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Elite Onslaught is Pointless Boredom Because of Saryn


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Oh yes, we should all be so sorry for trying to bypass one of the worst grinds in the game, we should all be sorry because some of us hate the Eidolon fights and there is no other viable means of mass Focus gains for a reasonable amount of time.

Pubs won't always do what we hope for, it's that simple. Crying 'Pls nerf' leads to the horrible and boring grind that causes so many others to give up and quit, because we can't have anything that actually works can we...

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15 minutes ago, Kraythax said:

Go solo in high level content ? Uhh yeah ... first of all not usually possible.

Lots of people solo ESO. It's just a gear check and good spawn RNG. It's very much possible to do. I would refer you to the Equinox+Tigris Prime method, which can also clear an entire map in an instant, and it's not even Saryn. Pretty sure it is more energy-efficient than Saryn, too. 

11 minutes ago, Kraythax said:

Some of us like challenge. 

You like challenge, but....not a challenge like solo ESO? Could you at least try to be consistent?

Anyways, I don't agree with you. Yes, Saryn is very suited to that particular gamemode. Rather, the type of mode it is - where enemies spawn en masse and run towards you to be slaughtered. That's practically the only way she excels. Put her anywhere else or where enemies aren't all within spitting distance of one another and her damage falls off. Big time. 

And on another note: They have matchmaking for a reason. Nobody is forcing you to go into a public mission. Saryn is quick and easy, so people use her. Big whoop. That's the same exact mentality players have always had. Old Ash, Ember, Banshee, etc. We find the easiest and fastest ways to do things. Speed Nova + 4 people with Tonkor in Akkad, for example. 

If you don't like the way other people play, then don't play with them. Go to recruiting. Put together a team of not-Saryns and have whatever fun you want. Hell, solo things, that's what I do. But you can't go into a public mission, then complain about the way other people play, so long as they aren't intentionally griefing. 


And on another note, because I hate just letting things go - 

33 minutes ago, Kraythax said:

I am a paying customer and don't pay to be bored.

Are you trying to imply that a player who buys plat somehow has more validity to their opinions? You CHOOSE to buy plat, nobody made you give a cent. The game is free. Your fault if you gave it money. So you can take that entitlement and toss it elsewhere. 

(But if you want to have a pissing contest, I've spent well over $500 on Warframe. The only things I have paid for are convenience and fashion in this game that didn't cost anything.)

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I hate to write this, but some individuals in this post who are writing in such toxic manner they are are straight ignorant and sadly a lot of them are like this in game as well. Best thing to do is ignore them, because writing to them will allow them to continue being ignorant, which is why they do so because they are safely hidden behind their keyboards. Beside that, Saryn, Volt, and other map clearing Warframes are VERY annoying to play along with. Knowing they can solo themselves, a lot individuals who play these Warframes tend to the build them that way and join group missions to "selfishly" clear them. There are many post regarding this issues, but tons of players who play these Warframes become offended and act how some are in this post. I wish you can Flag these individuals and allow the Community Manager remove their posts or handle them accordingly.

Regarding these Warframes, I doubt DE wont make the effort to do much to them, since a lot of people play them. So the only suggestion I could give is to continue to find a party and keep aborting missions if a map clearing Warframe joins the group. This can be very annoying, but I do this all the time when I come across a Volt, Saryn, Equinox or even Limbo because of the player who doesn't know how to utilize his kit. Also, Nezha is a counter for map clearing Warframes. 

Ignore those who are telling you to play solo too. Such a shame how ignorant these individuals can be. At least their names here and in game are the same. You can block them in game if they are a problem. 

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How many times are you going to make an almost identical thread? Saryn doesn't need a nerf. I don't use any "OP" builds and can easily hold a respectable 25% or more damage and over 30% kills when a saryn is in my squad. Just stop with this nonsense and learn how to enjoy the game the way it is. 

