4 to 103.2% Status Chance 93.8 to 114.7% Status Duration 42.2 to 51.6% Damage to Faction 70.1 to 85.7% Fire Rate 46.9 to 57.3% Magazine Capacity 84.4 to 103.2% Ammo Maximum 84.4 to 103.2% Projectile Speed 46.9 to 57.3% Reload Speed -84.4 to -103.2% Weapon Recoil 75.2 to 91.9% Zoom 2.5 to 3.1 Punch Through But if you were to get 2 positives 1 negative (highest budget) the table would look like this: Buffs 185.3 to 226.5% Multishot 340.0 to 415.5% Damage 185.8 to 227.1% Physical Damage 232.2 to 283.8% Critical Chance 139.3 to 170.3% Critical Damage 139.3 to 170.3% Elemental Damage 139.3 to 170.3% Status Chance 154.8 to 189.2% Status Duration 69.7 to 85.1% Damage to Faction 115.6 to 141.3% Fire Rate 77.4 to 94.6% Magazine Capacity 139.3 to 170.3% Ammo Maximum 139.3 to 170.3% Projectile Speed 77.4 to 94.6% Reload Speed -139.3 to -170.3% Weapon Recoil 124.0 to 151.6% Zoom 4.2 to 5.1 Punch Through Those are ranges. Yes, you can get low or high roll on the range within the constrains of the riven type depending on luck.
  10. Dots are just a general feel of a bracket. What matters is the number: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Riven_Mods#Disposition 1,55 is max, 0,5 is min. Only two weapons have currently 1,55 dispo: Harpak & Flux Rifle (normal one, Tenet has 1,1) When viewing a riven it shows you the weapon it fits into in bottom right corner. You can cycle through those weapons to see the actual stats. It likely shows you the Afuris stats (1,45 dispo) and lowers them when you equip Dex furis (1,39 dispo), they would be even lower if you used Afuris Prime (1,00 dispo).
  11. Interception has this for sure. The more you kill more eximus tend to spawn. And there goes you cc frame. There are several other tips: grab every extra key, because they all despawn the moment the conduit of the color is activated or when the round ends. You can grab an extra key with the operator (just have to stay in operator) this technnique is also great for Alchemy because you can grab two Amphors for 1 travel time. Back in the day when you transfered back to warframe operator just dropped the key on the ground, nowdays it kinda despawns for several seconds for some reason.
  12. I would ask: Why? Am I doing something wrong? And listen to the explanation if they provide it. There are often places and times when killing things is not beneficial. eg.: in Disruption mission killing enemies between the rounds is plain stupid: they cannot drop any keys while all conduits are completed/failed and once the next round starts you will have to wait for new ones to spawn, get to you and hopfully drop the keys. I've told that to many playersm, but nobody seems to listen, hell a few try to be smartass and claim they can differentiate between killing the special key-dropping enemies and just fodder, while mowing down crowds. All you need is wait 15 seconds with killing to get 1-2 keys instantly in the next round. in low level Defence Void Fissure, killing things too fast may cause you (and your team) to not accumulate enough Reactant to open your void relic before mission is complete. killing enemies outside certain special zones (Netracells, EDA, Deimos Bounty) before they have a chance to reach the zone. Do not assume you have all the information. There are always new things to learn.
  13. If it takes you this much to find people on recruit chat there must be none interested, so the button will not change anything in that regard.
  14. Bot is not down. You just have to use the instructions from WWW. Mobile application as well as instructions there are no longer supported.
  15. Yes, 15k per maxed school (1,5k per point). Railjack Intrinsics 5 75,000 Drifter Intrinsics 4 60,000 Answers to all your questions about mastery can be easily found here: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Mastery_Rank
  16. Just ordinary corrosive with crit scaling and range. Nothing fancy really. The base damage scales with power str, just like any other exalted, but it appears to be multiplicative to %dmg from mods (at least in arsenal). SP corrupted mostly, occasionaly a sortie. Razorwing Blitz gives me 350%+ additional attack speed/fire rate, so unless I run the boss setup with Enraged Munitons or not have the enemy in range there is some downtime. I can of course pop a Tribute or Spellbind, but I can just as well do Blade Dance (auto melee makes it even funnnier).
  17. How do you propose the game motivates you to discover more weapons/warframes? Questline already motivates your to unlock startchart. MR 4 requires 40k mastery. That is nothing. You get already 15k from your starting gear and another 9k from Taxon. And thankfully so, because they are likely not geared for that.
  18. Just check statisttics and learn to filter by lowest pricee. There is no way everyone raises their prices. Actually according to my exeprience people usually try to underbid constantly, nobody is checking the top prices.
  19. His favourite youtuber is Leyzar, what do you expect?
  20. It doubles the profit parts, not the investment (wager) part, investement gets returned after completed round, but it is not a subject to any multipliers. The end screen however counts those investments as a profit, which is double wrong because you already started with that amount of credits. In practice: Lowest level index is 30k wager, 105k return, 75k profit. In 3 rounds you get 90k wager, 315 return and 225k profit. With double credits it goes up to 90k wager, 540k return and 450k profit. You are clearly talking about high index, not sure why you say lowest level.
  21. You need to mind the timer/completion rate and actively seek the reactant (it is not called traces). It wiill be where the rest of your team was. Staying with your team at all times and not chasing spawns, kinda helps. It has nothing to do with what you are decribing further. Reactant is public and visible for every squad member. If 1 player did it, it may be hard, but if 3 players managed to get it is no brainer where the problem lies. It is 90% your fault that you did not get those traces and 10% your squadmetes that could have marked the spot where you get get them before the timer run out. Untill you realise that the problem lies in your and your playstyle and keep seeing things that arent there, it will not change.
  22. Zakkhar

    Recoil stat

    I think i mixed it with reload time. They recently hid multiple stats under mouseover.
  23. Zakkhar

    Recoil stat

    Yoiu have to mouseover something in the arsenal. Fire rate I think. This is a new "feature".
  24. Many people subsume Gauss' Thermal Sunder on her. But it meant as low level AoE.
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