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Everything posted by Aruquae

  1. True true I love using discipline’s merit, but… all the others still have a chance And sadly, I was never the one to win my 50% chance. Skill issue, I know I know :p
  2. It’s already quite forgiving no? I would suggest changing the window to be less random, more responsive to certain complex combos (with a hint of random so you don’t have to execute it) It’s annoying to constantly be hitting with combos and never getting the tennokai… One thing they definitely do need to add however, is innate Tennokai without it being locked behind a few mods
  3. Uhhh… we’ll then That’s perfect, a happy bug Teach me your ways
  4. Agreed, except I uhhh helminthed her 3. Replaced it with Nourish for the energy, but I’m thinking of putting Citrine or Voruna helminth on there.
  5. I invented the term “masochists” I enjoy struggling for survival
  6. The irony, avoiding Dagath because I thought it was simply a “press 4 to win” and that was all Then I avoided catalyzing shields simply because “shield gating bad” and decaying dragon key left a bad taste in my mouth (sorry, but that was supposed to handicap) But then I saw a post (coodles @Prof-Dante) that reminded me I uhhh never took Dagath out of the foundry. Realized she has a stinkin zenurik aura, so I finally put catalyzing shields and that aura mod who’s name I forgot… Good God this was the high risk frame I was looking for… so much stacks I can build off on (my favorite ramp up) for a satisfying nuke. And the shieldgate gives me survivability while complimenting my ability spamming playstyle. I can finally have a high risk high reward… usually it’s just one of those. I just love the concept of stacking up/ramping up to nuke everything, along with being able to risk it all. It’s spicy Just posting this because… wow. I should’ve tried Dagath a long time ago.
  7. Hm? Already built when you checked in the foundry? Well you can’t trade fully built pieces, and if they appear in the foundry then it’s the blueprint Does the main blueprint show them as built? If you check your inventory it’ll specify whether it’s built or not
  8. Hm? Already built when you checked in the foundry? Well you can’t trade fully built pieces, and if they appear in the foundry then it’s the blueprint Does the main blueprint show them as built? If you check your inventory it’ll specify whether it’s built or not
  9. Hmmm…. He has a villager forehead? No one can beat that
  10. Gen and I just had an enlightening conversation about this It’s less so on challenge and moreso on difficulty The randomized loadouts can serve as a challenge, but it isn’t difficult. It would be cool if we can use our own weapons, but they’re unmodded (and no incarnon). The way it would get stronger is the decrees, which will make your weapon stronger. Could even add niche decrees to fit in with less picked weapons. More decrees due to longer time spent, longer time spent increase enemy level. Could even add corrupted augments or something… something that boosts a warframe’s power, but decreases there other power. An example could be increasing Baruuk’s damage, but reducing his DR. Oh well, an idea
  11. Does this mean that Garuda’s seeking talons are supposed to not go through walls? I thought that was their entire thing…? Where they go through walls so long as the enemy is within your LoS? Oh well, it was fine while it lasted :’)
  12. Forgettable? Not really Just another glass cannon, can nuke the room, will die if you screw up I do actually see her quite a bit during missions. Her horses are hard to miss… now that I think of it that’s probably not saying much. If you want a forgettable frame… huh I forgot the name. I think he was a sentient? Oh yeaaaa, it was Revenant. Definitely Revenant I will not take any Qorvex slander He is immortal with his concrete memes Edit: during, not dulling
  13. And who is that moderator exactly? Unfortunately… I believe you’re right… the only thing that’s probably holding them back is the creator themselves needing to agree. Noticed this too, it seems to have ended when they released regal aya. At least, that’s where the major backlash started when it comes to pricing… then I remember it tumbling down with the heirlooms and Gauss Prime. Precisely why I brought it up… context aside… they are both quite similar. You can even flip around my previous question into “If heirlooms were to return, what about Founders?” Everything that has been used for founders has been trying to be used for heirlooms. It’s one of those all or nothing occurrences. This would seem like the case right? But to quote someone (I wish I knew