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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Mission failed sucessfully.
  2. It is not that. It is the interaction with 2 damage over time modifiers and Prowl energy cunsumption tied to damage taken, as people above already said. Prowl expends 25 energy to activate. It then drains 1 point of energy per second while stationary and drains 3 energy per second while walking. Additionally, melee attacks consume 2 energy per hit, and taking damage consumes 10 energy per hit. Prowl will end if Ivara runs out of energy, if certain maneuvers are performed that break the cloak, or if deactivated by pressing the ability key again (default 3 ).
  3. Do not worry about it. It is not like it wouldnt get 1shot if it had different armor.
  4. estas misiones son extremadamente fáciles si usas hildryn con el subsum elemental ward (croma) - eléctrico. No solo no se la puede matar, sino que los rivales que atacan se infligen daño a sí mismos. Para ello aumenta las habilidades 1 y 2 (estos mods funcionan).
  5. I agree completely, however it is pretty hard to do, because modern gamers skip/ignore everything that has too much reading or dialogue. It would have to somehow give the information in a practical way.
  6. Yes, we had Kuva/Tenet as FoTM.
  7. Evey open world/new content has these items that are somewhat problematic to farm: PoE has wisps, Fortuna has Atmo Systems and Toroids, Deimos has Scintilliant, Zariman has Entrati Lanthorn and Voidplumes. My advice is to not farm specifically for this. Just get it along the way. Farm for other things like Damaged Necramech weapon parts, Sporothrix/Arum spinosa, Arcanes etc. That is all because you have defined the wrong goal. Play whole mission, whole content as it is meant to be experienced. Do not try those "the best methods". They work on paper, not irl.
  8. There is not and there will not be. Play the game to get the game information. Overframe numbers are just estimation to be able to quickly judge the difference between builds of one item. The actual dps has nothing to do with actual game, as in game we use TTK instead of dps and that kinda depends of what you fight against, what the density of it is, armor, armor strip and ignore, damage attentuation, priming and other completely ignored in stats like area of attack/range/grouping. Even though many people ask for dps meters in simulacrum DE is against it.
  9. Now it is esc, go to dojo. Navigation console works too. Abort is abort. Mission completion happens when you obtain prizes, but technically you are still in mission, if in space. In order to go back to base, you have to travel back to base. Going straight to orbiter sounds like forfeiting.
  10. Basic Steel Path enemies (~lvl 100) were power crept so hard that anything that is fully modded can 1shot them currently. People used to do even bigger numbers pre Slam patch with Arca Titron. If you (or whoever else interested) missed the patchnotes, you can read more about the change under: Melee Ground Slam Attack Changes in This topic:
  11. Ich würde es nicht als Fehler bezeichnen, mehr faule Programierung. Venari is beide ein tierischer Begleiter und Fahigkeit von Khora. Alle Fahigkeiten haben Energiefarbe wie Frame. Derjenige, der dies programmiert hat, hat einfach die Aussehensvorlage von tierischer Begleiter ohne nachzudenken eingefügt.
  12. I am glad you are enjoying this, but I do not see how this subsume and weapon/arcane combination cannot be used on any other frame to much better results due to synergy with actual abilities of those frames. Stealth is not really very useful if you 1shot stuff annd you do not seem to be utilising anything else from Loki's kit (1, 4 and his passive). PS: The weapon setup is really wierd. You go for Viral/Influence, but have Carnis Mandible (which is used in pure slash builds with primer and no WW), you go for Weeping wounds yet you decided to use 60/60 viral/slash mods. You run 2 Glad mods and Organ Shatter (and a couple crit damage shards), but no BR. Yes, you got wrathful advance bonus of 199%crit. You run primer, but you arent using it. Also base SP is not really great showcase of anyhing these days. Try EDA.
  13. Actually best spot is Profit Taker 2 (if you rather solo) or 4 (if you do not mind squad and leeching a bit). PT 2 goes into alert once you kill 3 mini-bosses and if you do not grab the datapad you can stay in Enrichment labs courtyard and kill lots of stuff.. PT 4 just spawns lots of stuff at all times and most players usually ignore them focusing on spider.
