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After 70 days in warframe..


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14 minutes ago, Sibernetika said:

Don't you just love it when someone new joins and speed runs all the content and then complains there is nothing to do, It's like cutting of your own legs and then complaining you can't walk.. Don't you just love these people 

That's a bad analogy to be honest. I think it's more like eating a whole cake in one sitting and then complain that they don't have any more cake the next day. I understand what you're trying to say though.

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MR20 here after about 6 months. Also try hard and have now almost 80% of aviable prime frames. Rushed also the content pretty fast so I understand your problem.


You have to understand that PvP and PvE are different kind of game genres. I also come from OW with about 500+ hours. In Warfarme there is no real end in general. I also dont grind for weapons and try to get my MR to 27. I dont need it. After MR16 I stoped carrying about MR and just tried to get all frames via trading or grinding.

The game is not over after you finished all quests. You have to find your own enjoyment in the game. The fashion frame jokes are not really jokes. I love customize my Warfarmes and try different kind of builds even tho I rarely switch between them. But I get off topic.

You have things to do. If you dont want to do them or dont care about them it's fine. Then you have nothing to do and you can check out Dota again if you want and come back after a month or so. I find enjoyment in completing randome alerts,  grinding relics and make some arbitrations. I know it's not a true endgame but if you have some frames that are really awesome but you didn't had time during missions now there is the time to play them.


Otherwise the others are right. If you dont find your own enjoyment and just want to play quests: come back later.


Also you have to be a PvE player. I also come from PvP games like Overwatch and Hearthstone and like PvE games now more than PvP. I just rage to often and it's pretty good to have just a positive feeling here in WF.

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Warframe is a game of grind and collecting.  If you've done everything you want to in the game and don't want to try out all the other items, then that's up to you.  It's ok if youre done with the game until new content hits.  Just play something else until there is stuff you're interested in.  If you arent having fun anymore move to something that you do enjoy. 

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9 часов назад, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru сказал:

Thanks for sharing your experience.

Unfortunately, the majority of the Warframe Community who are vocalized on the forums/reddit are only here to defend the actions of DE. They take criticism as an insult and will look for ways to defend the company rather than exchange ideas, or try to be understanding. 

Warframe's popularity is mostly based on aestetic and visual appeal. The term "power fantasy" is often used to describe the idea that the players don't want to be challenged, they want to be gods and look cool doing so. 

Warframe in its early stages used to be about teamwork and cooperation, but that has steadily been on decline as players have become more self-sustained through new mechanics and features. 

Needless to say, you hit the nail on the coffin with your conclusions about the game. It's hollow. There's no sense of progression within the game, rather than a series of repetition as every 2 weeks a new gun is introduced to fight the same enemies. Why switch and level up the new gun when the current gun does the same job? Mastery..? Cuz new?

Warframe is a game for a casual audience. Its a game for those who want to win by participation. You're not going to find that sense of accomplishment and fulfillment you were looking for in your post here. Its fun, but can only be taken lightly in small doses for the optimal experience. And its a shame because there's so much potential.

Very true noticed. I agree.

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1. Comparing replayability of a comptetitive PvP game to a PvE looter shooter is hilarious.

2. Warframe, in its design, is based around bite-sized content. That's why most missions are short and can be completed in under 5 minutes. The whole idea is that you can play this game a little bit everyday, still achieve something and make progress, but without commiting too much time daily. You might be surprised, but this is one of the selling points of this game for me, and I am sure, many, many others. However, as a result of this, if you do try to grind it non-stop, you will get through most of this game "relatively" quickly.

3. You say you have played for about 5 hours a day for 70 days... so let's say you have around 300 hours in this game (almost as much as one of my friends, who played it since 2015). I say it's a decent amout of entertainment, 99% of games in my library, both singlplayer and multiplayer have clocked WAY less play time (including things like Mass Effect, Dragon age, Witcher 3, Left for dead 1 and 2, Team fortress, etc), so I can say that you have got a great deal from this game for FREE. 

Now it's time to move on, and play something else. Try division, destiny, anthem, or do something else altogether. When the next big update comes, you will most likely come back as well.

I have quit and returned to this game several times, and I think it's absolutely normal.


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I'll just say these:

1.You play too much, need to take breaks. The game can't be balanced around rushers and nolifers, it's impossible.

2.You can't compare Warframe with DOTA, the 2 are completely different genres. Yes you get constant fixes and changes on DOTA because it has over 100 heroes and they need to be constantly balanced due to the PvP nature of the game. Warframe is not like that, not only do we have less than half as many frames, there's no need for constant balance changes to our Warframes. Change for the sake of change is bad.


