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Everything posted by Birdframe_Prime

  1. Mechanically bad because it takes away player agency in the game; other games with a rage meter still let you control the character even when raging, just with the 'rage' move set. Contextually bad because the entire Sacrifice quest was about us coming to terms with, and quieting, the rage and suffering within Umbra to take away the pain. Having a rage meter would mean we undo the closure we got in that quest.
  2. It is a real shame to see posts like this, to be honest, especially ones getting nekro'd months and months afterwards... Because Warframe stopped being just about Warframes in 2015. We started with the Archwing, then with the Operators (as a system first, then as playable after), then with all the other things added in. We have had three times as much time in Warframe with there being more than just Warframes to play as we've had before that. Players genuinely should be expecting there to be quests, just quests, with content that isn't purely playing Warframes because those other things exist and are part of the game called Warframe. For every single thread like this, I think that this is the same kind of person that would complain that you have an end mission in Starfox where they're running around shooting tanks on the ground, instead of in their fighters... It's genuinely just silly. If you don't enjoy it, then by all means, don't play it. But that's the thing, by not playing it, you're not playing Warframe. Eight years, people, eight years since non-Warframe gameplay existed in Warframe.
  3. Please note; the Internet can read that it's fine, because that's just accessing websites. The data usage isn't all that high, and the servers are not only indexed, but you usually have cookies to help reload a known page faster. Game servers are different because they require a consistently open connection, and many things can interrupt that for you. Your neighbours being on the internet and downloading lots of data for streaming or gaming can mean that your open connection is more throttled than usual. A good test for that is your effective download speed from a known service, like Steam, because even though your direct routing can be completely normal on a service like Fast.com, your sustained data usage may not match up with that speed. Sustained server connection can be affected by so much that you and DE cannot control. You can be annoyed, but it can simply be not your fault, and also not DE's fault.
  4. Okay, the thing to consider with some cases is that some enemies have DPS based damage reduction. So they take less damage based entirely on how much raw damage your weapon is doing, before Crit (the 'with Crit' is how we beat them). I believe that Acolytes have this, for specifics, so with the Corufel's Heavy, this could be kicking in quite hard due to how much damage this deals, and how the Crit Damage on Melee is... less present than the Crit Chance scaling. So what you'll need is a way to either boost the Crit Damage (like a Riven), or boost the Crit Chance high enough that it consistently hits the higher tier multipliers. Kullervo is good for that ^^ That should help with this kind of enemy.
  5. I'm... not sure why you're surprised? Makes me think you've never seen the Breach Surge and Seeking Talons interaction.
  6. I'm so glad somebody mentioned this. I used to be part of a long-run survival clan, with high-level challenge goals and players that regularly topped the leaderboards for weekly Kill scores. Our test for getting past the first rank of the clan was to lead (not participate in, lead) a group of players through an hour of T4 Survival, when those players were intentionally making more 'new player' mistakes. It was tough to get into, really fun for the me that worked specific shifts and could spend hours in game at the time. This stopped because DE recognised that players like us were the sole source of new Prime Parts and would clean up with the new Rare parts, ones that required farming T4 Endless modes. I had 12k Plat within the first three months of joining that clan, I was part of the problem ^^ So DE literally made the content bite-sized to encourage shorter, but group-based, farming. Without the rewards, without the Leaderboard bragging rights, nobody actually wanted to do those runs anymore. What players wanted was to try their gear against high level enemies, which only appeared after an hour or so in Endless. Steel Path was introduced so that players could do that immediately, so there isn't even that impetus anymore. The game isn't geared around the kind of grind that OP wants. Not anymore. Not for many years. And time has proven that, with only what OP is offering as a reward... That's not going to change.
