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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Just leave yourself. There is no way to implement system that is not possible to be abused. Look at mobas. People report everyone who they do not agree with and you can get chat banned for abusive language (silenced), even though you have chat disabled. Do not run sortie/archon spy or any mission that can be failed, in public.
  2. I had no idea, I kept killing them with melee anyway. Also Vastilok/Sarpa exist. That "useless" dual pistol that was being used to 1shot the archon pre changes (non-incarnon)?
  3. It is their right to be confused. They choose this.
  4. So basically you want all augument mods to become useless. What other mods? There are multiple meta builds that use up to two slots for auguments and have no problem in fitting everything they want into the build. Plus there are archon shards to fill in the gaps. Maybe you just overvalue certain mods?
  5. And one would have thought there is already a fix to this issue: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Conductor
  6. The mechanic is alreaady in the game. There are several weapons with battery instead of ammunition: Basmu, Fulmin, Flux Rifle, Bubonico, Shedy, all archungs in space mode etc. There is Kitgun arcane that allows you to make a kitgun into battery weapon: Pax Charge. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Battery_Weapons Making this mechanic available to any weapon will siginficantly diminiish the uniqueness of the above weapons.
  7. Inarnon Miter hits similar mark.
  8. We do not have to like it, but is sadly inevitable with p2p system. Should the games be hosted on outside server that would not be an issue.
  9. In the name of your mouse I urge you to rebind the button to somethiing else, before you completely destroy your mouse middle button (i did that to two mouses before I rebound). First symptom is exactly as you described - the button not working sometimes.
  10. Probably has something to do with certain special operation. Your english is communicative, why not write to english support instead?
  11. You could also make Ephemera selection as a Class and the particular Ephemera selection inside. It will help, once people inevitebly want to more Ephemera slots added, a year after. It was a rhethorical question. Guess some people will respond anyway.
  12. Thakfully only had to farm for the weapons and Isoplast cause Ally Dude gave me Caliban I tend to run solo, if someone joins its fine too, but I do not really need help.
  13. Just keep going. It took me a while whiile farming it and i am sure i got more sets* while doing NW (5 Diff Bounties from Zariman). Bounties give mats and rep, plus are pretty fun compared to open world bounties that tend to be overly long for no particular reason. *) yup, i got another full set and 4 systems.
  14. 75 runs? That is about 2,5 hour* investment. Are you sure you are running correct mission (picking correct coin)? Neuro drops from missions paid with normal coins (Granum Crown), Systems from the mid coins (Exemplar Granum Crown). and Chasis from tier 3 coins (Zenith Granum Crown). It does not matter what mission you opened the portal in. *) what setup are you using to farm it? Here is another thread, where we gave some tips to a guy frustrated as you: I like playing it, but I really really prefer to run solo with AI crew than with pugs. I farmed about 3 sets, because I forgot I already subsumed him. I am pretty sure I got even more while running NW/farming for traces/boredom. Let me check. Again. Are you runing the fastest possible mission? Do you use proper setup? There are often 2 available void storms per Planet. If both are some tedious long, just skip/run different Planet or do something else until you get quick skirmish. If both are skirmish you obviously pick the lower level one. If your RJ the problem?
  15. Have you actually tested it or you are just believing what you have read in the internet? Because I assure you, there is literally zero change to Contagion heavy slide build. Actually my new dmg record is after the supposed change.
  16. Less is more, unless you crave the attention and rather look like a Christmas Tree. Also how do you expect this to work UI-wise?
  17. For the sheer satisfaction of setting yourself a goal and fulfiling it (also a dopamine release). Also a change is refreshing, even if it is illusionary, This is where you are wrong and you do not give yourself a chance to change the opinion, because you do not run the circuit.
  18. Ah, yes. Extremly informative bug report. If you want to report it try making a ticket and actually providing some information (like EE.txt). https://support.warframe.com/hc Do not post your EE.txt here as it contains your private information.
  19. I find big difference between "dont care about duration" and "negative duration being beneficial & synergising with the setup", dont you?
  20. Just put it in an inaccesible point for enemies, not in the middle of them. You put it exactly the opposite as Resonator/Mallet. With those you want them to be visible by all enemies from everywhere. Unless you run this:
  21. Maybe it would be a good occasion to tweak it a bit. Because not only it is weak, but also does not synergise with her abilities at all. It only fits the Yin/Yang Duality Theme.
  22. Sure, but make it optional for those of us who prefer (and have no issues) the existing effect.
  23. It is, but the youtubers keep slapping max rank Fleeting Expertise* on her and people tend to copy that. PS: Archmelee is bonkers with recently introduced automelee. *) only case where both stats of FE are great is Baruuk's short sleep build.
  24. There are such indicators on Chroma (same mechanic). What do you think? Logically.
  25. Not only. There are also Mastery Tests where the game checks whether you got every slot equipped, regardless if the mision utilises the slot or not. Just pick different frame or use an actual melee weapon. I really do not see an important issue here.
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