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Rubico Prime is hideously impractical/impossible in design


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A while ago I complained that Destreza Prime was very impractically designed, from having two asymmetrical needle-thin pokers of different lengths and one of them having a kink that would interrupt thrusting into an enemy and a basket hilt that's wide open and fully exposes the hand when the blade is pointed towards the enemy.

And now it seems the same impractical design scheme has been applied over to Rubico Prime. Let's have a look...

1) Normal Rubico has a straightforward system. A bullet from the revolver magazine is directly fed into the barrel. Rubico Prime however has no barrel where there should be one, instead a hollow lattice of golden wiring bits. Initially I thought it was going to be a railgun-like design, these golden bits forming a cylinder shape where the bullet will pass through. Nope. The looped golden protrusion right in front of the magazine is RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HOLLOW, meaning it will block every bullet fired!

2) While it makes sense that the scope and barrel are merged together to have pinpoint precision (no aiming a little upwards like modern day scoped rifles), how does the bullet from the magazine travel upwards into the raised barrel? Does it go backwards into the maroon funnel (which, by the way, is magically suspended midair with no means of attachment to the rifle) then teleport into the back of the scope/barrel, or does it get shot into the black piece in front of the magazine, then shunted up for firing? What IS the purpose of that magically levitating maroon funnel?

Either way just like Destreza Prime, Rubico Prime looks atrocious from a practical standpoint. I get that Orokin aesthetics are supposed to look beautiful but I can only hold so much suspension of disbelief over some of the outlandishly impractical designs.

Also another excuse to call for primed weapons being able to use default skins. I'd really swap out Rubico Prime for the default Rubico skin if I could.

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Feel you when it comes to weapons using scopes as replacement barrels, having no magazines, or odd loses of function to looks. Look at the Veldt currently, and we are supposed to be shooting through the hunting scope!

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Just now, DoomFruit said:



It's been going on a lot longer than this.

Can we talk about how the Aegis in Silva and Aegis somehow is made of fire that makes steel float? Heck, the Prime also has fire and I see nothing to make a combustion there.

And don't even get me started on the Boar Prime's rotatory... thing or the Cernos Prime magically making appear 5 arrows at once.

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The Orokin don't give a damn about physics.

At all.

If we take Warframe abilities as examples of their tech (thanks to the Sacrifice, we know they're at least not directly void-based since Umbra uses them without a void connection, though the void is probably at least involved in the tech's design), then the Orokin could create matter, produce limitless amounts of energy and manipulate souls.

I don't think designing a gun or a sword that's outside of our current understanding of what's practical is really all that hard to believe.

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So, putting aside 'it's a video game' mentality, from a lore dweeb's perspective, as long as there is a mag and a barrel, any weapon of Orokin make is sensible. The Orokin used the void for everything. 'Hiding' weapon you have equipped is actually explained away by the game as shunting them into the void. Our Liset (and Orbiter) is hidden from enemies through 'void masking' which seems to be concealing the ship almost entirely in the void, and having a tiny spot with a camera that converts to the Liset's 'windshield' (literally a big monitor). They put beauty above all, so thinking maybe that they implemented a tiny void gate into a weapon to move it's ammunition into the barrel isn't that crazy. I also feel that the scopes on the primes are Liset-style monitors connected to an impossibly small point near the barrel of the gun.

Edited by Tarak
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27 minutes ago, DoomFruit said:



It's been going on a lot longer than this.

It is an odd description, yes but it doesn't get shoved down your eyes whenever you handle Reaper Prime as opposed to looking at the rubico prime's oddities regularly while sorting through the arsenal/playing in mission. Reaper Prime at least looks serviceable to a good degree, as opposed to Rubico Prime's odd barrel/magazine placement.

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Just now, Tarak said:

So, putting aside 'it's a video game' mentality, from a lore dweeb's perspective, as long as there is a mag and a barrel, any weapon of Orokin make is sensible. The Orokin used the void for everything. 'Hiding' weapon you have equipped is actually explained away by the game as shunting them into the void. Our Liset (and Orbiter) is hidden from enemies through 'void masking' which seems to be concealing the ship almost entirely in the void, and having a tiny spot with a camera that converts to the Liset's 'windshield' (literally a big monitor). They put beauty above all, so thinking maybe that they implemented a tiny void gate into a weapon to move it's ammunition into the barrel isn't that crazy. I also feel that the scopes on the primes are Liset-style monitors connected to an impossibly small point near the barrel of the gun.