Take breaks, play other games, don't expect the game to cater to your thirst for content when you burn through 6 years of work in 2 months.

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51 minutes ago, Mr.Fluffins said:

The whole idea is that you can play this game a little bit everyday, still achieve something and make progress, but without commiting too much time daily.

You really hit the nail. It's getting tiresome to feel like a second job (WoW), or to have to follow information equivalent to the political development of a small country (Mobas) to stay competitive and then every 3 moths or so all your progress with something to be reduced to jack ( "new" items with bigger numbers/nerfs/buffs to uselessness).


Regarding the OP's case, however, that's pretty simple. Clocking 350 hours in just over two months in anything will cause burnout...

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Yep, after some time, all you do is either grind PL or level up itens in the same boring routine.

Every content is pure faceroll. Planet boss fights are a joke.

Every gear (warframe, weapons and mods) is farmed by some boring gring with some RNG with no challenge instead of behind of some high difficult content.

There  is no Linear growth like hitting lv 60, get lv 60 itens, then lv 70, get lv 70 itens. Here, you get the things you want (warframe and weapons), farm the mods, and then, you are done, if you want.

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3 hours ago, Mr.Fluffins said:

1. Comparing replayability of a comptetitive PvP game to a PvE looter shooter is hilarious.

2. Warframe, in its design, is based around bite-sized content. That's why most missions are short and can be completed in under 5 minutes. The whole idea is that you can play this game a little bit everyday, still achieve something and make progress, but without commiting too much time daily. You might be surprised, but this is one of the selling points of this game for me, and I am sure, many, many others. However, as a result of this, if you do try to grind it non-stop, you will get through most of this game "relatively" quickly.

3. You say you have played for about 5 hours a day for 70 days... so let's say you have around 300 hours in this game (almost as much as one of my friends, who played it since 2015). I say it's a decent amout of entertainment, 99% of games in my library, both singlplayer and multiplayer have clocked WAY less play time (including things like Mass Effect, Dragon age, Witcher 3, Left for dead 1 and 2, Team fortress, etc), so I can say that you have got a great deal from this game for FREE. 

Now it's time to move on, and play something else. Try division, destiny, anthem, or do something else altogether. When the next big update comes, you will most likely come back as well.

I have quit and returned to this game several times, and I think it's absolutely normal.


I have 800 hours... and still like it. There is a difference from player to player. Some people love to play just a few games and are not interested in playing multiple games at once. I also spend some money on F2P games and dont buy a new game every few months.

If they play WF since 2015 and dont have about 300h in game that just says that they are not interested in the game anymore. One hype and then gone. That's fine but that's not the norm.

Also pls dont use the Its FREE card. That is no excuse. FREE to play games need in general more content then played one to succeed and the developer need to continue that to keep up with new games.

Besides that I agree. For people that just want a few quests the game is fast finished if you dont concentrate on other things.

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1 hour ago, MPonder said:

Yep, after some time, all you do is either grind PL or level up itens in the same boring routine.

Every content is pure faceroll. Planet boss fights are a joke.

Every gear (warframe, weapons and mods) is farmed by some boring gring with some RNG with no challenge instead of behind of some high difficult content.

There  is no Linear growth like hitting lv 60, get lv 60 itens, then lv 70, get lv 70 itens. Here, you get the things you want (warframe and weapons), farm the mods, and then, you are done, if you want.

In this case... you maybe dont like Warframe in general. I love that you can use the first weapons with the right mods in late game missions. You just get more options. Same with frames. In other game speopel run around all with the same equipment and that's so boring. You maybe want to check out other games.


And the game is a horde grind game... and what do you expect? RNG is part of that genre.

Edited by DerGreif2
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Thanks for answer to everyone positive negative and empty answer, just i want see how is the community of warframe (there is too the objetive from developers they are not making a game for the minority)

Major people said: Leave the game you are playing too much (empty answer seriously empty answer) 400 hours in game is literally nothing in general, i have 8.2k hours in dota, people have 10k hours in wow or 2k hours in overwatch (take wow is same style of warframe, farm game)

minor people said: You right and a lot of people leave / take a break of game because this, there is no more to do or get fun, is just repetitive all day and you get tired

Random people: Go to the doctor you are sick. Just saying here average player with average rank in dota plays like 4 match per day, and 7 or 8 at weekend, high rank players play 7 in general aprox so yea, gamers in 2k19 are all sick


Thanks again.



