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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Have you ever been a GM in a multiplayer game or MMO? 1. Observe their actions: if majoriry of time only one is interacting with stuff and the other is afk it is clear as day. 2. You can test them by giving them stuff to do, like imiidiate decisions or stuff they need to do at the same time that differs. My favourite task was to ask 1 player to turn around clockwise and count from 1 to 10, while the other runs zig zags and counts from 10 to 1. It is impossible to do by 1 person even with two computers/keyboards/mouses. But you can just spawn an enemy or an invisible wall on the afk player and see what happens.
  2. So called dual-boxing/multi-boxing is illegal here and in any other multiplayer game there is. It is basicaly botting. You could however grab yourself a pet like Smeeta Kavat or Chesa Kubrow to help you get more loot. You could also subsume certain abilities that along with their aguments can give you better/more drops. Or you can just use Hydroid that is superior lootframe due to 100% double. Honestly all the players seem to overdramatising the material farm in this game. I am runing free to play, no boosters other than from daily logins and I even do not bother givinng myself blessing and I have extensively farmed for myself for two materials only: Kuva and Orokin Cell (had an insane amount of prime to craft and just couldnt get enough). Everything else you get while playing if you just run missions, explore and break stuff. Getting 2 argons for the 1 thing you are about to craft is one simple quick mission that also grants you a Void Relic.
  3. 1. It doesnt (overdramatic) 2. You talk about public squads or some super premades relic opening where people want to make it as fast as possible? Cause public squads are well, public. Anything goes. And premade relic opening are often superhardcore mode for people that want to grind stuff quick not have pleasant experience in game.
  4. Man, every time I give you the benefit of the doubt you write something like that and all the illusion goes away. This statement is valid for a person who grabbed first overframe build for Komorex and used it once or twice. It may be a flashbang simulator and an awful weapon for that person, but it IS great for anyone who actually knows how to tweak stuff. Funnily enouh the person actually seeing how great Komorex is, is the same exact person who gave only valid point of improvement for Snipers. Coincidence? You are comparing base stats of the weapons instead the actual builds and how they perform in game, but even unmodded Rubico ramps up the combo counter much faster than Vectis does. That 2s reload is equal to 2s combo drop so you drop 1 combo per reload (unmodded, no arcanes, no abilities), which still grants you 4 combo per magazine (assuming no multishot and no headshots). As you can see there is insane amount of assumptions that do not exist in actual gameplay, so such comparisons are pointless. You mod and build the weapons either to make them good overall, or you campitalise on their strenghts. Rubico P Strength is the fact that you can land multiple headshots really fast (not as fast as Komorex, but substantially faster than Vectis, especially considering Vectis recoil). Yes I can. If an enemy would die from 13k damage and you as a player make a concious decision to bring a weapon modded for single target capable of doing multiple hundred times more damage, you either need to mod it differently or bring diffrent weapon. You cant say that it is a weapons fault. It is the player issue here. It is like bringing hammer to swat a moskito and complaining that the hammers arent good for moskito swatting. Isnt that the shotguns role in most of the games? Snipers are about long range combat, not big dudes killing. No it doesnt if you mod for Punch Through and have access to Grouping Tools. At least snipers dont. Grinlok with 300% cc still sucks, because it cannot ramp. You can in the right scenario that makes AoE problematic. Remember Explosive weapons cannot funtion with punch through because they just go past enemies you want to explode on, as for walls I cannot remember whether their damage ever went through walls or if it does now, but i doubt. Whole point of different weapon class is to make it iDifferent. I do not understand you man. You write one thing, as if to bait a response and then you write something totally opposite, contradicting your previous statement. See. I do not like the utility route (I do not think it will make them relevant for you or anyone that thinks they are irrelevant now) and do not think there is anything to offset. If you want utility, grab yourself a Grimoire or Kitgun and leave the Snipers alone.
  5. I am not looking forward to it, he seems to be preoccupied with arguing. The best idea of making Snipers better was the punch through one (not his) as it would free the slot off Primed Shred if you want to run it as room clearer with grouping tool (which is possible on Komorex due to radial attacks) or general quality of life. In my opinion the Single target bolt action rifles (eg. Prisma Grinlok) are in far worse spot, not only they have similar problems as Snipers, but they also lack Scope buffs and Combo mechanics. Prisma Grinlok you can get to some ridiculous cc/cd stats and it still sucks.
