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Everything posted by Phoenix_Fury_07

  1. As mentioned in the topic I ran 15 axi p7 radshare since the release of protea prime and not a single Chassis dropped. This is crazy. Is that drop rate normal?
  2. I can't really see it being tied to frame rates if my game runs at a stable 50-60fps. What frames are the game supposed to run at? 144? Why even introducing cross play then if you punish players by playing with others who have low spec hardware. Oh right, money. I have no issues with frame rates, I only receive drops if a hydroid starts spamming rain while the room is filled with enemies and exolizers/void bubbles when playing with a pc host. Other than that, atleast on PS5, frames were never a problem. In fact the game runs smoother from update to update. WHY, and this is the most stupid part, why can I get proper spawns when I play with a pc player as long as a low spec hardware player doesn't join in. If they worried about consoles getting overheated I shouldn't ever experienced a mission with higher spawn rates by being able to join pc players in the first place and I probably wouldn't even know about this issue then. It makes no sense. There is definitely a few solutions to this problem but knowing DE they will ignore this problem until more people start complaining about it.
  3. Dear DE please read this The low amount of enemy spawns in steel path is a pain to deal with. 1. It causes console players to receive less rewards/loot for the same amount of time and effort spent 2. It makes SP disruptions boring, the map is almost empty and it takes far longer to get conduit Keys. SP disruption fissure are also not fun to play. This issue occurs since the whisper of the wall lighting change. I have the feeling the increased Performance requirement for this change forces the game to reduce rhe spawns. Or Was this changed vy you accordingly? 3. In SP void cascade fissures It is even after the improvement still a hassle to farm enough reactants due to having less enemies that can corrupt. 4. SP circuit exterminate takes far longer and also 5. Less potential enemies that can drop life support I play on PS5. Why do I get so much less enemy spawns. Because of crossplay with switch and mobile players?! Why do PS5 owners can't expect the same amount of spawns, especially when I have so many graphic settings disabled to improve the performance. I know pc players that takes longer to load in or have the similar performance like a ps5. People jump out of my void cascade fissures hosting all the time due to this issue. This issue takes the fun and the regarding feeling out of many endgame related missions. Please fix this. Find a solution I beg of you. I have always to rely on pc hosts which drives me nuts PLEASE IMPROVE THE SPAWN RATE ON CURRENT GEN CONSOLES!!!! You got this asked in a dev stream and entirely dodge that question knowing this is an issue.
  4. As mentioned above shattering lash doesn't hit enemies that are in front of me when they 2meter away downstairs or behind a ledge while my sight line is connecting to them. Does that get improved too please? If you make Dantes destroying cascade fissures runs with their nuking properties might as well make garas shattering lash hit the targets right in front of it.
  5. Non of these issues occurs when a pc player is hosting a omnia sp cascade fissure. NONE Less than half the enemies spawn for me when I host on ps5. I had 3 mod booster rewards in the last 10 days and ran cascade a lot lately. Pc hosts are filled with enemies. Yes it has to do with hosting on different platforms, it's a common problem. I-m not the only one facing this. Always I get this issue especially in sp disruption and cascade. 10 out of 10 times I have to exit the mission or ppl leave because we face several rounds not having enough enemies in the first place. Regardless if they corrupt or not. I agree tho, I had twice a mesa and a dante and we could basically abort the run. Regardless, the fact remains that I always rely on pc players hosting when I want to play in a squad and it drives me insane
  6. The moment one guy is leaving the area with the remaining squad they corrupt far less. Some platforms face less enemy spawns making it sometimes having not enough reactants for 4-5 rounds. The improvement is not enough if you don't play on PC. Especially with ppl running Dante or Mesa who kill many enemies from further away it is sometimes impossible to collect reactants. The limitation on enemy spawns on non PC platforms hurts the gameplay. There either a ton of enemies on PC hosts or almost none on any other. Please change the way enemies corrupt please or make it like reactants collected counts for everyone like in railjack.
  7. As mentioned Gara Primes Ephemera, which is paid with regal aya so basically real money is heavily bugged. That is actually a refund reason. Since the lighting system changed it is unbearable to look at. It's supposed to make the warfeame glossy. The old effect was actually nice. If this doesn't get reverted I want my regal aya back. But I rather want this ephemera the way it was.
