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Chroma needs a rework


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3 minutes ago, RS219 said:

Two years ago I suggested a buff to his 1 and 2. While his 1 got that buff (increased movement speed and ability to jump while active), his 2 is still rather lacking. I'd like to dig back that suggestion up to add additional features into each aura:

Fire: Grant health regen as well,
Ice: Increased damage reduction towards shields
Toxin: Increased movement and parkour speed
Electric: Reduced shield recharge delay and faster recharge speed.

Also I would like to request Chroma's passive to be reworked beyond a "it just exists" function, making it more embarassing than Vauban's original "some extra armour to a squishy frame when friends are nearby" passive. Maybe make the elements cycle-able instead of being bound to energy colour?

Yes, this is a great idea combined with a rework of the calculation type of vex armor's buff. 

Elemental rotation sounds very good. 

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15 hours ago, (PS4)jman10089 said:

Spectral scream: I feel what your trying with this but I feel the stun if out of place on this ability and keeping the ignis like breath doesn't seem fun. It would be more fun and effective if they increase the damage enough for it to do some heavy burst damage and give it more aoe potential and turned it into an elemental projectile like when you use the afterburn augment. 

Elemental ward: It would be nice the range was increased for the elemental aura effects too so that if you had electricity damage on the enemies within 50 meters were stunned and took a bit of damage or if you had fire or toxin damage they would obtain those procs and dot ticks. The rest you said sounds good.

Vex armor: could like you said already and get a bit of a percentage buff to bring it up to par with of other frames that have abilities to increase defense stats.

Effigy: While I love the idea of dragon mode we all know it not going to happen but if I was to suggest changes to your idea is lets not make him fly because more than likely it will be a dragon version of archwing just not miniature like titania's. It should also allow melee too there is no reason why it shouldn't and why lock out melee weapons from this ability. 

Passive: I like but some people in another thread said it could potentially be over powered if combined with hunter adrenaline or rage.

The stun on Spectral scream comes from the scream that the effigy do, suits him very well, since it's already some part of his abilities. but could be some kind of aoe burst damage the effigy also do this.(and if something that's part of me can do something, why can't I.)

I was thinking with melee 3.0 coming animating some melee weapons that are not archwings melee to a dragon form, would demand too much time, only if the new air combo could be doing on the archwing(dragon form)< but it's not gonna happens anyway so. but you gave me an Idea and it could work.(added it to the post)

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17 hours ago, Roadle32111 said:

Chroma was basically designed around the detatchable pelt. Removing effigy would be a waste of a good visual (and would probably never happen anyway).

make some changes to keep this aspect hope you like it. but it's just Ideas so.(never gonna happen indeed)

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ok here is a simplistic why to make spectral scream. give it 2 phases. 1st phase is what i like to call inhale where you charge the first ability and chroma charge his breath attack and gather any possible elemental status procs near him increasing the damage of the breath and possible giving him and a helpful buff possible if he can consume the same kind of element he has or it is alone the same alignment, and the 2nd phase is where he exhales and releases a cone of breath to a stream of elements that deals damage and gives any unfortunate mobs that did survive the breath all the statuses he "consumed"

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4 minutes ago, maddragonmaster said:

ok here is a simplistic why to make spectral scream. give it 2 phases. 1st phase is what i like to call inhale where you charge the first ability and chroma charge his breath attack and gather any possible elemental status procs near him increasing the damage of the breath and possible giving him and a helpful buff possible if he can consume the same kind of element he has or it is alone the same alignment, and the 2nd phase is where he exhales and releases a cone of breath to a stream of elements that deals damage and gives any unfortunate mobs that did survive the breath all the statuses he "consumed"

You see? There are soooooooo many great idea for a chroma rework but nothing, DE want to make this new open world... Boh

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Spectral scream is trash

Effigy is trash

Electric chroma is trash

Poison chroma is trash


Chroma is half a warframe. Despite the fact his 2 and 3 are really good with fire and ice, he is in need of a rework  because the rest of his stuff is useless.  Of course there are other warframes who need a rework much more than chroma.  But chroma does need a rework sooner or later.

Edited by AnGeL_KRoM
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14 minutes ago, (XB1)TRL kaldwin said:

You see? There are soooooooo many great idea for a chroma rework but nothing, DE want to make this new open world... Boh

anyways there is several ways to improve chroma and make the  dragon aspect of his theme more palpable. my honest opinion would be taking a look at a game that includes a good dragon to a good dragon like boss  that you fight. my suggestions would be to look at some of dark souls dragons and take a look at most elder dragons in monster hunter for inspiration. though like someone mention it is just wishful thinking.  and a side note they could take a look at the dragons in elder scrolls, or the dragon knight in eso. 

ps i am not saying take a direct copy of anything i suggest taking a look at. i am listing somethings to get a general idea of what he could be.