  7. Officially, Banshee is blind. Her Prime Trailer states 'Sight without eye.' for example, and she uses Sound as her main form of attack. Outside of that, all Warframes are, with one or two notable deliberate exceptions, completely non-verbal and the sounds they produce are apparently from their abilities instead of from any mouth organ. On the note of any kind of cool gameplay mechanics? Sure, I'd like to see that. But on the note of something like using ASL to cast the abilities is kind of just a twee nod to the idea, because animations don't affect what the abilities are, or do, so it comes off as... false representation? It's kind of like the way Ash doesn't use any faux ninja hand signs in his abilities (which actually raises his 'ninja' aesthetic, rather than detracting from it). What you're going to run into is this: Warframe is a video game. While there are allowances for people that don't see very well, or have different colour perception, creating a visual medium that represents actual blindness would be very difficult to execute in a game like Warframe. Other games that are fully set up for that function and make it part of the actual method of playing the game work well because of all the set-up. Warframe isn't, at base, set up for that format, so trying to band-aid in functions that simulate it? Would probably end in a situation that conflicts with all the other visual functions they've put in to the game specifically to compensate for colour-blind or partially sighted players.
  8. The soul of debate ^^ You're right about the overall topic, but the point being that there are invincibilities that last longer, and are easier to use in that respect, too. An important note about those invincibilities is that they are a very good case-in-point about how wrong OP's idea is; because of the intentional and heavy drawbacks about getting extended invulnerability. Please, feel free to use that as ammunition in your conversation with them.
  9. So the Damage Multiplier increases the base damage of the Shards you create with the ability. That's all it really is. Now, this is actually not bad synergy. It gives the base frame the necessary tools to actually kill quite a high level of enemies without needing weapons, as long as you have the armour strip from her 4th Augment. Grouping, creating Shards, stripping all armour, Magnetise, let the Shards deal the damage to the un-armoured enemies. That does do a surprising amount of damage when you combo it. Not as much as simply using a weapon, of course, but it's something she didn't have before.
  10. Not ridiculous, just un-necessary. The rewards for gaining MR are slim. You unlock a few more Loadout Slots for customisation of specific builds for your favourite frames, you get a higher capacity for daily Standing (which means a lot more when you're surfing the edge of the content), and you gain the function where putting Forma on your weapons and Frames doesn't actually reset them, just means you level them up again. Once you're at the point where you have almost all of your Mod Points carry over between Polarisations, that simply means you can put builds on the items in question. Being able to put a build on your desired frame or weapon means that, no matter what, there is a quick way to level that item up. Whether you leech off people on enemy-heavy Defense, or whether you Stealth Multiplier the affinity in an Assassinate or Spy, or even whether you go to SO and run a few waves of that. Doesn't matter, you can level up any item pretty quickly without the effort. In the later game, which I've been (as mentioned) surfing the edge of the updates waiting for content, this actually has a surprising advantage; you actually play the frame or weapon more when you're levelling to get an idea of what the abilities or damage can actually do with less mods on. Then, as you build that up and put more and more mods on, you can actually develop a build you didn't think you were going to go into. For example, I wouldn't have discovered min-duration Baruuk if I hadn't taken the time while levelling him to notice that mods didn't affect the gain on his Restraint meter. Basically, allowing players to not actually play the game is reserved for direct Plat purchases of the new items in an update, you still have to level and Forma them. And that's not really likely to change. Nor would I want it to.
  11. Uncommon, specific circumstances. Happens when two Clients are left when a Client and Host disconnect together. The Host Migration triggers on the Host disconnecting, but is then suspended when the Client disconnects and has to resume the process when the Client has fully disconnected. The three potentially negative results of this are: first, the two remaining players have a failed Migration; second, all players apart from the Host experience a failed Host Migration; or third, the two Clients are successfully migrated into a matched/solo instances while the disconnecting Client experiences a full disconnect with the Fail state. The most frequent occurrence of this is in situations where the Host and disconnecting Client are trying to connect to one of the public server instances, like Cetus, where the Host and the disconnecting Client end up in two different instances due to servers being nearly full.
