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Poe leeching


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And by leeching I don’t mean people who don’t do much damage or are too low in MR I mean people who join a bounty then just stay by the door to Cetus. 

Im only new myself been playing for almost two months now and so happy I’d found this amazing game but here is where my enjoyment has started to suffer, I start a bounty in public matchmaking and people join and just sit through all 4-5 objectives at the door or near it , last night It happened twice in a row. The first bounty I completed but the second time I spoke to the only guy who was playing with me out of 3 people on the bounty and I said I’m sorry I’m going to leave the bounty because it’s not fair for both of us to be playing whilst one other person does nothing and gets the rewards! 

I don’t mind helping people and playing with people who at least attempt to do the objective I couldn’t care less if they have 1% damage out of a team of 4 as long as they are doing something.

is there no way to add a report for inactivity ? The onus shouldn’t be on the players who are attempting to complete the quest to stop and screen grab several times then compile a report which btw isn’t that easy to do on console as it is on pc , there should be a timer to either remove players who are completely inactive or at least stop them from earning the rewards from the bounty if they are more than 500 meters away from the objective through the entire thing although even I can see how that could be abused and sadly cause problems , I don’t care about carrying people or doing more damage it’s the complete inactivity and the expectation to receive the same rewards for doing nothing that makes my blood boil. 

to finish , I guess I’m just getting frustrated in a game that over the last couple of months I’ve put a lot of effort into grinding and collecting resources , making builds that are far from perfect but have allowed me to play some of the endgame which I’ve really enjoyed for someone who isn’t willing to put the effort of even moving or trying to help complete an objective to get the same rewards as I do isn’t fair and isn’t how it should be. 

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not much you can do about afk leecher other than block them so you dont get matched up with them again.
its more annoying when your doing plague star or any bounties where you resuce hostage an the afk person is who they are following making the bounty uncomplatable.

many players want a free ride through harder content then they can handle. i dont mind long as they are not acting like dead weight. ;D you gotta show your willing to put effort in or no point in me helping 

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I guess they should develop easier tools for people to report on console. It wouldn't hurt on PC either, reporting takes good ten minutes there for me for just one person, and that's plenty considering how many leechers there are on PC EU side at least.

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I've only had one leecher so far (thankfully it was a Volt since I'm starting to hate his speed boost, the first few times it was fun but... every... single... volt, it has started to lose it's novelty) there defiantly should be a way to have leechers not receive rewards just not in the form of a kick when you want system, I've played MH4U and I've seen many people abuse that function because they don't like a certain armor set. In World not so much (I've had to kick a few for trying to leech Xeno Jiiva & Zorah Magdaros among others), I'm with you in the boat of "I'll help but you have to do something" there are a few solutions to this problem a Vote to kick/Host can kick system lock it into being AFK for 3-5 minutes before that person can be kicked and have it so in those 5 minutes they must contribute to the current objective in some way or they can be kicked, then the kick will essentially abort the mission for the player being kicked and they lose out on rewards, 1000 Year Fish scans, etc another way would be to do what the endless modes do and have it so if you do nothing you don't get the bonus just change the bonus to bounty reward, since the biggest problem is getting them not to lollygag at the gate (many a Skyrim guard has tried and failed to stop lollygaggers), then it becomes getting them to do the objective.

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Ok, so you said carrying people isn't the issue, damage %stats at the end screen don't bother you.

You're angry that people get the same rewards as you without effort.

Consider this: what does it matter what another player has acquired vs yourself? Are you constantly viewing random peoples profiles and comparing scores? Why are you judging Your own enjoyment of the game based on Other people?

Just play for Yourself and quit looking at what everyone else is doing, afkers or not.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)haphazardlynamed said:

Ok, so you said carrying people isn't the issue, damage %stats at the end screen don't bother you.

You're angry that people get the same rewards as you without effort.

Consider this: what does it matter what another player has acquired vs yourself? Are you constantly viewing random peoples profiles and comparing scores? Why are you judging Your own enjoyment of the game based on Other people?

Just play for Yourself and quit looking at what everyone else is doing, afkers or not.

