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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. So simply zero scaling, just big numbers in arsenal. Crit chance and crit damage are not counted in Arsenal either and they provide much better scaling than modding for %dmg and elements if a weapon has above average cc/status stats (20% cc, x2cd, 20%status). If you want to count that and certain conditional modifiers, you should try the overframe.gg builder and Apply Conditionals. It also shows you which mods offer the best damage boost with your current state of build (but it is not very accurate for Hunter Munitions).
  2. Again this is not that kind of game. The numbers of damage in the arsenal are close to meaningless. Weapon performance depends on numerous factors: external buffs, conditional modifiers. status procs, enemy you are facing - their armor, weakness, damage attenuation, whether you aim for the head, distance of the target. The damage in arsenal simply does not account for that at all. It is just average damage muliplied by fire rate/attack speed. How we usually measure weapon effectiveness is Time to Kill (TTK) or Kills per Minute (KPM), whiich assumes all the best practices to maximize damage depending on test subjects.
  3. I normally play Spy solo or with premade, but the above person gave me an idea. What about a sort of Gulag for people who mess it up (get detected and or fail to get the data), that is a prison breakout. It may have similar mechanics to Zanuka Prison. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Recovery It is a shame that someone put his heart into it and it is hardly used even for newbie players.
  4. Not legal. You are allowed to create multiple accounts as long as they do not interact. It can be done if you were to create that alt account, get invited to his clan and then invite the friend back to his clan.
  5. I do not see how it is spy. It is multiple assasination. I would much rather get something like endless Lua Spy, with bunch of secrets, clever mechanics and alternate routes.
  6. The one they do own / do not have mastered yet. As in type, not looks. Like imagine you are attempting to get Chesa. There is 20% chance. You already got multiple of other ones and you really want Chesa (only one you are missing). So if you craft another and it is not Chesa, it is considered "wrong", while Chesa would be a success and end of Kubrow breeding entirely (for someone who doesnt care about the looks, just the mastery and collection) - "right".
  7. Considering Vasca Kavat is guaranteed to get and this one has most generic fur/tail/head possible. I'd say pretty much 0 plat. What makes them rare or in demand is the 50/50 chance to the get right Kavat when you craft one and much smaller change to get the right Kubrow. Someone who keeps crafting them and keeps getting the "wrong" one he already has multiple times, may be willing to pay. Another thing is the head/tail/fur pattern. Those differ between kavats.
  8. She has a massive fire rate aimbot 360 degrees within 50 meter range (and with augument she can keep walking/rolling while doing it). Squadwide dmg boost+enemy disarm and personal damage reduction of 95%. Whats not not like? She trivialises every open pretty much every open world bounty, she is good at point control, killing demolysts/minibosses/planetbosses (eg. Raptor boss is so shocked it drops the datamass into his own vent) etc. Mesa Prime or Mesa, doesnt matter.
  9. Getting lots of stuff and ranking it up is not special feat. However, setting up a weapon to maximise the damage upon constraints of limited capacity and slots, that is a SKILL.
  10. No, you're cherrypicking points and ignoring what I'm saying. Here lemme break it down even further so you can't keep cherrypicking. FORUMS BLEW UP, DEVS DID HASTY HALF FIXES BECAUSE FORUMS BLEW UP, I WOULD LIKE TO GET AHEAD OF FORUMS BLOWING UP AND HASTY HALF FIXES FROM THE FORUMS BLOWING UP, SO THAT A MEASURED APPROACH CAN BE TAKEN BY THE DEVELOPERS BEFORE THE PROBLEM COMES UP. PREVENTATIVE PATCHING FOR A FORESEEABLE ISSUE, SO THAT THE DEVELOPERS TAKE A MEASURED APPROACH AND HAVE AS MUCH TIME AS THEY NEED. This is the last time I'm going to try and explain this to you. I would rather have a functional future crit buffing based warframe/unnerfed Harrow rather than let the devs get more into this "nerf a warframe in a co-op game 5 days after he released" mentality. If I'm playing solo or not has no bearing on that, stay on topic. I stand corrected. Your problems go far beyond inability to handle opposite opinion. I am so sorry, feel free to talk with someone about this. Unaddressed it will only go worse. That is not a joke or sarcasm. I am really concerned.