who said it) “It’s almost as if they were trying to make another founder’s pack.” What was the founders pack when it released? A cash grab, DE using it to make some quick money. Yes, they needed the quick money then unlike now, but they can both be considered short term investments. Indeed, they might’ve given DE a starting loan (ok, not a loan, but you know what I mean), but that doesn’t mean they did everything. Warframe wouldn’t have survived if only the “founders” kept on playing. The reason it survived is because the player base kept growing. Not to mention, a majority of founders have quit, so clearly they aren’t helping the game. The funny thing is, I’ve seen quite a bit of people with the founder’s pack stating they’re fine with it. Some will complain, yes, but it’s not like those who buy it wouldn’t be spending the same amount of money on it…? The only difference is the time. Yes, there are people who only want it for the rare (I’m guilty of liking rare shiny), but if it does happen like you proposed… it wouldn’t be considered rare anymore. It’ll slowly dwindle into an optional purchase that doesn’t hold much wait besides “Exclusive Excalibur with some gold.” Once something is out for a while, initial sales will obviously decrease due to no FOMO, but the average sales would obviously increase. How? Quite simple… you’re making money from a product you haven’t made money with in 10 years… If some Founder’s truly cry about this proposal… then at most DE can give them all some special “tag” (kind of like the 10 year support tag on your account) showing you were there in the beginning. It does absolutely nothing… it’s just a “flex,” if you ever want to brag. Just… please don’t brag founders… it’s quite annoying.
  14. Specifically why I brought up winning the round You may have one the battle, but not the war And the war isn’t with random people on forums… it’s against DE’s sketchy monetization strat …Why on earth did strat get capitalized? Edit: Why did it also capitalize “may?”
  15. AH YES YOU'RE RIGHT I'm talking about wanting difficulty... not challenge.. and your argument was about challenge, not difficulty... whereas mine was simply confusing the two Yep, I see what you mean now. From a "challenge" perspective, it's living up to it
  16. Hmmm, this is true my post was more so venting from Duviri, rather than the newest game mode. I’m glad you can still get the main rewards. I guess, building off of my poor claim… how is random considered challenging? That’s what I truly dislike about it. Random is not challenging…
  17. This is true Well played, you've won this round
  18. You proposed a counter claim... yes. This makes sense... but... is there any other time gated option which costs money that ended up returning? Eugh, that sentence sounded janky And that would be considered the prime difference in the Heirlooms and the Deimos support pack, and the prime similarity between that and the Founders' pack. They never specified whether the Deimos pack was going to return, nor did they specify whether it was exclusive or not (or time limited). They specifically did this with the Heirlooms, when they could've easily thrown in the same strat they did with the support packs... it seems a bit odd. You would think if they wanted it to return in the future, they would've worded it like with the support packs. (Which is to say, not outright saying they're exclusive) Good thing you tagged, I never would've got the notification otherwise. These forums are trying to beat the game when it comes to bugs True, I also feel like the mindset of "It's nerfed, must be bad" also came to play. One reason because he was nerfed in less than a week, so not everyone had him. My guess is half the people who were complaining about the nerfs didn't have him, I'm just guessing from their reasoning... Of course, this is just a speculation. I just feel like there were too many people complaining about a frame that just came out... especially when realizing they would have started crafting him on day one. Maybe some day the companies will put aside their differences... and finally let me use the stinkin Ivara Obsidian skin... I can dream... Oh thank goodness, this is nice to here Completely agree. Now you're leaving me slightly confuzzled with how this conversation went, wasn't expecting it to turn out like an actual argument. Oh well, a good read nonetheless, even if I don't completely agree with some of your reasonings And because people are going to be wondering what I mean about that, i'm saying that because there is a difference between arguing, and yelling your opinion with your finger in your ear. I just made someone mad, didn't I?