  12. I apologise if you're not familiar with this, but they can, and do. The disconnection can cause the same failure as a failed host migration, even if you disconnect at the same time as the host, as long as there are players left in the mission. The Host disconnecting from all three players is the cause, and in some cases the player disconnecting with them can actually exacerbate the problem. They can't. What they can do is stop the progression loss that happens because of it. They have already been testing this function in the open worlds, and with the original Survival 'leave separately' option. The idea that they had is to optimise the game-state backup process, which allows the Host to communicate more often with the Server, providing shorter and shorter intervals between the individual backups. With that closer monitoring of the game, it provides the basic function that DE wanted in the first place; to allow players to stay in the mission or leave. With improvements to that system they can eliminate the original problem. Quick warning, new information to consider that I had to double check because it's about eight years ago: The reason that Host Migration failure counts as a game fail state when you are dropped back to the Orbiter is because DE had a huge problem with code injection, which players abused a lot at the start of the game. The game state used to be saved on all players machines, and the trick was to manually cause a disconnect from the host, inject a different game state on the client machines, and then the Host Migration would read that and take it as real. This could be used to add any amount of resources, mods or similar that dropped in that particular mission. When DE caught on, only the Host stored the game state, which stopped the process dead. So if the more optimised backups of the game state can be improved enough, then DE can move back to storing the game state on client machines as well, because there will then be such a minimal time between the last state and any new one that a Host disconnect would cause, that setting back the game state to just before the disconnect would not be a problem for the players (at worst a Demolyst might still be running at you instead of already dead), and would also not allow for code injection because it would reject the un-verified state from after the disconnect. On top of this, the game could then be recognised as not entirely a fail state if the Host Migration failed. Resources could be preserved, mods, rewards and so on, even if mission progress might have to roll back to the start of the last Rotation. DE could allow the grind to be saved, even if they kept the policy of not giving mission success rewards to partial completion. Basically what I'm saying is that they already have the basic ground-work of the system we actually want, the part that will solve the problems we're actually having when disconnects happen. Putting dev time into that is by far the thing we actually need.
  13. There is. There absolutely is. And the lack of it isn't directly DE's fault. Honestly speaking, it's the players' fault. You can't blame this on it being 'new player accessible' when there's literally entire game modes locked behind completing all of the Star Chart at least once, or completing all of the Quest content, or at least completing some of the quest content and having to play or buy your way through the grind to get multiple aspects of the game that are only introduced after that content. Anywhere from full days to months of grind to get to some of them. What you can blame this on is updates where the community banded together to say that Melee wasn't good enough, and DE over-compensated with 'The Sword Alone' update that mandated every single enemy be possible to beat with just Melee only. Updates where DE tried to put in light (very light) gear checks with enemies that require you to either carry a rapid-fire weapon to counter them, or risk losing your currently active abilities by jumping inside their shield to kill them outright, but the community called for consistent (and only once warranted) nerfs to those enemies until they're nothing but a joke. Updates where DE introduced enemies that could only be Headshot, but had to make them melee-accessible, completely obliterating the skill-check. Updates where DE introduced a way to prevent just some of the enemies from being infinitely CC'd and not immediately killed without ramped-up high-level gear, and the community whined so hard that they have had almost nothing but nerfs. Even the mission you are specifically finding fun and almost end-game worthy; Void Cascade. What do you do? You use high mobility to ignore the enemies that should have actual threat to you, collect the relevant resources, bank them, and kill one high level target at the end of the round. Everything else in that mission is negligible. It doesn't matter how high level those other enemies are, if you have the gear to stay alive and kill one specific enemy, it's almost impossible to fail. I take a Zephyr and am functionally immortal as I jet around above the fodder, use them to wind up my Galvanised mods and Arcanes, then blitz the Thrax when it appears. The lack of skill in Warframe comes from the fact that, for the entire history of the game, DE have put in all this work on making interesting enemies with unique looks and functions, but cannot actually get around the power-fantasy nature of the game they've created to let players actually use skill over gear, damage and overwhelming ability effects. In a game with all of these options they have, like deployable cover, physical shields, knock-back, lockdowns, teleporting melee, guardsmen melee that deflect bullets, snipers that hang back, and none of it coordinated, all of it easily broken by jumping over the group. And all because the community wants to keep going with the brain-dead options, the most simple and easy-to-repeat ones, like the old melee spam, like AoE spam, like all of them that came before. Because every time there's any form of skill, the players break it, and complain until it's nerfed.
