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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Except it is not work or slavery. It is a game. Nobody is forcing you to do this. The rewards are known beforehand, they are not hidden. If you do not find them enjoyable you are free not to participate in the grind. And if you do not have to grind at all, can you imagine how not enjoyoble (level/length) the rewards will be? Anyway, this is a grind shooter. not an idle-game. The gameplay is the reward. You can skip the gameplay, cutscenes and ignore the lore, but expecting any gratification after you do that is a bit silly.
  2. Build one of the starting frames (volt, excal, mag) pick one of the starting weapons and go to town. You can also get the Flawed mods from Iron Wake. Or you could just make a smurf account. Have in mind you will never have the same experience, because of the knowhow. You'd have to lose memory for that to happen. (Also WF new player experience kinda changed).
  3. There has recently been a feature going that you end up where the host started. So if they started in dojo or relay you end up in relay. And I mean Public Matchmaking, not a Premade.
  4. No clue bro, I can only see this screenshot (I do not have a clue why the title says 95 hours, when the mission screen says 10 days 11 hours, as far as I can tell days have more hours than 8,5, guess it counts totall time breaks included)
  5. Account sharing or some kind of automatisation tool. There is no human alive who can play the game for over 10 days, even solo with breaks (I found a 2 month old reddit post).
  6. I hate the abundace of this concept in gaming. It is very often an excuse for developers to be lazy with level design and activity design. It has its merit in certain game types where all mechanics revolves around replayability, but for some reason is put everywhere.
  7. No it did not, because it is a sortie and target is an operative who follows random player, not stationary object. Objecitve of Defense Mode is NOT protect the target for the given TIME - it is protect the target and KILL all the enemies tryng to get it. So even if it partially helped with one objective, it hindered the other substantially. If it was mobile defense, pop your bubble by all means. PS: Sadly the fact that many players do not read, do not care or will intentionally try to annoy others is not a good reason to change any abilities effects. This happened since the dawn of multiplayer gaming and will happen regardless. If you do not like it, do not play in public or bring ability nuke that doesnt care about that - Saryn, Equinox, Octavia, Gara, Gauss etc...)
  8. Depends on the context, but in general it means the endless missions. Sometimes the Void Fissures (there are SP versions). SP has modifier to drops and much better enemies spawn than normal missions, so If you plan to drop stuff from enemies this is much better choice to farm this. If your items drop from rotation prizes instead, there is no reason to do SP. There are 5 challenges daily that provide you with 5 Steel Essence upon completion, so you rather run them fast. There is Forma bundle on the market (3 built forma) for plat. There are some granted for Nightwave progress sometimes. Here are all the sources on WIki: Forma | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom As for the building, it is like first rule of Warframe: Always Have a Forma Building in the Foundry. You will have plenty in no time.
  9. Or just use melee influence and constantly "slam" everything within 20 meters radius.
  10. Your idea of fun may be very different from other people idea of fun. Remember, there are hard and unforgiving games on the market (single and multi) and they are very succesful globally. If something is easy, common and repeatable - it is not fun. It is boring. It turns into a chore. DE already unblocked all the story quests from MR requirement. I do not understand what is the fuss about. Just play the game. I am sure there is criminally numerous amount of things you can do in the game between Mastery attempts. In case you did not think I am talking out of my butt: have I ever failed an actual test and had to wait 24 hours? Of course. Have I ever got enough Mastery for multiple tests and had to wait for next one? Sure. Did it bother me to a point I would go to forums to waste time on complaining about lack of easy mode, instead of actually playing the game, getting more stuff, doing a proper preparation and perfecting my strategy? Clearly, no. What I always liked about the Warframe is the very minimal hand-holding. Here is the game, here is wiki, figure it out yourself. Sadly modern gaming is all about hand-holding and players, who grew up on such games just cant handle a bit of inconvenience, let alone an actual challenge.
  11. I find the waiting time is valid. Can you IRL repeat an actual test right away after you failed one? Can you repeat it endless amount of times? Why cant you do that? Because then It wouldnt be a test. It wouldnt carry any weight at all. One of the mechanics to make something have value is to have less of it or make it less accesible or for less amount of people or add a time gate. You can practice without the risk and the test is the same in practice as it is for real. Also the if yo uare applicable for multiple it prevents you from rushing through the ranks (for your own good).
