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Everything posted by D-Shear

  1. Please enable level cap for Alchemy and fix acolyte spawns ._.
  2. I also got both of them. Melee Crescendo is the clear winner here, although a low rank is kind of weak rn, but once leveled it will be insane. Melee duplicate sounds nice, but is really weak if you look at it closely. It only works on yellow crits and due to how the melee mod works, giving you x2 on heavy, it quickly becomes very inconsistent to use. The only frame that can somewhat make really good use of it, is Voruna with a status zaw, if you don't run Wrathful Advance, but how useful is that, if the prominent meta for pure melee builds is to run Wrathful Advance, which disables the arcane completely.
  3. The new faction is definitely vastly undertuned in comparison to your uber fire rate corpus and energy leeching/toxin proccing infested. They are literally target dummies and the only enemy type, that does give you a bit of trouble in SP, are the rogue necramechs, because as of right now, they cannot be armorstripped, have a 4 status cap and can only be sufficiently damaged by weakpoint hits. But even then, they are kind of "harmless" with their weak AI, barely any fire rate and slow melee attacks and movement.
  4. Very bad idea and concept. You can already bypass every mastery grind with platinum, which is incredibly easy to accumulate by either trading, or well, farm something else to sell for the stuff you want... wait a minute... See what you typed up there? But as someone who grinded and crafted every single mastery item in this game in a very short time span: Just focus up. Prepare a spreadsheet, count all resources and then sit down and grind them down source by source and you'll be done with it in a very quick manner. I absolutely hate Duviri with a passion, but getting the resources is so quick and easy, except maybe for that one plant and clamps of course. But you are LR1 already anyway, how much can you possibly miss, that you can't knock out in a handful of planned out sessions?
  5. There was a time, where one could really get mad about a charm nerf, but after they gutted Teshin's shop, does it really matter at all? Steel Essence is massively devalued nowadays any way and all that is left is that slight tingle seeing that multiplied number on your screen, but then the realization settles in, that you can't do anything with that stuff anymore. I honestly don't know what their plans on averaging the "loss" is, but my guess would be, they implement the endless fissure bonus to non-fissure as well, since directly tweaking the base drop can't really be done. going from to 2 to 3 and 4 to 6 with booster at base seems a bit overboard, that's far more a smeeta could ever rake in today.
  6. D-Shear

    Ash Rework

    Honestly, they just need to fix Bladestorm. Casting and execution of the shadows need to be instant and attacks need to be performed simultaneously. Right now, it has the damage potential, but is just far too slow and clunky to replace shooting your guns or just simply melee. We are still talking about a permanent invisible frame, which are already VERY problematic balancing wise, due to the stealth mechanics in general. For all that his kit is already extremely strong with a full strip and a crit modifier.
  7. same, bricked two of my endurance runs today. Any usual fix to operator bugs didn't help and it leaves you completely unable to play. Only option is to abort the mission...
  8. Jesus, they literally nabbed all that money from the community, just to delay Whispers in the Walls? This is the reason, why I will NEVER again spend a single dime on this game and this company. It literally just goes to private pockets instead of finally developing this game into something more than a fashion simulator. I made my Zenith package purchase dependent on the new update. I would have bought it, if I was delivered nice content. A standard transaction basically. You deliver, I pay. Now, the fomo pack will probably have been long expired by the time we get to see the next update. What a shame.
  9. If you are selling prime junk, you are literally scamming yourself 100% of the time, even if the prices were doubled. If you are buying prime junk, you are smart and make piles of platinum every single day without even playing the game. It's time to switch sides.
  10. DE won't change their course. They grab into pockets of the casuals and this is why content is catered to them. Veteran players generate no money for them, because of how monetization works in WF. Veteran players sit on tens of thousands of plat they will never be able to spend on anything, the tennogen offer is also pretty limited compared to other games, so only a finite amount of money to be made there. Their last straw was that despicable heirloom package to squeeze something out of the people, that can't leave the game. This is why steel path is not rewarding and the shop is very limited. The casual players will always complain of the "unfair advantage" the hardcore player will have, the same will go for raids and any difficult content you want to introduce into a game, where 99% of the playerbase doesn't know what they are even doing ingame. Don't get the wrong idea though, DE has the numbers down like no other company. They just generate that much more money by constantly advertising for new players, get them into the game, squeeze a few bucks out of them and rinse and repeat. That doesn't work as well with veteran players. And yes, Warframe is just a Pokedex game. At the end of they day, the only tangible goal set within the borders of the game is to collect everything and fill up that mastery xp. You can set personal goals, sure, but they don't come with a tangible reward. But, to be fair, it has been that way for 10 years now.