  14. And? The way that we're misunderstanding each other is that I'm asking you the following question: When the problem exists whether you have options or not, and will occur whether you have options or not, what is the point of adding more options? Wouldn't the Dev time be better spent on things that stop disconnections from causing as much loss of progress instead? That way if Host Migration fails to reconnect you, it can at least mean you only wasted the last three minutes instead of forty. Basically; devoting time to giving players more security on disconnect would solve the problem better than giving them an option to disconnect with the Host which can, and does, still fail if you leave other players behind that have to be disconnected from the Host at the same time as you do, and doesn't even matter if players don't opt to leave with the Host. What would more options do other than cause even more frustration when those options are faced with exactly. the same. problems. as not having those options?
  15. Yeah, it’s honestly in your best interest to not think of her 3 as any kind of defense reduction. It deals damage directly to defences, which is unique and was important before the change to Armour reduction functions. Since the change to Armour strip functions, if you want to do that, use her 4. You can consider her 3 more as a Gating tool and as CC with the Augment. You can even Helminth it off for something different now that Pull is a better CC ^^
  16. Yeah, but that’s not the ‘how’ I asked. How do they ensure that the remaining players can still be matched together? You, and the other players in there, don’t even know if you’re capable of hosting the other players. So you don’t opt in because the others agree to stay, and you lose the connection anyway because none of you are compatible hosts. This is what I mean when I say that even controlling the ‘when’ and the ‘how’ a host disconnects, you still have all of the exact same problems that you have right now.
  17. How? I think you're missing a point here; with finite game modes like Capture, where the objective cannot be extended, of course it's a thing. Things like the Plains, however, are designed to allow players to leave and for the other players to stay without disconnecting, extending their play session beyond that point. So forcing all players to leave when one leaves is counter to the goal. The goal is, every time, to try and ensure that the players still on the Plains (or everything except Exterminate on the Zariman) can stay in the mission if they're not leaving at the same time. This is even a thing in Survival, once the first five minutes is done. I was there for that update. The update was that every time a player wanted to leave, all the other players were forced to, or the player that wanted to leave had to stay. So they introduced the entire function so that players that wanted to leave an Endless game mode could leave. Thus, evacuating automatically when the Host leaves? Isn't something that DE are going to go back to. That's why I say that a manual disconnection, an accidental one, or even just using the functional desired way to exit the game early, all have the same problems. And, until Host Migration receives even more love, will continue to have them.
  18. Every time I see discussions of Endgame, there's so many contradictions in what that even is in Warframe. When players give examples of what is 'endgame' for other games, it doesn't seem any different from Warframe. The only thing that Warframe doesn't have is the Raids associated with something like FF14 or Warcraft, where you go and grind up the top tier weapons and gear that you use in the next update. And that's because the weapon and modding system in Warframe means that even if there were Raid content, the weapons we have are strong enough to go to level cap, so there's no reason to grind up any new weapons or gear for the power creep. There still wouldn't be a reason to, as the OP says, go back and do everything again. That was what the Steel Path was supposed to do, by re-setting the Star Chart at a much higher level. And even then, there's nothing in this game that actually requires skill. It's a power-fantasy, horde-shooter with frames that can easily cheese the heck out of any content we have. The hardest thing we've ever had to do in this game, the most skill we've ever needed, is the ability to organise 8 players to stand on specific plates to match symbols, one after the other, without moving away from those plates until all 8 had been pressed. Let me re-iterate that; the most challenging challenge the game has ever given us is organising other players. So how would End Game even work in this game?
  19. Several years ago we didn't have cross play. There's literally thousands more players online at the same time, working on a different system. It has got better, the players have gotten more diverse and so connections to Warframe Players are shakier by proportion. And yes, the server question does have to do with this topic. I'm talking about host disconnections. You're talking about host disconnections. The only way to prevent Host disconnections in the way you're complaining about is to switch to dedicated servers. That's why it came up. Purposefully leaving the squad, like through the Cetus tunnel, has all of the same problems as emergency disconnections. Every. Single. One. So it really doesn't matter the cause, because the Host Migration service has to do the same thing either way. If the players that are left with you in the mission are not capable of Hosting, and neither are you, then it can't save you. As mentioned, there is a solution, but that solution isn't going to happen. All you can do is wait for the Host Migration to get more reliable.