  14. Most of the weapons accesible at MR5 and below are what we call "Mastery fodder". They are only good to rank up get 3000 mastery and should be sold or used in crafting other weapons. Investing forma or catalyst (called potato by WF comunity) is a waste. You should focus on getting every weapon available and ranking it up. Weapons that are good overall MR5 and below: Atomos (secondary), Xoris (melee, quest), Atterax (melee). Here is a list of weapons used for crafting, that you shouldn't get rid of (sell) after you rank them up: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Weapons_Required_as_Crafting_Ingredients Also most of the normal starchart missions are extremly easy to complete and it can be done with almost everything as lonng as it is modded a bit. Dex Nikana already comes with potato and is pretty average (but unique in a bad way) for a Nikana. Dread is great in endgame as it has Incarnon Genesis upgrade, very inconvenient at the start (as are most bows), due to charge time and limit to one target (unless lined up). Mag bubble (Ability 2) can circumvent that a little bit, but still the arrow will only hit each enemy once. You should search for something thaat can hit multiple enemies at once. Tenet Arca Plasmor has this feature, not sure about normal Arca Plasmor (it is pretty good weapon for a beginner, I remember using it a lot in Index). Normal version has MR10 requirement. You can get a lot of mastery buying and rannkig up weapons that are available for credits straight from the market. In oder to find them open Equip menu and look for any weapon that has a Credit icon instead of Plat. Primaries will be Strun, Braton, Paris (and their MK-1 versions), Secondary: Aklato, Lato, Lex, MK1-Furis, MK1-Kunai, Sicarus Melee: Bo and Furax (mk-1 versions). Difference between normal Mag and Prime Mag is very miniscule + fashion. Mag Prime, compared to Mag: Higher Health (270/370 vs. 180/280) Higher Armor (135 vs. 105) Higher Energy (215/265 vs. 140/190) Additional Polarity ( vs. )
  15. You can still access it from Arsenal Equip menu. Ah yes, the famous Darvo deals that have limited stock, which nobody buys and yet they get out of stock. Great manipulation for someone new. Promotion! Limited time offer!
  16. You can make another frame though. If it is a normal frame. I dont. It serves as an important lesson in life: Actions have consequences and you cannot simply quick load. Just think before you do something.
  17. Better but not ideal and possibly problematic in a few scenarios (eg. you cannot see if people run "no relic" or you will not see if someone runs radiant, so you could prepare for the next round to return the favour). Again applying condfitionals to the game under certain circumstances caused by normal human behaviour in order to attempt to fight with the results of that behaviour, doesnt work very well in long term. Especially if it is more of a inconvenience or punishment. Reward system works pretty well.
  18. This is a free to play game and you will have normal distrubtion of various human behaviours. Any limits will not only not solve the problem of people being leeches, but will also potentially make the game more annoying for non-leeches annd possibly abused by distruptive players. Life is not fair, so is the game.
  19. Arent you afraid that players will share their experience and any player who got the treatment different than second, may feel aggrieved? Tests are great on a willing group, but on children? It is like coming into elementary school class and giving every child a prize: some get xbox, other get xbox controller. Manufacturing Requirements 📝 Edit blueprint requirements 25,000 1 400 150 600
  20. Yes, that is exactly what I meant. I seeked discussion where there was none. And that is just your own biased interpretation. Projection? Luckily you guys can continue this conversation without me. You are so good at interpreting my words, psychoanalysis and one guy even knows how I feel atm. You can handle roleplaying me just fine. Just post as me from now on and keep it going, I promise I'll keep reading.
  21. Do you run Void Fissues? Because there is this stupid trend when new Prime Access comes out that people run the Void Fissures and leave the group, when there is no Relic they want being opened. That includes hosts.
  22. Have I? Honestly I was not even thinking about your username. I just noticed the number, was excited about it and wanted to share my excitement.
  23. Unnecesary psychoanalysis and overreaction as always. Also it is your 666th post. Coincidence? I do not think so.
  24. I could have, If he asked for any. Again, leave your* interpretations to yourself. You are very bad at it.
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