  12. You havent read what you are agreeing to, right? Third-Party Software and You – WARFRAME Support You played for 3 hours and needed external help? For what exactly? This is not the place for such posts. Use a ticketing system.
  13. No, it is not. I got plenty from Hepit. It is just Rng. A chance of not getting any drop in 50 runs is not even this low (0.09%). Main problem with this relic is that it refuses to drop the Akarius part for me (and other I was opening with).
  14. You need to jump/bullet jump and while gliding turn around (Sentinel lags a bit behind you when you are in glide). I do not think DE intended for those abilities to be cast on Sentinels.
  15. Behold my 10.000+ of moas crashing the server. DE is shy of making summoner class and you want everyone to be summoner class and without any upper limit? Pick up a MoA specter from Perrin Sequence Syndicate and deploy it in every mission.
  16. Just because someone does the preperation, picks the right strategy and effectively makes something hard easy, does not make them a troll. Being able to analyse the task and picking right tools is a key. Eating soup with a hammer is pretty hard, so is nailing with a spoon. I think I did this one with Titania as this resembles Index and I do her in Index.
  17. I do not understand how this has anything to do with title, first post or anything, but you get affinity for every completion in game - freeing the NPC, opening spy vaults, completing mobile defence points etc. I do not see any reason why you shouldnt get affinity from rivens. But it is level up affinity, not mastery affinity. You can increase the speed of ranking up weapons by: -emptying other slots -attempting to pick a frame/focus/pet that will kill with that weapon instead of abilities PS: You can rank up amps by hacking spy vaults in operator form (or doing any other objectives while in operator form).
  18. Does google work for you? It is seem place as every other Seer part. Just receiver has "slightly" lower chance..
  19. Not exactly. It spreads the damage that causes the status along with the damage that is caused by the status (if applicable). So spreading eg. magnetic status doesnt just afflict all the enemies with maagnetic, it also damages them for 100% of the damage that caused the magnetic status proc (unlike standard weapon that only spreads portion of the damage reduceed by follow through depending on amount of targets, has much smaller range & all the damage instances have separate status proc chances so it is not guaranteed to proc eg. magnetic on all of them). It is better in all 3 instances.
  20. Depends. Dev of alecaframe claims it is legal. DE can ban you for anything they find suspicious. Use at your own risk. https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us/articles/360030014351-Third-Party-Software-and-You
  21. Not going Melee Influence narrows your damage reach to your weapon range & follow through. MI hits everything within 20 meter radius, even through walls. You can full strip with Argonak stat stick(daggers) or Corrosive (req. 2 green shards). You do not need to have the Electric on the melee weapon as long as you can proc the buff (lasts 20 seconds). This guy explains it the best:
  22. Seems like Kengineer is mind reading the OP:
  23. You have right to be angry, but maybe calm yourself and think about what you are proposing. 1. It is impossible to do - ther is no way even god can control the prices of stuff in trade chat (sell listings, buy listings), warframe market (site not affiliated with DE) and DMs. 2. It is impossible to evaluate and control every trade that happens in game. It is in the logs so it can be traced if needs to be (plat purchase from stolen credit card). But that only is meant for flagged trades. 3. Even if it was possible, you really do not want this. It is worse than 1984. It is total control. I happen to be from a country which had been in its history ruled by totalitarian goverment, and believe me - it is not an utopia. Even in other MMOs which have much better trading systems (WoW Auction house) there are still gold sellers, bots, scammers, all the illegal grey stuff. So is IRL. And even more. See the scam? Just comment on it in public or ignore it completely (scammers are like hydra, you cut one head and there are two more). Being harassed? Ticket report the person with evidence and block them. Want to avoid being scammed? Educate yourself. Want others to not be scammed? Educate them. Free market is free. Anyone can TRY to sell or buy anything at ANY price. You got tools that tell you whether this price is close to market price or far. If it is too good to be true it is most likely a scam. You seem to be perfectly capable of aggravating yourself without any outside help.
  24. Sometimes (even it that doesnt say) you HAVE to be solo in solo mode.
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