  8. Dante is still a great frame. Many other frames faced a deep cut with overguard fix on enemies. This was a big hit on most cc abilities. Meanwhile you have Dante, having status immunity on cast for the entire cast and great damage. There are enough frames that are way weaker and need more love. Will auto melee get fixed ever? It feels like DE is completely ignoring this issue because I don't read any statement about it
  9. As above mentioned many ppl including me, regardless the platform, face the auto melee bug. Holding down the melee button and it randomly just stops. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. It doens't matter if I'm host or a client the issue remains. An hint for DE: using operator abilities seems to somewhat prevent it to occur frequently, although it's not an solution. DE made auto melee worse than before. It was better before where it would force auto melee when holding down melee button while transferring nto operator. I rather have this then the state it is in now. My strongest part of my arsenal is in the melee department and it actually is a nuisance ro play melee these days. I invested 5-digit numbers in melee rivens only to get ripped off my gameplay like this. Thank you DE, atleast the tennocon backpack has the right colour now👍 DE PLEASE FIX THIS!!
  10. No issue solved here Megan, Me and many others have invite and matchmaking problems since yesterday. Also occurring today again
  11. Me and also many other have rhat problem since yesterday. DE didn't make any statement to it yet. They probably ignore it until enough ppl complain about it
  12. As mentioned in topic SINCE 4-5 HOURS NOBODY CSN JOIN ME!!! I CAN'T JOIN ANYONE!! I encountered atleast 10ppl having the same problem since hours too and they ain't even on the same platform. DE PLEASE FIX YOUR GAME!!
  13. Today I encountered 3 ppl I was unable to join and 1 other typing in the chat having the same problem who is like me a playstation player. This is occuring since today several times. the other guy on ps console alao mention he jave this since today: Being unable to deliver invitations or i am unable to join them with the popped up message: joining online session failed (host not found). ppl that are writing me ingame telling me when they inv me i appear offline. It seems that this is a playstation bug. have some other ppl that problem today too?
  14. You see, you saying it's easy and you don't want to test this which funny. Because on baruuk it does not work like excalibur. Please look further into a topic before you talk about it. Everybody who went deeper for baruuk encountered this problem. Has been for years, melee guidance was the solution we had. This was nerfed. You can have ALL the combo duration mods in the world, the moment his fists, not the projectiles, comes into contact with anyone the Gladiator buffs are erased. Baruuk and his exalted problem differs a bit from others. You have no space to mod for combo duration on his exalted. Combo buildup does NOT work with desert winds projectiles, just with the fists which has ofc short range. So you have 5seconds combo duration and without naramon it will reset. With naramon, it takes forever to build him up because of that issue. Besides, you have to continue casting lull to keep the restraint meter low and rush from enemy to enemy to not loose combo. With 5seconds duration and a squad this might become impossible. Naramon is mandatory for him now. Melee cresendo doesnt work. If you fail to keep your restraint meter from being 100% again you are forced out of his exalted too, loosing also your combo. Also both in deep archimidea and in circuit it can happen that you have to go in without dexterity arcanes on your weapon. unlike excalibur, there is no need to run baruuk if not for his exalted. Excalibur is quite capable of being a melee frame with furious javelin augment and his dash benefitting from melee mods. Baruuks entire kit is about his 4th which is very flawed. Can be strong, looks great but is lackluster and you barely able to unlock his potential. It requires a huge setup and is not rewarding. You can't play him in a squad also.
