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Weapon exilus slot


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I feel like a lot of weapons have mandatory mods that really hurt dps, even for weapons that aren't particularly good.

I suggest an exlius slot for weapons.

for primary and secondary, this would be for stats like

Magazine size
Ammo maximum
Punch through (like metal augur, not shred)
Sniper combo duration
Ammo mutation
and other utility like mods that don't directly contribute to dps and are just quality of life.

For melee
Combo duration
Range (Maybe, this one is a bit iffy.)
Dispatch overdrive
Life strike/Healing Return
Various augments like for ack and brunt and twin basolk
Auto parry and reflection
relentless combination
Glaive mods that give positive and negative bounce, punch through, and flight speed

I can already call so many people saying this is a bad idea because some weapons can abuse it, however I think it would ultimately do more good than harm for sub par weapons such as twin vipers that have absolutely mandatory ammo mutation, or how many weapons need punch through to function properly, or for example how if you want to play ivara you have to put hush on your weapons

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6 minutes ago, bad4youLT said:

I dont see how some of this can be considerd as "exilus" mainly puch and extra combo duration as those add in to dps


Unlike Exilus mods for Warframes, where it's primarily utility/mobility, the add-ons for weapons are primarily to make killing easier. There was discussion on the table a while back to deal with 'mandatory' mods, but then they seemed to go back and forth on the subject so I don't know where we are at the moment.

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Everyone would just run Metal Augur on rifles, Seeking Force on shotguns, Seeker on secondaries, Harkonar Scope on Sniper Rifles, and Body Count/Drifting Contact or Primed Reach on Melee.

Your idea has good intentions, but unlike Warframes, weapons are built for optimal DPS with some gimmicks to kill enemies.

Edited by Voltage
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3 minutes ago, Voltage said:

Everyone would just run Metal Augur on rifles, Seeking Force on shotguns, Seeker on secondaries, Harkonar Scope on Sniper Rifles, and Body Count/Drifting Contact or Primed Reach on Melee.

Your idea has good intentions, but unlike Warframes, weapons are built for optimal DPS with some gimmicks to kill enemies.

In most cases you're right. But there are exceptions. Like the accuracy mod for sobek, ammo mutation for the kohm, magazine size for exergis and twin rogga, etc

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I'm ultimately in favor of this idea. DE would just have to balance it to avoid too much power creep. I think exilus adapters are a pretty good way to at least put a barrier to the added power of the extra slot, as are the number of forma it takes to get a maxed out build (sometimes I have to forma EVERY slot if I'm using a Riven and a couple of primed mods) There would just have to be some discretion used on what kinds of stats are allowed in the exilus slot.

As for people just using cookie cutter builds, I think that already happens with frames. I bet you that Handspring, Power Drift, Cunning Drift, and perhaps Enemy Sense are what 90% of people use in the frame's exilus slot.



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22 minutes ago, TenTonneSkeleton said:

I'm ultimately in favor of this idea. DE would just have to balance it to avoid too much power creep. I think exilus adapters are a pretty good way to at least put a barrier to the added power of the extra slot, as are the number of forma it takes to get a maxed out build (sometimes I have to forma EVERY slot if I'm using a Riven and a couple of primed mods) There would just have to be some discretion used on what kinds of stats are allowed in the exilus slot.

As for people just using cookie cutter builds, I think that already happens with frames. I bet you that Handspring, Power Drift, Cunning Drift, and perhaps Enemy Sense are what 90% of people use in the frame's exilus slot.



Don't forget about speed drift and the bullet jump mods.

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6 hours ago, VenomousValentine said:

Magazine size
Ammo maximum
Punch through (like metal augur, not shred)

6 hours ago, VenomousValentine said:

Ammo mutation

These are not QoL or entirely utility. They have a direct effect on DPS or the ability to project that damage and for longer without ammo.

6 hours ago, VenomousValentine said:

I can already call so many people saying this is a bad idea because some weapons can abuse it, however I think it would ultimately do more good than harm for sub par weapons such as twin vipers that have absolutely mandatory ammo mutation, or how many weapons need punch through to function properly, or for example how if you want to play ivara you have to put hush on your weapons

Blanket buffs are not the solution.

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the idea of an exilus slot for rifles and pistols where i can put silencers or ammo mutation mods is lit

the idea of giving more space to melee weapons that already are strong as #*!% with scaling damage sorry but i do not agree with that one

That's a reasonable assessment, but I also don't consider melee broken, but perhaps that's just because I don't like melee.
And yes I've seen a nidus with plague keewar wipe an entire room of 160s with a pull and a few swings, but that's keewar and not most melees.