Because I’m working/playing the game and therefore receiving a reward for my effort, You can take that and apply it to day to day irl you don’t turn up to work set up a deck chair look through your Facebook and still expect to be paid right? It is a cooperative game the expectation is on cooperation and helping each other to achieve a goal and not to sit back and not take part but receive everything that people who do take part do?


I guess that I’m trying to apply a sense of morality to a game in your view and yes it does take away from my sense of enjoyment to know that with no effort at all unlike my self and those who are trying you can get the same result that I have achieved. 

Do you think that’s fair? 

Edited by (PS4)doggychunks
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36 minutes ago, SpawnTDK said:

votekick would be everyones friend, a very common feature in onlinegames since mid-90's

Votekick always comes up with these topics, and the response is always the same: it would have too much potential abuse to which I agree. Just think about all the poor Limbos facing the wrath of players, or some elitists kicking you because you didn't bring Saryn or Trinity to ESO. We need some easier tools to report players but votekick is not an option. I recall even DE saying they don't want votekick.

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2 minutes ago, BoarWarrior said:

Votekick always comes up with these topics, and the response is always the same: it would have too much potential abuse to which I agree. Just think about all the poor Limbos facing the wrath of players, or some elitists kicking you because you didn't bring Saryn or Trinity to ESO. We need some easier tools to report players but votekick is not an option. I recall even DE saying they don't want votekick.

I agree vote to kick would be abused and it’s not the answer but a simplified way to report on consoles and a system that auto removes for inactivity or no rewards if you’re not at the objective and or surrounding area within a 500m/kilometre would be a far better way to deal with it, after all I’m talking about a minority of people who abuse a system that allows them to remain inactive throughout with no consequences. 

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Another part of the problem is that (for me at least) is that whenever I try to enter the plains as part of a squad on a bounty is that it takes ages for the doors to open onto the plains. I don't know if it's ping or something else but usually the first section has already finished before I even get onto the plains. After that it's mostly trying to catch up and there are people out there that get frustrated by this.

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41 minutes ago, (PS4)doggychunks said:

Because I’m working/playing the game and therefore receiving a reward for my effort, You can take that and apply it to day to day irl you don’t turn up to work set up a deck chair look through your Facebook and still expect to be paid right? It is a cooperative game the expectation is on cooperation and helping each other to achieve a goal and not to sit back and not take part but receive everything that people who do take part do?


I guess that I’m trying to apply a sense of morality to a game in your view and yes it does take away from my sense of enjoyment to know that with no effort at all unlike my self and those who are trying you can get the same result that I have achieved.  

Do you think that’s fair? 

Sounds like a personal problem then, you're letting your enjoyment be controlled by expectations of things that are beyond your control.


I'd suggest you switch your matchmaking settings to friends-only and only play with your clan,

but sounds like you'd still be losing sleep over all the other players in other matches that you aren't even in that might be leeching. Can't help you there.


'fair'? no, but I don't expect it to be fair anyway, much like the rest of the world.


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1 hour ago, (PS4)doggychunks said:

Because I’m working/playing the game and therefore receiving a reward for my effort, You can take that and apply it to day to day irl you don’t turn up to work set up a deck chair look through your Facebook and still expect to be paid right? It is a cooperative game the expectation is on cooperation and helping each other to achieve a goal and not to sit back and not take part but receive everything that people who do take part do?


I guess that I’m trying to apply a sense of morality to a game in your view and yes it does take away from my sense of enjoyment to know that with no effort at all unlike my self and those who are trying you can get the same result that I have achieved. 

Do you think that’s fair? 

First of all warframe despite what the devs think is not a cooperative game. This is a shared instance shooter where everybody cares only about himself. Te biggest cooperation we have is when someone decides to revive you and even that is shallow.

As for the second are you seriously trying to apply morality to a game where people get angry at you for using x equipment, killstealing, being better or worse than them and soo on? As in the previous statement, in this game everybody is on his own and no one cares about others unless they bother them in any way.

Just like you only care about this guy is because he doesnt fit into your coop vision what especially funny because you said yourself that you dobt mind them dealing almost zero damage as long as they are with you and look like they "participate".