  19. I can see DE reverting it… if they add self damage back Could even add a corrupted mod, -range for AOE +crit or something
  20. For some reason I never got a notification for this..? Good thing I was scrolling through it I agree with all of this, if everyone were in mutual agreement that they should bring back heirlooms, then I’m sure DE wouldn’t mind. Unfortunately… if you look at all the posts around that time, a few people (not the majority, just a decent amount) wanted to keep it FOMO exclusive. Some even had the audacity to ask for a custom forum pin like founders… that goes to show one type of group. Again, less so on what’s “fair” or not. Fair is subjective. Oh 100%, but I feel like it makes sense. We’ve uhh… seen a lot of backlash when anything happens. DE faced a lot of backlash with Dante for example (no, I’m not salty about it, you’re salty :’/) Backlash is inevitable, but at least DE can help revert the backlash by buffing Dante. Can’t really do that with money cosmetics (well, you can, but it wouldn’t be as simple as buffing) Hmmm, that is true. It’s definitely a gamble. Just a matter of whether or not DE wants to take that gamble. Sure you can make a quick buck with FOMO, but it’s not going to last. Returning FOMO also doesn’t help their case for making a long term investment. Thanks! If only it were video games, but yea it’s law. That also makes sense, not everyone finds papers and law fun. In fact… yea no not sure law should be considered fun anyways. Law is supposed to be fair, but enough of my philosophy! Heh, technically you were right. Forensic psychologists work with criminals, victims, lawyers, attorneys, judges, etc.. Thankfully it isn’t all about the courtroom… No no, you kept it fair. I’m sure I came off as argumentative… so if you did (which you certainly didn’t come across as), then it’s fine either way. Being argumentative can just go down as “passionate.” The length wasn’t bad either, considering you were just making a point to answer everything as clear as possible. Overall, I am on your side of the argument. I just also like seeing how others can interpret this situation, and what their solutions would be. Devil’s advocate gets people to think, argue yes, but thinking too. What a constructive argument… I miss these kinds of conversations…
  21. Um… not really. When it comes to contracts I’m black and white (probably an obvious weakness ngl) So context doesn’t go down if that context wasn’t in said contract. I’m basically saying “If they said it’s not going to return, then it shouldn’t return,” for one, it’s always good to stay by your word. And for another, they uhhh decided to put those ties into form of “legal bindings,” not official legal bindings, mind you… just in a way where it’ll look scummy if they do release it. People will ask for refunds, and frankly, they would deserve it. You doj’t mark something as “never returning,” and then have it return. True true, in most cases though, it can be considered hypocrisy. Of course, this is only because of my black and white perspectives on this. Both aren’t so different, in fact (contract wise) they are very similar. Context wise, they are so very different. I too would’ve liked them to return, but those are for my selfish reasons. They said they weren’t going to return, so they shouldn’t. As I’ve previously mentioned, your word is important. Hmmm, correct, I would say both. I don’t claim to have full experience in this, but I have experience in it nonetheless. It is possible for DE to rerelease it, in fact, they can rerelease it, but should they? In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve talking about integrity in this post. Sure, they can release it, but wouldn’t that make DE the hypocrites, and liars? Yes, it without a doubt, would. You wouldn’t see this perspective if you were a part of it (not you specifically, I’m talking about a “you” as an example), but those who bought it would voice how scummy it was. It would be great for everyone to be able to buy the bundle, yes… but DE would lose some of their image. Rereleasing content they said wasn’t going to return, shows they are not ones to keep their promises. It’ll make some tenno not buy the next bundle (immediately) just because they believe the FOMO is not real. FOMO can only work if it truly is FOMO. You see this example a lot with companies like EA, one mistake of EA is severe FOMO, but not guaranteed. Both sides are triggered by it. Uhhh I’ll answer yes in like… two years. Get back to me on that one While I may not have certification for this, I do have relative experience through observation (as you need to intern in order to gain “experience”) Ahhh, well this is awkward. I thought you were being serious. I’ll stake them either way Think of it less like “if they break it, they’re going to get sued,” and more like “if they break it, they open up a chance for someone to sue them.” Companies try to avoid chances of being sued at all costs (unless you’re EA, screw you EA), as they can (obviously) lose money I am so glad you pointed this out. I for one, also want to set a disclaimer stating I am not saying this as a lawyer, but as someone who has experience as a marketing psychologist, and forensic psychologist (not certified yet, like I said, give it two years).
  22. How on earth did that post title get through moderation? I can’t even say S#&$
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