  11. And what are those arcanes that powercreep the eidolon arcanes? care to name a few?
  12. It's exactly the opposite. The reason why all the new arcanes, especially duviri arcanes, are bad and useless, is because Eidolons need to retain their relevancy to have big ticket items on the market incentivizing platinum purchases. Every rare Eidolon arcane is still meta and Arcane Barrier/Aegis will jump right back to the top with the next update. Energize,Fury,Strike,Acceleration,Velocity. You name it. These are all the meta arcanes in the games with Zariman Arcanes like Molt Augmented, Efficiency, Reconstruct supplementing them. Also, Arcane Energize is still a Eidolon only drop, it was not moved to the duviri portal pool like the others. And moving them did not impact their price at all, because guess what, nobody plays that, since the pool is diluted with all the useless duviri arcanes.
  13. I mean, yea it's going to be annoying now for sure. I always do the hunts solo with ivara, skipping every mechanic, but I'll say that: What does it matter in the long run? It's a 5min activity every WEEK. If it takes 7mins now, because I have to sit through those dogsh immunity/add phases of the activated archons, so be it. It honestly won't tickle me. Also the xata's whisper/gen1 incarnon perk combo will probably still bypass damage attenuation, so yea, I am pretty sure with those we get nearly the same results as before. Also peeps, don't forget, there are other enemies in the game using damage attenuation, for example acolytes. I'll suspect you can still overkill them easily with the usual big hitters, but they should be much easier and faster to kill with all the high fire rate stuff.
  14. The shield changes will do nothing for frames, that do not already have shield gimmicks (hildryn,harrow,protea,etc.). You will still never build for shields or god forbid use any of those useless recharge mods. It just needs a ticking slash procc to completely halt any shield regeneration and make those mods useless. The buff of shield DR from 25 to 50% is also overhyped. Shields right now are already paper, if I add another layer of paper on it, guess what it's just two sheets of paper now. It literally does nothing in the reality of actual gameplay. There was a reason why shield gating was a needed introduction to the game, because the bulk of the frames do not have any form of survivability outside of rolling guard and are strictly impossible to play otherwise in endurance steel path. All these changes will do, is buff all shield gimmick frames, nerf all glass cannons by stripping them of 1 mod slot to get back the old shield gating and push all invis frames and revenant even further, which is completely dumb. Invis and revenant needs to be deleted from the game in a first step before touching any of the survivability tools that are needed by the bulk of remaining frames.
  15. DE will NEVER put in mechanically challenging content. That is the nr1 thing they even said themselves they will avoid at all costs, because that design is working against 99% of their playerbase.
  16. I get where you want to go with your argumentation, but the harsh reality is, warframes just have 8 mod and 2 arcane slots. If you want to have ANY semblance of a (fun to play) build, you literally can't mod for health or shields, even more so because they are useless in SP. The game just isn't balanced like that. They try to get away with these bandaid fixes, because they are too lazy to restructure enemy stats and abilities. And surprise, this update will rob the bulk of all warframes of another mod slot, just to get back a baseline mechanic, that was perfectly fine and saved many frames from being borderline unplayable (or at the very least, very unfun to play). But just to give you another quick heads up on that toxin situation: On steel path they deal such ludicrous damage, that you even get oneshot through 1k health in the early level and now you can list all warframes that even reach 900 with vitality slotted. You literally can't circumvent high level toxin damage with health, it's not possible and as the other guy stated, the mods and the arcanes are bugged for toxin damage, they don't work. And even if they would, it would be absolutely horrible to have to fit them into your build.
  17. They really need to stop with those experiments. Duviri is the worst and unfun content island in the whole game. It probably also wasted alot of resources compared to the other open worlds. I just can't say this enough, but Angels of Zariman is the peak formula for a content island. Compact standing system with a good feeling curve in unlocking the rewards and utilizing the shop after for trading. No bs in acquiring resources and standing. Just get in there, blast enemies, blast the void angel and repeat. Well made and fun new game modes (except that defense one perhaps, but exterminate with angels and void cascade are just so fun to play) Very pretty and well structured tileset. Compared to duviri it probably cost so much less resources to develop, but it's infinitely more fun for the players. If they could just stick to that formula and stop releasing these annoying "open worlds"... I agree so much on that, but the reality is, DE knows how bad their content is, that is why they began to gate core rewards behind them. Archon Hunts and Kahl have Archon Shards, they are not tradeable or to be acquired in any other way. If you want to continue having fun in building and pushing your warframes, you HAVE to do it.