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46 minutes ago, (PS4)haphazardlynamed said:

Sounds like a personal problem then, you're letting your enjoyment be controlled by expectations of things that are beyond your control.


I'd suggest you switch your matchmaking settings to friends-only and only play with your clan,

but sounds like you'd still be losing sleep over all the other players in other matches that you aren't even in that might be leeching. Can't help you there.


'fair'? no, but I don't expect it to be fair anyway, much like the rest of the world.


Thank you for your advice, im simply giving feedback in a feedback thread and from other comments and threads I don’t believe I’m the only one who has noticed that these things happen, however rather than simply stating that it isn’t fair the world isn’t fair I’m trying to create discourse on the subject and at the end of the day it is only a game so I’m not loosing any sleep over it and having a forum for discussion is a great way to find like minded people and to share my thoughts on it and maybe come up with a way to solve it 🙂 


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16 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

First of all warframe despite what the devs think is not a cooperative game. This is a shared instance shooter where everybody cares only about himself. Te biggest cooperation we have is when someone decides to revive you and even that is shallow.

As for the second are you seriously trying to apply morality to a game where people get angry at you for using x equipment, killstealing, being better or worse than them and soo on? As in the previous statement, in this game everybody is on his own and no one cares about others unless they bother them in any way.

Just like you only care about this guy is because he doesnt fit into your coop vision what especially funny because you said yourself that you dobt mind them dealing almost zero damage as long as they are with you and look like they "participate".

People in SO, ESO and especially nightmare alerts tend to die, sorties too. So I go there as Trinity with Vazarin for extra blessing range and blessing build. That's co-op. Could do the same in bounties but I stopped running them on public due to more than every second match having a leecher who just mined or something.

You start a bounty on public, it means you deliberately go to that spesific mission where there will be other players present. I know it's the "but they can do it without me" that's the main reasoning behind leeching, and that's not wrong. But it is rude expecting to be carried without putting in effort. It's like beggar attitute except that you force it on others, making them waste their time while you reap the benefits.

What makes me right and you wrong on this is that you never see a leecher offering to boost others through the bounty while they mine and fish and the leecher would complete the bounty alone. I did enough plains to end up with 30+ eidolon lens bp, over 90% of it on public, and not once I saw a leecher saying thanks, let alone offering their services in return.

It's a rotten mentality, proved by that.

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1 hour ago, BoarWarrior said:


Seriously the only problem is that the whole Poe bounties are seemingly built around the idea "do them when you want it". If the game would start a 2 min countdown the moment someone enters the first stage which would fail everybody who is not there this problem wont exist in this form.

Its not really a beggar attitude, its more like basic human nature. If you give the rewards to the a whole group of workers if they do something right there will be always people who point at another one saying "Billy hasnt even worked that hard, he doesnt deserve it!" and people who are like "Well i did my part but knowing this the next time im not gonna work this hard.".

You either enforce a full sharing system where the leeches share what they mine up or fish with you or remove the whole sharing and only those who did the best get the rewards.

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thank you all for your comments as far as I can tell the simplest and easiest to implement way to solve this would be to make the item drops localised to the separate parts of the bounty similar to what already exists in an eidolon hunt , have them marked on the hud like the core drops with their own symbols after all you don’t see anyone gate hanging during an eidolon hunt because they have to be there to get the drops. 

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Undergear lvl leeching is also a problem in POE, far worse than afk leeching.

1. Institute affinity range.

2. Require lvl 30 frame and all gear for top POE bounties and eidolon hunts.

3. A huge chunk of the problem will be instantly solved.

There are plenty of other parts of the game to level stuff in, claims that "well what about my five forma bladebla that I just formaed and is at 0" are outliers and nitpicks. A -few- top end game modes should all require fully ranked gear, the VAST remainder of the game can be used for leveling.

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For the first point I believe there is an affinity range although I can't remember what it is at the moment. The second point sounds reasonable enough but will also alienate a large group of people as well which is basically replacing one problem with another to be honest. As for the rest of the star chart for leveling that's not in dispute it's when you start level gating things that you start running into problems. From what I understand there's already been a whole lot of discussion about that with weapons and frames already and nothing conclusive has come form it. Besides it would only encourage people to power level with little to none of the experience that comes with getting familiar with the gear you're using which isn't much of an improvement.