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if you want to pick on Saryn Players, bring Equinox and mapwipe more effectively than them and leave them unable to Kill almost anything.

but overall remember that the entire point of the Gamemode is idle AoE the map as much as possible. because that's the most efficient way to Kill Enemies.
the Gamemode is specifically tuned for this as you may or not notice - 95-99% of the Enesmies that Spawn are useless Trash Units. almost nothing with significant EHP.



31 minutes ago, Kraythax said:

You will notice I have a very small number of posts because I like t play, not forum chat.

just because i have a lot of Forum Posts doesn't mean i don't play the game. 

Edited by taiiat
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Isn't the point of onslaught meant to be to kill things as QUICKLY as possible? Saryn is pretty damn meta on ESO.

Saryn allows you to kill things fast, that's the point, infact you'll run into things like that incredibly often in onslaught especially, you'll run into double or even triple Saryns at times, Mesa, Equinox, anything that allows mass killing as quickly and efficiently as possible.

You can always open up a squad and get people together who don't want to use that, going into public lobbies always has the risk of getting matched with those teammates.

But let's nerf a frame because:


Go and play solo or start your own squad if you're having that much of a problem with Saryn.

Edited by Latiac
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Well, it is how they changed Saryn to be for a mode they changed her to excel at. If though you find she is ruining your public teams, from effectiveness, you can always do solo; course not too many warframes can do solo in Elite Onslaught with a good chance of success at hte rotation C.

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9 minutes ago, taiiat said:

if you want to pick on Saryn Players, bring Equinox and mapwipe more effectively than them and leave them unable to Kill almost anything.

Stooping to the same level as Saryn players isn't something I consider a viable alternative to a press-4-to-win problem present in the game. :clem:

Edited by Pizzarugi
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45 минут назад, Kraythax сказал:

Volt doesnt kill nearly as fast as saryn, and saryn doesnt freeze them in place, volt does. Saryn is the spore based frame. You are mixed up fellow. 

Saryn stuns all enemies with miasma ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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5 minutes ago, Pizzarugi said:

Stooping to the same level as Saryn players isn't something I consider a viable alternative to a press-4-to-win problem present in the game. :clem:

(that's a broader problem, and either way Onslaught as it stands is a purpose build idling Gamemode) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i do wish there was a third type of Onslaught that was like 80-90% Heavies and Specials rather than Trash Units. that could actually be fun.

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8 минут назад, taiiat сказал:

(that's a broader problem, and either way Onslaught as it stands is a purpose build idling Gamemode) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i do wish there was a third type of Onslaught that was like 80-90% Heavies and Specials rather than Trash Units. that could actually be fun.

litteraly nothing gona change unless there gona be 100% nullifiers onslaught. you gona stay in corner while saryn gona kill everyone with spores.

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I am paying customer and i want to see the manager! That is a prime way to start a discussion

There is visious cycle, Ember, Mag, Chroma, Trinity...  ware nerfed at some point. SOme players get salty and frustrated by wasted formas, so they look whichever frame is high right now, and demand BLOOD. Not just some small cut to make more o pair, no it must be NERF TO THE GROUND. SO Saryn players will get salty and move on to next victim. Could be Equinox, Excalibur, Mesa. Or maybe new frame Garuda.

There is a problem that Spores does not scale with abillity power, and have flat max 100k  with any possive AP (even 10%). Which leaves pleanty of space for fancy mods like Overextend, Rage, Regenerative Molt, Steel FIber and some others. So Saryn is less glass cannon, more brass cannon.

The simple solution would introducing max damage per spore not 100k, but Number * Abillity Power. Where number could be 300 or some other value. Possibly offseting spore loss with higher Toxic Lash buff (it is personal only, so could be strong).

However it is not nerf you are looking for, since the saryn still will be present, especially in mode which really suits her.