  15. Playing on PS5, dunno if it happens to others or other platforms I assume this does also apply to other bounties, anyway. It happened to me several times that if the host leaves or disconnects the bounty target can't be fulfilled. Sometimes without a host migration. Sometimes after. Don't know what it causes. We killed the book and it just didn't count. Same with rogue voidrig targets just not counting towards the bounties either. Wasted approx 30mins so far cuz of this problem. Sometimes ppl join me in a bounty when I'm the host only to dissappear in thin air before they leave the elevator, I get the message that they are joining but not that they are left. Sometimes this also happens to me when I am a client joining others. This however was occurring in zariman last week several times. So instead of fixing GAMEBREAKING bugs you nerf nezhas range so much a beam weapon has more range? Is this where your priority lies DE? Supposed to be one of the best updates. Is the worst one I faced in my 3000 hours of warframe. 3 fixes/buffs/nerfs for dante, no bug fixes👍
  16. Why DE? What made you think nerfing Melee Guidance was necessary? It is imposaible to keep the combo up on exalted weapons, especially on baruuk without naramon school. I just found it out today after getting baruuk in deep archimidea. The Gladiator bug is still present ofc. Upon contact with his fists on enemies the Gladiator buff is gone. WHY?? Even with naramon, building up combo is a pain on baruuk. Modding combo duration on exalted is not possible to do proper dmg. Modding combo duration on the melee weapon doesn't count on exalteds. Melee Crescendo supposed to be THE solution to this issue. Baruuk is entirely built around desert Wind. In elite deep archimdea, it is impossible to run him with the limitations given if we want the rewards. He also is a bad choice in circuit but unlike in the archimidia you get enough dmg decrees that his combo issue ain't that big. Why do you hate exalted weapons so much? Wanted to run with him archimedia because you know, he is FULLY FORMAD. With umbra forma on his exalted too. I closed the game. I guess it's time to take a break I think.
  17. They is a big outcry recently about the dante nerfs and I understand that. It's bugging me however how he should be allowed to nuke behind walls but ember remains the same. Nezhas divine retribution is nerfed. Many cc abilities are even less good after the overguard fix. You talked about the 3 things giving you reasons to consider tweaking things. I never had a nezha after the dante update being dominant or disruptive. I see 1000 saryns everyday in a 2hr window tho. Never had a wisp, a Frost or mag or any of the recently by the overguard fix affected frames being dominant or disruptive except wisps shock motes or too high fire rate from her speed motes killing ammo economy. (I main wisp myself, I admit even on incarnons this can be on many guns a problem but nerfing this would kill the fire rate buff on middle strength builds) If Dantes LoS limitation will be reverted and his nuking range remains you might aswell return ember to her old glory. There are over 50 frames and only 2 handful are considered top tier frames. Dante in his pre nerf state would be one of them. Stronger defensive support than a wisp while exceeding also in dmg of over majority of all warframes without the need of a single weapon. I understand it is boring to have all frames being able to be at the same level. We need all colours of a painting to make it look shine brightly and some should need higher investment or higher skill ceiling and/or commitment to release their own full potential. But it is also boring to have 5 frames than can trivialise the other 50 or having multiple frames being able to do one thing and one outshines them all in a niche while having an overall better kit. Dante is an ability dmg specialist. That's fine. Having the best overguard ability that can apply to groups on top is, I dunno. For status immunity while having high dmg output he is the to go for frame. For oneshotting high level overguarded enemies he is the to go for frame. Saryn can only do one of those but better? Revenant can do the other one but better? Yes but dante is great in both. Another frame that leaves so many behind. To top it off, defense oriented frames are left even more behind after fixing overguard on enemies. I won't dare approaching lvl cap in the circuit with frost again. I don't count the LoS incident in cuz i know this will be fixed in the near future. The point is that you listen to the outcry while so many other frames have to take a hit or get left behind. I understand if you try to satisfy everyone you, you won't satisfy anyone. Please rethink for the future how balancing is approached. Many veterans leaving the game of bad decisions you made in the past. Many decisions are making ppl quit now. The two things I liked the most is turned down and/or nerfed or broken. Meleeing with wisp. None of these two are overpowered on its own. Or disruptive, or dominant. Maybe visually but that topic doesn't belong here. I'm looking forward to the chroma buffs In best regards Wisp main Phoenix
  18. I ranked up galvanized mods that I owned before the update and everytime I try to trade them it says Failed to offer. It's very annoying since I'm forced to sell the mod I have slotted in all my weapons. Can you please fix this?