  18. That edit comment disqualified you from any meaningful discussion. That is definitely not how you play endurance, but that just shows, you are not well into the substance of the game. (Loki... squishy? He is a full invis frame, so he is among the strongest by default, even if he had 1 armor/shield/hp) And again: Base steel path is powercrept to a level, where you raze it down like a lvl 5 mission on earth. There is literally no difference. You don't need anything but a rolling guard mod to stay alive in base steel path, if that at all. You don't need HP, armor, shields (gating), nothing. It's just a joke at this point, so any discussion inside that range of difficulty is a moot point, hence why I focus on the actual challenging part of the game.
  19. I am sorry, but I have to check if we are on the same page here. I am talking about endgame sp endurance, enemy level in the thousands, meaning there is no tanking or "lifesteal" in the equation at all. You can't tank any lvl 2000+ projectiles to your shields or health, no matter what you mod or do. This is WHY there is shield gating, to able to play at all at those enemy levels. The gameplay is binary in these echelons, you either get invulnerable to react or you die. You saying "what they weren't supposed to have in the first place" makes literally zero sense, it was patched in because it is REQUIRED to play in those level ranges, if you are not invisible or Revenant. What you are talking about is base steel path and that is powercrept so beyond, that I do not anything but RG slotted to snooze through it on any frame, nothing at all required.
  20. I mean that is exactly the point. Why would you make a change that ONLY affects those extremely squishy frames and rob them of even more build diversity? You can't make a Saryn or Mirage "tanky". Their literal only means to survive IS shield gating and that IS the reason why shield gating was introduced in the first place, so why would you cut down on all those frames without built-in survivability/invulnerability? Why do we still have Revenant in it's current form, who COMPLETELY bypasses EVERYTHING the game can throw at you? Why is Invisibility still equally as strong disabling ANY both ways interaction with enemies? This is what I don't understand: Why would you cut down on frames that were able to cling to the meta thanks to shield gating, while letting those obvious blatant overpowered candidates remain untouched? I will never accept changes like this as long as Revenant and Invisibility exists, they are just cancer for the game and diversity.
  21. That is completely wrong. If you don't play an invis or invinc frame, suriving via shield gate is the highest possible skill ceiling, so just from a gameplay perspective alone, it's not free. But it's also not free from a mod perspective. You need Brief Respite, forgoing any other possible aura mod. Depending on your efficiency and frame, you also need 2-3 Augur mods, 2 are possible on a secondary, another has to be slotted into your warframe at minimum, worst case you need 2 augur on the frame. So the price for shield gating is actually already pretty steep and now the builds are getting even tighter and more cookie cutter, because we have to give up another warframe mod slot, depriving those frames relying on shield gate alone by even more build choices.
  22. 1.3 sec is the current maximum duration, so all this mod does is revert the whole situation to exactly where it is right now before the update launches. It is taking away one mod slot for every frame without shield gimmicks to be exactly where they are right now. The 2.5sec doesn't matter for frames like saryn, mirage etc. because they can't stack shields. It would cost even more warframe and arcane slots to accomodate for that instead of just sacrificing one slot and be at square 1(or -1 depending on your perspective).
  23. Yea and I just said, in a best case scenario, the whole scaling structure of the game would be intact, but it isn't, it never was and I begin to doubt it ever will be, because DE always decides on the implementation of disrupting bandaids instead of finally tackling the real issue with the game for so many years now. That's why my point of view is, if you don't have an idea how the fix the game as a whole, do not touch the other parts that keep it working. Also, it is not just a NG+ mode, you earn Steel Essence there EXCLUSIVELY, so it is an INTEGRAL part of the game for many players (teshin weekly shop, weekly kuva and relic income). Also, playing level cap content is just pure fun and getting some frames (nearly?) erased from that makes no sense from any perspective. There are people who don't like invis and invincibility frames, because they find satisfaction in expressing skill, so why would you deny them that, if no one else is even affected by changes like that?
  24. Oh, the game should definitely be balanced around the highest possible difficulty. But like you said, the highest difficulty is still a thrown together load of bandaid bs, that is exactly why it was remedied by shield gate in the first place. Do you see the circle closing here? That is also what I was referring to, when I mentioned compensation: There is no point in removing that one mechanic that makes endgame content playable without tuning the other knobs. Nobody would care about SG, if there was actually a tuned endgame, but as long as we don't get that rework, why in the hell would you touch anything that makes it work right now? Like I said, nobody is phased by that anyway, that doesn't play this content, it's literally a change that kicks the 0,1% in the balls with no effect on the other 99,9%. Where does that make any sense?
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