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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Must be new, last one i did did not clear anything. Neither Nova nor Zenurik.
  2. It does something alright. It has little to no effect on actual matchmaking (maybe making the queues longer, because it drops the potential hosts). But yeah it does. Well, beside the warning - warning is completely intended. That is exactly what makes it placebo. Players believe it improves their matchmaking experience. Their faith makes it "work". All placebos do something, no substance can be completely neutral to your body. It can be vitamin C, hell even clay is not completlely neutral.
  3. You are misinterpreting what I wrote. I never wrote that. All is said is it has no way of checking and measuring how your ping will look like when you connect to host and therefore no way to reject "bad" hosts - the mechanics you described so extensively for me. All it does is restricts some hosts. Depeding whether it catches them on high or low ping, some of those rejected ones can actually be more stable than the ones it allows (high albeit stable latency tends to be not as bad as fluctuating one) In short. It is placebo.
  4. Feel free to contact DE with your know-how. And while you are at it, tell them how to code chatbox lock option.
  5. Thank you for demonstating I am essentially right. Great self burn. No, it wouldn't. Not to mention there is a big difference between single ping and latency in game while hosting games of 4 players. Also it still only half of the problem. The other half is how game picks hosts, out of all players queuing. PS: It is still better system than SC2/HotS, where if you disconnect from game you have to wait in queue while the game loads from replay (on 3x speed, but still). Small indie company made those games.
  6. Amount of players who think it does something beside giving you warning whenever you get invited by hosts with high latency, is astonishing. I repeat: in public matchmaking the game has no way of checking your latency to potential host. You can put 1 ping limit and you will still have the same Matchmaking experience as if you put 1000. That setting doesnt fix anything. It is placebo for uninformed people.
  7. There are numerous bugs with host migration and not it will not be fixed, because that would require completely changing the net code and matchmaking hosting from P2P to game server based. Not only would the transition and code cost a lot of resources and time, but also the upkeep of such servers.
  8. They adjusted the archons recently, changing/reducing the tedious damage attentation mechanic to something more skill based. But still hard hitting 1shot weapons are not good idea, that includes bows and most snipers. You want the same thing as for Lephantis. Lots of damage instances in short time (think classic pellet shotguns, smgs, ars). Update 34 | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom under Archon Hunt Damage Attenuation Changes
  9. You got better sarpa in every way in form of Vastilok. Necro 1/10
  10. Wait, there are adds? I disabled ublock fora while and indeed there are some, but man... if that is unusable for you check out Polish "reddit".
  11. We dont. There are many frames with 2 auguments in their meta builds. Putting one into another slot essentially makes 1 free slot for another mod. Another mod makes frames more powerful. And there is really no need for that. Been talked over and over. Numerous auguments go intto exilus slot (not all). That is all you gonna get. Managing your mods and stats with limited capacity and slots it one of the skill you need in warframe. If you cant, just copy the builds from internet.
  12. System is P2P. There is no way of checking what latency to the host will everyone have. Hosts are picked on random. The options ping treshold doesnt to anything with matchamaking, it only gives you a warning when manually joining hosts with ping over treshhold. Doesnt do what you think it does.
  13. So many posts and yet find one where you articulate clearly and understandably what is that you want to be done. If english is not your first language please consult someone who knows it better before you type another post. No need to be rude to people who have trouble understanding you. PS: Do not like drop table of a mission? Do not run it.
  14. Enemy spawn have certain rules: 1. There can be limited number of enemies on the map. The limit depends on the number of players, mission type (SP has increased number) and sadly the machine host plays on. Console players, especially the old console ones tend to have visibly less enemies spawning compared to PC hosts. 2. Enemies spawn: Near players, near objectives, but always of out line of sight (beside Void Fissures). Also there are tilesets. The enemies will normally spawn in neighbouring tileset (tileset is a room/corridor block, the map is made out of these blocks, in general if there is a gate with actual door in it is it most likely a border between tilesets). Problem with players is that they either do not know this mechanics or do not care. They will see lots of enmies spawn behind the corner and instead of waiting for them to come, they will go there and kill them, which makes them stop spawning there, instead they spawn in next tilset, behind another corner, but it is close enough for a player to see them on minimap, so they go there again and again the nnext spawn spawn even further away (and also behind the player if there is enough space between them and their squad). Also have in mind the DE had made countermeasures for camping in one tile. At some point enemies may stop spawning if the game feels the players do not move from one tileset. PS: Kuva Bramma has been nerfed to ground and dethroned multiple times. As for survival itself, you can totally survive long time without killing a single enemy, just by using the stations sparingly (and breaking containers as they also have a chance to drop LS)
  15. You are taking a item based mechanic from loot games like Diablo or PoE, where getting the item with that one prefix or suffix is the goal of the end game and applying it to completely different game with completely different mechanic where those suffixes and prefixes do not matter in making or breakinng a build. Please dont. Play Diablo or PoE instead.
  16. So mod them to be faster. Use mods/warframe powers/arcanes that increase fire rate and bullet speed.
  17. Yeah, give them A for effort. And buch of pop up achievements for breathing like in mobile games. I guess you do not like being tested. Those are necesary to test your game knowledge or skill. You can cheese plenty of them. If not all. They also provide sense of accompllishment, once you rank up.
  18. Is it though? I was a newbie once. Had no trouble with finding them. The key is to not actually search for them. You get them while playing the missions normally* and by the time you get to the junction you should already have them all. *) normally as in solo, on your own pace, not being taxid by friends. PS: Thief wit is overkill, just slap Animal Instict on your starting Taxon. Mods The following mods provide the bonus, and the bonus values of extra horizontal detection range for the maximum mod rank: Loot Detector: +30m (bonus given to the entire Squad) Thief's Wit: +42m (self-only) Animal Instinct: +30m (self-only) Primed Animal Instinct: +55m (self-only)
  19. Get more, so you get to the moment where number gets zeroed (or negative).
  20. Colors like red and blue do not exist. There is plenty of palletes with all shades and intensity of reds and blues. Just pick different ones if those you picked do not meet your expectations.
  21. Not it is not. They are perfect for potato-less builds and offer better stats/capacity ratio to non-flawed ones. Credits and endo are hardly a problem these days.
  22. What coupons are you talking about? You mean login rewards? Nerfed how? The plat ones are two kinds -75 and -50. Did you roll -50 and think it is a nerf?
  23. Have in mind the slash weighting only looks good on actual Ether Daggers. The pseudo-exalted has equal distribution of base 300 dmg 100 piercing 100 impact and 100 slash. So your actual weighting (provided that riven does not add slash) is 100 piercing 100 impact 190 slash, so 48,7% slash.
  24. Just leave yourself. There is no way to implement system that is not possible to be abused. Look at mobas. People report everyone who they do not agree with and you can get chat banned for abusive language (silenced), even though you have chat disabled. Do not run sortie/archon spy or any mission that can be failed, in public.
  25. I had no idea, I kept killing them with melee anyway. Also Vastilok/Sarpa exist. That "useless" dual pistol that was being used to 1shot the archon pre changes (non-incarnon)?
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