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Primaries and secondaries need a way to deal with mod drain if you're adding another slot. Melees have stances, which are fantastic for soaking up additional mod drain. Paracesis's mod capacity is the most beautiful thing in this game, but I can't stuff any more mods on it.

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Just now, Lewtenant said:

Primaries and secondaries need a way to deal with mod drain if you're adding another slot. Melees have stances, which are fantastic for soaking up additional mod drain. Paracesis's mod capacity is the most beautiful thing in this game, but I can't stuff any more mods on it.

Easy fix. equipping the exilus adapter weapon equivalent gives 10 more mod capacity.

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19 hours ago, VenomousValentine said:

I suggest an exlius slot for weapons.

A solid "No".

First of all, we are talking about weapons, as such every performance boost will increase damage output, since weapons are ment to hurt people. Period.
I also do not understand the thought process behind this idea - if a weapon needs ammo mutation just slot it into one of the 8 available slots. Weapons deal so much damage, that it will not hurt a weapon in anyway, as there is no need for such excessive overkill damage. Current mod system is already all about damage stacking, your proposal only caters to this mentality and makes the issue even worse. If you truely want deep customization, ask for a new modding system.

Next problem is Exilus slot as such was a failure, proven by the already existing example: it was ment only for utility mods and only after 3 months DE added Drift Mods succesfully deleting "Utility" tag attached to it. Even without Drift Mods, only selected few like Handspring, Rush or Enemy Radar are worth the slot in the first place and allow even more power stacking with the newly freed slot.

10 hours ago, VenomousValentine said:

Easy fix. equipping the exilus adapter weapon equivalent gives 10 more mod capacity.

So its basicly a free slot with extra free capacity. Not only is this pure power creep, it is also bad design.

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2 hours ago, ShortCat said:

A solid "No".

First of all, we are talking about weapons, as such every performance boost will increase damage output, since weapons are ment to hurt people. Period.
I also do not understand the thought process behind this idea - if a weapon needs ammo mutation just slot it into one of the 8 available slots. Weapons deal so much damage, that it will not hurt a weapon in anyway, as there is no need for such excessive overkill damage. Current mod system is already all about damage stacking, your proposal only caters to this mentality and makes the issue even worse. If you truely want deep customization, ask for a new modding system.

Next problem is Exilus slot as such was a failure, proven by the already existing example: it was ment only for utility mods and only after 3 months DE added Drift Mods succesfully deleting "Utility" tag attached to it. Even without Drift Mods, only selected few like Handspring, Rush or Enemy Radar are worth the slot in the first place and allow even more power stacking with the newly freed slot.

So its basicly a free slot with extra free capacity. Not only is this pure power creep, it is also bad design.

SOME weapons "deal so much damage". Others physically can't perform because of mandatory mods that hurt their dps.

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15 hours ago, VenomousValentine said:

That's a reasonable assessment, but I also don't consider melee broken, but perhaps that's just because I don't like melee.
And yes I've seen a nidus with plague keewar wipe an entire room of 160s with a pull and a few swings, but that's keewar and not most melees.

 trust me many other different melees can do that

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1 hour ago, VenomousValentine said:

Others physically can't perform because of mandatory mods that hurt their dps.

That's how the system works, if you want something you have to sacrifice another thing, you can't have both. Rivens are there for that exact reason as well. Almost every month someone suggests this silly idea and the answer will never change, it's entirely redundant because everyone want their weapons to have everything and not sacrifice to get the performance they want. Guess what, if the weapons can't deal the damage you need for a mission, then use another one, that's how this works. MR progression is a thing and somewhat measures the strength of each weapon.

Also, frame/companion are there for a reason as well, to complement your choice of weapons and their possible flaws. 

Variety will not be fixed by this idea since you'll still use the exact same mods depending on the weapon, it'll do more harm than good, it's a terrible idea, period. 

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I'm in favour of adding an Exilus Slot to weapons, though you'd need to be careful about what you put in it. I'm fine with ammo management items being there - magazine capacity, ammo capacity, reload speed, etc. I'd draw the line at punchthrough and combo duration, though. Generally speaking, I'm a fan of "dedicated slots" as a concept, so ideas like these appeal to me.

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