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Everything posted by cephalon_slay

  1. Okay so I ended up getting an amazing CC CD negative impact Riven the strun. I tested it out and I switched to the vigilante mod vs shotgun barrage. +45% is more than enough for me and play side it makes my crits higher tier too
  2. Oh yes I read something about that. That might be super interesting and helpful to people who have conditions. I probably will not use it as it as I like my non beam weapons to have a little work to them.
  3. Hi! I’m building a strun prime for the eventual incarnon and I’m a little stumped. I got a really good riven with: +CD +MS +magazine -fire rate with critical deceleration I end up at 0.5 fire rate but with shotgun barrage, I land at around 3.0 fire rate. Without my negative riven I get like 5.6 fire rate, however I don’t really notice a difference between 3.0 vs 5.6 because I’m using a controller. I can only press the fire button so fast and with the way shot guns work in the game I was wondering if any other players use a controller have noticed a huge difference? I plan on rerolling the riven but wanted to use it in the mean time.
  4. ?? It’s already $60 usd for the guns package, $50 for the accessories with no plat. I’m asking if anyone knows if they will be changing it for the USD obviously other currencies will have their adjustments.
  5. Real I get that Garuda bug where I can’t jump without having to use 4 and then it locks me out to bullet jump all together so often I hardly use her anymore. Shame too, my fashion frame is crazy on her
  6. Hello, I remember reading a dev stream recap where it was discussed that prime access for PC would be changing to where the prime accessories will be made $60 USD and come with platinum to match the consoles. Also, they would be getting rid of the prime weapons pack. Anyone have any info about this or which dev stream it was? I’ve been searching and I remember it was like in October or something. I know gauss didn’t get it but maybe protea will.
  7. Justice for Gara's 1 Let my girl build combo + status + crit chance PLEASE
  8. Can land slide red crit with the Magistar incarnon? I have both ceramic and magister with rivens. With ceramic it red crits at like 10x combo but with magistar I don’t see any red crits. Since Magistar is 16%+ 5%= 21 * 2.25%(sacrificial steel)= 47.25% shouldn’t it red crit ? I got to 12x counter in simulacrum but only got orange Crits.
  9. This week was fun I got Garuda and was able to aoe attack and coagulated blood kamehameha everything. The damage area requirement of 15 metes and having to hit week parts was interesting. My issue is that it almost requires AOE/ beam weapons. I can’t imagine using a sybaris or something. I think slash and viral bypass the weak part requirement. Thankfully since I had Garuda nothing was channeled. However I can see that anyone with a channeled ability might suffer from energy drain. I just built to hit 180% duration while sacrificing range. DE please make rolling guard an exilus mod 🙏🏽
  10. Yeah I wasn’t sure if they were or were not. I ended up getting Garuda this week and I was able to 1 the shadow children. I noticed they can’t cross through Gara’s glass wall so I think area of denial works on them. They also will chase after you if you come near them so what I did was if any got near the objectives, I immediately lured them away. I think only 2 spawn so me and another person did that.
  11. Wow I put in a ticket and nothing 😭😭
  12. Yeah 😔 at level like 300-400 a single bullet will KO her. It’s okay tho. She’s here for a good time not long time.
  13. Okay so as someone who went into the new war with basically no idea what is happening this is my advice: you can choose which archons you fight however I did not know this at all so I picked Nira and the wolf guy first. you want to use a method of you [wall/ object] archon if it moves left you move right, you want to essentially use the Terrain to block its hits from you. This is easier said than done but a lot of shooting games work this way. Your health regeneration ability has a cool down yes but stalker will come revive you twice I think. It took me 25 minutes per archon to hunt down. good luck!
  14. My smeeta dies every time I do any steel path endurance stuff or eidolons or anything that has AOE. Honestly I don’t even notice her at this point and I almost never revive her. She’s nice to have, I like that she runs around. Since she dies so much I probably won’t notice too much any buffs or changes. I’m going to keep using her because it’s the only pet I’ve forma’d and I don’t want to switch her out.
  15. Honestly not really? I'm glad you got the rewards if you actually did that. They don't tell you that, you don't have to play the game mode at all. There is still netracels. Good talk tho
  16. Every single warframe can be earned in game. You can make plat by selling relics. They give out slots every year. Wanting easier content because you can’t do something is valid. You can run netracels. The rewards are literally the same albeit you get a little less of them. Very sad you feel entitled and want everything handed to you.
  17. Poor me? The point is to collect a lot of frames. My hildryn only had the reactor installed and a basic build. My strength was exactly at 175% with the mods I had on her. So I learned to roll, I learned to pillage when I can, and I learned to put myself in the right positioning. If your frame collection isn’t large enough, you should work on that. listen, I get your frustration. A lot of this games content you can roll in with the best load out and basically sleep mode. You can still do netracels or regular deep arc to get the rewards. The extra stuff is for people willing to put in the effort and energy to go into their load outs before looking for a squad.
  18. I am a big supporter and enjoyer of this game mode. I don't had a huge arsenal of weapons either some primes here and there. I do own all the prime frames however and have some what builds on all of them. Last week when it first dropped, I got to discover the joys of Hildryn. It was hard but we strategized in the in game chat where the person who had an innate DR would do the reviving and we stuck together. This week is even easier than last week. Mission 1: You can subsume silence onto your frames for CC. almost all frames even low range ones can use it to control the enemies. It is even refreshable so lower range or near 100% is perfect. Mission 2: You can use necramechs which have infinite energy when you forma them. How? When you level up you get max energy. Aquabex deletes the entire room with basic mods and a low level one can you near infinite energy to nuke. Also keep in mind you still have silence. Mission 3: The little shadows leach yes but they are only on the ground. You can keep jumping in the air with rolling guard + aerodynamic you can negate a lot of the damage. We also have operators this week and they have arcane specifically to heal war frames. There little interactions that you can take advantage of, you just need to think hard. I'm not even talking about guns and frames like that necramech energy. I don't get the players who just won't admit they aren't ready for this type of content. Which perfectly okay not to be. It's a power fantasy for sure, but this power you earn. The rewards you earn. The fact that they make it so the top, peak reward is only 50 Vosfr is amazing because you can either use a weapon or a frame. There's four people in a squad, four load outs. If you can't contribute to damage, you can contribute to CC, healing, defense, buffing, etc. This mode truly feels like endgame content and I hope they make it harder with more rewards. Having a wide arsenal is a good thing, trying out different weapons is something everyone should do.
  19. All the slide attacks are gone with contagion. Polearms included. Last week when you said dokrahm couldn’t preform them you were wrong bc I could only get red Crits and the high numbers by doing the slide heavy attack. NOW all the zaws can not do them. I build 3 other zaws over the weekend and it’s over :(
  20. Yeah 😔 I agree. I guess more people used zaws than I thought. Tho i really never saw anyone besides me and a handful of other people use them in missions. With the eclipse nerf too, and now contagion being the way it is, there is no reason to use a zaw when thrown weapons do so much more damage. it’s a shame I just got my wisp + zaw build down last week too.
  21. 🥲🥲 id take just a base 100% weapon strength. the nerf ruined my Gara build completely.
  22. You aren’t suppose to be able to heavy attack in the air for the increase damage. That’s what the nerf is about. It’s all gone now 😭😭😭
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