  11. Wrong question. Point strike modifies (multiplies) base values by % and is additive to other %critical modifiers that also multiply the base values. As in Arcane avenger is sort of a fixed/flat (unrelative or absolute) crit chance bonus, that doesnt rely on base value at all. It is added outside base value multiplication (doesnt matter if it is end of begining of the equations as multiplication is done first always). https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Critical_Hit#Critical_Chance When we imply that something is additive or multiplicative we usually talk about Damage in general. Additive means it is additive with other relative bonuses to %dmg, multiplicative it means it is a completely different baseket of mulitipliers that has a neutral value of 1. Damage formula is basically a multiplication of various baskets: %base damage, elemental damage, crit annd crit damage, multishot and so on. Modifier universally considered as multiplicative is Roar/Faction Damage. Why we talk about it? Because strategy of maximising the damage is to not put too many eggs into same basket, not only you get diminishing returns of adding more and more of the same, but you also lose values in other baskets, due to how modding is limited by capacity and slots. Lets follow the example of Serration, which is additive with other %dmg mods and abilities: Heavy Caliber, Primary Merciless, Galvanized Aptitude, Vex Armor. So lets say you already got Serration slotted and Primary Merciless. That are two slots that are occupied by %dmg relative bonuses (that modify base damage directly). Maxed Serration offers 165% bonus and Primary Merciless offers 360% bonnus. This means your current damage is 100 (you start from 100%)+165+360=625% of base damage. If you were to add lets say Galvanized aptititde and had a good reason to believe it will be up majority of the time, with 2 elements active and sometimes with 3 elements. You would look at 160% to 240% additional %damage bonus. To show diminishing returns. Adding Serration to your empty kit increases your relative damage by 165%, adding Merciless to that setup gives (360%/265%+360)-1=57% if you were to add another 240% that is only 27% increase. So each %dmg you add is offering lesser and lesser relative bonus. But you are occupying slots that can be used for different kind of scaling. That is why often Serration completely replaced by Merciless or/and Aptitude.
  12. That is not a solution to the problem, because the problem doesnt exist (or rather it is exaggerated out of propotion). This is a multiplyer game and if you choose to play it in public matchmaking, you will be a subject to multiple players interaction: good, bad or neutral as well as ability and item synergies: good, bad and neutral. As in life, it is a completely normal phenomenon. It is up to you to either: choose to not be moved by the negatives too much change the people you interact with to less negative/random adapt find positives and more. Nitpicking negative interactions does not lead to any positive results. Yes, it happens, move on.
  13. I was. I even experienced in game already when Styanax was up and Frost was given squad overguard. I had similar problems with Trinities before (not only constant shield restore but also 75% dmg red). Yes, I play a lot of Chroma. I don't, I simply disagree with you. You may have a problem with handing that.
  14. But you will get less loot altogether because less ennemies spawn. If a gamemode is boring to you, do not play it. Do not claim it encourages something when it clearly doesnt.