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Chroma is currently half a frame as only 2 elements are okay (fire and ice) and only 2 of his skillset are okay (his 2nd and 3rd). I would like to point out the following stuff:

Electric chroma is useless

Poison chroma is useles

Chroma's 1st is useless

Chroma's 4th is useless

P.S.: I felt really dissapointed they didnt touch chroma with the primed version release. Really really dissapointed.  But DE is lucky I like chroma so much despite his defects.

Edited by AnGeL_KRoM
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3 hours ago, AnGeL_KRoM said:

Spectral scream is trash

Effigy is trash

Electric chroma is trash

Poison chroma is trash


Chroma is half a warframe. Despite the fact his 2 and 3 are really good with fire and ice, he is in need of a rework  because the rest of his stuff is useless.  Of course there are other warframes who need a rework much more than chroma.  But chroma does need a rework sooner or later.

and here is the proof , a Chroma Prime Access owner who spent real green cash and is not satisfied with him and want a rework

lets all call him a spoiled potato and laughs .


Edited by Yatazanami
changed brat to potato , those guys are after my neck even if am sarcasming
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well anyways on a side note maybe if he gets an umbra i would like to think his backstory would be along the lines of a commander that rejected an command that would basically put his unit into a suicide run with no benefit for orokin and then balas comes in a punishes him by framing him and having the comander kill his beloved unit..... i don't know why but framing and framed seems a bit ironic when using it this way. anyways i would picture a chroma umbra as the true sentient/eidolon hunter. then again if he does get an umbra wouldn't it be best if the rework is saved for down those lines so that if they do anything with chroma umbra they could tweak the main chroma and chroma prime along with it?

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52 minutes ago, AnGeL_KRoM said:

Chroma is currently half a frame as only 2 elements are okay (fire and ice) and only 2 of his skillset are okay (his 2nd and 3rd). I would like to point out the following stuff:

Electric chroma is useless

Poison chroma is useles

Chroma's 1st is useless

Chroma's 4th is useless

P.S.: I felt really dissapointed they didnt touch chroma with the primed version release. Really really dissapointed.  But DE is lucky I like chroma so much despite his defects.

Yes... Even his 3rd is pretty(completely) useless compared to others resistance ability 

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1 hour ago, AnGeL_KRoM said:

Spectral scream is trash

Effigy is trash

Electric chroma is trash

Poison chroma is trash


Chroma is half a warframe. Despite the fact his 2 and 3 are really good with fire and ice, he is in need of a rework  because the rest of his stuff is useless.  Of course there are other warframes who need a rework much more than chroma.  But chroma does need a rework sooner or later.

This is the kind of input I’m looking for.  I just need it validated by multiple Chroma vets.

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On 2018-09-26 at 2:33 PM, PabloX732 said:

I was playing as chroma and some ideas came to my mind, a little tweaks who could help him a lot. Feel free to agree and disagree with everything.(also if has some grammar mistakes point it out)

1st Ability: Spectral Scream

  -Reduce damage from 200 to 150, plus make it scale from primary weapon mods.

  -hold it to scream and stun enemy for a little period of time(15 meters).

  -reduce energy drain from 3 to 2.

  -Damaging enemies will restore a portion of chroma's health

  Since when this ability is active you can't use any weapons, so is a good thing to start.

2nd Ability: Elemental Ward

  -Ivara quiver rotation, but for elements.

  -ally buff remains for 10 sec after leaving out chroma range(affected by ability duration).

 -make it recastable to match vex armour.

  the rest stay the same, it's a good ability.

3rd Abilty: Vex Armour

 -Scorn: increase from 350% to 400%.

 -Fury: increase from 275% to 300%.

 -ally buff remais for 10 sec after leaving out chroma range(affected by ability duration).

New 4rd Ability: Dragon Form

 you summon your effigy to fight besides you.

-effigy now will follow you.

-press x to make him stay in place.(stolen Ideas yay)

-effigy breath will do the same damage as your Spectral Scream(since it's buffed now)

-press 4 to desactive the ability, hold it to enter in Dragon form.

-Dragon form will buff your Firerate/reload speed(scales with toxin elemental ward), melee atack speed and movement speed.(your #*!%ing dragon wings will be out all the time in this form, hope it's not gonna block your vision).

-spectral scream damage scale from 150 to 200.

-spectral scream range increases from 10 meters to 30 meters(range does not affect this ability, but sinister reach should work).

