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A little story about a Profit Taker fight


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This is an interesting one. To me at least

I was doing the Profit Taker bounty. As Zephyr of course.

Other teammates: Inaros, Oberon, Trinity

So as usual I fly around in the air waiting for the damage types that I have on. Dealing a lot of damage when that happens. (For example 15000-20000 for Gas type.)

So while I was  doing my thing the Oberon and the Trinity was going down every now and then. (Oberon going down a lot more might I add.) This is actually not a surprise to me after 60+ Profit Taker fights. Usually It goes like this: Every warframe on ground, always goes down after awhile. (Even Chromas and Inaros'.) And then They either need to picked up by me or an other teammate picks them up and I get to keep damaging the spider from above.

So the mission goes on and we beat the Orb Mother (with 1 minute remaining). In the end of the match though, I got scolded by one of my teammates because I to used Zephyr. While the Oberon wasn't a problem for him nor the Trinity. The only two who always went down.

Now of course Zephyr is not that great when it comes to support or damage but when the two ppl who should be keeping the team alive (Aka the two actual support members) can't keep themselves alive, I don't think I'm the main problem. Since you know I'm actually not annoying and I can actually do something against the Orb Mother. And no there wasn't any Tornadoes used nor I had to be picked up constantly like the two other individuals.

Zephyr gets a noticeable amount of hate so I'm not that surprised this. However I'm pissed off when someone thinks he has the right to tell me what I should or shouldn't be using especially when I'm actually helping the team. So u know? Please don't do that. It makes you seem foolish and annoying.

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il y a une heure, iChiLLa a dit :

Inaros goes down O.o ,that is shocking!

Yeah, Tried him out myself to see why that is and for me it seems like his 1st ability in Vallis is unreliable. Multiple casts and It just doesn't work for some reason. And it doesn't even matter where you stand, you can be behind or in front of the enemies It won't blind them. Maybe a lag problem.

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When I am not running Chroma  I usually go Oberon and I focus on healing team, Vazarin player, and keeping enemies occupied with me giving the design enough room to breath.


Maybe they didn't  saw you doing your job, sometimes the spawn area make the fight really chaotic, and decided to blame you for their lack of communication/awareness.

But is actually oddly enough to see ppl using Zephyr, much more on higher levels... I got used to run Zephyr on raids to speed up slow guys but we used a closed team and nothing is fast than a Zephyr to travel the map to hack panels.

It happens, I  remember ppl getting mad at me for using Octavia  instead  of Chroma  on Eidolon fights, but I just need 1 extra bullet to break the big guys...

Inot the end it is just misinformation or lack on information.

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Il y a 11 heures, srlhama a dit :

Maybe they didn't  saw you doing your job, sometimes the spawn area make the fight really chaotic, and decided to blame you for their lack of communication/awareness.

I can see that a possibility. I mean usually (99% of the time) I'm in the air and do my thing from there.

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Il y a 11 heures, Makunogo a dit :

i would assume to ignore the mass of projectiles flying at them. also the tornados can take an element of what u hit it with. so theoretically, you can aim toronadoes at the profit taker? 😛

Yeah It's possible probably. But Tornadoes aren't really that strong. Or maybe I'm wrong. Tbh I have my Zephyr built around Tail Wind and Turbulence so my power strength is -60% while my duration is +200% and my range is +96%.

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The problem about the Profit Taker fight is not the pProfit Taker herself (she can die in over 4 mins with a great Squad), it’s the enemies. The enemies are the threat in Orb Vallis and if you are not killing the enemies or keeping them under controlled, they would be firing at your teammates and they would go down. That’s where Frames like Mesa becomes more useful because she can kill the enemies in Secs and Jam their Guns or stuns them if they are a Melee Frame. With Zephyr, you would most likely CC the enemies instead of killing them at the same time which makes the fight harder for your Teammates. If DE made the fight be more like the Eidolons, then i can see how Zephyr becomes more helpful but with how crazy the fight is with the enemy’s spawns, yeah no.

Edited by GPrime96
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The mobs of enemies can be avoided by destroying the reinforcement beacon, just keep the alert level at 0 all the time and the mobs wont be affecting you, dont let the alert level to rise so you only fight normal crewmen and moas not jackals and raknoids

Using zephyr in profit taker is ok but as always using chroma will always make the fight done faster I tried myself :

using zephyr : 12 minute
using chroma : 7 minute

and since people in this game only care about fast & efficient and the game designed that way people always go to chroma for this content. I really hope DE change how the game expect people to play in the future because its just now "use meta or get lost" and everyone just using whatever the "best" since everything is subpar if you try something out of the meta. Like using other frame outside chroma is just handicapping yourself and make the fight last longer thats bad design all over.