  20. They were. That's literally the 'creation of the Warframes' section, narrated by Ballas, describing how he created the Warframes. Warframes were Warframes for a long, but unspecified, time before the Tenno were discovered. Trying to pilot the term 'helminth warriors' is kind of bizarre. Because all of the Warframes were made with Helminth Infestation. If they're helminth warriors before, they're helminth warriors now.
  21. You know that Arcanes were only added Guns to give them the equivalent of Stances, right? Melee doesn't need the help. It was already so powerful that Arcanes and Galvanised mods were added to Guns to bring those up to the same level as Melee.
  22. I didn't either. I tend not to die in general, but the videos show it happens if you rely on the Overguard as an actual health pool. The key point to consider is that I Health Tanked the Steel Path. I didn't Overguard Tank it, because the Overguard vanished and I was lucky to have modded in enough DR and Health on Kullervo to take those hits to his Health. Based DEPablo needs to give us some kind of mechanic where Overguard doesn't let damage bleed into Health from large single hits.
  23. Based on a few of your comments, I'm a little worried about how you're getting your information... Oberon's 2 scales with Range, you can get it to cast a fan that's almost a complete circle with max range, and it's not a 'lane' unless you're on absolute minimum range. Domes are like Iron Skin, they can store up to 1 million HP in them based on both the initial casting strength, the damage received, and also based on absorbing domes that were cast in the same location before. That... would be the worst possible way of doing this frame. Hours at a time only able to use Day mode, and only 90 minutes of time as Night mode? When there are augments and builds designed around being able to switch between the two? This is a worrying idea... ... For a ramble... I really am worried about you. Are you getting the right amount of sleep?
  24. So. I feel like this needs to be said, because a lot of players seem to be really, really confused. Hosts leaving would, normally, completely guarantee that you cannot get any loot whatsoever. If you were to disconnect from the internet mid-mission, you would not get the rewards. This is the same thing. Host Migration is trying to save you. Host Migration is the process that attempts to read the game-state and reconnect all the players that just had the Host leave on them, so that none of the remaining players do not lose their progress. Is this always successful? No. It often isn't. But that can be due to a number of different reasons. For example, the Host may have been the mid-point between all three other players, and the remaining three are unable to connect to each other at that ping distance. But this is the thing: Warframe is coded on Peer To Peer connection. The only other format of gaming connection is Dedicated Servers, where everyone connects to a larger host and match-makes in that. And that, to be clear, is a question that was already answered. We're staying with P2P, and the only way to make that even remotely viable long term is to have a function that tries to save players when the host is disconnected for whatever reason. It will improve. It will get better. DE have been updating the system for a decade now, and the number of dropped games has massively reduced. It will reduce even further once Cross Play is fully integrated and all the bugs have been ironed out, because you'll be able to have more local players to ensure a more stable migration process. But... What it really comes down to is... Some players just be like that. Some players don't care about how we feel. Some players just want to watch the squad burn.
  25. I have to disagree. On Steel Path, I have frequently found that the 5000 Overguard just... vanishes, the second that you don't happen to notice a Blitz Eximus around the corner that apparently could see you for long enough to wind up for the blitz. We've literally got videos of basic Steel Path level enemies (only roughly level 140-150) taking out Kullervo in roughly half the time for a player to react to the enemy, cast the ability and manage to get Health or Overguard out of it. Especially on the game-mode de jour, which is the Circuit. A place where the damage on enemies in Steel Path ramps up to incredible values very, very quickly, due to the levels ramping up faster. Unlike, say, Hildryn. Who can both pre-cast her 2, which covers a massive area and affects all enemies in line of sight, but also recall it pre-emptively so that damage taken is replaced by the return of the ability. Since Kullervo's cast has to have animation and then be in range of the enemies it needs to hit, and then can also damage him for every enemy it doesn't hit... It's surprisingly un-responsive when you need it.
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