-spectral scream(hold) range increase from 15 meters to 40 meters.

-all your manouver still the same, but a third jump will make you fly.(that's right fly).

-You can use all yours weapons while flying.

-you can cast your others abilities while flying.

-reduce energy drain from 10 to 3.

-credit buff still remains(yay for credits).

New Passive: "Berserker"

each time chroma get hit on health he gains 10 armour, stack up to 20 times, decay starts after 10 sec.

I think that all the things you wrote are very very good, but not for vex armor. 

He needs a lot more armor ( nothing to say to your buff to fury) because things like puncture, corrosive, slash, viral can affect the warframe's ferrite armor by a lot. 

If DE want to give him a rework using your idea with 3 times the actual scorn buff, Chroma will be a VERY good frame. 

Not overpowered because even if I want to put 1000% base Armor buff thing like puncture etc etc will always affect him. 

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

This is the kind of input I’m looking for.  I just need it validated by multiple Chroma vets.

Yeah, just bring back the old vex armor's calculation and remove the double dipping damage caused by elemtal mods. 

This is the "wae" to make him a very good tank and pretty good damage dealer. 

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16 minutes ago, Kemenril said:

As others have said, it's 1 and 4 that need work, not 2 and 3. People should not waste their/our time demanding the return of OP abilities. 

yeah , just grab that gram prime we powercreeped to oblivion for the sake of ''weak' weapons, and slap a 5 stars riven disposition on it and BAM! chroma prime is great again .

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Ugh, I guess I have to break my word.

2 hours ago, Yatazanami said:

when i defend mods and ability DE themselves designed and gave to us (and took away) to ease the grind madness this game force you into = [lost respect]

when i criticize the biggest ''plat-cave' in the game that cost you money , time , and multiple sacrifice to rngesses , when DE promised it as a fix to the core game =

[spoiled brat]

totally right and not a flawed logic guys

my ass

Yes, DE certainly did desing Draco and Viver with all abilities in mind. Same goes for Nuke-Trinity. We are just using the "features" we have, right? DE gave us the option so it's okay, right? It's just the desing, right? It's not broken at all, right? There is no need to change OP things, right? 

1 hour ago, Yatazanami said:

and here is the proof , a Chroma Prime Access owner who spent real green cash and is not satisfied with him and want a rework

lets all call him a spoiled brat and laughs .

Proof of what? If he bought the access and said that Chroma is fine would that change your mind? Paying for something does not make you better or give you more credibility. It just shows that you either want to support the game or that you don't want to farm.

I'm not going to call him a spoiled kid because unlike you he understands that there are more pressing matters than Chroma rework. I've never said that Chroma doesn't need a rework/tweaks. I said that he doesn't need it right now.


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29 minutes ago, Kemenril said:

The Vex "nerf" simply brought into line with other frame powers. Before, it was pretty ridiculous. 

As others have said, it's 1 and 4 that need work, not 2 and 3. People should not waste their/our time demanding the return of OP abilities. 

  If with "in line" you mean a warframe with the ability to increase the armor to reach damage reductions of not even 90% where it can be affected by stuns and status proc that can further reduce the armor (viral, toxin, slash, puncture, corrosive,) while warframe as mesa, Gara, nezha have a damage reduction of 90-95% (higher with Arcane Guardian) and are NEVER affected by status (apart from nezha, he with warding halo is not even stunned) then yes, we can consider online. Ahahahahah come on, bring back all his armor to before the nerf (why call this stuff rework is an insult to the rework)  

Edited by (XB1)TRL kaldwin
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Il y a 17 heures, BiancaRoughfin a dit :

I think some players (Like you) need to do more research on Chroma`s History to learn that the Skill was BROKEN since he was launched, it had the WRONG formula and it was making him very Overpowered. What [DE] did was FIX said formula so it would work as intended.

Yes and no. I mean, there was a portion of the skill which was broken. Specifically, the damage multiplying part used to stack with itself the same way stealth multipliers did for DoTs (specifically gas getting 512x modifier). 

That was broken as #*!% and it shpuld have been fixed on the first week, just like stealth and gas/other DoTs should've been. 

The problem is that on top of fixing the bug which had him get his damage multiplier work to the power of three for some weapons, they also changed the rationale between both his damage and armour multipliers. 

They went from full multipliers like Roar and Eclipse (dmg) or Ironclad Charge and Warcry (armour) to additive bonuses like octavia's Amp and mesa's Shooting Gallery. 