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1 hour ago, Mardomus said:

Knowing they can solo themselves

This one statement made everything else in your post null and void.  Why you may ask.  Simple, because both you and OP have the same option to go solo, invite only, and/or create your own group.  You can't say others should have gone solo while ignoring that option yourself.  That's called hypocrisy.  

So why go random pub knowing that you have a strong chance of getting something you don't like when you have the tools to avoid it?


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IF game developers balance the damage scale and doesn't make warframe or weapons that have huge reliable these couldn't have happen.

Causing conflict between people who was just chilling and who want to play.

Unfortunally also make laziness and $&*&*#(%&s have wrong idea about builds.

Edited by Precursor1997
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27 минут назад, felixsylvaris сказал:

I am paying customer and i want to see the manager! That is a prime way to start a discussion

There is visious cycle, Ember, Mag, Chroma, Trinity...  ware nerfed at some point. SOme players get salty and frustrated by wasted formas, so they look whichever frame is high right now, and demand BLOOD. Not just some small cut to make more o pair, no it must be NERF TO THE GROUND. SO Saryn players will get salty and move on to next victim. Could be Equinox, Excalibur, Mesa. Or maybe new frame Garuda.

There is a problem that Spores does not scale with abillity power, and have flat max 100k  with any possive AP (even 10%). Which leaves pleanty of space for fancy mods like Overextend, Rage, Regenerative Molt, Steel FIber and some others. So Saryn is less glass cannon, more brass cannon.

The simple solution would introducing max damage per spore not 100k, but Number * Abillity Power. Where number could be 300 or some other value. Possibly offseting spore loss with higher Toxic Lash buff (it is personal only, so could be strong).

However it is not nerf you are looking for, since the saryn still will be present, especially in mode which really suits her.


spores actualy scales with AS, if you want to strip armor faster - you want higher AP, with 100+AP you dont even need to rump up spores damage, everything gona die at like 300 damage + miasma.
Im mostly playing Nyx, she never was nerfed, but i dont think she should be buffed, just rewamped to be more fun to play (maybe even nerfed) and i want every other frame is scale down to her level.

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vor 10 Stunden schrieb Cibyllae:

In my mind I implied it in my question, but AoE damage that is effective. The point of me asking the question is AoE damage is binary. Its either good enough to abuse, or not good enough and not used at all. And that's because not only is there no skill based AoE damage abilities in warframe, you can't make AoE skill based in warframe. You'll be hard pressed to find any game that has skill based AoE abilities. If it is an AoE ability, it is not skill based.  Which brings me to my first point.


Are we just going to nerf every top aoe frame until every aoe frame is  s h i t?

Pardon me? OFC you can. I just gave you three skill-based AOE damage examples. Sure, you have to add 3-4 digits to the damage numbers for them to remotely viable, but they prove that there's no law of nature that AOE and skill/effort can't get combined.

There's no binary thing here. We have many AOE damage abilities in the game rangeing from low tier to .... Saryn. It up to us to give feedback and ask DE either buff or - for the sake of the fun of the game nerf - things by changing numbers or by adding changing mechanics and therefore add skillbased components to huge AOE outputs.

Saryn in its current form is an abomination. Can't think of a frame, that hurt balance/fun in the game more than her (perhaps Ash, but even in his "best" times he didn't scale that big and killed relatively slowly due to length of animation). She's like a self-damage trinity without having to jump and without needing a certain weapon/mod combination to work. Mesa before her nerf at least required LOS.

Edited by Sahansral
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23 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

This one statement made everything else in your post null and void.  Why you may ask.  Simple, because both you and OP have the same option to go solo, invite only, and/or create your own group.  You can't say others should have gone solo while ignoring that option yourself.  That's called hypocrisy.  

So why go random pub knowing that you have a strong chance of getting something you don't like when you have the tools to avoid it?


Because entitlement. 