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En 18/1/2019 a las 21:35, JackHargreav dijo:

This is an interesting one. To me at least

I was doing the Profit Taker bounty. As Zephyr of course.

Other teammates: Inaros, Oberon, Trinity

So as usual I fly around in the air waiting for the damage types that I have on. Dealing a lot of damage when that happens. (For example 15000-20000 for Gas type.)

So while I was  doing my thing the Oberon and the Trinity was going down every now and then. (Oberon going down a lot more might I add.) This is actually not a surprise to me after 60+ Profit Taker fights. Usually It goes like this: Every warframe on ground, always goes down after awhile. (Even Chromas and Inaros'.) And then They either need to picked up by me or an other teammate picks them up and I get to keep damaging the spider from above.

So the mission goes on and we beat the Orb Mother (with 1 minute remaining). In the end of the match though, I got scolded by one of my teammates because I to used Zephyr. While the Oberon wasn't a problem for him nor the Trinity. The only two who always went down.

Now of course Zephyr is not that great when it comes to support or damage but when the two ppl who should be keeping the team alive (Aka the two actual support members) can't keep themselves alive, I don't think I'm the main problem. Since you know I'm actually not annoying and I can actually do something against the Orb Mother. And no there wasn't any Tornadoes used nor I had to be picked up constantly like the two other individuals.

Zephyr gets a noticeable amount of hate so I'm not that surprised this. However I'm pissed off when someone thinks he has the right to tell me what I should or shouldn't be using especially when I'm actually helping the team. So u know? Please don't do that. It makes you seem foolish and annoying.

The fact that you only end with 1 minute left being a 4 players (its even bad for a solo run) group tells you that its an insanely bad choice .

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On 2019-01-18 at 8:35 PM, JackHargreav said:

This is an interesting one. To me at least

I was doing the Profit Taker bounty. As Zephyr of course.

==snip ==

What is this? Amateur hour? You're supposed to start off "Once upon a time" and end with "and they all lived happily ever after." Ideally there should be a beautiful princess and an enchanted castle too. 



Other than that, some people are dumb and like to try and pass the blame for their poor performance on to others. Ignore the idiot and do you. 

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Since neither of the otherwas Was a Chroma, none of them really have a right to *@##$ on the Zephyr.

If you dont have a well built Chroma/Prime you are better off going as Zephyr, Wukong, Baruuk or Volt  since they pretty much trivilize the incoming damage and have close to 24/7 uptime on damage. Volt being a bit more tricky due to mortars etc. Inaros can work too, but all he really has going for him is a large health pool. Baruuk is probably the second most useful frame because he can disarm everything, barely take any damage and sleep masses of corpus if needed.

Oberon, Trinity and the other Eidolon frames really server no purpose in the Orb fight imo. The stray incoming damage is simply so much higher than what it is in Eidolon fights. People also tend to be far more spread out in order to activley take out beacons etc. Rhino is one of the others I dont see a real use in. Too many things taking down your Iron Skin which isnt all that much if you are built for buffs, plus with the lack of being able to use adrenaline/rage he has a hard time getting energy back for a new Iron Skin in the fight while also keeping the buff up. Chroma doesnt have that issue since he can utilize adrenaline/rage and keep survivability and damage buffs up 24/7.

The Orb fight is to me a complete ego-experience, what works best for you to survive and not be a hindrance/speed bump to the group. This obviously changes if you run a pre-made, but in a PuG personal survival and dps uptime when needed is to me far more important than group utility. Remember, there are no lures that needs upkeep in the Orb fight, so the usefulness of Obe and Trin is lower for Orbs.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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Il y a 10 heures, (XB1)ShadowBlood89 a dit :

ok..... didn't you post this story before, why repost it again?

Nah! I mean they are similar kinda. But the thing is, the first post was about how Zephyr is not that bad, this story is more about some guy who failed to see how I was useful part of the squad with Zephyr. Similar but not the same.

Edited by JackHargreav
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Il y a 8 heures, --DSP--Jetstream a dit :

and since people in this game only care about fast & efficient and the game designed that way people always go to chroma for this content. I really hope DE change how the game expect people to play in the future because its just now "use meta or get lost" and everyone just using whatever the "best" since everything is subpar if you try something out of the meta. Like using other frame outside chroma is just handicapping yourself and make the fight last longer thats bad design all over.

Unfortunate but true.

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Il y a 8 heures, Yagamilight123 a dit :

The fact that you only end with 1 minute left being a 4 players (its even bad for a solo run) group tells you that its an insanely bad choice .

Can't argue with that. 1 minute is a pretty bad performance. From about 30 runs I would get 1 run that ends up with 1 min remaining.

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