  6. Sure but nothing he wrote in the initial post makes any sense. He wants to cut the Rubico P spare ammo by 80% in favour of giving it more base damage. That solves nothing that make Snipers niche at the moment. It actually makes them even worse (damage attenuation mechanic). And especially Rubico. Whole stick of Rubico P is that it shoots fast, reloads fast and gets to high combo counter fast (compared to eg. Vectis or dreadful Lanka). Komorex has 40 max ammo and it goes brr out of ammo faster than Zarr.
  7. And this. Which means they must have ran only Eidolonns and Sortie Sniper Only missionns their whole playtime OR they do not use other Primaries for some reason OR they werent active in between Eidolon hunting spam and today OR many other possibilities that do seem to contradict their statements. I do not take away his right to post his opinions at all. I simply disagree with them and undermine his reasoning.
  8. You see wrong. Everything else you deduct upon that false statement is also false. You may need to check context next time So you DID or do use Snipers extensively to something more than Eidolon hunting. Isnt that a bit contradictory to what you wrote before? I cant? I just did. Funny how it works: I cant justify snipers, with arguments and experience, however you totally can criticise them without arguments and with irrelevannt experience. Double standards much?
  9. Play solo/premade or pick a meta weapon yourself. It is a choice. Player chooses one thing over another, then has to take responsibility forthe decisions.
  10. It did? I thought just nobody uses it due tu Umbra bug that disables all buffs on Transference.
  11. I do. My favourite ones currently are Lesion, Innodem, Exodia Contagion Zaws, Telos Boltace, Heavy attack Pennant/Reaper Prime, Ceti Lacera and Ohma for giggles. I used to run Redeemer and Xoris, may come back to them considering they fixed the Heavy Hybrid builds with Tennokai. My Glaive P is mastery fodder, so is Stropha and Praedos. Cerata I used to use to self damage Chroma back when self damage was a thing. Sure can if you get there first.
  12. 1. Why DO you bother? Enemies die, mission is complete, everyone is happy. %dmg on score screen doesnt matter. 2. Play solo or use a speedy frame and have good enemy awareness, so you can kill stuff before others even get there. 3. Dunno what weapons you are talking about but eg. Torid doesnt need precision headshots to charge and Incarnon form is an absolute beast. Shotguns are pretty hard to charge on non SP/non Eximus stuff, due to the stupid bug/overcompansation by WF devs and it has nothiing to do with AoE meta. 4. Melee stuff. Its fun and thanks to Tennokai you can occasionally do something else than Hold E.
  13. To add my 5 cents about 1. Many players treat this game like looter hack&slash (Diablo series, PoE). Think if they just get the right high level items it will make them "tanky". And to some extent that may be true, but majority of what makes veteran players able to withstand high level missions and plow through low level missions with breeze are game mechanics knowledge and movement. Warframe has plenty of excelent movement abilities that work great for traversing terrain as well as avoiding enemy attacks. Moving targets barely get any hits, even from enemies with hitscann weapons. Many people starting the adventure in Warframe attempt to play it like CoD: walk/run everywhere and ADS (aim down sights) everything. This also works if you utilise two other tools available to you: enemy radar and third person perspective. Enemy Radar allows you to know where the enemies are. Third person allows you to see and shoot them, while they are unable to see and shoot you back. There is a mechanics called soft cover - you utilise a pillar or a corner and if you are peaking slightly to the side of it the enemies cant see you or return fire before they break the line of sight, which means actually run to you. After doing some story quests you also get an ability to "change bodies". In general veteran player can easily clear startchart solo while playing 300/300 frame with low armor. Last thing is Stealth. Plenty of frames offer it (Loki, Ivara, Octavia and for very short while also Ash. There is also Limbo that can change phases making him completely immortal (outside nullifier bubble and the big reactor in corpus tileset). TL:DR: Abuse Parkour/Keep moving, you do not always need to aim for the head, you do not need to kill everything Abuse soft cover and radar In control missions wait for the enemies to come to you, pick the right spot to take them out from Progress story questline to unlock stuff Get an invisible frame (Loki is the easiest to get but also lretty specialised, cause stealth is pretty much his only useful ability for a beginner, Octavia is most versatile as she offers crowd control (enemies chase after a discoball/shot themselves in the process), damage buffs for whole squad and 24/7 invisibility for whole squad) As for weapons. Ignis Wraith is all you really need. It doesnt require skill, just aim in the general direction of the enemy/enemies and hold trigger. It makes the enemies dance (heat status) and just kills everythiing. It is pretty useful in base SP as well (just a bit different build, once you get access to SP arcanes).