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5 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

This one statement made everything else in your post null and void.  Why you may ask.  Simple, because both you and OP have the same option to go solo, invite only, and/or create your own group.  You can't say others should have gone solo while ignoring that option yourself.  That's called hypocrisy.  

So why go random pub knowing that you have a strong chance of getting something you don't like when you have the tools to avoid it?


What? Did you really read what I wrote and got that out of it? Really? First, Me writing that statement, which you called hypocrisy (I laughed), goes to those in this post as well in other map clearing post written by individuals who are being attacked by those who play these map clearing Warframes telling them to go and "solo" if they don't like it. ME reminding them that they TOO can go into solo themselves; "Knowing they can solo themselves". Can you understand that or shall I dig deeper into it? Second, I do play a lot of survival and other missions solo and half of the time I run into randoms to gather more resources and to hang with other players to see how my Warframe mesh with other Warframes. I left that out because I thought that I shouldn't have to write it, but it seems that I have to for some people. So why go random pub knowing that you have a strong chance of getting something you don't like when you have the tools to avoid it? <------- Third, I do not do invites only or create because it takes way too long to find individuals, especially those who are not map clearing Warframes. To me, it is faster to join groups and abort if a map clearing Warframe joins. It doesn't hurt the group because they still have 5 minutes for another player to join. If I join in late, I just stick it though until its time to head out. 

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1 hour ago, miomima said:

litteraly nothing gona change unless there gona be 100% nullifiers onslaught.

on the contrary, Heavies and Specials are not only massively more durable, but they also provide so many Abilities that stupid Trash Units that exist only to soak up bullets can provide.
whether that be Damage Reduction, Ability resistance or immunity, Damage applied in more relevant ways.... and then when we come to Eximus.... because having the Eximus Chance start at 20% when you enter a third such theoretical form of Onslaught rather than 2% - then you provide Enemies that have enough Health to matter to begin with, along with the wide range of unique traits and support Abilities.

so put it simply, we're talking Enemies having atleast 8x the EHP, or upwards of 14x. and THEN you add the unique traits, Abilities, Eximus, Et Cetera. Spores can eventually build up enough Damage but there will be plenty of Enemies that will be resisting it(or situationally immune) anyways. more importantly for what's actually optimal - Maim won't be able to mapwipe.
but, it doesn't need to be that extreme to achieve the goal. and it doesn't even have to at all, it'd be an objectively more difficult version of Onslaught and so wouldn't massive popularity. but it would be able to provide a less idle version of Onslaught nonetheless.

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Saryn needs either efficiency in the build or Trinity to kill the whole map all the time, and ESO Saryn needs a somewhat tanky build, maybe with Hunter Adrenaline, to survive. At least Regenerative Molt. With that kinda build they can't wipe the map all the time, there's at least some downtime. Plus in ESO your 4th ability is on cooldown.

So you would need at least 2 Saryn to wipe the whole map all the time. If you use both Animal Instinct and Enemy Sense you will see there are usually enemies there after Saryn uses her 4. If not immediately, soon after.

I always find EV targets for Saryn.

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4 hours ago, Jokie155 said:

Oh yes, we should all be so sorry for trying to bypass one of the worst grinds in the game, we should all be sorry because some of us hate the Eidolon fights and there is no other viable means of mass Focus gains for a reasonable amount of time.

Actually, there IS a viable way: Ivara on Adaro. Just max out your range and duration, stay invisible all the time, use sleep arrows and kill everything by blowing up dual-wielded Glaive weapon. You will hit daily cap several times faster than with anything on ESO and you can do it solo (in fact, it's best played solo). Using this, I've completed all focus schools in about 3 months.

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4 hours ago, raz143 said:

How many times are you going to make an almost identical thread? Saryn doesn't need a nerf. I don't use any "OP" builds and can easily hold a respectable 25% or more damage and over 30% kills when a saryn is in my squad. Just stop with this nonsense and learn how to enjoy the game the way it is. 

Lemme guess, you do it with Equinox.

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