That was bad ish in its own right for damage, even though it's still more than emough damage and it now saves you a mod slot (since if you have 800% vex buff Serration and the like give you very little damage increase) but for his armour it was a pretty bad move. Not because it made him not tanky mind, but because it made the only tank/bruiser be less tanky than most off tanks. Mesa, Trinity, Rhino, Nezha, Nidus, Nova, Nekros, Nyx now have FAR more EHPs. Wjich wouldn't be a problem in itself if not for two things:

  • He's the only one who has both no proc immunity and an only armour based mitigation, which means any puncture based gun and/or slash proc destroys his mitigation. 
  • He's the only one that offers nothing else in his kit other than tanking / bruising. All the others have either support, DPS or CC capabilities. 

All in all a pretty bleak picture tbh. If only he had some kind of self sustain mechanic and/or got his Effigy fixed to not both drain all his energy in a heartbeat and halve his main defensive stat, i wouldn't really care. But as it stands he's just half a frame with a sort of functional kit. 

Il y a 15 heures, (PS4)Silverback73 a dit :

There is merit to making sure your voice is repeatedly heard to create the critical mass necessary for change.  I’d like to hear from TRUE Chroma mains that understand fully his kit.

And I mean vets with a mature Mod Library who have played for years.

I “main” Volt Prime and when I see “Volt sucks” threads, I laugh at the ignorance.

And I’m smart enough to know that I DON’T have an elite level of understanding for Chroma’s kit.

I'm summoning @Xzorn here cause he's done it more in depth than i ever had the patience to (past seeing which build gave him the best sustain/EHP combination). But basically what happened is that he got the short end of the stick and now he's in a worse place because the mechanic behind his toughness is the worst one (base armour) and he got almost nothing else to show for it.

He's still enjoyable mind, and if you never go past the game's readily accessible level range he's cool and all, but he's not functional for higher end stuff anymore because of that. 

You're also basically forced to use QT for any kind of serious content now. 

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10 minutes ago, Autongnosis said:

Yes and no. I mean, there was a portion of the skill which was broken. Specifically, the damage multiplying part used to stack with itself the same way stealth multipliers did for DoTs (specifically gas getting 512x modifier). 

That was broken as #*!% and it shpuld have been fixed on the first week, just like stealth and gas/other DoTs should've been. 

The problem is that on top of fixing the bug which had him get his damage multiplier work to the power of three for some weapons, they also changed the rationale between both his damage and armour multipliers. 

They went from full multipliers like Roar and Eclipse (dmg) or Ironclad Charge and Warcry (armour) to additive bonuses like octavia's Amp and mesa's Shooting Gallery. 

That was bad ish in its own right for damage, even though it's still more than emough damage and it now saves you a mod slot (since if you have 800% vex buff Serration and the like give you very little damage increase) but for his armour it was a pretty bad move. Not because it made him not tanky mind, but because it made the only tank/bruiser be less tanky than most off tanks. Mesa, Trinity, Rhino, Nezha, Nidus, Nova, Nekros, Nyx now have FAR more EHPs. Wjich wouldn't be a problem in itself if not for two things:

  • He's the only one who has both no proc immunity and an only armour based mitigation, which means any puncture based gun and/or slash proc destroys his mitigation. 
  • He's the only one that offers nothing else in his kit other than tanking / bruising. All the others have either support, DPS or CC capabilities. 

All in all a pretty bleak picture tbh. If only he had some kind of self sustain mechanic and/or got his Effigy fixed to not both drain all his energy in a heartbeat and halve his main defensive stat, i wouldn't really care. But as it stands he's just half a frame with a sort of functional kit. 

I'm summoning @Xzorn here cause he's done it more in depth than i ever had the patience to (past seeing which build gave him the best sustain/EHP combination). But basically what happened is that he got the short end of the stick and now he's in a worse place because the mechanic behind his toughness is the worst one (base armour) and he got almost nothing else to show for it.

He's still enjoyable mind, and if you never go past the game's readily accessible level range he's cool and all, but he's not functional for higher end stuff anymore because of that. 

You're also basically forced to use QT for any kind of serious content now. 

I’m working on my sources as well...

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1 hour ago, Yatazanami said:

and here is the proof , a Chroma Prime Access owner who spent real green cash and is not satisfied with him and want a rework

lets all call him a spoiled brat and laughs .


I got his PA because he has been my most played warframe in 2 or 3 years (around 30% usage according to my profile).  In fact my nick (KRoM) is inspired on him (Chroma).

DE is lucky I am a chroma fanboy.  But DE also MUST understand chroma needs to be fixed.  And also they must understand it is VERY dissapointing he didnt get fixed with his prime access

Edited by AnGeL_KRoM
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