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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Not really. You are not forced to go up the limiit at all. You can stop at any time below it.
  2. I thought you wanna address the fact that console hosts spawn less enemies in Steel Path, which is especially painfull in Survival type missions.
  3. Syndicate melee weapons do not do kaboom. They have different special effect. Telos Bolatace doesnt have Truth effect at all. It has parkour movements and grouping/scattering mechanics on slide attack. There is a kaboom if you equip an augument to one of the melee weapons. You write about Bolatace and paste Boltor instead. By far most useful effect for a newbie is the Suda one. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Entropy
  4. Who made you a telepathic psychoanalyst? I am not angry, I merely represent different viewpoint than yours.
  5. Have nothing to do with issue cause Anyo forces are not Warframe specters, but have you tried, dunno maybe defend the point where Anyo needs to turn the points to score? Khora, Limbo, Gara even Frost or Octavia should be able to barricade the area to the point no points can be scored.
  6. No, it is normal that some behaviours are diferent than yours. World is a complicated place with different people. Do not like it? You are free to not interact with them. What you may view as scumbag, may be completely normal behaviour in some groups, while in fact your world-view may be viewed as scumbag. If people do it, it must work. Else people wouldnt do it. Pretty simple.
  7. Just adjust your light settings. We really do not need another button.
  8. Random people do random stuff. Do not want that? Do not run public. That partially your and everyone else fault for rushing the mission. This is extremly normal trend whenever new relics come out. People are resourceful. Why farm the relics yourself if you can just "leech" of someone opining them in public. Btw, opening new relics in public is partially at fault here. It is neither beneficial for the opener (compared to premade) nor for the community. There is nothing scumbug about it. Completely normal phenomenon. You can abort any mission at any time. Hell you can alt+f4 if need to be. There is no way to block it and discouraging it is pleasing one part of the playersbase at the cost of another part of playerbase. Not a good move if you ask me.
  9. Just play different planet or leave after 2 first rotations. Or even better play capture Void instead for Lith/Neo/Meso* and Lua Disuption for Axi only. *) Yes, the reward pool is bigger than disruption and you may not only get the relics you want, but you get 1 guaranted relic per minute. And it is not like the other relics are useless.
  10. Keep hoping. Preferably do that in one of the sevaral already established topics.
  11. You totally can, If you solo. Mesa 4 doesnt target the defence console.
  12. Switch the setup you want to be using in Duviri for default one (A). Drag and Drop.
  13. My results are because of grouping tool and Magnetize doesnt group. I see. Everything clear. PS: No Arcane on Nataruk? Viral? No perfect shot. Man... Guess I am using different build. And so is 90% of other warframe players.
  14. Just infinite body punch through and multiple hits on multiple hits due to the charged projectile size (hitbox), with massive crit stats on top. Sure, mediocre. Try it.
  15. Seems good, but makes it rather problemetic to build heat (I got Corr heat on mine).
  16. Weaker how? You are comparing apples to oranges. This an auto-targetting chain weapon with superb status. Do you expect it to do same single target damage as best single target damage ones that are crit scaling?
  17. Dunno you guys pasted some HM builds. TThere is also fixed crit rate buffs in terms of Arcane/Harrow/Adarza. Guess i am using mine in some wrong way because my alt fire oblitarates everything.
  18. What are you taking? It is my primary archgun (outside PT).
  19. Just make it undeactivable for a couple of seconds after activation.
  20. Slots. Lots of Slots. Warframe, weapon, sentinel, archwing etc Do not buy any warframes. They are all easily obtainable in game. By buying them you are paying to skip gameplay. Slots are plat only.
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