It is possible, though it seems like a gigantic/wasteful amount of power/tech would be needed just for that feature.

Thanks for this caliber of reply, it's a good rationalization-explanation and miles better than Blade_Wolf_16's edgelord snark.

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1 minute ago, RS219 said:

It is possible, though it seems like a gigantic/wasteful amount of power/tech would be needed just for that feature.

Thanks for this caliber of reply, it's a good rationalization-explanation and miles better than Blade_Wolf_16's edgelord snark.

Honestly... I wouldn't put anything past the Orokin...

Look at what the did with the moon. Why put massive spires of purposeless gold connected together with similarly useless massive gold rings... Because they could... and it looks cool.

The Orokin seem to have been wasteful and excessive by their nature. The had the tech, they have plenty of resources (apparently), why not use them?

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This reminds me a little bit of the endless war/conversation between Star Trek and Star Wars fans... most Trekkis are very technical and can answer you almost all Technical questions about their Franchise, also like to crititize Star Wars for beeing so unrealist compared to Star Trek because of "magic" like the force, or "Light doesnt work that way" if it comes to lightsabers (which obviously are not made of light only because the name says so, and NO i dont want yet another discussion of this endless topic again.... it doesnt lead anywhere, its as "limitless as light" ?!), and some other things they call unrealistic. Star Wars Fans then answer this "unrealistic" claims with "oh how does Beaming/Teleporting work again? Oh right not the way you showed it, not exactly you know? And while we are on unrealistic, i just say beeings like Q ? Ha? Haaa?" leading to more and more pointless conversations that just never get a happy ending..... except for the Star Wars fans like me that just like BOTH franchises and grown up with both just enjoying a good movie without acting like most people with girlfriends might know "How unrealistic this action movie is, everyone misses the hero" and just enjoy the movie even though the aim of almost ALL #*!%ing enemies of the Heroes in Movies went to the Stormtrooper Acedemy of shooting (like Cinemasins would say, and right they are)

To make things short: Are our lifes really that pathetic and empty and boring that we seriously discuss physics about weapons and designs in a Sci-Fi Computer Game?

The answer is YES! Just mine is that boring and meaningless that not even i will say much to it except for one thing that should fix it ... maybe... : Just allow the normal Non-Prime skin for the weapons and the problem should be fixed maybe? (Part of it at least)

Thats it from my opinion, one guy in a public session last time told me "you talk to much" and maybe he is right (or she? Whatever it was), then again, what else is left to do for me then beeing bored and also adding my opinion in a forum? Actually playing the game we write about? Ah no why? Its a writing game, its no game about fighting. Wait, aaaah, ok now i get it, "fighting game" (yeah i know the genre has a very different name still call it that now), so the real fight and the real Endgame are the FORUMS! Now i get it...



Below about the first posts of this Topic:


Typical Forum in the Internet, someone asks a simple question (or in that case just an opinion), one guy doesnt really answer a question or agrees with what was posted and immidiatly starts to go against the poster or not adding anything really constructive other then "i disagree" and nothing more and the another one after that starts a fight about that because of person number 2 doing this. And suddenly the harmless question of "where can i buy good Milk" turns into "i give you some milk... its right between my l---...." "I got a bigger one" and so on. Suddenly the topic is not about what the Topic Poster wanted its about something entirely else and mostly about who got the biggest... until in some forums it gets out of control and the lawkeeper... the moderator or admin, needs to step in and close the topic. It might not have been that bad yet but this is a good example again on the first posts.


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I agree that Rubico Prime looks questionable in terms of "How do I shot bullet?", I suppose saying "The Orokin did it." pretty much sums up most of the reasoning.  But, along with some other Primed weapons (Egg Beater Prime for example), I would like the option to use the normal version as a skin for them.  Normal Rubico looks like a Cadillac (a good Cadillac) and a Revolver made sweet, sweet love and had a baby.

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