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Expecting a single PVE developer to pump out 100+ hours of a new content a month to satisfy a play desire likes yours if is not fair or even remotely resasonable.   Might as well ask for world peace while you are at it. 

And P.S...If you can't acknowledge that the amount you play games per day is not in the absolute slimmest of margins of the gaming population...I don't know what to tell you.  

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The main problem with this game is that there is no real endgame, you farm all that gear/mods/arcanes but nothing challenging and rewarding enough that is worth investing your time into. I know this has been said like a million times but the old void survival/defense was fun and rewards didn't feel worthless either.

Ps: I took about a 6-7 month break and came back when fortuna hit but got bored after 3-4 days.

Edited by Zephyr_TheMLGPro
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1 hour ago, Danielw8 said:

people have 10k hours in wow

That's a serious underestimation considering that game is out for like what? Slowly getting close to 20 years now, i'm sure there are people with a hundred times that playtime. (hardcore players, that amount is not that rare in MMO-s)

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1 hour ago, Danielw8 said:

Thanks for answer to everyone positive negative and empty answer, just i want see how is the community of warframe (there is too the objetive from developers they are not making a game for the minority)

Major people said: Leave the game you are playing too much (empty answer seriously empty answer) 400 hours in game is literally nothing in general, i have 8.2k hours in dota, people have 10k hours in wow or 2k hours in overwatch (take wow is same style of warframe, farm game)

minor people said: You right and a lot of people leave / take a break of game because this, there is no more to do or get fun, is just repetitive all day and you get tired

Random people: Go to the doctor you are sick. Just saying here average player with average rank in dota plays like 4 match per day, and 7 or 8 at weekend, high rank players play 7 in general aprox so yea, gamers in 2k19 are all sick


Thanks again.



Look dude, I don't think you understand the point people were trying to get through to you.

Warframe is not designed to the super-hardcore sort of audience. As one of the posts above said, the game is designed around bite-sized content. The short missions make it easy to fire up the game and quit at your leisure. Unlike many other MMO:s where a single raid can easily take hours to complete.

While your post did have some legitimate points of criticism, for most part it essentially boils down to 'I'm disappointed that this game doesn't cater to my gaming habits'.



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6 minutes ago, Pr1A said:

Look dude, I don't think you understand the point people were trying to get through to you.

Warframe is not designed to the super-hardcore sort of audience. As one of the posts above said, the game is designed around bite-sized content. The short missions make it easy to fire up the game and quit at your leisure. Unlike many other MMO:s where a single raid can easily take hours to complete.

While your post did have some legitimate points of criticism, for most part it essentially boils down to 'I'm disappointed that this game doesn't cater to my gaming habits'.



I understeand at 100% maybe you are not reading the 100% of my comments

"Thanks for answer to everyone positive negative and empty answer, just i want see how is the community of warframe (there is too the objetive from developers they are not making a game for the minority)"

This means, Players in warframe are casual, developers make a casual game with no skills, with no challenge, fast quick and easy, not huge content, not huge history, just there casual game

if im part of developer team i make this game hybrid to catch tryharders and keep the casual players ingame active, i make a transition to make missions to 10mins to 15 in some time

Also no 1 from warframe team answer this post or similar post in this forum, that is really bad


And yes, my english sucks

Edited by Danielw8
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A lot to take in. But I agree. Gaining MR and such is a product of playing the game, not a goal for me. I maintained MR16 for years before I actually leveled past that because the MR restriction is 16 on highest items(unless there is a higher one Im not aware of) Yours is the right attitude for gaming... Have fun. And your criticism has merit. Lag, bugs, etc need to be addressed as the first priority. 

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1 hour ago, Danielw8 said:

I understeand at 100% maybe you are not reading the 100% of my comments

"Thanks for answer to everyone positive negative and empty answer, just i want see how is the community of warframe (there is too the objetive from developers they are not making a game for the minority)"

This means, Players in warframe are casual, developers make a casual game with no skills, with no challenge, fast quick and easy, not huge content, not huge history, just there casual game

if im part of developer team i make this game hybrid to catch tryharders and keep the casual players ingame active, i make a transition to make missions to 10mins to 15 in some time

Also no 1 from warframe team answer this post or similar post in this forum, that is really bad


And yes, my english sucks

I did read your comment, just couldn't really understand what you were saying there.

The devs don't read General Discussion. If you want to make a post somewhere where one of them might actually see it, try Feedback.

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