  19. I don't think anyone will disagree with you here. With breach surge further nerfed she has two and a half good abilities. Her 2nd to protect herself. And her speed and health mote. Cuz shock is great and bad at the same time. You can trigger 1 stack of CO but it slows down enemies. Which is either awesome or horrible, depending on the mission type. You don't want shock motes in defense and netracells and not good in survival either cuz it makes it harder letting enemies come in for life support. Cats and beasts travel far and need often time to catch up to you shocking enemies during that time slowing them down additionally. Breach surge is not really needed in base steel path and got weaker now too. From all S tier she is the weakest one. She lacks in offensive buffs except melee atk speed. She is the only frame able to buff everybody's fire rate. Her most unique trait. Here is the issue. Many ppl come with fire rate modded into the weapon, making the fire rate buff more of a curse than a bless except you run and charge incarnons quick but everything that is not a Burston will need to recharge often. I main her over a year now. Her speed is nearly as good as volts. Her atk speed is outclassed by volt and gauss. But again, she provides no dmg buff on her own or for herself. Gauss, volt, saryn, octavia all being powerhouses. Revenant is number 1 protector being able to buff him self and have crazy allies to summon. Wisp had the cc and the support. Cc is cut down, support is just health and a bit of speed which can be bad on guns. I slap sprint boost aura and octavia with praedos and am almost as fast as a endurance wisp with super strong cc, dmg buff and 100% invisibilty. What is wisp? Support? Dmg dealer? Crowd controller?
  20. More love for wisp is all I want :( Yes I know its heresey saying that after all the skins she has but she is my 1st and only main. I still run the original wisp since catalyzing shields is better on her and besides 0.25 more sprint speed the prime has nothing really useful to offer. Blinding eximus was her thing guys :( let it make blinding on wisp exclusively and keep the "fix" on the helminth. i know it's a part of the "fix" but yes it feels too much as a nerf. Having a moment of silence when pressing 3 was her strongest tool. For invulnerability she is strong not the best, speed she is good but not the best, fully tau red is not someting you run on higher lvl missions anyway for lower lvls breach surge is not really needed and for ppl like me who face lvl cap enemies you can't run full strength, not even with nourish. Depending on the mission type and length, there can be many overguarded units making breach surge pointless. The dmg is low, the radiation proc didn't work as intended already (totally fine) now this?? octavia is crouching to the beat at the side while lvl cap overguarded enemies shooting each other. i don't see octavia dominating anywhere except in cascade. She can have that for all i care but not nerfing wisp man. The only time I saw Frost being super strong in his niche is when I had a member being one in the circuit. I reached lvl cap there too, was still a dangerous thing and without him we might have left midday. He can have that too. a augment that makes wisps 4th useful and I would helminth over breach surge in a heartbeat now. (Can't believe I actually just said this). I barely used it, now I don't see myself using it since then. (I listen to Bury the Light while i type this so i apologize for being emotional here. Melee wisp and blinding a room and obliterate them with super fast swings was my thing. Auto melee broken now and wisp nerfed. I take my broken war now and spring loaded blade and go berserk on some poor grineers)
  21. After the hotfix, atleast on ps5, the bug still remains. If I log in the screen shake is enabled even tho the option is turned off. Everytime I log in I have to first go into option, turn it on, confirm changes, go into options again and turn it off again to fix it.
  22. This doesn't change the fact that it is a nerf for her.
  23. Wisp breach surge no longer blinds eximus units after the overguard fix. Which means that breach surge got nerfed twice. Shock mote already didn't work on eximus, it is also a double edged sword tool, can stall or slow down certain mission modes. Now the only three things she has left on her own is: health regen, fire rate, sprint speed and her 2nd ability to protect herself. Health regen and survivability support can do citrine & revenant better, dante is still a good support having better dmg tools than wisp. Wisp is considered S tier but she can't one shot overguarded enemies with any of her abilities. After the update wisp is no longer a S tier frame. Doesn't come with proper dmg ability, nerfed crowd control and her support tool is reduced to running and hitting faster. Her health buff doesn't matter at all in higher levels whatsoever. Just useful for leech eximus health drain. No, most ppl dislike having a wisp with strength because the high fire rate kills the ammo economy on 90% of all weapons. Thank you for all the nerfed cc abilities. Just damage is the key right? DE has no idea about balancing. Dante was a better pick than wisp. She can survive easier and is a bit faster. I just equip praedos or any other incarnon melee on dante and run amar anguish and he can out bulletjump her. In fact every fkn frame can do that. Meanwhile revenant, octavia and saryn remain untouched. One being untouchable and having lvl scaling allies on a button press buffing his primary on top, the 2nd having the best cc ability in the game straight up, is invisible, has higher fire rate higher speed and a dmg buffing ability everything in one frame (like wtf) straight up and the last can kill lvl cap enemies with a toothpick. Great job DE!!
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