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I’ve done the math and every ten meters is 1 second if you’re sprinting. So 600 meters is 60 seconds. That’s how long it would take to reach. If DE added an AFK timer to the bounties then the players would have roughly 1:00 - 1:20 minutes to get to the extraction. Do the rest of the math.

If the stage is like rescue or capture and they get completed before that timer is up then it becomes and exception and the guys get the rewards as well. But stages like caches(sometimes), armor vault, secure area, or even kill 25 enemies, there is no excuse to why these players be slacking off unless they are brand new to the game and shouldn’t be doing high level bounties. Brand new as in MR 0 with Excalibur, skana, MK-1 paris/braton, lato. We shouldn’t carrry these people across the solar system so we shouldn’t carry them across the high level bounties either. We have recruit chat for that. 

I joined a bounty where this MR 18 Nezha was mining outside of the circles, usually far away. Until I told him he is being reported and he called me a “try hard loser”. “Try hard”? I could see him calling me that if I was using an arch wing to travel 400 meters. But he was not participating in the bounties at all. Until the last 2 stages where he did join but he barely did anything. So trust me, there’s no excuse. Feel like DE should disable mining and fishing while in a bounty mission. 

But instead I figured an AFK timer outside of the rings would be a better option. Newbies who fail to reach will have to learn to get better or go to the recruit chat and ask to be carried. But most of the leeches are not newbies. Not the ones I’ve been encountering. The ones with the biggest mouths are usually 15+. The lower ones usually apologize for being tardy and they at least make their way to the stages. But I don’t have issues with tardiness. I don’t just sprint, I bullet jump and Tenno dash. Not everyone is able to do that, not skillfully anyways. 

Would show pics but not only do I not know how to post them but I don’t know how to blur the names like DE wants. I’m not really a computer geek. 

But at the very least there should be some sort of Engaged In Bounty time in the stats that could be used to at least report the AFK. So while the bounty itself last for like 10 minutes and other players had like 8 minutes each, the leecher that has 0, maybe 2 minutes, would show proof of lack of participation. But that would probably be too complicated vs putting an AFK timer(1 sec per 10 meters while sprinting) in the bounties. And the rings are what you have to step in to start the stage timer. 

That’s my suggestion and so far nobody has pointed out a flaw. All I’ve received was, “get better at carrying or go to recruit”. Basically ignorance and lazy responses. 

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On 2018-10-04 at 11:52 AM, (PS4)doggychunks said:

thank you all for your comments as far as I can tell the simplest and easiest to implement way to solve this would be to make the item drops localised to the separate parts of the bounty similar to what already exists in an eidolon hunt , have them marked on the hud like the core drops with their own symbols after all you don’t see anyone gate hanging during an eidolon hunt because they have to be there to get the drops. 

Now that's an idea I don't have a problem with. 

Even slower players (usually newer, less experienced) should be able to get to the objectives in time to collect. The timer before extraction should give them time to collect the drops even from the last bounty. 


And I've seen people mining and fishing while I got busy hunting for Terry. 

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23 hours ago, Buttaface said:

Undergear lvl leeching is also a problem in POE, far worse than afk leeching.

1. Institute affinity range.

2. Require lvl 30 frame and all gear for top POE bounties and eidolon hunts.

3. A huge chunk of the problem will be instantly solved.

There are plenty of other parts of the game to level stuff in, claims that "well what about my five forma bladebla that I just formaed and is at 0" are outliers and nitpicks. A -few- top end game modes should all require fully ranked gear, the VAST remainder of the game can be used for leveling.

Uhm... How much gear do you normally need hunting the Eidolons? Because I mostly just use my amp and my Lanka. If those are equipped, I'm usually good to go. 

And let's be honest, a high MR player with a forma'd weapon doesn't ever actually start at 0. Their mod capacity is tied to rank, so a MR20 is looking at a mod capacity of 40 for weapons and frames from level 0 - 20. By the time you factor in the polarity created by the multiple formas that's likely to match or surpass the total capacity of a fully levelled weapon or frame without the forma. That suggestion would prevent those players from enjoying the game. 

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