  15. Following spawns is faulty action and will only lead to worse outcomes. The reason spawn evenn moves is because players disable current spawn. Anyone who can read the map and add 1+1 can see that and that the mission completely discourages that. Enemies spawn: Near player(s), Out of line of sight, In next Tile. It is not exactly rocket science. It has high downtime between rounds, where you are able to collect stuff from pretty much every point (depending onn yyour movemennt abilities you may want to start at 95%). But the mission progression is clearly visible. Also it doesnt seem to discourage players from leaving their point completely unmanned while they chase kills. Again exact the opposite due to how battery spawn. Spreading thin while enabling too many excavators at once only leads to battery drought and actually increases the time spent on the mission. Except medalions are shared and Angel and Wisper are imidiately marked on the map. Also it does not encourage this. It is entirely player agency. Objectives which usually spawn near each other. Again spreading thin on those may lead to actual fail on the mission. Neither is done within bounds of mission and is not shared/sharable activity. But the spoils of those events (Decrees) are shared, just like in Railjack. That is the only one I can agree on so far. Having multiple people in single vault always leads to chaos. Optional objective, entirely up to player agency. And this one I can agree on (but people rarely want to stick to their point and click console to strip 45s on timer and than click on the defectors to make them run).
  16. It is extremly oldd bug that triggers whenever you get staggered when using an ability (going operator counts as ability use). It puts you in a state as if you were still casting an ability and most likely a two handed ones, which pauses any other actions. In order to prevent it from happening you need some kind of stagger/stun protection - (Prime )Sure footed or any kind of status protection. In order to revert it there are certain things that work more often than not, from most often working through least often working up to almost never working: die and bleedout / get staggered/stunned again die and get rezzed get out of map bounds (jump into chasm, get into water) /unstuck
  17. That's only about 25 plat over lowest Sell offer and 22 over current median. https://warframe.market/items/volt_prime_set Good luck.
  18. You don't design your game to counter abuse at the expense of legitimate players. That doesn't do anything about the abusers, it just hurts the legitimate players. Instead, you discourage the abusers by taking action against them. Publicly, with full intent to bring great shame on them. Actually, I do not understand why people always concentrate on the negative. For me it promotes using parkour and movement freedom as opposed to plenty of other shooting games that at most have double jump. Railjack has certain roles (engineer/defender, away crew, pilot) and the distances between players doing those roles are often too big and need to loot everything individually defeats the purpose of having those roles. Also you already share a ship, so why not share the loot. Normal maps want to encourage people to stay and work together as well as keep moving and having minimap/map overlay awareness, so here individdual loot is fitting as a way to reward players who stick together and are active on the map.
  19. My guess is that Duviri Cave counts as a missionn, while the place where you tested operator is a player hub (Dormizone?). In mission there is max of 4 players and its hosted by the chosen player. Hub is hosted by DE server and has far bigger limit than players. Also Duviri Cave has pretty limited assets to load (entering portal gives you loadinng screen), so it may be much quicker with animations than any other place. I can test in mission with Drifter as I have chosen him as my main, but I think it is much slower than Duviri Cave.
  20. Wdym? There is always a full squad going when I queue. Or do you want to make a premade? People specifically do not want just "crack old relics" they want certain thing from certain relic.
  21. Laetum is great even if you do not Incarnon or do not headshot. It is also pretty universal vs every faction with one build (and both crit and non crit build are viable) Dual Toxycyst is rather only good on crowds and only if you can headshot/incarnon. It is rather hectic if you do not land headshots. Its builds are fairly faction specific.
  22. Play solo or in premade. Or expect these buffs to occur in public groups and plan accordingly. There are numerous other possible negative interactions between players than you mention, but they are far less common than positive interactions. This is a build choice, not these weapons feat. Laetum is perfectly fine with a crit build. PS: Harrows are so uncommon these days anyway. I played Harrow on this weeks EDA, but only because other frames is had to choose from were Frost and Excalibur and absolutely trash weapons. So I thought I will at least provide some utility. I kinda had to take it off the top shelf and peel it from the cobwebs.
  23. If you are going for purely utility/support role Nourish is (still) pretty good. Especially if you are going to recast your motes a lot.
  24. Recharge rate of Pax Charge is totally affected by reload speed (Kitgun's Loader) and reload speed mods. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Pax_Charge Not really no. Bigger magazine only means it will take more time to top it off, but you can still shoot at the same rate, whether the magazine is bigger or smaller if your reload speed supports that. You do not need to have max ammo to shoot.
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