  14. Both weapons as fine, It depends whether you want single target priming/control/damage or aoe priming/control. You can also use Vulklok for the crit damage multiplier, but then you would nee to fit Tenacious Bond | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom on your Wyrm. Builds on weapons should emphasise statuses you want applied (60/60 mods), status chance mods, fire rate. In addition Helstrum should have Firestorm/Primed firestorm. Example build for Helstrum: 3 Forma Helstrum Build by THeMooN85 - Radiation/Heat/Viral Helstrum Rifle for Your Sentinel - Overframe Verglas builds depend whether you ant to it do damage or just prime. You can skip fire rate/reloads if you gonna use Crowd Dispersion + Manifold Bond | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom to apply statuses.
  15. That is possible. But it is Warframe System that sends the mail not the player/creator. Eg. you get a message from Varzia or someone. Gotta be a twitch drop or official giveaway though. Unofficial giveaways also can happen but they are given away via trade.
  16. Old Corpus Ship Defence Tileset. The new one is absolute atrocity. In case you did not know what I am talking about: it is a tileset with pillar in the center that has moving platform (elevator) with defence target, that not only is in a huge room but also has over 4 separate levels all connected with platforms and stairs. Also known as worst tileset in game. Person responsible for the rework clearly had no idea how bugged Warframe spawns, enemy radar (zero vertical range) and enemy AI pathing is. Or had and it was just:
  17. Excelent! Not only you wasted your time grinding for plat instead of actual parts (which would given you other stuff most certainly), but you also managed to overpay by 1000% as full Damaged Necramech Sets are obtainable on warframe.market for as little as 7-8p. Kudos to the scammer who sold that to you. If you say so. I strongly disagree.
  18. If you are taking time off work it is not technically at work. Same thing. If you play during break it is technically not at work. You can do it with zero actual work yes, but you can also do it with work. Still I do not see how he can play WF doing that. I do not wish you badly, but imagine there is a fire at night and this guy just plays stuff and doesnt notice at all, because "this job requires zero work, juust sitting on ass".
  19. I'd love to see you secure anything (as in prevent burglary), while playing warframe. Sure you can sit and pretend, but thats not security, thats just being paid bum. And yes there are some things that do not require any attention because there is nothing to steal, but why do they need security then? How are you going to keep your attention if you are actively focusing on something else? You can play chess, play some indie point and click, read a book or listen to audiobook but actively playing WF is way too absorbing and it is basically scamming your employer.
  20. Unpopular opinion, but maybe work at work and play at your free time?
  21. It is, if it is obvious those are two separate owners. Platforms do not matter. In your case it is not clear to a suspicious extent and trade may be flagged. Anyway. If he plays at work and you do not, it is clearly different IP, so who will know it is the same household? How? If he never plays of the same IP as you? Or do you plan to trade specifically from the same IP, which was never used till now? What stops you from trading him when he is at work?
  22. Mars and Uranus are both inferior to Void Captures. We kinda do and it is Mars, but still - we do not need more inferior missions when Void Captures (for Lith as well) exist. That is assuming your only goal is getting relics. Only efficient Disruption (relics-wise) is Lua, because there is no faster way of obtaining Axi relics. And regarding Lua all points are valid. If you play any other Disruption for relics and complain...it is not the mission problem, it is the player's choice.
  23. Yes, we know. Suspicion is someone made a mistake and it is 1% instead of declared 10. I've had 55 mission streak without it dropping.
  24. They already have some punch through, but it seems to be on paper, because they cannot penetrate the Grineer Blunt for some reason.
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