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Everything posted by GilgaMelchi

  1. Try to define "end game" without saying "something that requires everything we learned and acquired so far". Because Warframe is about power fantasy since 2013 and has never changed since then. Aka, if you have farmed the existing content properly, you will steamroll on everything. If you want "hard" content, Warframe is simply not the game. People would just farm that new content and beat that and find a way to make it easy again with the new drops. Making your definition of "endgame" content a never ending cycle, which is already what DE is doing, kinda.
  2. Salut 👋 Non, tu risques de faire bannir les deux comptes si tu fais cela. Si tu fais donation de tout ton stuff à ton petit frère, ils vont interpréter cela comme un transfert ou un contournement de restriction du jeu. https://support.warframe.com/hc/fr/articles/200182180-Puis-je-fusionner-ou-transférer-des-comptes- https://www.warframe.com/fr/terms
  3. Salut 👋 https://www.warframe.com/fr/crossprogression
  4. Salut, Tu pourrais te prendre un Prime Access, ça coûte moins cher et ça contient + de Platinum. 139.99$ pour 3990 platinum + une warframe prime + deux armes primes (ou en l'occurence ici, un arch-fusil et une sentinelle). Sinon, encore moins cher, tu peux obtenir tout ce que tu as acheté avec tes platinums gratuitement, en jouant au jeu.
  5. You start the game with 2 warframe slots, 8 weapons slots and 50 platinums. Warframe slots are 20 each and weapon slots are 12 a pair. If you bought at least one of each, you should be at 3 warframe slots maximum, seems normal 🤔
  6. Salut 👋 Normalement tu devrais pouvoir accéder à tous tes compagnons depuis ton Arsenal directement sans devoir passer par l'incubateur. Si tu jouais il y a très longtemps, il est possible qu'ils soient morts définitivement (les compagnons ne peuvent plus mourir d'inactivité depuis la mise à jour de mars 2019).
  7. Whatever number of days DE decides to put there, there will always be new players complaining that it is too long and veteran players complaining that it is too short. Before october 2018 (Update 23.10), there used to be planned custom rewards past day 1000. Thankfully, DE decided to stop it at 1000 based on player feedback. Every 50 day past 1000 will be Forma, Exilus, Inventory Slots, 7-day boosters, big amount of Kuva, big amount of Endo, three Riven (and three Riven Slots). Also, the other rewards keep scaling past day 1000, for instance you'd get boosters that last 33h+ going onwards (I am past 2500 and I regularly get multiple 72h+ boosters overlapping).
  8. Faction Damage mods are final total multipliers. Whatever is your damage total, if you equip a +55% faction damage mod, it will always increase your damage by x1.55 against that faction. However they also apply twice to status damage over time. So, if you equip a +55% faction damage mod, your slash, toxin etc. damage over time will be increased by x2.4025 (x1.55x1.55).
  9. Actually, they are not. I started playing during the winter holidays back in 2014 and my forum account was created mid january.
  10. First, "zero" and "no" both mean none. Second, you seem to be completely oblivious to the fact that Fortnite has had a huge battle against Sony in 2018 when they tried to implement cross platform. Sony F#&:ed every single player that had the audacity to log in with their Epic account on the Playstation by taking them hostage on their platform (once you logged in on the PS, you were no longer able to use your Epic account on any other platform). Don't forget that Sony's reasoning is and has always been -and I quote from Sony's CEO- "On cross-platform, our way of thinking is always that PlayStation is the best place to play. Fortnite, I believe, partnered with PlayStation 4 is the best experience for users, that's our belief". Third, Fortnite and by extension Epic, but also most of the games that have managed to implement a flawless crossplatform, are usually AAA companies. Digital Extremes is a medium indie studio that has only recently been acquired by a much bigger company (Tencent), which gave them the tools and funds to start developping cross platform features.
  11. I am pretty sure I remember there used to be a "report moderator" category under "Community". But maybe I'm misremembering. I believe you should file that under "Report User or Hack" and probably "Report Player Conduct" category now. And you better have good screenshots, with explicit context and timestamps.
  12. They have expressed on multiple occasions that they have a strong desire to implement as many cross platform features as they can. However they have also said that it would be a daunting task for them. It is clearly not a matter of desire, but a matter of capability. It is no longer an "if", but a "when". And the answer is Soon™ or #whenitsdone.
  13. We barely have any info on how the cross save will be implemented. The only vague answer we had was from DE_Steve on Twitter (we also have to keep in mind that Steve no longer works on Warframe since he left to work on Soulframe) :
  14. Diminishing return is not a specific mechanic of the game, it is a real method of reasoning applied to anything that "adds up together" (instead of multiplying eachother). If a weapon deals 100 damage and you equip Serration, it will add +165 damage. If you also equip Heavy Caliber, it will add another +165 damage, nothing out of the ordinary is happening here. But if you mathematically compare 430 to 265, it only added +62% to the total, not the expected +165%. Thus any other type of mod that would increase the DPS by more than +62% would actually be more efficient than Heavy Caliber. That is what is commonly known as diminishing return. If you use the website overframe.gg, it has an integrated "effective dps increase" display on the top left of the Mods when you create a build. The actual accuracy of those values is sometimes questionable, but it can be close enough to at least make comparisons.
  15. If you submitted on Friday afternoon, chances are high you won't get an answer before Monday. Tickets can take hours, days or weeks to be resolved depending on the type/urgency of your demand and the amount of tickets they have to handle, and I think DE's support staff does not work during weekends.
  16. MR requirements got removed from all Warframes since Hotfix 32.0.9 in October 2022 The only thing that might remain are some Quests and Junctions locked behind MR that reward a specific Warframe.
  17. There already is Nitain in the Ghoul Bounties Nightwave is meant to be the main source of Nitain. When it is temporarily unavailable, the best thing is just to wait.
  18. When Mirage puts Sleight of Hand on a console, the console explodes and deters the enemy when they approach and try to use it. If they use the console and lock doors, that's just regular behavior, not Mirage's fault.
  19. I think you missed your argument because I believe forcing players to change their arsenal or way of play is making the game LESS repetitive.
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